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Kindred have developed a number of unique talents and abilities throughout the
centuries by clans long forgotten. Tomes were crafted to help preserve knowledge so
that these powers could help younger generations survive the night. In this supplement,
you'll have access to new disciplines powers for Auspex, and Blood Sorcery.

Powers you may use as you see fit to expand your territory and climb the ranks of your
social circle so long as you can maintain control. One misstep and it could mean your

World of Darkness, Vampire: The Masquerade, Vampire: The Dark Ages, Victorian Age: Vampire, Werewolf:
The Apocalypse, Werewolf: The Wild West, Mage: The Ascension, Mage: The Sorcerers Crusade, Wraith: The
Oblivion, Wraith: The Great War, Changeling: The Dreaming, Hunter: The Reckoning, Demon: The Fallen,
Mummy: The Resurrection, Orpheus, Exalted, Chronicles of Darkness, Vampire:The Requiem, Werewolf: The
Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Changeling: The Lost, Hunter: The Vigil, Giest: The Sin Eaters, Demon: The
Descent, Mummy: The Curse, Beast: The Primordial, Promethean: The Created, World of Darkness,
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Using powers Unless otherwise stated, a vampire can activate a Discipline at any time; this takes
little time or overt action. Powers do not usually activate retroactively; they respond to, rather
than interrupt, actions taken against the user. A vampire can activate one Discipline power per

Any number of powers can be active simultaneously. Vampires add dice equal to half their Blood
Potency (rounded down) to their dice pools to use or resist Disciplines (see Blood Potency, p.
215). Add the bonus from Blood Potency and Intense Temperament (p. 228) only to the user’s
dice pools that directly benefit from Disciplines adding dice or that use the Discipline as one of
the Traits of the roll.

If multiple Disciplines enhance the same roll, such as Eyes of the Beast (Protean 1) and Daunt
(Presence 1), only add the bonus once. (Pg. 244 Core Rulebook)

Level 1
Hear Voices
The vampire wills their thoughts into the mind of another, allowing them to hear them clearly. The voice sounds exactly as the user sounds normally and
can not be disguised. An unsuspecting mortal will be unable to resist the voice while kindred and prepared mortals can try and silence the telepathic
Cost: Free
Dice Pools: Wits + Resolve v Composure + Resolve
System: The effective range is 200ft and requires line of sight of the target in order to activate the ability. After the connection is made, the kindred
can look away.
Duration: 1 minute.
Listen to Death
By rousing their blood, a vampire can take the body of a recently deceased creature and watch fragments of their life. The more recent the death, the
more information can be gathered. Through sheer willpower, a kindred can obtain additional information if they wish. While the user looks at these
memories, their body is left vulnerable and unaware of their surroundings until the vision is complete.
Cost: Free or 1 Rouse check
Dice Pools: Wits + Auspex
System: If the user has one question, the cost is free. The amount of successes equates to the number of questions and clarifying questions that can
be asked. When the questions have been exhausted or the user decides to quit, they return to their body.
Duration: 10 minutes.

Observe the Faithful

Those who wield the power of True Faith prove to be a great threat to kindred. In response, many have developed a technique to assist in sensing these
humans out so that they may be avoided or addressed as the user sees fit. However, the faithful can feel a vague sense of dread if the user is within 60ft.
Cost: 1 Rouse check
Dice Pools: Wits + Auspex
System: Each success provides an additional 20ft of range that can be sensed around the user.
Duration: 5 minutes.

Level 2
Greater Hear Voices
The vampire wills an open communication between themselves and another creature. While this talent is relatively easy, it can include another participant
with additional strain. All participants are able to both hear and speak through a telepathic connection. An unsuspecting mortal will be unable to resist the
voice while kindred and prepared mortals can try and silence the telepathic communication.
Cost: Free or 1 Rouse per two additional affected creature
Dice Pools: Wits + Resolve v Composure + Resolve
System: The effective range is 200ft and requires line of sight of the target in order to activate the ability. After the connection is made, the kindred can
look away. However, while the ability is active, the caster suffers from a bloody nose until the connection is ended.
Duration: Until deactivated.

Astral Projection
By tapping into the deepest corners of the blood can a vampire truly transcend their physical form and allow their spirit to walk freely among the physical
world unseen by most. Although they are unable to interact with objects, they are able to see and hear as though they were present in the room.
Meanwhile, their physical form lies in torpor until their spirit returns to their vessel. In this time other spirits can harm your spirit or even enter your vessel
if found.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex
System: The number of successes equates to the hours the astral projection can last before the connection between spirit and body is severed. The
speed of the spirit is as fast as the kindred can run normally although they are able to bypass physical objects and fly. The spirit can be seen with any
abilities that allow the detection of abnormal occurrences. Humans of True Faith can sense the presence of a spirit near. Unsuspecting humans will
realize there has been a drop in temperature. The kindred's spirit is vulnerable to specters if they enter an area where there is one present. The spirit
uses Willpower as their health. If their Willpower is exhausted, they are forced into torpor for 2 nights before awaking.
Duration: 1 hour.

Some kindred who were weak of the body yet strong of mind found their own way to defend themselves against enemies. By drawing power from their
blood, they were capable of warping reality to create a 5x5ft barrier of telekinesis strong enough to deny entry to physical creatures or objects for a brief
time. When the barrier is lifted, the objects and creatures would be released and drop where they stopped.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex
System: Each success provides an additional 5 seconds to the barrier's duration.
Duration: Default duration is 10 seconds.

Level 3
Dream Walker
Like the tales of terror, a vampire can enter the dreams of a mortal creature to converse with them, study their mind, and even take control of their form
while they slumber. Unsuspecting mortals are especially vulnerable to this ability while trained mortals have a chance to resist this intrusion.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks or 3 Rouse checks to dominate
Dice Pools: Wits + Auspex v Composure + Resolve
System: The kindred can not disguise their appearance or voice while dream walking. While in the dream they are unable to hurt the victim. However,
if the kindred chooses to dominate their vessel, the victim will suffer 1 Aggravated Willpower damage in the form of exhaustion, headaches, and night
terrors which are fragments of what the kindred used their body for.
Duration: Until the vessel awakens naturally, through violence, or with cold water.
Bring forth the personal fears and terror that lurk within a creature's mind and bring them to their waking hours. While this ability is in effect, the affected
creature can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the hallucinations as though they were real. Although no real harm is being done to the affected creature,
their mind will believe it is real and if enough harm is done, the creature can die.
Cost: 3 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex v Resolve + Composure
System: The number of successes equates to the duration this ability lasts on the target. Every success represents an additional 10 seconds. The user
may choose to inflict harm on the victim for an additional Rouse check and rolling Resolve + Auspex v Resolve + Composure to determine how much
aggravated damage is done.
Duration: Default is 30 seconds.

Leech Knowledge
As the years roll on, it is easy for kindred to lose touch with modern society. Such a disconnect with the popular culture while having a youthful exterior
can be problematic. To assist in their adaptation, some vampires have been known to feed upon an unconscious mortal, absorbing knowledge of general
or specific information. Although it takes a night to process the information, after it has settled, they know just as much about certain subjects as the
victim did. However, the mortal can suffer serious harm if too much information is shared ranging from mild headaches to brain damage and the
information gained only lasts for a single night.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex
System: Every success gains the user a dot in whatever skill they decided to learn from whether it be one specific skill or multiple up to a maximum of
the amount of dots the mortal had. If a messy critical or bestial failure occurs during this ability, the victim suffers tremendous harm.
Duration: 1 night.

Level 4
Soul Link
A defensive ability crafted by the most cunning of kindred, allowing the user to choose a creature and whatever damage either takes, the other shares.
This causes enemies to think twice before deciding to enter combat with such a powerful being. However, the ability has been known to backfire on the
user if the victim suffers great wounds.
Cost: 2 Rouse
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex v Composure + Resolve
System: Any damage the kindred or victim takes is shared with the other person. The user may swap targets by doing another rouse check.
Duration: Until the victim dies or the user dismisses the ability.

More tech-savvy vampires have learned not to fear technology but to embrace it. They have found ways to influence technology and manipulate screens
carried by a chosen creature in subtle or dramatic ways. Whether the goal is to instill fear, gain knowledge, or set off an alarm to better locate them, it can
be done.
Cost: 1 Rouse check per device
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex
System: The number of successes equates to the length of the duration. Each success is an additional 30 seconds. While active, the user can will their
electronics to their bidding in a practical or supernatural sense. The user can have their face appear on the screen, play their voice, scramble their
settings etc.
Duration: 1 scene.

Emotional Feeding
In ancient times, a vampire could feed off of their victims without fear of consequence. However, over the centuries, the masquerade can make it difficult
to feed properly in a world filled of cameras. So a new technique was developed that allowed the vampire to feed off of the emotional energy of mortals
and kindred alike. Through the act of a simple kiss, the energy is drained from the creature sometimes leaving them in a comatose or torpor state.
Cost: 2 Rouse
Dice Pools: Resolve + Auspex v Composure + Resolve
System: Every two successes grant the user another level of hunger removed with a minimum of 1. If a messy critical occurs, the kindred gains 4 levels
of hunger removed. If a bestial failure occurs, the victim is permanently incapacitated. A vampire affected by this ability enters torpor.
Duration: 10 seconds

Level 1
Minor Blood Bend
Warlocks have searched far and wide for ways to overpower their foes through supernatural means. A select group of sorcerers has discovered a way to
control the blood of a mortal creature, allowing them to have brief control over them if they are weak enough.
Cost: 1 Rouse
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Strength + Athletics
System: This ability can only be used on mortals. If used on a sleeping or unsuspecting mortal, it automatically succeeds. However, if the mortal
knows something is happening, they get the chance to resist the ability through physical prowess.
Duration: 10 seconds or until deactivated.

Empower the Blood

Although warlocks have access to incredible power, even they understand the need for allies. Through the study of various enchantments, an ability has
been discovered allowing the warlock to temporarily enhance the abilities of another creature. However, this boon comes with a heavy price.
Cost: 1 Rouse check
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Resolve + Composure(Unwilling)
System: An empowered creature gains 2 additional dots in a single Attribute or Skill of the warlock's choosing. After the empowerment ends, the
creature takes 1 point of aggravated damage.
Duration: 5 minutes.

Alter Resonance
To the power of warlocks, the world around them is a little more than a plaything once certain knowledge is obtained. Some warlocks have founds ways to
shift the resonance of mortal blood from its original type to another. All that is needed is to apply a but of sorcery to the mind.
Cost: 1 Rouse check
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
System: When using this ability, roll a 1d4 to determine the new resonance type. 1. Choleric 2. Melancholy 3. Phlegmatic 4. Sanguine. The number of
successes allows for rerolls on the 1d4 until you are satisfied with the result or have exhausted rerolls.
Duration: The ability takes 5 minutes to take effect, in this time the mortal suffers an uncomfortable sensation of shifting emotions. When finished,
the resonance will last for 1 hour before returning to the original type.

Level 2
Hex of Tongues
An ability originally created to annoy loathsome Toreadors that causes the affected creature to have trouble speaking eloquently. Their mind shifts and
stumbles over words in hopes it will shake the confidence of the victim. An unsuspecting mortal is unable to detect such a hex placed on them but
creatures aware of the abnormal have a chance to shake off the hex.
Cost: 1 Rouse
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Composure + Resolve
System: An affected creature suffers a -2 dice penalty to all social rolls until the ability is dismissed.
Duration: 1 scene or until dismissed.

Counter Cast
Blood Sorcerers are suspicious creatures, knowing the extent of their powers and the powers of others. In order to defend themselves, they've developed
a technique that has the chance to nullify an opposing discipline. Although costly, it could mean the difference between unlife and final death.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Resolve + Composure
System: If the user is successful in their roll, the opposing creature is unable to complete their non-passive Discipline. If the roll is a messy critical, the
victim is unable to use non-passive disciplines for the entire scene. If the user gets a beastial failure, they are unable to use non-passive disciplines for
the rest of the scene.
Duration: Instant

Blood Bolt
Whether they are defending themselves from other supernatural creatures or even mortals, the need for offensive abilities is a must. Warlocks have
developed ways to pool nearby blood in order to launch it as a missile against foes with the intent to kill.
Cost: 2 Rouse
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
System: Range is 80ft with a +2 damage or 30ft for +3 damage.
Duration: Instant

Level 3
Hex of Senses
In order to render prey vulnerable, the blood can be manipulated to affect their sight to blur, hearing to be dulled, smell to become faint, taste to be
neutral, or touch to be without sensation. The target can attempt to will themselves free of the hinderance but multiple senses can be affected at once.
Cost: 1 Rouse per affected sense
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Composure + Resolve
System: An affected creature suffers a -2 dice penalty to each sense affected.
Duration: 1 scene or until dismissed.

Corrosive Barrier
While turning your vitae into a corrosive substance is a common practice, some warlocks have learns to expand upon this technique by pooling their
blood into a barrier that will damage attackers who dare approach.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
System: Any creature that makes a melee attack against the caster will be affected by the corrosive barrier. They will automatically take 2 Superficial
damage if they are supernatural or 1 Aggravated if a mortal. This ability has no impact or protection from ranged attackers.
Duration: 1 scene or until dismissed.

Mass Blush of Life

In order to quickly blend in with mortals, kindred tend to rouse the blood in order to bring color and warmth to their pale forms. Blood Sorcerers have
developed ways to force a group of kindred to immediately appear alive. Although the sensation is uncomfortable to the affected kindred, the caster
bears the true burden of this endeavor.
Cost: 1 Rouse check per 2 targets.
Dice Pools: N/A
System: The ability takes effect immediately and targets creatures of the caster's choice. Targets of this spell are not required to make a rouse check.
Duration: 1 scene

Level 4
Corrosive Blood Bolt

As mortals developed new technology to defend themselves from their peers, it has become more difficult for certain abilities to impact them as it did
centuries ago. To compensate, warlocks have learned how to turn their blood bolts into a corrosive weapon meant to shatter bones and destroy armor.
Cost: 2 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
System: The range for this ability is 40ft and causes +4 damage with a permanent -2 armor penalty to a target creature.
Duration: Instant

Deny the Witch

Powerful warlocks of old have found ways to shut down other sorcerers by manipulating the blood to crush their head. Although the threat of final death
is not present, it does hinder the being from using their abilities.
Cost: 3 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Composure + Resolve
System: The caster needs to see their target in some capacity via their eyes, camera, mirror etc. By sacrificing their entire turn, the caster causes a
target creature to suffer +1 damage and grants them a -2 dice penalty to any discipline checks. If the target does not use a Discipline, they are
unaffected by the penalty but still suffer the damage. The caster and the target suffer from blood running from their nose, eyes, ears, and mouth
while this ability is active.
Duration: Until dismissed or until the target is able to break free of the caster.

Mass Empower the Blood

In times of conflict, warlocks were summoned to enchant their allies with the power needed to turn the tide. Although this ability is incredible, it comes at
a terrible cost to the sorcerer.
Cost: 3 Rouse checks
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery v Resolve + Composure(Unwilling)
System: The caster may choose up to 4 creatures other than themselves to empower. An empowered creature gains 2 additional dots in a single
Attribute or Skill of the warlock's choosing. After the empowerment ends, the creature takes 2 points of aggravated damage.
Duration: 1 scene

Phoenix by Night is a homebrew Vampire the Masquerade setting by DeAngelo Murillo
where multiple coteries and Hunter cells fight to obtain territory and achieve their
individual goals. For more information or to participate in a Phoenix by Night chronicle

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