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Case Study:
Fall 2007 California firestorm
By Divisha Karnani

July 16 , 2022

Contents –

1. Summary……………………………………………………………….

2. Introduction………………………………………………………………………

3. Probe………………………………………………………………………………

4. Exhibits…………………………………………………………………………..

It turns out that we, humans are causing forest fires on a more substantial amount than
nature itself (lightning) and 90% of them too. Weather it’s a tiny little cigarette or some
arsonists and mischief makers, humans are clearly the one to blame.

In the recent time, the amount of wildfires taking place have grown to a absurd height.
Wildfires are pretty essential as they play a significant role in the restoration process to
restock the nutrients present in the soil.

Even so, they have plenty of negative impacts too….

Reoccurring forest fires causes defilement of soil, and destroy the vegetation present in
that particular area.


Ah California , the home of forests and wildfires. When we speak of that , we can’t
forget the 2007 Calirfornia wildfires season , can we ? That infernal phase had over 9
thousand wildfires! 30 of those wildfires were of the 2007 fall california firestorm burning
972,147 acres ( approx ) from santa barbara county to the U.S and mexican borders .

Few of them are –

( source - wikipedia )

County Acres 2 Start Contained Notes
Date Date

241 Orange 2,036 8.2 March 11, March 13, 2007 2 structures
2007 destroyed

Sierra Riverside 1,044 4.2 March 11, March 12, 2007


Las Flores San 4,100 16.6 March 31, April 1, 2007 1 structure
Bernardino 2007 destroyed

Cause ? Its climate change! Calirfornia is getting hotter and hotter. California is pretty dry
which makes it easier for destructive forest fires to occur.

Impacts -
Effects of forest fires on health -

Concentration (the relative amount of a particular substance contained within a solution or mixture or
in a particular volume of space.) of atmospheric aerosol particles ( small particles of solids,
like dust, and liquids, like water, suspended in the atmosphere ) had increased to
detrimental levels . Particles of size 10 microns or less can easily enter the lungs and bloodstreams.
There was a evacuation of the entire city too.

Response of the government -

Agencies and other volunteers worked to alleviate all the ferocity. Since most businesses and
schools were closed people lend a hand to others.CERT ( community emergency response team )
also had their first activation in the area. The department of defense supplied 12 engines for
firefighting teams, and the national guard called 2,400+ armed forces and also provided medical
services.Six crews from the Navy's Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 85 based at the naval air
station were assigned to extinguish the Witch Creek fire.

A relief -

November 6, 2007, the state of California announced that the fires were inhibited. On November 9,
the last vole of wildfires were finally contained. According to the state's combined report on the fires,
Governor Arnold called the Blue Ribbon Task Force to evacuate the nature of the next steps to take
at the federal, state, and local levels of government to prevent and fight future fires. Additionally, the
Governor asked the task force to review the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Fire Commission’s
recommendations, generated after the 2003 fires, to evaluate if the recommendations are still the
best and most effective ways in preventing and fighting fires."


Sources -

External links - ( NEWS , etc. ),2933,305710,00.html

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