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| ) Q6 Q7 Q.10 Qu @ Qu and called tt r AA) Nucleic acid * NUE OF may B) DNA of atte te, cin A) Pentose PUAN B) Deoxyribose MKivore ‘The amount of DNA is fixed for partie Dy texone ‘A) Population ae B) Community ©) Genus tis a unit of biological inheritance: PF Speces A) Nucleotide ° B) Genetic code inet cade Dfene In Hershey and Chas iments, whiel label was experiments, whiel label 2 label was transferred tothe interior of he ays = Teaonet ee Us seo asc somal rin where 49 58 pre nRNA C) snRNA ae BFRNA DyARNA The RNA molecules mostly ccur a a A) Duplix Fingle randd sructre D) Genetic material yynthesized from nthe TVDNA. RNA, Nucleus D) Nucleus, RNA. DNA, B) Double stranded structure All three types of. APRNA. DNA. Nuclei B) RNA. Nucleus. DNA This type of RNA consists of a single strand of variable length: A)*fessenger RNA €) Transfer RNA, B) Ribosomal RNA 1D) snRNA, It comprises about 10 to 20% of the cellular RNA: A) mRNA C)RNA BMRNA D) snRNA Transfer RNA molecules are small, each with a chain length of: A) 70 10 80 nucleotides ) 7510 85 nucleotides B) 75 to 80 nucleotides DY45 to 90 nucleotides It is the major form of RNA in the cell: AFRNA Cy mRNA RNA B)IRNA Dy so a JOn the surface of the mRNA and tRNA interact t translate the inform Irgfjpencs into a specific proteins: i Dy Nucleosome yee) making life B) Chromosome ed at very sO" 5 the reaction would proc Without impossible: Genes {A) Hormones py Metabolites BHEnzymes functioning of the enzymes = » non-protein part essencial for (he proper in’ C)Co-enzyime aye allel TOWARDS# ST=p ‘afte correc concentrated c-nryne the pe toryahesis of the reaction: D) Speed digesting enzyme: Q.24 The getve site ofthe enzyme is made up of AMfwo B) Three Q25. Enzype require median for its acti D)Dey ie substrate and enzyme action: (©) Edward Bucher 1D). B Sumner Quo quid yroposed lock and key model ‘A) Koshland’s Mode! 'B) Koshland’ Lock and key model an CC) Induced Fit model Emil Fischer's Lock and Key model 28 By increasing the enzyme molecules an increase in the number of takes ee Qa AA) Substrate q B) Product m: D Q29 ‘of enzyme controlled reaction may increase wi ©) Upto mini D) Upto a 'B) Upto maximum level Q.30 At high substrate level, further increase in the substrate does n D) All the active sites ofthe enzyme are free Qs Feramost ofthe enzymes of human body, the optimum temperature is: c O37 B)3sec 1D) 986°C tithe aan ee 233 Pickup ck 4p the One whch i ot a nt 58) Antimetabolites and sy a cosa Piamineablies a ome ss Apiercersibe inhi B) Reversible inhibitor g 0.35 Because ofthe structural simiarty withthe sug! Someones by the binding ste, ut A) reverie ahiirs MHC Ata the tr ae Byxcvecic tase Seer one Pick p the inhi. Dineen A) Suctinie aid, B) Pumarie acid FSfatonic sca The enzyme that performs maximum at neues IP pebydrogenase sary evtral or sigh age @Chymorrypsin (7296" © Arainse )Enteroknase line pH as o PH as optimum pil is called: ) Pancreatic Lipase ‘Tye enzyme having extremely a A) Catalase * » B) Chymotry 0.39 The competi Arginase A) Active ste 8B) Binding ste 0.40. Which one of the following is inhibited by competitive ab A)Secinic acid dehydrogenase Os B)Fumerate D) Malone QAI. When addition of substrate shows no effect on the rate of enzyme ation, wil pH and torture are sin enord wich ois sai i ee AAT Saturation ©) Inhbiien B) Denaturation D) Satiaon Q.42 Following are the properties of enzyme EXCEPT A) Enzymes are globular proteins B) Have no effect on the nature of end products ©) Not used up in chemical reactions ferease the activation energy of reactants 43. temperature at which enzyme controlled reaction i ats minimum pace, bu rhe decrease in temperature will stop itis called: : ‘A) Optimum temperature CO Finimum temperature B) Maximum temperature Dy Freeing temperature 44. Small amount of an enzyme can accelerate chemical ations means SETS SS —— in their action: emute eefernizient B) Non-specific Ace prodiuctC, without ene ME Q4S Iman enryme controlled reaction reactants A and Biel P reactant A and B: ) Will yield D ) Will yield E tas AJWill not yield C AD AIC! B) SO; ded, Butyl alcohol shows siumber of possible isomers Alkenes are normally: Aa aly polar B) Strongly Polar {mn cis-trans isomerism, the cis-form shows al f the ‘Ay Polar molecule ow boiling point By) Unsymmetrical Done woe Page 4.of 11 ing properties EXCEPT: on MOCAT TEST #7 NA es Qe Q7t Qn Qs Qs APT Meth | heptane : Bnet naan Whit one he ling set eco vei cn ct wren COC CU ure Which of the fallow ing sh me ue shows funethonat ae Woomnal BeOu bnomner tne \ Yeay cH team ctt wre GHeeHO and ctncoety iio Ch CHace ant cls client Ms ct DHL NT Catt andes NIL eM NTE Ons Which of the fully feta LOND OF ae AM? ws \ ~ NU, O cux By NUL by-0N Which of ehe following iter mediate has the complete otek Argun the ca Cyeartene ae APMethy tree radical VE > Dy Carhoniom wendy bE BrEaranion ‘Select from the following which one is alcohol: eVeM-O-C Ay CYsCOOH, BySCT-CHL-ON DICH Y Clg Be Which of the following is not type of structural isomerism? A) Chain isomerism ‘C)Funetional group isomerism B) Metamerism Di Cisetrans isomerism Free radicals are not involved in the mechanism 0 ‘Cracking of alkane A) Polymerization of styrene BB) Halogneation of alkanes Wrydration of alkyne Wh of the following statements i incorrect aboat ‘nucleophile? A) Rich in electrons 8 B) Molecule having fone pair on the C) Negatively charged ion st in electrons central ator re and pi electrons AF ynads and pi electron dep elestons pie In Benzene the total number of sigma bo eto {B) G-sigma bonds and 6-pi clectrons Fi Xylene has possible number of isomers: os A)2 DS By ; 1 Select a nucleophile from the following, examples: in, Dp) NO page A) NEAT BR) RFs for whieh yy change of vaporization pressure Q.86 As is the alkanes does the numerical value property of th does ‘ (987 Thetut numberof sia bonds betneenC-H I be aya 33 bys Q88 In which ofthe following class of organic compounds the position of functional group is ‘ot indicated while writing the name according to TJPA\ A) Ketone ‘Carboxylig acid do D) Alcohol Trial: ‘compounds show all ofthe following properties EXCEPT: C) lsomerism B) Resonance Dy6omorpkism QO or ‘Is the number ‘of isomers of CoH2Ch including cis-trans isomers: ch2 re eis oe MOCATTEST#Y =n = cw yl BfPyridine 10.82. The type of compounds which contain an open ch Ada Idehyde, ketone {he homologous series of alkane increases, for which ines does the numerical value decrease? (©) Enthalpy change of vaporization of isomers Dp¥4pour pressure QT Ther umber of sigma bonds Derween C-H i Dengne are Ay B)3 De 88. In which of the following class of organic compounds th poston of funcional eroup it ‘ot ndiated while writing the name accord ) Ketone 89 Organic compounds sho A) Catenation 8) Rewmance © mein 0.90 What is the, ‘i Domorphism ML ‘number of isomers of CAnCh: ‘including cis-trans isomers: a cha D4 MDCAT TEST #¢ SsTZP. which of the following aroma on a) Xylene jyNaphihalene gar Which eae elite (aeene compound does not a Aathacne cnzene G2" aa By Propene A) Dic anol id butan-t-ol show which ¢ of the following ty (pe of strectural isemersm: Hutan-2-08 A) Metamerism C) Fumtonal cosets jifPosition isomerism Byte Which of the following substances shows Tautomerism? : C) Exhanal BB AaB bers of a class of organic compounds which ditier by CBE ~ gm called C) Heomalogoes s0nies D) Isomers A) Polymers ARfomologues PHYSICS paratic pistes of ictectric betwee. ow uu Ay a-amino acid fA) Vinyl aleohol The consecutive me Qos Q.% The energy stored in a unit volume of the di Fe NM i eras is ase ENGLISH Crntieet Bee he macs : Onn suitabs Coccyx /momym for the given words A) Fe ‘UMUlative A ) Regressive B (ener) eo, ‘Ccruing Directio, ns: K thet “ach sentence bes Ord that est ma omen has 8 blank indicating that ith the meaning of the sentence as a w 2.146 1 fa he joints should be ___t0 prevent leaks, and the hangers a AYCaulked oe B) Cobbied t ) Eobe 2.147 He needs a more subtle wa aaa ptle way of looking for his musical Of the stage — ie A) Rues (Gr) crn BF Cucs signs? D) Hes Q.148 Many people spend much of their working week travelling in car from their places of employment oe on A) Boring ©) Communica DFCommuting B) Enjoying he vertebral column is composed of seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae Q.149 TI five lumbar vertebrae, nine sacrum, and five CF cy D) Clavicle te a friendly and __ A) Hummers B) Ribs Both parents and teachers must try (0 crea) _atmosphere for the Q.150 C) Cynical children. D) Classical A) Fondle ‘ordial R95 FP) Ving ne cid ME substances, Dy Cena group : shows Tastond orm von A) By rs — ‘compounds w oie sich iter 5 ©) Home nee ee Dy eameloeous svg fgg **TRY Stored in a unit yok 1 aC. lume of the dielectric between oe Parallel plates of a eapaen os ©) Energy density = = sity Sega a D) Energy density = 4 a Har Capacitors are first conne pee ‘nt apis ted in parallel and then i series. 7 a ; i eles The capaianee Ds jaa A pe Be on a cay is é : cape, 8 & capacitor is $0 C, If volta sss j cong tage applied across its platesis 10-V then its ©) 0.02 F “Res 1 2) 500F lov potential difference is appli DO2F “4 once eatin erence i apled eron the lates of capa, a et ; A) 0.5 mJ " Teeter ee Osm Pst Bytasm 2 hree capacitors C) > Me Hractors Ci>Ce=Co are connected in series combination toa yoltge source, Which of these will have st ve strongest clectric field? A) EDESEs ongest eerie ela? val RYE cEsE 01 A capacitor is connected to a voltage source such that it gets fully je removed anda dielectric is placed between the plates of eapacitor th Jnarged. Now if battery yen what is not ) Voltage and electri field decreases correct? AS Capacitance increases B) Charge remains same DyEergy remains MTG hot 2 Capastor is perfect insulator for: 6.C €) Both A.C&DC B) AC 1D) None of these Ci & Core connected in series combination with a batert of voltage cs? 3 Three capacitors Ci see then w hich will acquire maximum voltage f CO cfs DJ All of these a combination with a voltage” B) C2 that C>C2>C) are connected in parallel a citors will store maxirnum charge? 4 Three capacitors such Which of these cap’ soyrce of voltage “V"- DAI will same charge page ot B) AT TEST #7 A)C 2.108 fs charged expac 0 scant Qa wane Q.110 When capacitors are connected a ‘ Sener ‘series combination then the phsical quan be Ay Woltage mwa HE TS B) Current ©) Bassey O11 Wen capacitors are in parallel combination thes the sysiea quantity wh ou HC remang W125 Rolie © Eneey B) Current Dycharee Q:112 A capacitor remains connected to a voltage source alter being fly charged. Now place a dielectric between it’s plates then: Mme QnA Ta force at A) It’s capacitance increases C) AVS capacitance remains same. we B) Ittakes more charge from source Dri a 8 oe ome Q.13 The aren of pats ata capacitor is haved the the eoery wad tat whew onmcna gS the sme source as previous wil Saw Crates 1) Remains same Be i) I double Dy) None ofthese gus tee 4114 A capacitor stores energy “E when connected toa voltage source What wil be efctea Sap energy stored if area of plates is halved but using a voltage source of double the voltage ss before: BL ey® Perc ©) Is quadrupled fs doubled D) Remains same QS Concerning the relation for a capacitor as C= © how wilt eet the capacitance when voltage is doubled: 4) Halved grained B) Doubled tk femains samme : 116 It we double the ghichigest ff alaces of a capacitor making separation between tem tbe s halved then capacitance becomes: ny A) Remain same Doubled ami B) Halved DJ Quadrupted : : .117 Which of the fotlowing relations can be used to calculate energy of a capacitor? doy? seat Ay scy © 30v oa fo3 8) £ DFAll ofthese 118 The net charge on a capacitor is: ia * o) 29 B)-Q Dy Zero, 2120 wal, ; = - : . eek ae etna 0-9 3 Oe af reption betwen tre charg meres mt Pent EF a —_—_ ec chrome = potential RCC NR A age 4 chee’ eng sev charge from pout ~~ wo “C~ wiki wantemeet ts tree? a 130 Wile —— an bate wl decrease soe V boots il imerease and V hock will commun same FE colt roman same but “V" will decrease at 4 constant rate 2 ENGLISH petions: Select the mest vustabie synonym for the gen words a Coeerx iw A) Femme C) Taiibone re D) Skull bore 2 Comatose 3) gmaton ) Sprighatiness D) Gleefulness. Captivating s By Nasy Fhe “ ©) Homely | Compartm * D) Revolting ahebeytn 9) Palazan a Subdivision ) Segregation Components DrChamber som tons ; Compe . Chi gredients DNation, D) Condiments Pwo ur ( orton Games Condit >) Actuality

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