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Making India a more greener place: IM case study on Schneider-

Electric’s entry into the Indian market

Authored By: Kunal Deshmukh,M-13

Overview of the Sector: need over here can be segmented into
Industrial Customers, IT parks and malls
Governmental organization. The company
has been divided into 3 parts projects team,
SPG and Services to better suit the
consumer needs and the solutions it
provides has been divided into individual
systems solutions and one platform
solutions. These type of solutions provide
competitive advantage over players like
Honeywell and Johnson controls.

Wealth and Respect Creation:

Schneider-Electric as a company works in
the electrical domain with automation as its
main focus. My focus was on entry of
Schneider-Electric in India in the domain of
building automation. Talking about the
industry BA industry is pegged at 2000
Crores and growing at a CAGR of 10% YoY
with key Drivers for this Industry being rising
real estate sector and increasing need by
companies to automate and become
energy conscious.

Creating connect and developing

The company believes in creating wealth
Competitive advantage:
and respect by providing solutions which
are economical for clients and also makes
the world a better place to live. The
business architecture of the company has
manufacturing in European region in
countries like Sweden, France, etc. From
here the goods are transferred to the DC in
Hong Kong. This distribution takes 4-5
weeks. Further to this goods are transferred
to Mumbai DC where goods are stored for
orders to be executed in India. This
architecture is a bit of problem for Schneider
If we apply the 3 C concept here to better as its competitor has its Asia-Pacific DC in
understand the connect and competitive India, thus it enjoys smaller lead times.
advantage aspect we see that the consumer
Making India a more greener place: IM case study on Schneider-
Electric’s entry into the Indian market

Going the Indian way: Way Ahead for Schneider-Electric:

What is the way ahead for Schneider-

The company entered India in 2004. Electric? Schneider is clearly a market
However initially its operations were challenger right now. So it has to launch
restricted and its approach was not more India-specific products to enhance
glocalised. In 2010 with the change in connect. Focus has to be on increasing
management, Schneider saw some volumes to become market leader. I
aggressive moves. First was the acquisition recommend construction of a DC in India to
of a company called Zicom. Zicom was a reduce delivery times.
local company which was into providing
Building automation solutions by buying Focus also has to be on maximising the up-
products from other companies. With the gradation of Existing Zicom customers to
acquisition of Zicom, Schneider got some Schneider-Electric.
ready-made clients which it started
Further References:
servicing. It also underwent internal

If we analyse the major factors which

affected Schneider’s entry, we find that article/companies/schneider-electric-
Economic factors played a major role which
compelled Schneider to introduce lower end
products of many brands. Also its pricing
was very India-Specific. http://
Also technologically many of its products
were modified to suit the Indian power 2010-03-06/news/
scenario. Another major change in its 28467627_1_manohar-bidaye-zicom-
business model came in the form of bringing electronic-security-systems-business
more off role employees than on-role.

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