The Axiomancer - The Homebrewery

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The Axiomancer

xiomancers seek to understand the You gain an additional Minor Rudiment option at

fundamental truths of magic, so they can certain levels in this class: 10th, 14th, and 20th.
exploit them. Axiomancy is as old as magic
itself, but remains a rare discipline due to Intricate Spellcraft
the difficulties associated with wielding it. 10th-level Axiomancer Feature
The School of Axiomancy is the least At 10th level, you begin to experiment with high
accessible to casual practitioners, often energy inputs as a means of increasing the complexity
thinning the herd through the disasters associated with of your spells. When you cast a Wizard spell, you may
the miscalculation of a spell’s metamath. Nevertheless, expend a spell slot of one level higher instead. If you do
the school persists due to the powerful egos at play in so, you can apply an additional Major or Minor
the high-stakes world of arcane academia. Rudiment to the spell as it is cast. Using this feature to
add an additional Minor Rudiment still expends a use of
Arcane Abstraction the Postulatory Praxis feature.
2nd-level Axiomancer Feature
As you develop in your journey towards
understanding the complex innerworkings of magic, you
learn the three Major Rudiments of spellcraft:
Manifestation, Augmentation, and Manipulation.
Whenever you cast a Wizard spell, you may alter the
spell using one of the three Major Rudiments, whose
effects are as follows
• Manifestation – When you cast a spell that deals
damage, you may change the damage type to one of the
following types: fire, cold, or lightning. The spell’s
appearance then changes to suit this.
• Augmentation – When you cast a spell that has an
area of effect, you can change the shape of the spell
between the following: line, cone, circle, square, cube,
cylinder, sphere. You cannot convert a shape from two-
dimensional (2D) to three-dimensional (3D). You may
convert a 3D shape to a 2D shape by treating it as its
closest 2D proxy (cube = square, cylinder = circle,
sphere = circle). See the Spell Shapes Table for area of
effect conversions.
• Manipulation – When you cast a spell that requires a
Dexterity saving throw, you can change it to a spell
attack. If multiple creatures are affected, you make one
spell attack that is applied to each of their armor
When you cast a spell that requires a spell
attack, you can change it to require a Dexterity saving
Postulatory Praxis
6th-level Axiomancer Feature
At 6th level, the understanding you have developed of
esoteric arcanum has granted you increased control
over your spellcraft. When you gain this feature, you
learn two Minor Rudiment options of your choice (see
“Minor Rudiments”).
Once per turn, when you cast a Wizard spell of 1st
level or higher, you can apply a Minor Rudiment to it.
This feature has a number of uses equal to your The Mirari Conjecture
proficiency bonus and you regain all expended uses James Arnold, WotC
after a long rest.
The Axiomancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC
Spell Matrix
14th-level Axiomancer Feature
Through careful study, drawing upon your previous
research, you have crafted an arcane meta-arrangement
technique that allows you to sustain the weight of
multiple spells at once. Once per long rest, you may
perform a day-long ritual to create a Spell Matrix. This
matrix could take many forms, such as a pendant, a
floating cube, or a tattoo. No matter the form, the Spell
Matrix remains within your space. You can only have
one Spell Matrix at any given time.
When it is first created, the Spell Matrix has four
empty slots. When you cast a spell with concentration,
you may choose to append the spell to an empty slot in
the Spell Matrix. If you do so, the spell does not resolve
and has no immediate effects. Any rudiments used
during the casting of the spell are stored along with it.
You cannot append more than one of the same spell to
the matrix. You can wipe a Spell Matrix of all appended
spells once per long rest by performing an hour-long
ritual, emptying all its slots.
As an action on your turn, you can choose to activate
an appended spell in your Spell Matrix, gaining the Hedron Archive
effects of the spell and any effects from the rudiments Craig J. Spearing, WotC

used to initially cast it. While one or more spells are

active this way, you must use your concentration to keep
the Spell Matrix active, but do not need to concentrate
on the individual appended spells. If you lose
concentration on the Spell Matrix, all active appended
spells are deactivated and cannot be reactivated until
you finish a short or long rest.
At the beginning of each of your turns while the Spell
Matrix is active, you must use your bonus action to
expend a spell slot of a level equal to or greater than the
sum of the levels of the activated spells minus one. If
you do not expend a spell slot this way, all spells
appended to your Spell Matrix deactivate and the Spell Minor Rudiments
Matrix cannot be used again until you finish a short rest.
You may choose to deactivate any number of appended Energetic Dilation
When you cast a spell with an area of effect, you may
spells as a free action at the end of your turn. If you do choose to increase the reach of the spell to twice its
so, those spells cannot be reactivated until you finish a size. Calculate X using the Spell Shapes table, multiply
short or long rest. by 1.4, then use the new X to recalculate the
While activated, the Spell Matrix is susceptible to dimensions. The spell suffers all of the following effects:
anti-magic effects in the following ways: • The spell deals two damage dice less than normal.
• When you use your action to activate an appended • The spell save DC decreases by 1.
spell, it can be affected by Counterspell as though it • The spell attack roll gains a -1 penalty.
were cast.
• When an appended spell is active, it can be affected
by Dispel Magic as though it were cast. Energetic Constriction
When you cast a spell with an area of effect, you may
• Dispel Magic can be used to destroy the Spell Matrix choose to concentrate the spell’s energy in an area half
if it is cast at a level greater than or equal to your its size. Calculate the spell’s area as though it were a
proficiency bonus plus two. Split Spell of the same shape, but you only get one area
• You are unable to activate appended spells while the of effect instead of two. The spell then gains one of the
Spell Matrix is inside of an anti-magic field. following benefits of your choice:
• The spell deals two damage dice more than normal.
• The spell save DC increases by 1.
• The spell attack roll gains a +1 bonus.
The Axiomancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC
When you cast a spell that has a duration of one minute
or longer, you may shorten its length to “until the start
of your next turn”. If you do so, the spell does not
require concentration and gains one of the following
benefits of your choice:
• The spell’s range is doubled.
• You roll twice the number of damage dice.
• The spell attack roll is made with advantage.
• Saving throws made against the spell are made with
• The spell is cast as a bonus action.
Manifest Form
When you cast a spell with an instantaneous duration,
you may attempt to stabilize the spell, allowing for it to
maintain its presence. Make an Arcana check (DC = 10
+ 2 * Spell Level). If you fail, the spell appears briefly,
then uses the Arcane Eruption action centered on you. If
you succeed, the spell now requires concentration and
becomes a Living Spell (see stat block) for one minute.
The spell acts independently, but shares initiative with
you. If the spell is ever further than 200 feet for you, it
Advanced Spellshaping
When you cast a spell with an area of effect, you may
alter the shape of the area between the following
additional complex shapes: Wall, Dome, Split Spell. See
the Spell Shapes conversion table for more information.
Exergonic Burst
When you cast a spell that deals damage without an
area of effect, you may strengthen the magic behind the
spell. On a hit, the spell deals force damage instead and
pushes the target(s) a number of feet equal to 3 times
the spell’s level, rounded to the nearest 5 feet, away
from you.
Endergonic Aura
When you cast a spell that scales with spell slot level,
you can have it absorb the energy from the area. All
creatures affected by the spell must make a Charisma
saving throw. If half or more of the affected creatures
fail, the spell is treated as though it were cast with a
spell slot one level higher.
Energy Conversion
When you cast a spell that counters magical effects,
namely Counterspell, Dispel Magic, and Anti-Magic
Field, you can absorb some of the spell energy
dispersed by them. By applying this rudiment to the
casting of one of the aforementioned spells, you regain a
spell slot of a level equal to half the level of the spell
dispersed this way, rounded up. If you use this while
casting Anti-Magic Field with concentration, you can
use this ability on a spell of your choice within the field
once per turn.
The Axiomancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC
Spell Shapes
To determine the dimensions of a new shape, you must
first solve for X in the old shape (see Solution). Once
you solve for X, plug it into the Formula for the new
shape. This will provide you with your new dimensions.
Shape Formula Solution
Line (X2)/5, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X=
long (Length*5)1/2
Circle 0.57*X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X = Radius /
radius circle 0.57
Cone 1.4*X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X = Radius /
long cone 1.4
Square X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X = Side
square Length

Shape Formula Solution
Cube X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. cube X = Side
Cylinder 0.57*X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X=
radius cylinder with X height Radius /
Sphere 0.6*X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. X=
radius sphere Radius /

Xavier Ribeiro, WotC

Can be interconverted with 2D spell shapes only.
Shape Formula Solution
Wall (5 x X2)/(YxZ) feet long, where Y is the Thickness and Z is the X = (Length x Y x Z/5)1/2 ; Y = Thickness ; Z =
Height Height
Dome 0.57 x X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. radius dome with 5 ft. walls X = Radius / 0.57
Split Line Any two lengths that sum to (X2)/5 X = ((Sum of two lengths) x 5)1/2
Split 0.7 x X rounded to the nearest 5, ft. squares X = Side Length / 0.7
Split Cone 0.7 x 1.4 x X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. long cones X = Length / (0.7x1.4)
Split Circle 0.7 x 0.57 x X, rounded to the nearest 5, ft. long cone X = Radius / (0.7 x 0.57)

Note: Split spells are spells with two areas of effect.

When you split a spell, you can create any combination
of two of the areas listed in the split spell formula
section. To create a combination with a line and another
shape that is not a line, the line’s length must be (X2)/10
ft. long.
The Axiomancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC
Seed Ideas
Having trouble deciding on what options to use in an
efficient manner? Consider writing down some
combinations ahead of time that fit your character. Here
are some ideas to get you started:
You use magic to surround yourself with a slippery layer
of ice. Cast Earth Tremor, using the Manifestation
rudiment to change the damage to cold damage. Use
the Energetic Dilation rudiment to increase the radius.
You send a bolt of lightning at a target, causing them to
be knocked back and convulse. Cast Tasha’s Mind
Whip, using the Manifestation rudiment to change the
damage to lightning damage. Use the Exergonic Burst
rudiment to push them back.
Wind Whip Emmessi Tome
You create a small vortex of wind, which barrels Craig J. Spearing, WotC

through your enemies. Cast Dust Devil, using the Summon Bile Slug
You conjure a dreadful creature that sprays acid on its
Transience rudiment to increase the spell’s damage or victims to aid you. Cast Vitriolic Sphere, using the
grant advantage on the spell attack. Augmentation rudiment to change the spell shape to a
Unstable Elemental cone. Use the Manifest Form rudiment to manifest the
You summon an angered elemental from the Elemental spell, flavoring it as a slug with an acid-spraying breath
Chaos. Cast Fireball, using the Manifestation rudiment, weapon.
if you wish to change the damage to cold or lightning.
Use the Manifest Form rudiment to attempt to create a Bury
You cause the ground to erupt and entomb creatures
powerful living spell. within it. Cast Wall of Stone, using the Augmentation
Sapping Orbs rudiment to change the shape to a cone. Use either the
You create small orbs of concentrated lightning energy Energetic Constriction rudiment or the Energetic
around yourself, which absorb the energy of their Dilation rudiment to alter the size and strength of the
targets. Cast Melf’s Minute Meteors, using the spell.
Manifestation rudiment to change the damage type to
lightning. Use the Endergonic Aura rudiment to Mage Blade
You conjure a powerful sword that slices across the
increase the spell’s power. battlefield. Cast Mordenkainen’s Sword, using the
Flash of Fear Manifestation rudiment to change the damage type, if
You create a flickering image of a creature’s worst fears. you wish to. Use the Transience rudiment to grant the
Cast Phantasmal Killer, using the Transience rudiment attack roll advantage or double the damage dice.
to make the spell take only a bonus action, double the
damage dice, or have the save be made with Arcane Prism
You create a magical prism which, upon refraction,
disadvantage. creates devastating effects. Cast Prismatic Spray, using
Numbing Cold the Augmentation rudiment to change the shape to a
An aura of icy cold forms, causing all creatures within it circle. Use the Manifest Form rudiment to create a
to slowly freeze to death. Cast Sickening Radiance, powerful living spell immune to many damage types and
using the Manifestation rudiment to change the damage the ability to deal damage of any of those types.
to cold damage. Use either the Energetic Constriction
rudiment or the Endergonic Aura rudiment to empower Living Wish
You manifest an entity of great power, such as a djinn or
the spell. minor celestial. Cast Wish, using the Manifest Form
rudiment. Although the resulting creature cannot attack
and has a high chance of ending the life of the caster, its
power draws many to seek it out.
The Axiomancer is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by
Wizards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC

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