A Lysin(s) in Lysates of Clostridium Botulinum A190 Induced by Ultraviolet Ray or Mitomycin C

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Japan. J. Microbiol.

Vol. 17(5), 353-360, 1973

A Lysin(s) in Lysates of Clostridium botulinum A190

Induced by Ultraviolet Ray or Mitomycin C

Noriko MITSUI, Kazuyoshi KIRITANI, and Shoki NISHIDA

Departmentof Bacteriology,Schoolof Medicine,Kanazawa University, Kanazawa

(Received for publication, January 10, 1973)


When cells of the Clostridium botulinum A190 strain were subjected to treatment with mitomvcin C or to
irradiation with ultraviolet ray and then grown at 37C, an induced lytic agent(s) was produced in the
resultant lysate. Production of the lytic agent in the induced bacterial culture was inhibited in the
presence of chloramphenicol. A crude preparation of the phage-free lytic agent readily lysed freeze-
thawed or acetone-treated cells of C. botulinum B-NIH19, and heated or chloroform-treated cells to a
lesser extent at the optimal pH of 6.8. The lytic agent was stable at or below 37C, but unstable
above 37C. A crude preparation of the lytic agent did not exhibit a detectable effect on the viability of
vegetative cells.

It is well known that lysins, which lyse C. botulinum A190 strain was used for pro-
bacterial cells, are produced in bacterial duction of the lytic agent and C. botulinum
cells of various genera when multiplication B-NIH19, a consistently toxigenic substrain
of virulent or temperate phages is provoked isolated from C. botulinum B-NIH strain [8],
[1-3, 5, 7, 12, 14-16]. These lysins are as the indicator strain to the lytic agent.
usually released in the culture media follow- Medium. TYG broth consisted of trypti-
ing cellular lysis. In general, phage-asso- case (BBL), 3%; yeast extract (Difco), 2%;
ciated lysins are enzymes capable of dissolv- glucose, 1%; and sodium thioglycollate, 0.1%
ing cell walls of the producer strains and their (pH7.0). One and a half per cent agar was
related strains. Many lytic agents are pro- added to the broth for the agar medium.
duced in cultures of proteolytic Clostridium Bacteria grown in liver broth overnight were
botulinum types A, B and F, and Clostridium provided as the inoculum for further cul-
sporogenesthrough cellular lysis by treatment tivation in TYG medium.
with mitomycin C, although presence or Preparation of indicator cellsfor the lytic agent.
absence of phage multiplication is not yet For preparation of freeze-thawed cells (FT),
known [11]. We conducted a detailed exponentially growing bacteria in TYG
investigation to examine the utility of the broth at 37C were harvested by centri-
lytic agent for purposes of taxonomic studies fugation and immediately stored at -20C.
and described some properties of the lytic Acetone-dried cells were prepared from TYG
agent induced in a C. botulinum A190 culture. cultures in the exponential phase incubated
at 37C. The acetone-dried cells were ground
MATERIALS AND METHODS to a fine powder with a mortar and pestle,
Bacterial strains. Unless otherwise indicated and stored at room temperature in a vacuum
desiccator. Bacteria for heat treatment were
Please address requests of reprints to Dr. Kazuyoshi
collected by centrifugation from TYG cul-
Kiritani, Department of Bacteriology, School of
Medicine, Kanazawa University, 13-1 Takara-machi, tures in the exponential phase incubated at
Kanazawa 920, Japan. 37C. After being washed three times with


0.05M NaCl, the cells were resuspended in Bausch & Lomb spectronic 20 colorimeter .
0.05M phosphate buffer (pH6.8) and the Indicator cells were suspended in 0.05M

optical density (O. D.) of the suspension at phosphate buffer (pH6.8) in a 1•~10cm
535nm was adjusted to 0.6 using a 1•~10cm tube to give an optical density at 535 urn of

tube. Five-milliliter samples, distributed in 0.4 to 0.5. The assay was carried out at 37C

1.5•~16cm tubes, were incubated in a water by adding 0.5ml of an appropriately diluted

bath at 52, 60 and 100C for 10min, re- lysate with TYG broth to 3.0ml of indicator

spectively. These suspensions were cooled cell suspension. The cell suspension without

in an ice bath. lysate was also incubated for the control.

Degree of cell lysis occurring for the first

Preparation of lysates. To induce production

of the lytic agent, exponentially growing cells 5min was measured and defined as the lytic

activity of the lysate. One unit of lytic activity

at 37C in TYG broth were treated with
was expressed by a decrease in optical density
mitomycin C (Kyowa Hakko Kogyo Co.)
of 1.0per hr per ml of lysate.
(A) or irradiated with UV (B). (A) Mito-
Minimum lethal dose (MLD) for mice. A
mycin C (final concentration; 1ƒÊg/ml) was

added to the culture when the optical density phage-free lysate was prepared according to

of bacterial turbidity at 560nm reached the method described above. For the control,

0.1-0.15 (about 1•~108cells/ml). (B) Bac- a supernatant fraction was prepared from a

cell-free extract of an uninduced culture by

teria in the exponential phase harvested by
ultracentrifugation. Two tenths milliliters
centrifugation were suspended in 0.05M phos-
of an appropriately diluted sample with
phate buffer (pH6.8), and the optical density
0.05M phosphate buffer (pH6.8) was injected
of the suspension at 560nm was adjusted to
intraperitoneally into a mouse. Two mice
0.45-0.5. After UV (germicidal lamp of
were used with each dilution. Deaths of mice
Toshiba Co., 15 watt) irradiation was carried

out over the bacterial suspension in a petri were recorded for 2 days. The extent of

dish at a distance of 100cm for 25 sec, 1ml maximum dilution to kill two mice was

determined and defined as the MLD of the

of the suspension was transferred into 10ml
lysate or the extract.
of TYG broth. Each culture was further

incubated for 3.5 to 4hr until bacterial lysis Test for the bactericidal ability of the lysate.

was complete. The lysed culture was used Supernatant and pellet fractions were pre-

as the lysate. Untreated bacteria were also pared from a cell-free lysate as described
above. Five tenths milliliters of the super-
grown for the identical period as controls.
The culture was then sonicated for 10min natant fraction, or the pellet fraction, was

added to 3ml of exponentially growing cells

using a Tomy ultrasonic vibrator (model
in TYG broth (O. D. at 560nm=0.3), and
UR-200P, 20kc) to obtain an extract. Each
then incubated at 37C for 20min. A cell
lysate and extract were cleared of bacterial
culture with 0.5ml of TYG broth added was
debris by centrifugation (3000 •~g, 15min),
also incubated for the control. Each culture
and the supernatants were used as cell-free
was then diluted with saline, and 0.1ml of
lysate and cell-free extract, respectively. The
each dilution was plated on a TYG agar
cell-free lysate was fractionated into a super-
medium. Duplicate plates were incubated
natant fraction (phage-free lysate) and a
for 24hr at 37C under anaerobic conditions
pellet by ultracentrifugation (100000•~g,
and colonies formed were counted.
60min). The pellet was resuspended in
Chemicals. Trypsin (Difco, Bact), pronase
0.5ml of TYG broth, and the suspension was

used as the pellet fraction. These cell-free (Kaken Co.), chloramphenicol (Sankyo Co.),
tetracycline (Lederle Ltd.), streptomycin
and phage-free lysates could be stored at 4C

for at least two weeks without measurable (Meiji Seika Co.), penicillin G (Takeda Ltd.),
and D-cycloserine (Meiji Seika Co.) were
loss of their lyticc activities.
purchased from the respective companies.
Assay of the lytic activity. The method des-

cribed by Meinke and Jones [13] was slightly

modified. The lytic activity in lysates was

measured turbidimetrically using a Shimadzu-


tained in an uninduced cell-free extract was

RESULTS very low (0.72 units per ml per hr). In a
Lytic Activity in the Induced Lysate and in the control experiment, FT cells autolysed grad-
UninducedCell-Free Extract ually during the incubation period. The
As shown in Fig. 1, a cell-free lysate pre- amount of decrease in optical density at
pared by treatment with mitomycin C con- 535nm was usually 0.02 to 0.03 after 5min
tained a lytic agent against FT cells (9.8 of incubation at 37C. In general, when
units per ml per hr). When the lysate was bacterial cells were induced with mitomycin
fractionated by ultracentrifugation, full activ- C, lytic activity found in the lysates ranged
ity was found in the supernatant fraction from 7 to 13 units per ml per hr, and with UV
(phage-free lysate) and no or, if any, little irradiation, 15 to 25 units per ml per hr.
activity in the pellet fraction. The lytic agent Lytic activities in uninduced cell-free extracts
in these cell-free and phage-free lysates lysed were so low that the values estimated might
FT cells linearly for an initial reaction time or might not be significant (generally 0.24-
of 5min. When a lysate having a lytic ac- 0.72 units per ml per hr).
tivity of more than 10 units per ml per hr was
used, it was diluted 2- to 5-fold with TYG Inductionof the Lytic Agent
broth for measurement of the activity. It Irradiation with UV of C. botulinumA190
should be noted that the lytic activity in cells resulted in bacterial lysis of the culture
a diluted sample was inversely proportional accompanied by the release of a lytic agent
to the degree of dilution. Lytic activity ob- (Fig. 2). The irradiated bacteria grew at a
slower rate (generation time=120min) than
that of the unirradiated cells (generation
time=80min) for an initial 2 to 3hr and then

Fig. 1. Changes in the optical density of suspensions

of FT cells after the addition of an induced lysate,

or uninduced extract, of a C. botulinurn A190 cul-

ture. The cell-free lysate was prepared from a bac-

terial culture treated with mitomycin C (1ƒÊg/ml).

Supernatant and pellet fractions were prepared Fig. 2. Effect of UV-irradiation on bacterial growth
by ultracentrifugation of the cell-free lysate. The and the production of a lytic agent. After UV-
cell-free extract was obtained from an uninduced irradiation at 0 time, bacteria were grown in 20ml
bacterial culture (O. D. at 560nm=0.6) by sonic of TYG broth. At each interval 2ml of the bacterial
oscillation and subsequent centrifugation. Changes cultures was sampled, sonicated, and then the lytic ac
in ontical densities caused by the addition of cell-
tivities in the cell-free culture media were mea-
free lysate (〇), supernatant fraction (□), Pellet sured. Growth of the bacteria; UV-irradiate (〇),

fraction (△), cell-free extract (●), or TYG broth unirradiated (△). Lytic activity; UV-irradiated

(control) (▲) were recorded at intervals. (●), unirradiated (▲).


Table 1. Effect of pH of the culture medium

on the production of the lytic agent

Bacteria were induced with 1ƒÊg of mitomy-

cin C per ml. At the end of the incubation,

remaining bacteria in these cultures were soni-

cated and the lytic activities released in the

cell-free culture media were assayed.

lysed within the nest hour. The  lytic activity-

Fig. 3. The effect of chloramphenicol addition on
in the irradiated culture started to increase
the induction of the lytic agent. Irradiation with
after 1.5-to 2-hr incubation and reached a UV was carried out at 0 time. Time of chloram-
maximum level after 3 to 3.5hr, whereas the phenicol addition after UV irradiation; 30min
activity was very low in the unirradiated (△), 60min (◇), 90min(●), 120min (▲),
150min (◆), control without chloramphenicol
culture. Similar results could be obtained
(〇). Lytic activities (units/ml/hr) liberated in
when bacteria were grown in the presence of
cell-free culture media by sonic oscillation are
1 to 5μg mitomycia C per ml. A maximum indicated in parenthesis.

yield ofthe lytic agent in the culture medium

was obtained at pH 6.5 and 7.0 (Table 1). To test whether the production of botu-
To determine the existence of free phages linum toxin was increased in an irradiated
in the cell-free lysate, 10ml of the induced culture, toxicities of the induced lysates and
lysate was centrifuged at 100000×g for 1hr. of the uninduced extracts were compared.
The resulting pellet was resuspendcd in 0.1ml The toxicities of these preparations were
of 0.1ml ammonium acetate (pH6.8) and found to be in a similar range of 100 to 1000
examined in an etectron microscope using the MLD.
negative-staining technique with 2% phos- Thus a phage-associated lytic agent(s) was
photungstic acid, adjusted to pH 6.8 with induced in cells of C. botulinum A190 by the
KOH. The pellet fraction contained phage action of UV or mitomycin C, while the
particles with hexagonal heads and tails botulinum toxin was not.
covered with sheaths. The induction process is sensitive to cldor-

Table 2. Effect of various antibiotics and D-cycloserine on the production

of the lyric agent by C. bolulinum A190 cells

The antibiotic or D-cycloserine was added to an exponentially growing bacterial culture (O. D. at 560
nm=0.1-0.15), and removed after 30min of contact by harvesting the cells and resuspending them
in fresh TYG broth. The bacteria were allowed to continue to grow for an additional 3.5hr, then
sonicated and assayed for lytic activity released in the cell-free culture medium .
a) Cellular lysis was observed in the bacterial culture . b) Bacterial growth was inhibited.

amphenicol (Fig. 3). To UV-irradiated To see if a substance like that activated by

bacterial cultures, chloramphenicol in a cellular protease was present in the bacterial

concentration of 50ƒÊg/ml was added at cells, a bacterial culture (O . D. at 560nm=
different intervals. Chloramphenicol was 0.7) in the exponential phase was sonicated
fully effective in preventing bacterial growth then the disrupted fluid was divided into
and cellular lysis if added during the first 90 several tubes and treated with various
min, although the growth inhibition became amounts of trypsin or pronase (0 to 100ƒÊg
apparent with about a 30min lag after the
per ml) for 1hr at 37C. The lytic activities
addition of the antibiotic. Production of the in these digested fluids were not different
lytic agent in bacteria was also inhibited by from that of the undigested sonicate used as
chloramphenicol. the control (0.48 to 0.72 units per ml per hr) .
Inducibility of the lytic agent by several It should be noted that the lytic activities

antibiotics and D-cycloserine was also ex- in induced lysates were resistant to the treat-

amined. When bacteria were cultivated in ment of trypsin or pronase when the concen-

a medium in the presence of an antibiotic or tration of the enzyme was 30ƒÊg per ml or
D-cvcloserine throughout the incubation less. However, the lytic agent was inactivated

with a dose of more than 30μg/m1.

period of 4hr, bacterial growth was inhibited
and lytic activity in the resultant culture was

not increased. To minimize the effect of the Properties of the Lytic Agent
antibiotic on the protein-synthesizing activity, Although FT cells prepared from a C.
contact time of the bacteria with the anti- botulinum A190 culture were susceptible to
biotic was limited to 30min. As shown in the action of the induced lytic agent pro-
Table 2, none of these antibiotics enhanced duced by the identical strain, the susceptibility
the yield of the lytic agent, although bacterial was 1/5 to 1/8 that of the FT cells obtained
lysis like that induced by UV or mitomycin from C. botulinum B-NIH 19 culture. Because
C occurred in many cultures Within several of the high susceptibility and negligible auto-
hours after treatment with the antibiotics.

When treated with 50ƒÊg streptomycin per

ml, partial inhibition of bacterial growth was

observed in the culture, and with 100ƒÊg,

bacterial lysis. Treatment with 50ƒÊg chlor-

amphenicol per ml inhibited bacterial

growth completely, and 100ƒÊg induced

cellular lysis. Partial bacterial lysis was

provoked by treatment with penicillin or

tetracycline at each concentration used.

Bacterial growth was not influenced by treat-

ment With D-cvcloserine.

Lytic lctivities in the Autolysaie of C. botulinum

A190 Cells and in the Sonicated Culture

Digested with Trypsin or Pronuse

To study the lytic activity in the autolysate,

exponentially growing cells harvested by

centrifugation from a TYG culture (O. D.

at 560nm=0.7) were suspended in 0.05M Fig. 4. The susceptibility of indicator cells prepared
phosphate buffer (pH6.8) in the same by different methods to the action of the lytic agent.
volume as that of the original culture, then Treatment of cells; freeze-thawed (FT) (〇),

acetone-powdered (△), chloroform-treated (□),

incubated at 37C. After several hours, the
10min at 52C (●), 10min at 60C (▲), 10min
suspension was clarified by autolysis of 90%
at 100
C (■), control (vegetative cells) (×). The
of the cells. Lytic activity measured in the lytic activity of phage-free lysate against FT cells

lysate was less than 0.24 units per ml per hr. was 14.4units/ml/hr.

Fig. 6. Stability of the lyric agent as a function of

time at temperatures ranging from 37 to 50C.

Phage-free lysate was heated in a tube (1.5•~

16cm) at each temperature. Samples (1ml) re-

moved at intervals were immediately chilled in

Fig. 5. Effect of pH on the activity of the lytic agent. ice, and assayed for their lytic activities. The lytic

FT cells were suspended in 3ml of 0.05M phos- activity of unheated lysate against FT cells was

phate buffer adjusted at various pHs as indicated. 15.6units/ml/hr.

lysis of FT cells, cells of C. botulinum B-NIH 19 spheroplasts were formed within 5min at
were chosen as the indicator of the induced 37C with the addition of the induced lysate.
lytic agent. Figure 4 shows that FT cells and Maximum activity of the lytic agent was
acetone-powdered cells are markedly suscepti- obtained at a pH between 6.5 and 6.8 (Fig. 5).
ble to the action of the lytic agent, while ve- As shown in Fig. 6, the lytic agent was stable
getative (untreated) cells are resistant. Heat- at or below 37C. Whereas, heating the
ing cells resulted in the loss of susceptibility. phage-free lysates at a temperature above
The susceptibility of chloroform-treated cells 37C resulted in a rapid loss of the lytic
was low. When phage-free lysate was added to activity for a certain initial period followed
suspensions of treated cells, absorbancy-time by a subsequent slow loss. As presented in
plots yielded curves. It should be noted that Table 3, neither the supernatant fraction
the numbers of viable cells in the FT prepara- (phage-free lysate) nor the pellet fraction
tion were usually less than 0.1%. When FT of the cell-free lysate exhibited a killing
cells were suspended in 0.05M phosphate action on vegetative cells of C. botulinum
buffer (pH6.8) containing 0.5M sucrose, B-NIH 19.

Table 3. Effect of the induced lytic agent on viability of exponentially growing

cells of C. botulinum B-NIH19

a) Lytic activity of the indicated fractions against FT cells is listed .

b) Cell-free lysate induced with mitomycin C or UV was fractionated into supernatant (phage-free lysate)
and pellet fractions by ultracentrifugation. Details are described in the Materials and Methods.

proteolytic C. botulinum and C. sporogoics [11].

DISCUSSION Kawata and Takumi [10] reported that
trypsin and nagase could stimulate activity
Data presented in this report indicate that
of the partially purified autolysin(s) of the
a phage-associated lytic agent(s), which is
C. botulinum A190 to a certain extent. We
able to lyse freeze-thawed (FT) cells or
suspected, therefore, that a pre-existing pre-
acetone-treated cells of the indicator strain,
cursor of the autolysin(s), or the autolysin(s)
is induced in cells of C. botulinum A190 by
treatment with mitomycin C or UV irradia- per se, might be activated by a cellular pro-
tease during the induction process. However,
tion. The lytic agent(s) is released in the
the lytic activity liberated in phosphate buffer
culture medium following cellular lysis.
by autolysis of vegetative cells was very low,
Inoue and Iida [6], and Dolman and Chang
and the lytic activity in the crude extract of
[4] showed photographs of phage particles uninduced cells was not increased either by
liberated in the induced lysates ofC. botulinum
trypsin or pronase. Furthermore, the induc-
A19 cultures. The presence of phage parti-
tion process of the lytic agent was sensitive
cles in the lysate was also verified by us using
to chloramphenicol, although the antibiotic
an electron microscope. However, a search
did not stop bacterial growth immediately.
for sensitive bacteria to the phage has so far
Our findings suggested that the lytic agent
been unsuccessful. Antibiotics, which inhibit
alight presumably be synthesized de novo in
biosynthesis of protein or cell wall, do not
induced bacterial cells.
induce the production of a lytic agent in
bacterial cells, although they frequently in- Presence of an autolysin in indicator cells
also gave us difficulty in analyzing the results.
duce bacterial lysis. As discussed by Rogers
and Forsberg [17], cellular lysis provoked As one of the possibilities, it was supposed that
by antibiotics might be due to the breakdown the action of the inducedlytic agent, cooperat-
of the cell wall by the action of pre-existing ing with that of the cell-bound autolysin,
autolytic enzymes. We presume that the lytic might cause FT cells to lyse. A decrease in the
agent found in the induced lysate may be susceptibility of the indicator cells by heating
a kind of lytic enzyme(s) on the basis of the or treatment with chloroform might be
following facts; activity of the lytic agent reflecting a decrease of the autolytic activity.
is heat-sensitive, depends upon pH, and Attempts to inactivate the autolysin existing
in indicator cells without lowering the sus-
is inactivated by trypsin or pronase. It
should be noted that the lytic agent was ceptibility have so far been unsuccessful.
a nondialvzable material. Because the Ueda and Takagi [19] reported that the
induced lytic agent is associated with phage proteolytic C. botulinum B strains 39 and T
propagation, it may be a phage induced produced bacteriocin-like substances upon
endolysin [1-3, 5, 7, 12, 14-16]. induction with UV irradiation. These
According to studies made by Kawata substances were sedimentable by ultracentri-
et al [9, 10, 18], actively growing cells of C. fugation and active against vegetative cells
botulinum A190 can autolyse in 0.05M phos- and germination of spores of the proteolytic
C. botulinum strains especially. Since the
phate buffer, pH 7.0, and liberate autolysins,
N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanine amidase andhex- induced lytic agent obtained by us is not
osaminidase in the resultant lysate. The sedimentable, it appears that the agent is
different from the bacteriocin-like substances.
partially purified enzymes are active on
heated or SDS-treated cell-walls prepared More detailed studies regarding these
from proteolytic C. botulinum types A and B matters mentioned above are necessary after
at around pH 6.8, but not from nonproteo- purification of the lytic agent(s) has been
lytic strains of types B and E. The induced accomplished. As will be mentioned in a
lytic agent of this report seems to resemble the subsequent paper, however, a crude prepara-
autolysin with respect to the optimal pH tion of the induced lytic agent(s) obtained
value and to the activity spectrum; bacterial from C. botulinum A190 culture showed a
lysis provoked with the lytic agent is express- strong specificity on cells of C. sporogenesand
ed in cells of confined groups belonging to proteolytic C. botulinum strains and proved

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