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Flexible Training for Work Program

4 December 2022


Name of Trainee: John Job C. Babatido

Trainee ID: CD-4B4-333
Trainee’s email address:

Dear John Job C. Babatido,

This is to formally notify you that your participation to the Flexible Training for Work (FTW)
Program by the Philippine Business for Education – YouthWorks PH has been officially terminated
effective 4 December 2022 due to the following reason/s, as defined by the program conditions in
your Trainee Handbook:

Status of Trainee and

Reason/s for Termination

Trainee Status: Exerted my best effort to reach him via call

Withdrawal and messages in messenger and emails.

Type of Withdrawal/Attrition:

Specific reason/s:

Additional notes:
He submitted only his Attestation. Now he
is not answering anymore my messages to
him on why he is not attending the online
trainings and submitting the required
activities. All my calls were been rejected

We thank you for your interest and initial participation to the program. We wish you all the best
in your future endeavors.


George Michael V. Gozon

FTW Mentor

Noted by:

Norain Talib
Youth Empowerment and Recruitment Officer (YERO)

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