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Top 32 Nursing Competitive Exam Questions and Answers Pdf

Do you want to improve your knowledge in Nursing - allnursingjobs4u blog updates nursing exam questions and
answers pdf for Competitive Exam in nursing field.
1.Which one of the following four clients is most likely to tolerate pain best?
A. a client with rheumatoid arthritis
B. a client who has terminal cancer in stage 1 of grief
C. an athlete having a knee surgery to prolong his career
D. a client who has a migraine headache
Ans: C

2. The nurse notices that the client has a hematocrit of 70 percent. This level of hematocrit will most likely affect
vital signs in which of the following ways?
A. The blood pressure will be elevated.
B. The pulse will be low.
C. Temperature will be elevated.
D. Blood pressure will be low.
Ans: A

3. When a client's skin is dry, which of the following nursing interventions would be most helpful?
A. Limit bathing to once or twice a week.
B. Bathing is daily, but no soap is used.
C. Bathing daily with mineral oil added to the water.
D. Bathing with lotion instead of water.
Ans: A

4. When reading an autopsy report, the nurse encounters the term "mid-sagittal plane." This nurse understands
this means the body was viewed using a plane that matched which of the following descriptions?
A. This plane cuts the body horizontally.
B. This plane divides the body into front and back portions.
C. The body is separated into left and right equal portions.
D. The body is divided using an X across the chest.
Ans: C
5. Which of the following words represents the basic unit of all life and is the simplest structure that possesses all
the characteristics of life: organization, metabolism, responsiveness, homeostasis, growth, and reproduction?
A. the cell
B. a gene
C. a chromosome
D. the organelles
Ans: A

6. When charting in the client's record or chart, the nurse most needs to do which one of the following things?
A. Date and sign each entry.
B. Chart every two hours.
C. Use ballpoint pen and not pencil.
D. Cross out errors so others can't read them.
Ans: A

7. Which of the following statements is an OBRA regulation that the nurse must keep in mind when considering
applying a restraint to a client?
A. Apply physical restraints as a first-choice intervention in fall prevention.
B. The physician's order for restraints must be time limited.
C. Verbal or telephone orders for restraints must be signed within 72 hours.
D. Restraints cannot be applied if a family member objects.
Ans: B

8. The nurse is checking the placement of a nasogastric tube prior to giving medication and a feeding. Which of
the following is the preferred and most accurate method of testing?
A. Insert 5 to 20 mm of air into the tube while listening over the stomach with a stethoscope.
B. Aspirate 20 to 30 ml of gastrointestinal secretions and test the pH.
C. Insert 15 to 20 cc of water into the stomach and listen with the stethoscope.
D. Place an open end of the tube into a glass of water and check for bubbles.
Ans: B

9. When giving a client a diagnosis of acute pain, the nurse "using NANDA diagnostic categories" will use this
diagnosis only when the pain last no longer than which of the following lengths of time?
A. 3 days
B. 2 weeks
C. 1 month
D. 6 months
Ans: D

10. The nurse is taking the client's blood pressure. The physician asks for the pulse pressure. To obtain the pulse
pressure, the nurse will have to do which of the following things?
A. Obtain a pulse-pressure machine.
B. Subtract the diastolic blood pressure from the systolic.
C. Subtract the systolic blood pressure from the diastolic.
D. Take client's apical pulse and subtract it from systolic.
Ans: B

11. The skin produces and absorbs which of the following vitamins in conjunction with the ultraviolet rays of the
which activate this particular vitamin's precursor present in the skin?
A. vitamin D
B. vitamin C
C. vitamin E
D. vitamin K
Ans: A

12. You would refer to the early phase of scar tissue formation as which of the following kinds of tissue?
A. Keloid
B. Cicatrix
C. granulation
D. Fibrous
Ans: C

13. The phosphate level of a newborn is best described in which of the following ways when comparing the
newborn's phosphate level with that of an adult?
A. nearly half that of the adult
B. about one fourth that of an adult
C. nearly twice that of an adult
D. approximately the same as an adult
Ans: C

14. The lowest level of needs in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is which of the following?
A. safety and security needs
B. love and belonging needs
C. physiologic needs
D. self-esteem needs
Ans: C

15. The nurse positioning a client after surgery will take into account that the position, which most often
a client to physiologic processes that suppress respiration, is which of the following positions?
A. Fowler's position
B. Prone
C. Supine
D. left side lying down
Ans: C

16. When examining the client's abdomen, the nurse will most facilitate the examination by positioning the client
which of the following ways?
A. supine with small pillows beneath knees and head
B. semi-Fowler's position with knees extended
C. sitting in the chair with legs elevated
D. supine with arms extended and hands behind head
Ans: A

17 . A true pathogen will cause disease or infection:

A. in a healthy person.
B. only in an immuno-compromised person.
C. in persons with allergy to the pathogen.
D. in very few people.
Ans: A

18. Which of the following strategies can most help you as a nurse to enhance your ethical practice and client
A. reading a book on religions of the world
B. examining and clarifying your own values
C. talking with peers about their beliefs and values
D. buying a nursing book on ethical decisions
Ans: B

19. According to the nursing code of ethics, when working as a nurse and a conflict comes up between your
client's needs and what the family and/or the physician wants, and/or the hospital policies, your first loyalty is to
A. hospital.
B. client.
C. family.
D. physician.
Ans: B

20. You are the nurse working with an elderly, competent client who refuses a vitamin B injection ordered by the
The family insists that this injection be given, and you give it while the client is objecting. Even though the client
improves, the client contacts a lawyer. From your knowledge of nursing and the law, you realize that you:
A. did the right thing because the client improved.
B. should have had the family put their request in writing.
C. have commited an assault against the client.
D. have committed an act of battery against the client.

21. When a nurse is tried under criminal law, the nurse is being brought to trial by:
A. society as a whole.
B. the plaintiff's lawyer.
C. an organization.
D. an individual.
Ans: A

22 William Crookes was a physical chemist who discovered and named the element ________.
A. plutonium
B. germanium
C. beryllium
D. thallium
Ans: D

23.Peripheral sinonasal T-cell lymphoma is known as

A.Stewart's granuloma
B.Wegners granuloma
C.Ringerts tumor
D.None of the above
Ans: A

24. _________ received the very first Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901 for his discovery of X-rays.

A. Wilhelm Röntgen
B. William Thomson
C. William Crookes
D. Louis Pasteur
Ans: A

25. Specimens of urine that are not taken directly to the laboratory are usually:
A. Refrigerated.
B. Discarded.
C. Sealed in a sterile container.
D. Shaken up.
Ans: A

26. Electron was discovered in the year 1897 by _________.

A. Nicola Tesla
B. Isaac Newton
C. T. A. Edison
D. J J Thomson
Ans: D

27. When cleaning the inner eye, it is important to remember to move the mittcloth in the direction:
A. From bottom to top of eye.
B. From top to bottom of eye.
C. From inner to outer canthus.
D. From outer to inner canthus.
Ans: c

28. Caring for the hands and feet require filling the basin full of water at:
A. 110 to 120ºF.
B. 100 to 110ºF.
C. 90 to 100ºF.
D. 120 to 130ºF.
Ans: B

29. To insert the catheter into the female, with sterile gloves insert through urinary
A. 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm).
B. 5 to 7 inches (12 to 17.5 cm).
C. 3 to 5 inches (7.5 to 12 cm).
D. 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm)
Ans: D

30. Which does not cause hydrops fetalis?

B.ABO incompatibility
C.Rh isoimmunisation
D.None of the above
Ans: B

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