Calip Advance - Scheda Tecnica ENG (Low-Res)

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The winning synergy
for the control of


Cholesterol is a lipid molecule, necessary to our body, which performs various essential functions:
• Constituent of cell membranes
• Involved in the biosynthesis of vitamin D3 and bile acids
• Precursor of sex hormones (androgen, oestrogens)
• Precursor of corticosteroids (aldosterone)

Despite this leading biological role, when cholesterol circulates in the blood in concentrations exceeding the normal level, it
turns into an archenemy of health. Insoluble in water, cholesterol needs LDL and HDL lipoproteins to be transported in the blood.
The ORIGIN of 2/3 of total cholesterol is ENDOGENOUS, i.e. it is synthesized and circulated by the liber, mainly IN THE EVENING
HOURS. It is a bad habit to have the heaviest meal for dinner: the sharp rise of blood sugar, just when our body needs it less, leads
to an increase in insulin secretion, which in turn stimulates the HMG-CoA reductase enzyme to trigger the production of cholesterol
in the liver.


• TOTAL Cholesterol
less than 200 mg/dl

• HDL Cholesterol or good cholesterol

more than 40 mg/dl

• LDL Cholesterol or bad cholesterol

less than 100 mg/dl

Blood parameters of TOTAL CHOLESTEROL, LDL and HDL are to be monitored and kept under control to maintain a
good state of health.

HMGCoA synthetase
HMGCoA reductase
Mevalonic acid
The entire sequence of
cholesterol synthesis
is blocked without Mevalonate pyrophosphate
this enzyme

Isopentyl pyrophosphate

Germanyl pyrophosphate

Ubiquinone (CoQ10) Farnesyl pyrophosphate

Squalene synthetase
Cholesterol Fig. 1: Scheme of the chain of biochemical reactions that lead to the
biosynthesis of cholesterol.

Per maximum recommended

Content of ingredients
daily dose (1 stick)
Caigua d.e. 400 mg
Milk Thistle d.e. 250 mg
titrated in Silymarin 80% 200 mg
Fermented red rice 96.6 mg
equal to monacolin K 2.9 mg
Vitamin B3 32 mg (200% NRV*)
Acacia gum 20 mg
Biox Save 10 mg
CoQ10 10 mg
Policosanol equal to Octacosanol 5 mg
*NRV: nutrient reference value



CALIP® ADVANCE is a food supplement with Caigua useful for the metabolism of cholesterol and carbohydrates, and with
acacia gum, useful for its emollient and soothing action (digestive system) and for the balance of the intestinal flora.
It also contains fermented red rice.

The synergy of the active ingredients contained in CALIP® ADVANCE allows to:

Ingredients: sweetener: Addolcente èZucchero?® (erythritol, steviol glycosides from Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni leaves, Caigua (Cyclan-
thera pedata L. Schrad., fruit) d.e. 5:1, Milk Thistle (Sylibum marianum L. Gaerth, fruits) 80% Silymarin, Fermented red rice (fermentation
of the fungus Monascus purpureus Went. on Oryza sativa L., seeds) d.e. tit. 3% monacolin K, maltodextrins, flavour, Vitamin B3 (nico-
tinamide), Acacia gum (Acacia Senegal (L.) Wild., gum) powder, Biox Save (blend of Olea europaea L., fruit and Vitis vinifera L. fruit on
maltodextrin), CoQ10, Policosanols as Octacosanol 60%, sweetener: sucralose, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide.
Directions: we recommend the intake of 1 stick in the evening, before bedtime.
Warnings: do not use during pregnancy or lactation, for children under 18 or adults over 70 years of age. Get the advice of a doctor if any health problems occur as
a result of the intake of the product. Do not use if under therapy with drugs against cholesterol. Do not use if taking other products containing fermented red rice. It is
recommended not to consume more than 3 mg per day of monacolin from red rice. Do not exceed the maximum recommended daily dose. Supplements are not intended
as a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Store in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources. Compliant citrinin.

20 stick packs 60 stick packs

of 2.5 g of 2.5 g

8 056697 812046 8 056697 812053


Caigua - Cyclanthera pedata

Caigua, whose botanical name is Cyclanthera pedata, belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family, has been grown up in
Perù and Bolivia since time immemorial as traditionally used for the treatment of dyslipidemias. It has a significant
anti-cholesterol action, especially by moving HDL to higher levels than LDL. The decrease in total cho-
lesterol is also accompanied by a reduction in the value of blood triglycerides.18

Milk Thistle
Plant historically known for its body purifying function, is useful in the hepatic physiological functionality and antio-
xidant. Silymarin, obtained from the milk thistle plant, has been used for centuries to treat mainly liver diseases and
it blend of flavonoids has an anti-inflammatory action, antioxidant and anti fibrotic on the hepatic organ, showing
positive effects with considerable safety.12
Studies show how the use of Sylibum marianum extracts highlights a positive trend in lowering serum
cholesterol level and increasing HDL cholesterol.13

Policosanols - Octacosanol
It is a mixture of waxy substances of vegetable origin, normally from sugar cane. From a chemical point of view, policosanols are long-
chain linear aliphatic alcohols, the most interesting of which are: triacosanol, tetracosanol, hexacosanol and octacosanol. Among the
attributable properties, the cholesterol-lowering action is the most supported by scientific evidence. In particular, studies
on octacosanol showed a considerable increase in HDL level and a decrease in LDL and triglycerides in subjects under study,
differently from the placebo group.14

Acacia gum
Acacia gum is an edible, dried and chewy exudate of the Senegalese acacia tree. Several studies on the use of
Acacia gum have shown a decrease in plasma cholesterol concentrations and low-density lipoproteins
(LDL) both in animals and humans.15

Vitamin B3
It is involved in energy production and protein metabolism. It is essential for the synthesis of sex hormones, cortisone and insulin. It’s a
vitamin that has historically been used in the treatment of dyslipidemias.16

Fermented red rice tit. 3% Monacolin K

This rice is fermented by a yeast, Monascus purpureus, which, during its fermenting activity, is enriched with a group of
substances, called monacolins, to which a strong hypocholesterolemic activity has been scientifically attributed. Among
these, monacolin K stands out and reflects the chemical structure and pharmacological action of lovastatin
(a drug belonging to the category of statins). Similarly to such pharmaceuticals, monacolin K from red rice is
able to inhibit HMG-CoA reductase, which is a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of cholesterol. (Fig.1)

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 proved a strong antioxidant power on proteins, DNA and lipids. It is commonly found in serum
linked to the transport of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) where it protects fatty acids from oxidation by free
radicals. Inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase inhibit one of the key processes for the synthesis of CoQ10, contri-
buting to the onset of neurological and myopathic syndromes (Fig.1). Studies show that the administration
of coenzyme Q10 leads to a 40% decrease in muscle pain and an improvement in the interference of
pain with daily activity by 38%. Therefore, in case of prolonged use of statins or similar products, the
supplementation of this element is appropriate.3
This patented raw material is obtained by mixing two of the strongest antioxidant active ingredients: OLEOX® and UVIOX® obtained by
enzymatic Bio-liquefaction® of green olives and red grapes9,10, Italian and organic. Through this technique, the starting plant matrices are
deconstructed at molecular level, by enzymatic process, allowing to obtain the complete phenolic pool in bioavailable form.

Biox-Save is a powerful anti-radical because it exploits two synergies of action:

1. Synergy among polyphenols of each pool: see in figure 3 how the two phenolic pools of UVIOX® and OLEOX® are more efficient
against free radicals compared to some classic extracts but also to single pure molecules.
2. Synergy between the two polyphenolic pools: laboratory tests show that the actual effect of the antioxidant power of UVIOX®
and OLEOX® mix leads to an antiradical activity by 32% as compared to the theoretical effect of the two separated compounds.


LDL cholesterol oxidation is considered an important phenomenon in the onset of atherosclerosis. In fact, LDL in oxidized
form is believed to induce the accumulation of cholesterol in microphages of the artery walls, contributing fundamentally to the formation
of atherosclerosis plaque.




VASO SANGUIGNO Fig. 2: Biophenols contained in Biox-Save and Sily-
marin from Milk Thistle help innibit the LDL chole-
sterol oxidation reaction to oxLDL; oxLDL cholesterol
CATALYZED BY SMOKE, POLLUTION, is even more dangerous than LDL one, as it more
FAFIGUE, DESEASES, ETC. easily forms aggregates thus increasing the risk of
the circulatory system occlusion.

Silymarin, contained in the Milk Thistle extract, and Biox-Save contribute to inhibit the oxidation reaction of LDL chole-
sterol. Silymarin, in particular, is a component present in the dry extract of Silybum marianum (Asteraceae). Silymarin, as previously
said, is able to lower the level of low-density lipoproteins (LDL); furthermore, studies prove its effectiveness in inhibiting the generation
of oxidized low-density lipoproteins (oxLDL).17

P-coumaric acid
Bearberry dry extract
Flavonoids for microcirculation
Blackberry for sight and venous tone
Blackberry for sight
Blueberry + Vitamin C for cystitis
Tea glicolic extracts
Vitamin C

Fig. 3: Comparison of antioxidant capacity (in ORAC/g

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 of active content in OLEOX® and UVIOX®) between
ORAC/g OLEOX®, UVIOX® and commercial solutions of antio-

Counter display Window sign

5 pack of 20 sticks + 60x90cm (LxH)
3 pack of 60 sticks


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