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Safe Driving Advice – DRIVING IN FOG

Driving in fog
Most of the information needed for safe driving is
gathered visually - fog severely limits the visual
information available. This is why it is estimated
statistically to be the most dangerous weather to
drive in.

Fog not only takes away visual information, it

also distorts what can be seen, making it difficult to assess speed and

The best advice is to avoid driving in fog whenever possible, if you can't
avoid it, follow the guidelines on these pages.

General fog driving advice

Although using your lights will make you
more visible to others there are times
when they can cause problems.

 Avoid using full beam in fog as the

light will reflect back off the fog and
reduce what you can see.
 Apart from dazzling the drivers in
front, your full lights can throw a shadow in front of their vehicles
making it harder for them to see.
 At junctions, wind down your window and listen for other traffic - turning
off the radio will help! Sound your horn to warn other drivers that you
are there.
 Check your speed often - you may be increasing your speed without
realizing it.
 When you stop in traffic or at junctions, keep your foot on the brake
pedal until you know that the driver behind has seen you.
 Use your windscreen wipers and washers often and keep your de-misters switched

Remember S.A.S. when driving in fog - you'll

Safe and Sound
when you adjust your
Safe Driving Advice – DRIVING IN FOG

Space and Speed!

Keeping a safe distance in fog

It can be tempting to hang on to someone
else's tail lights in foggy conditions.

Although this may seem to be the easiest

way to cope with the fog, especially at
night or if you are tired, it's a sure recipe
for an accident.

Because you can't see very far ahead you

will have little or no warning if the vehicle ahead of you stops suddenly - this
is especially the case if it is using rear fog lights which can mask the effect of

This can be made worse by slippery roads (which often accompany fog).

Another problem on high speed roads is that fog can

drift, one moment you have reasonable visibility, the
next moment, you can see nothing ...
It doesn't take a lot of imagination to think what
might happen if the traffic ahead stops and you can't
see it!

You will see people driving fast and overtaking in foggy conditions - these
drivers are under a false sense of security.

They actually believe that the road ahead will be clear! Blind faith or what!!

Stay well back and allow yourself plenty of room to stop SAFELY if

“It's all too easy to stop………. dead in fog”

HAZARD Warning lights

These lights are WARNING lights to indicate you are STOPPED and a
stationary hazard.
Safe Driving Advice – DRIVING IN FOG
Using them whilst driving means you cannot indicate to other vehicles any
direction you wish to turn.

Front fog lights

Front fog lights are usually mounted low down and give a broad flat beam.
This reduces the amount of light that is reflected back by water droplets in the

The most benefit from front fog lamps can be gained at night, especially on
roads with street lighting. If you switch off your headlamps but leave on your
front fog lamps other drivers will still be able to see you, but you will see more
clearly because less light will be reflected back by the water vapor in the air.

Avoid the use of full headlamps when driving in fog - they will just reflect back
and reduce your ability to see the road.

Rear fog lights

Lots of drivers put on their rear fog lights as soon as it starts to rain or when it
gets is little misty. While I've no doubt that they do this with good intention it
can cause more harm than good.

High intensity rear fog lamps are designed for thick fog, typically 80 meters or
less visibility.

Using rear fog lights when visibility is greater than this can mask your brake
lights and dazzle other drivers, thus increasing the risk of a rear-end collision
rather than reducing it.

Constant, dazzling bright lights can also add to fatigue at night.

Think of rear fog lamps as signals TO OTHERS ON THE ROAD.

………….switch on your rear fog lamps when there is no one close behind -
but switch them off as soon as they have done their job and the driver behind
can see your regular tail lamps. For example, if you are in a slow moving
queue of traffic in fog, the driver 5 meters behind doesn't need your fog lights!

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