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Geography and culture played a major role in the development of science and technology, especially
during pre-historic times. In what ways did these assist/help man in their discovery of useful objects and
new knowledge during this time?

Geography provided the founding materials for discovery and innovations. If geography was not
present, discovery of the things that surrounds us won’t be possible. Such as the different species of
animals and the varieties of plant, poisonous or not. With human’s curiousness, it is without a doubt
that they would engage with nature. For instance, they used combined plants to make pigments that
they use on paintings. With geography, the ancient humans were forced to adapt on their surroundings.
There are different temperatures, events and surrounding, thus they needed to think ways on how they
would survive. As an example, they used a cave as a shelter and even built a house for cover. In order to
live, they’ve also make use of what they have in their surroundings and even performed innovativeness.
They have created tools which they use for eating, cooking, and for hunting their food. They even
discovered the use of fire.

Pre-historic humans have also developed their own culture. This include their set of beliefs as well as
their way of survival and even hierarchy and leadership among their group. This helped in the
development of science as they have portrayed the capabilities of man on leading people, and realizing
their own beliefs, as well as their behavioral patterns, such as how they communicate and what they can
do for survival.

2. What are the significant developments (events and discoveries) in the history of science and
technology? (use table below)

3. In what ways did these developments help in the betterment of human condition? (use table below)

Significant Developments (Prehistoric to Implications to the society

Rise of civilizations)
 Stone tools  For managing food, tools for hunting
 Bone daggers and as a weapon for protection.
 Axe
 Fire  Fire was used for cooking while
 Irrigation irrigation was used to direct water to
their crops.

 Iron  Through smelting, it was used for

transportation materials such as train
rails and tunnels during the Industrial

 Gunpowder  Utilized by the military forces for

weaponry during battles.

 Compass  Assisted in determining the time of the

 Clock day and in navigation.
 Printing  Written media that uses ink. Used to
disseminate information.

 Photography  A mechanical device that was used to

capture events as a still media.

 Telegraph  A device that allows the transmission of

message or information even through

 Telephone  A device that allows communication

through converting sounds to signals
and in signals to sound.

 Electric Light  Light that was produced by electricity.

Used in lighting spaces.

 Radio  Sound communication that is possible

through radiant energy. It transmits
news, music, and other programs.

 Aeroplane/Airplane  A transportation that travels in the

atmosphere. It is used in traveling from
one faraway place to another.

 Television  A technological device that provides

audio-visuals. It presents different
programs such as entertainment and

 Computer  A programmable electronic device that

can store, retrieve, and process data.

 Artificial Intelligence  Systems or machines that mimic

human intelligence to perform tasks.

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