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Opening Activity

1. What do you think will be your life without social media?

- I believe it’s going to be peaceful since I won’t be able to spend my day
looking on gadgets but to enjoy the nature, natural life, and vintage
surroundings as if we’re in the old times.
2. What is the impact of social media in your society?
- Toxicity is everywhere. People are being judged by some because they don’t
pass the society’s standard.
3. How helpful can you see social media to you?
- Social media is my online diary. I go there whenever I’m happy, sad, and
angry. The social media world helped me a lot because I can go rant my
emotions to my friends through online and share my emotions to everyone.
4. How frequent are you visiting some social media platforms?
- Every day, to be specific. I don’t know, but my day isn’t full if I can’t visit my
feed and talk to my online friends.

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