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NAME: Fatima Satra A. Jameri DATE: December 5, 2022


1. In 2017, the Train Law revolutionized taxation in the Philippines as it was seen to
financially empower the people by reducing personal income tax. However, it
was also seen in a negative light because of drastically inflated consumer prices
due to the increase in custom duties on petroleum products and sweetened
beverages. Research on the significant provisions of the TRAIN LAW and analyze
their implications by citing concrete examples. After your analysis, give your
personal view on the issue.

Tax is one of the main reasons that a country’s economy system runs. Without the collection
of taxes, the government would not have the enough resources to sustain its people, plus, it is
the money of the people, they should get back what they deserved. December 19, 2017, a law
was signed by our President, Rodrigo Duterte. This law was known for its name, Train Law. The
Train Law system aims to increase the taxes that the rich people are paying and to exempt the
employees who earns below 250,000 PHP a year to the collection of taxes. It also aims to create
more simple system when it comes to taxes in order to provide jobs, sustain the people, and to
lessen the poverty that the country has been experiencing throughout. This law took effect on
the 1st of January 2018.

However, in any aspect of laws, there are pros and cons to it. Since the government is not
as solid as the other countries’ government, there are really pros and cons. The government
stated that many Filipinos will benefit with this law because it will decrease the taxes that was
collected from the middle class and will exempt others to it. It will also cut the personal income
taxes and hikes taxes from different certain products, especially petroleum and sugar-
sweetened beverage, but the con is, many of the Filipinos are just minimum wage earners, the
new income tax will hurt them, especially to those in the informal sectors. The Train Law will
impose taxes on goods that produce socially undesirable effects, such as petroleum products,
automobiles, cigarettes, and sugar-sweetened beverages. It aims to decrease the pollution that
it can create and to provide a healthier lifestyle for the people. Lastly, it also aims to provide a
simpler tax system to replace our overly complex tax system, still, it will not solve any of the
administrative issues, such as corruption in the government. Still, all in all, the Train Law opened
an opportunity to correct. Different problems with our current tax system, but because of the
other politicians that doesn’t want to get involved in this, the Train Law’s provisions got watered

Inserting my insight however, I do believe that we need to have a simpler tax system, and
for the government to visualize equality and equity when it comes to taxes. They also need to
consider the lives of different Filipino people, especially to those who are under in the poverty
line that they are stating. Filipino people should not feel the burden from paying basic goods to
provide themselves in everyday needs. Nonetheless, the government should provide enough
information to inform and to clarify the people with regards to the Train Law.

I am hoping to have a better future with a simple tax system that will not hurt the economic
stand of the Filipino people.

2. ax is one of the main

reasons that a country’s
economy system runs.
Without the
3. collection of taxes, the
government would not have
the enough resources to
sustain its people,
4. plus, it is the money of the
people, they should get back
what they deserved.
December 19, 2017,
5. a law was signed by our
President, Rodrigo Duterte.
This law was known for its
name, Train
6. Law. The Train Law
system aims to increase the
taxes that the rich people are
paying and to
7. exempt the employees who
earns below 250,000 PHP a
year to the collection of
taxes. It also
8. aims to create more simple
system when it comes to
taxes in order to provide jobs,
sustain the
9. people, and to lessen the
poverty that the country has
been experiencing
throughout. This law
10. took effect on the 1 of
January 2018
11. ax is one of the main
reasons that a country’s
economy system runs.
Without the
12. collection of taxes, the
government would not have
the enough resources to
sustain its people,
13. plus, it is the money of the
people, they should get back
what they deserved.
December 19, 2017,
14. a law was signed by our
President, Rodrigo Duterte.
This law was known for its
name, Train
15. Law. The Train Law
system aims to increase the
taxes that the rich people are
paying and to
16. exempt the employees who
earns below 250,000 PHP a
year to the collection of
taxes. It also
17. aims to create more simple
system when it comes to
taxes in order to provide jobs,
sustain the
18. people, and to lessen the
poverty that the country has
been experiencing
throughout. This law
19. took effect on the 1 of
January 201
20. ax is one of the main
reasons that a country’s
economy system runs.
Without the
21. collection of taxes, the
government would not have
the enough resources to
sustain its people,
22. plus, it is the money of the
people, they should get back
what they deserved.
December 19, 2017,
23. a law was signed by our
President, Rodrigo Duterte.
This law was known for its
name, Train
24. Law. The Train Law
system aims to increase the
taxes that the rich people are
paying and to
25. exempt the employees who
earns below 250,000 PHP a
year to the collection of
taxes. It also
26. aims to create more simple
system when it comes to
taxes in order to provide jobs,
sustain the
27. people, and to lessen the
poverty that the country has
been experiencing
throughout. This law
28. took effect on the 1 of
January 2018
29. ax is one of the main
reasons that a country’s
economy system runs.
Without the
30. collection of taxes, the
government would not have
the enough resources to
sustain its people,
31. plus, it is the money of the
people, they should get back
what they deserved.
December 19, 2017,
32. a law was signed by our
President, Rodrigo Duterte.
This law was known for its
name, Train
33. Law. The Train Law
system aims to increase the
taxes that the rich people are
paying and to
34. exempt the employees who
earns below 250,000 PHP a
year to the collection of
taxes. It also
35. aims to create more simple
system when it comes to
taxes in order to provide jobs,
sustain the
36. people, and to lessen the
poverty that the country has
been experiencing
throughout. This law
37. took effect on the 1 of
January 2018
38.The Philippines was once considered “the sick man of Asia” as it lagged behind
its neighbors who previously comprised trail. Using the provided readings as
background, submit a reflection paper analyzing the root cause of the
underdevelopment of the Philippines as a nation. Make sure to consider the
relationship between the issues of agrarian reform, constitutional reforms and
initiatives, and taxation.

In terms of the economy, Myanmar and other SEA nations' economies have been
growing quickly during the previous ten years. However, for the military, or at least for
the military, the Philippines is still Asia's sick man. Since Sir Benigno Aquino III was
elected as the Philippines' fifteenth president eight years ago, tensions over a maritime
boundary conflict with China have forced numerous SEA nations to invest more and
more seriously in their militaries. In addition, many SEA nations have made significant
advancements in their national security and defense industries over the past eight

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