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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

A Correlational Study between Classroom Condition and Students Engagement of Grade 9

and 10 Students’ of Dalandanan National High School

A Thesis Presented to the

College of Education, Arts and Sciences

Of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Research in Mathematics 1 with Subject Code: MA 19

Bayawa, Nierveilyn A.

Bragais, Emmarie J.

Quimbo, Mitchelle Anne T.

Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City


Student engagement is how the students are willing to be active in the activities that the

teacher instructed (Barkley, 2010). The Glossary of Education Reform stated that, student

engagement in education refers to the level of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion

that students’ display when learning or being taught, as well as their motivation to learn and

advance in their education. In general, the concept of "student engagement" is based on the belief

that learning improves when students are curious, interested, or inspired, and that learning suffers

when students are bored, dispassionate, disaffected, or otherwise "disengaged." Student

Engagement is student investment and commitment to learning, belonging and identification at

school, and participation in the institution environment and initiation of activities to achieve an

outcome. Educators frequently express the desire for stronger or improved student engagement.

In addition, the students that has goals are gather in a room where they can meet new

people with the same vision to learn and enhance their knowledge. This certain area is called

classroom. The important requisite is that, it is a place that offers a wholesome venue for

learning activities, which can be realized only in an atmosphere conducive to both learning and


For Aquino, “classroom environment” encompasses four variables e.g., (1) a physical

environment, (2) intellectual climate, (3) the social climate and (4) the emotional climate.

Furthermore, the general physical appearance of the room can stimulate pleasant feelings,

attitudes, thoughts, ideas and appreciation that are essential for learning. Intellectual climate

refers to the general outlook of what people think and believe about a particular ideas or notion.
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Social climate on the other hand, defined as the interaction between the people inside a particular


While, emotional climate indicate the emotional relationship interwoven among members

of a community and describe the quality of the environment within a particular context. The

researchers focus only in the physical environment for this study. According to Navarro, the

senior researchers in the Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PIDS). “A good learning

environment is a good investment. It results in better student learning outcomes today and higher

productivity of workers in the future. It is an important component of human capital

development, which in turn is an important driver of endogenous economic growth,”

However, Students in public schools during the 2013–2014 school year were once again

welcomed by a lack of books, chairs, water, and restrooms. Despite claims from the Department

of Education that the shortages will be resolved, recent reports contradicted this. Meanwhile,

numerous stories depicted schools with overcrowded classrooms, improvised classrooms, and a

class without seats where pupils sat on the floor. Rep. Antonio Tinio of the ACT Teachers' Party

visited schools in Quezon City and discovered the same old issues.

Future research is needed to determine whether the functional relationship between the

physical environment and the variables academic engagement and disruptive behavior is also

found in different educational settings and classroom context. Because all modifications to a

classroom were made at one time, it was not possible to gauge the effect of any single

modifications. Furthermore, it was difficult to determine the minimum modification needed to

effect change. Researchers have yet to determine whether the whole is greater than the sum of
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

its parts because they have not examined the effects of implementing the modifications

incrementally (Antia and Guardino, 2012).

The former researchers recommend that the future researchers should not just focus in the

overall factors but instead look the factors individually to easily spot what really can affect the

academic engagement. Therefore, the researchers decided to study the correlation of room

condition and academic engagement to know of a conducive room condition will help the student

to increase their level on academic engagement in their affective, behavioral and cognitive

engagement and to solve the existing problem about congested rooms in the Philippines.
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Theoretical Framework

Student Engagement Theory

Input Process Output

Personality of Student
students Development
College Student
Institutional Skills and
Environment Engagement
resources knowledge

Social situation of




Figure 1. Vygotsky’s Student Engagement Theory

Many students are now disengaged because of the condition of the classroom they are in,

like how desks are arranged, since it has a significant influence on student engagement (Building
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

and Environment, 2015) and under those are the seven design parameters that have been

identified that together explain 16% of the variation in pupils’ academic progress. These are

light, temperature, air quality, ownership, flexibility, complexity and color (Barrett, 2015).

Vygotsky’s (1963) “Student Engagement Theory” focuses on how the students

engagement progresses. As the input, the personality and the institutional resources plays a major

role in which personality means the students’ behavior and institutional resources as the physical

things and facilities that is given by the institutional they are in. It is included in the input

because those are the factors that the students acquired beforehand. In the process, there are two

parts: the college environment and student engagement. College environment tells about how the

students will adjust to the environment from their home environment during online class to

traditional face to face classes, and the difference of both. On the other side, student engagement

talks about the students’ activeness in school after the sudden change of their surroundings.

Lastly, the output is the skills and knowledge that the student acquired under the conditions of

change and the development they experienced.

In relation with development, Vygotsky’s (1934) “Social Situation of Development”

pinpointed that it represents the initial moment for all dynamic changes that occur in

development during a given period. As the students are exposed to the environment with their

corresponding personality, the students might start engaging themselves in focusing in studies. A

students’ personality may take the topics being taught to them seriously or better, and can make

their engagement boost. Their personality can also help to predict if a student will be interested

in learning.
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Conceptual framework

Input Process Output

Vygotsky’s “Student students per section Proposed

Engagement” Theory infographics for
(1962) school admins
Giving them one
questionnaires with two
Grade 9 and 10 parts
students of Dalandanan 1. Administered
National High School questions
2. The Student
Engagement in Schools
Factors of a Conducive Questionnaire (SESQ)
Classrom (Zulueta,
adequate lighting and
the color of walls, Analysis of data and
making an infographics
shades, for an output
location and
manipulation of blinds.

Factors of academic
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Figure 3. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework is like a blueprint. It helps the future readers to understand easily

the flow of the research. Each of the figures in the framework has its purpose. The arrow in the

middle of the boxes shows the sequence. In the first box, the input consists of the theory entitled

“Student Engagement Theory” by Vygotsky, the respondents of the research and the supporting

idea. The three boxes that has an arrow down is the process where researchers got three students

in every section and gave them two questionnaires with two parts. Last one is analyzing the data.

For the output, the researchers will know if the two variables, room condition and

academic engagement have relationship. After that, the researchers will propose an infographics

for the students but before to the students, it should have an approval from the school admins.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to know the correlation of room condition and academic engagement of

Grade 9 and 10 students of Dalandanan National High School

Incline with this objective, the researchers aim to answer the following questions:

1. What is the condition of the physical environment inside the classroom of students in

Dalandanan National High School?

2. What are the level of academic engagement of grade 9 and 10 students of Dalandanan

National High School in terms of their:

Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

a) Affective Domain

b) Behavioral Domain

c) Cognitive Domain

3. What is the correlation between room condition and academic engagement in terms of


a) Affective Domain

b) Behavioral Domain

c) Cognitive Domain


Ho: There is no significant relationship between classroom condition and the student’s


Ha: There is significant relationship between classroom condition and the student’s


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the correlation of classroom condition and student engagement of

Grade 9 and 10 students of Dalandanan National High School. This study will determine whether

the classroom environment can impact the student’s engagement. The respondents of the study

will be gathered through the purposive sampling technique wherein it comprises a fifty (50)

grade 9 and 10 students of Dalandanan National High School. In measuring the two variables,

the researchers will use one questionnaire with two parts. The first part contains the administered
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

questions that pertains to the classroom condition of the students and the second part are

questions that tackles the student engagement that is adapted from the Student Engagement

Questionnaires in Schools. This study limits the information about classroom conditions and how

it helps the students in their study.

Significance of the Study

The classroom holds an important place to students because it is where they spend the

majority of their time studying. This place is where they will acquire the different skills,

knowledge, and ideas for them to achieve success in their society. Given the importance of the

classroom, this paper examines the relationship between the classroom environment and

student engagement at Dalandanan National High School. The output of this study gave

benefits to others. The result of this study is to inform the following individual:


This refers to the Grade 9 and 10 students of Dalandanan National High School who will

benefit on this research because this will help them to understand the negative and positive

effects of classroom condition to their engagement, to enhance the students’ engagement, and

to their school performances.


This refers to teachers, becoming advisers, content experts, and coaches of Grade 9 and

10 students at Dalandanan National High School who improve their own skills as they impart

their knowledge and expertise to students. This research can help them understand how room
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

conditions affect the improvement of their students' engagement and performance in class if

their students' behavior changes in their environment.


This research can serve as basis for the Dalandanan National High School school

administrators to encourage and inform the school staff to promote a clean and positive

learning environment because classroom conditions are one of the factors that can impact a

student’s focus, achievement in the class and affect a teacher’s attitude in the class.


This could also serve as a foundation for future researchers to conduct a deeper studies on

how the classroom condition will help and enhance the students’ engagement and learn more.

This could be a recommendation for them in any areas that this study may encounter, which

could also help with the problems that is related to the school and classroom environment.

Definition of Terms

To make readers understand more this research, the following terms conceptually


Affective – feelings about the educational institution, teachers, and peers. (Jimerson, Campos

and Grief, 2003).

Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

This term used as the one of the domain of the academic engagement pertaining to the

feelings towards others inside the institution.

Behavioral – It focuses on students' discernible behavior and actions (Jimerson, Campos and

Grief, 2003)

The researchers will use this another domain in pertaining to the performance and

engagement of a student inside a class.

Cognitive – involves students’ beliefs and perceptions to self, academic institution, teachers, and

peers (Jimerson, Campos and Grief, 2003). This term was used by the researchers as one area of

academic engagement related to how other people view other people.

Classroom Condition – Is defined how the environment or whole aspect of the room such as

temperature and ambiance will affect the comfortability of a student. This term is used as a

variable of this paper that refers to the condition of the facility inside a classroom

Physical Disabilities – occur when students have difficulties with their physical aspects, such as

blurry eyesight or difficulty hearing. The researchers used this phrase as a limitation; they did not

include this as a different factor. It relates to the students' disabilities and may be one of the

reasons they are disengaged.

Physical Environment – refers to the condition of the school's physical building, its placement

within the neighbourhood, ambient noise, lighting, interior air quality, and/or thermal comfort.

This term is used in this research as a room condition factor to define the atmosphere that can be

seen within a classroom.

Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Student Engagement- A student's investment in and commitment to learning, sense of

community and identification at school, participation in the institutional environment, and the

initiation of activities to attain a goal are all examples of student engagement.

A term that relates to how students behave and interact in class and is one of the variables

used by the researcher.

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