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Freight Transport and Logistics


Freight Transport and Logistics

 Con t en t s Con t en t s 

I. Introduction 7 C Shifting more traffic to the railways and inland waterways 47
C 1 Review the regulatory framework for freight transport in intermodal competition 48
1. Freight transport and logistics – the key to a sustainable transport policy 7
C 2 Increase funding for combined transport 49
2. The importance of freight transport and logistics 8 C 3 Evolve handling technologies and organization in combined transport 50
C 4 Internalize external costs 51
a) Mobility as the basis of personal freedom and social inclusion 8
b) Mobility as a driver of economic growth and job creation 8 D Upgrading more transport arteries and hubs 53
3. Freight transport and logistics at the centre of social change – new challenges 11 D 1 Segregate freight and passenger traffic 54
for transport policy D 2 Review the requirement plans 56
D 3 Press ahead with the implementation of PPP solutions for the speedy and efficient 57
a) Traffic growth as a result of globalization and an increasing division of labour 11
delivery of motorway widening and motorway maintenance projects
b) Climate change and environmental protection 12
c) Demographic change 12 E Environmentally friendly, climate-friendly, quiet and safe transport 59
d) Changed conditions of work and skills requirements 13
E 1 Develop a strategy to vary toll rates according to the route driven and the time of day 60
e) More exacting safety and security requirements 14
E 2 Mitigate noise on the railways 61
4. Sustainability as a benchmark of transport policy 15 E 3 Establish a financial assistance programme to encourage the use of modern technologies 62
to reduce the noise caused by rolling stock
5. Transport policy in social dialogue 16
E 4 Optimize processes in the logistics chain taking greater account of environmental 63
6. Objectives of the Masterplan 18 concerns
A Making optimum use of transport infrastructure – shaping transport 18 E 5 Further tighten environmental and safety standards (emissions reduction, noise 64
to make it more efficient mitigation, safety technology)
B Avoiding unnecessary journeys – ensuring mobility 19 F Good working conditions and good training in the freight transport industry 65
C Shifting more traffic to the railways and inland waterways 20
F 1 Step up the enforcement of social legislation in the road haulage sector to improve 66
D Upgrading more transport arteries and hubs 21
road safety
E Environmentally friendly and climate-friendly transport 23
F 2 Launch a basic and further training initiative 67
F Good working conditions and good training in the freight transport industry 24
F 3 Hold regular summits on the subject of work and training in the freight transport 69
7. Implementation 26 and logistics sector
F 4 Launch a lighthouse project to improve the international profile of logistics courses 70
II. Measures 27 in higher education
F 5 Monitor the working conditions in the freight transport and logistics sector as part 71
A Making optimum use of transport infrastructure – shaping transport to make 27 of the market observation activities of the Federal Office for Goods Transport
it more efficient F 6 Improve seafarers‘ working and living conditions 72
A 1 Develop and deploy more traffic management systems on busy sections of 28 G Further measures to make Germany even more attractive as a centre for logistics 73
federal motorway
G 1 Establish a freight transport and logistics network 74
A 2 Standardize and link up the traffic management systems on federal 29
G 2 Implement a marketing strategy to promote Germany as a centre for logistics 75
motorways nationwide
G 3 Security strategy for the freight transport and logistics industry 76
A 3 Speed up implementation of the “Development programme to increase the 30
number of parking areas at service stations and rest areas on federal motorways”
Glossary of abbreviations 77
A 4 Continue and intensify the measures to tackle congestion by optimizing 31
roadworks management
A 5 Provide traffic information and communications services for heavy goods vehicles 32
on the motorway network by using toll information (value-added services)
A 6 Develop a strategy to speed up introduction of the European Train Control System (ETCS) 33
on freight corridors in Germany
A 7 Develop a national ports strategy 34
A 8 Develop a national airports strategy 36
A 9 Take concerted action with shippers and the freight transport sector to stagger 38
freight traffic (extending ramp times)
A 10 Create a focal point – the Federal Government Commissioner for Freight 39
Transport and Logistics
B Avoiding unnecessary journeys – ensuring mobility 41
B 1 Urban Logistics Initiative 42
B 2 Step up investment in innovative and capacity-enhancing technologies 43
B 3 Optimize transit traffic 44
B 4 Short sea shipping 45
 In t roduc t ion 

I. Introduction

1. Freight transport and logistics – the key to a sustainable transport policy

The future shape of freight transport will also and the environment. That is why the Freight
decide what the transport system as a whole Transport and Logistics Masterplan is a docu-
in Germany will look like. At the same time, ment that sets the direction for transport po-
it will also be crucial in deciding whether, in licy as a whole. Because passenger and freight
twenty years’ time, we have a transport system transport are closely interlinked. People and
that ensures mobility, prosperity and jobs whi- goods use largely the same infrastructure.
le reflecting environmental concerns. And the If goods get stuck in a traffic jam, people get
future shape of freight transport will also de- held up as well. Freight transport and logistics
cide whether transport contributes to a better thus play a key role in our efforts to shape our
quality of life or becomes a burden on humans overall transport system.
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. The importance of freight transport and logistics punctual transport operations. This becomes around three percent. Exports are thus the
apparent in particular when the freight trans- crucial growth engine of the German eco-
a) Mobility as the basis of personal same time, mobility facilitates social inclusion, port and supply chain fails to operate smooth- nomy. The import of intermediate products
freedom and social inclusion because it is absolutely essential if people are ly. The result is not infrequently a loss of – likewise on the rise – also makes a contri-
to participate fully in working life, in educa- production within a very short period of time, bution to this. Germany is a high-technology
Freight transport and passenger transport tion and culture, and in social life as a whole. and people become aware of something that location. As such, it is becoming increasingly
serve different expectations that citizens have Conversely, this also applies to the transport has been largely forgotten, given the fact that dependent, within the framework of a glo-
of their transport system. But it is not only of goods. Freight transport and logistics move the transport and logistics system in Germany bal division of labour, on imported inputs,
passenger transport that is about people. The goods to where people need them. In doing so, usually operates so well. Namely that almost whose processing and final assembly in
same applies to freight transport and logistics: they create the material conditions for people every job in trade and industry depends di- Germany creates jobs and safeguards the
be it as someone who dispatches or orders con- to develop and for social exchange, which rectly or indirectly on a properly functioning competitiveness of German companies.
signments, be it as an operator or an employee manifests itself in the trade in goods and pro- logistics and transport system.
in the supply chain, be it as a consumer of the ducts. And there is another social element in- However, this dynamism would not be
delivered products. volved. Freight transport and logistics services One of the main reasons why transport possible without a properly functioning
are provided by people for people. That is why is of such tremendous importance is that freight transport and logistics system. This
the present Masterplan addresses not only the the German economy is dependent on ex- transport system represents a significant
transport system as such, but also the compa- ports. The contribution made by exports to locational advantage in global competition.
nies that operate in the freight transport and German gross domestic product rose shar- It makes Germany a more attractive place for
logistics sector and their employees, without ply from 16 % to over 23 % between 1995 and foreign investors and helps to create new jobs
whose work freight transport and logistics 2006. This trend will continue in the future, in trade and industry. This means that freight
would not function in the first place. with a forecast annual growth in exports of transport and logistics are a major prerequi-

b) Mobility as a driver of economic

growth and job creation

Mobility – be it the mobility of people

themselves or the transport of goods – is a
major basis of prosperity and employment.
Because these are based on production cha-
racterized by the division of labour and on
the exchange of products and services. For a
Freight transport can only be viewed as modern industrial and service economy based
part of mobility as a whole. The transport and on the division of labour, transport – which, as
supply of goods is an essential basis of our commercial transport, comprises both freight
quality of life and self-development, while transport and passenger transport services
forming a major prerequisite of social interac- – is thus an indispensable prerequisite.
tion. Mobility educates us by providing us with
freedom of movement, a basic condition of our Freight transport and logistics are the
personal freedom. Without mobility, neither linchpin of our economy, which is based on
personal self-development nor direct commu- a division of labour. Companies engaged in
nication with other people is possible. At the trade and industry depend on reliable and
10 I n t roduc t ion In t roduc t ion 11

site for ensuring the competitiveness of the transport system as a whole more efficient for . Freight transport and logistics at the centre of social
German economy on a long-term basis. freight transport and to optimize utilization of change – new challenges for transport policy
the transport infrastructure.”
As a result of this economic importance, Germany has one of the most modern responding with this Masterplan is the drastic
the logistics sector itself has grown steadily in On this basis, the Federal Minister of transport infrastructures in the world, with a rise in the level of freight traffic that is likely
recent years: Transport, Building and Urban Affairs seized dense and efficient network of roads, railways, as a result of globalization and increasing
the initiative for the development of a Freight waterways, ports and airports. The logistics division of labour in the economy. Increasing
• The logistics sector, which today directly Transport and Logistics Masterplan covering systems have been developed to a very high specialization and division of labour will lead
employs over 2.6 million people, is one of a wide cross-section of society. The fact that standard. The Federal Government’s objec- to a further rise in international trade. The
the largest and most dynamically develo- this initiative has attracted great participation tive is to lastingly secure the leading position result will be that more and more goods are
ping labour markets in Germany. from industry, academia and non-governmen- that Germany enjoys in freight transport and transported over increasingly long distances.
tal organizations illustrates that the shaping logistics and in transport infrastructure. To This means that there is likely to be a sharp in-
• With an estimated turnover of around of our freight transport and logistics system achieve this goal, both the public and private crease in the demand for logistics and freight
836 billion euros (EU 27 plus Norway and is a key issue of sustainable societal moderni- sectors have to address the economic, social transport services.
Switzerland, 2006 figures), the logistics zation, and that people believe there is a great and ecological challenges.
industry occupies third position in the need for action in this sphere. If we do not react to this, the result will be
league table of major European economic that tonne-kilometres in Germany are likely
sectors, only just behind the construction Thanks to its technology-oriented to rise by 71 % between 2004 and 2025. In the
and food industries and way ahead of the measures, in particular, the Freight Transport road haulage sector, this rise will be higher
metalworking and automotive industries. and Logistics Masterplan makes a contributi- (79 %) and in long-distance road haulage it
on to the innovation policy objectives of the will be as high as 84 % . 2 Moreover, since this
• With a turnover of 189 billion euros and Federal Government’s high-tech strategy in rise will differ from one region to the next, it is
a 21 % share, Germany is by far the most the “vehicle and transport technology” field of likely that freight traffic levels will almost dou-
important European logistics market. 1 innovation. ble on some trunk roads. If this forecast rise
were to become reality, it would mean: where
Freight transport and logistics thus form today one lane of a motorway is used by heavy
an important – and often underestimated goods vehicles, in just under twenty years two
– basis of our prosperity. They are drivers of lanes would be necessary to cope with the
economic growth and employment. increased volume of freight traffic. In addition,
passenger traffic will also increase, although
The political parties that make up the at a much lower rate (19 %).
Federal Government have recognized this
importance. In the coalition agreement of It is obvious that such growth presents
11 November 2005, they agreed to continue to a) Traffic growth as a result of globalization transport policymakers with great challenges.
consolidate “Germany’s leading position as a and an increasing division of labour They have to ensure that economic growth
logistics hub”, to promote “an international- and jobs, on which we depend to secure our
ly competitive framework for Germany as a The first and, at the same time, key chal- prosperity, are not constricted by bottlenecks
logistics hub” and “in particular, to make the lenge to which the Federal Government is in the transport system. Inadequate transport

1 2
Data from Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in the Logistics Services Industry (2005): Intraplan Consult GmbH and BVU Beratergruppe Verkehr + Umwelt GmbH (2007): Prognose der deutschlandweiten Verkehrsver-
Logistikstandort Deutschland; Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in Logistics Ser- flechtungen 2025, R&D No 96.0857/2005, commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
vices (2007): TOP 100 in European Transport and Logistics Services.
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infrastructure would have an adverse impact decline from its present figure of 82.5 million and logistics industry with an opportunity
not only on the German economy but on our to around 74 million by 2050. 3 to develop new logistics products and tap
mobility as a whole. Because congestion af- However, because of the aforementioned into new markets. The rising proportion of
fects goods and people alike. This means that impacts of greater specialization and division elderly consumers calls for a rethink not only
increasing levels of freight traffic will aggra- of labour, this decline will not, in the medium in product development and marketing, but
vate the conflicts with passenger traffic. Thus, term, result in a drop in freight traffic levels. also in logistics services. This could result in a
it is not just a question of ensuring the proper However, demographic change does present widening of the range of logistics services, for
functioning of our freight transport system transport policymakers with significant instance by the establishment of special deli-
as a basis of competitiveness and economic challenges in that the population trends will very and transport services. Thus, the rising
growth. The challenge also involves organi- differ widely from one region to the next and, average age of the population will also not
zing freight transport in such a way that it has as a result, there will be regional differences in result in less traffic. Rather, there is likely to
as little adverse impact as possible on people’s the way in which the growth of freight traffic be a rise in the number of delivery, home and
mobility – more specifically on passenger flows evolves. Whereas in some regions there health care services. This is yet another reason
transport. is likely to be only a moderate rise in the level why, despite a declining population, there will
of freight traffic, there will be much more be a further increase in passenger and tonne
b) Climate change and environmental pronounced growth in the volume of freight kilometres.
protection traffic on the main transport arteries leading
to and from seaports and between the major d) Changed conditions of work and
More traffic, if it is not organized more ef- conurbations. These regionally differentiated skills requirements
ficiently, also means more emissions of pollut- trends mean that the freight transport in-
ants and CO , more noise and more land take. dustry will have to make major adjustments. It is true that operators in the freight
In addition, the energy consumed by transport But it is up to transport policymakers, more transport and logistics sector benefit from
causes problems, because 71 % of all transport This brings us to the second major challen- than anyone else, to establish infrastructure the rising demand for freight transport that
in the European Union is dependent on pe- ge addressed by this Masterplan. We have to investment priorities that reflect the different increasing globalization and spatial and
troleum, and in the road transport sector this make transport environmentally acceptable requirements. Investment in the foreseeable functional division of labour involve. But they
figure rises to 97 %. Moreover, transport is re- and climate-friendly and shape it in such a way pinch points in the transport system on the
sponsible for around 20 % of all CO emissions that it has as little adverse impact as possible main arteries will thus be of key importance.
in the EU. Road haulage accounts for around on our quality of life. This means that trans- This will also benefit the population in less
one third of all CO emissions from road trans- port has to consume less energy and become favoured areas, because regions with a decli-
port. As CO emissions from private transport more efficient, cleaner and, not least, quieter. ning population and lower traffic growth are
continue to decline and the volume of road This is also in the freight transport sector’s also dependent on the supply of goods via the
haulage increases as predicted, this ratio will own interests, and they realize this. Because busy main supply arteries being secure.
increasingly deteriorate to the disadvantage of noise, environmental pressures and health ha-
road haulage. And there is another factor here. zards caused by freight traffic will, in the long Demographic change impacts on the
Given the fact that the cost and energy effi- run, mean that the population is less willing to freight transport and logistics system in ano-
ciency of large diesel engines is already high accept freight transport. ther respect. It entails changed logistics and
today, the technological scope for conceivable mobility requirements of an ageing popula-
further savings in heavy goods vehicle engines c) Demographic change tion and, as a result, presents the transport
is limited – unlike passenger car engines – and,
moreover, these savings will not be possible in According to forecasts by the Federal Sta- 3
Federal Statistical Office (2006): 11th coordinated
the short term. tistical office, the population of Germany will population projection.
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also face increasing challenges in that they are industry and its workforce operate. Logistics required for enhancing safety and security in that the financial and administrative burdens
confronted with a growing demand for labour takes place worldwide and around the clock. such a way that they have as little adverse im- on operators and the public authorities are mi-
while the workforce itself is shrinking. Today, Operators and their workforce will face increa- pact as possible on the ability of the transport nimized, while ensuring that the population is
already, many fields of the freight transport sing pressure to meet tight delivery deadlines. system to operate efficiently and speedily and supplied in an optimum manner.
and logistics sector are experiencing difficulty In addition to staff training, therefore, the
in recruiting skilled personnel. An ageing and creation of good working conditions is a key
declining population will make it even more task that operators have to address. It is the re-
difficult to meet the demand for skilled labour sponsibility of the government to enact effec- . Sustainability as a benchmark of transport policy
in the decades ahead. Thus, the logistics sec- tive social legislation and monitor compliance
tor, like German industry as a whole, faces the with it. In a changing environment, preserving means, first and foremost, that transport po-
challenge of preventing a slowdown in growth mobility means reshaping transport. This is licy is there to serve people, and that includes
caused by lower manpower resources resul- e) More exacting safety and security the responsibility of government, industry and future generations. Transport policy must be
ting from demographic change. requirements civil society. fashioned in such a way that mobility remains
possible, as the basis of individual develop-
At the same time, advancing specializa- Rising levels of freight traffic, the incre- In this context, the Federal Government is ment and social exchange, and that the foun-
tion, technological innovations and increa- asing workload of people employed in the guided by the principle of sustainability. This dations of our prosperity are preserved. To put
sing international competition are radically freight transport industry, plus the higher
changing the conditions of work and the skills average age of road users resulting from de-
requirements for people employed in the mographic change and the threat of natural
freight transport and logistics sector, 44 % of disasters mean that transport policymakers
whom were without vocational training as are having to focus more on questions of
recently as 2004. 4 Rising skills requirements transport safety. In addition, there is a need for
could mean that the shortage of skilled labour transport security to protect the supply chains
becomes a problem for logistics operators in against the threat posed by terrorists.
the medium term. The workforce is becoming
a key factor for the successful development Globalization and the associated interde-
of the logistics and transport industry. In the pendence between national economies have
future, therefore, its competitiveness will de- made freight transport and logistics more
pend primarily on whether operators succeed vulnerable. The Federal Government considers
in training their employees to give them the it to be a joint task to enhance the security of
skills they require and – given that their work the supply chains and thus also of the people
will become more demanding – in motivating employed in the freight transport industry.
them. Here, in-company basic and further What is needed is continuous international
training will play a key role. agreement on how to ensure security for
transport and trade flows. Lasting safety and
At the same time, increasing global security in cross-border transport is only pos-
competition will intensify the competitive sible through international cooperation. The
environment in which the freight transport challenge consists of organizing the measures

Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits – Working Group for Technologies in the Logistics Services Industry (2006): Stand
und Entwicklung der Logistik in Deutschland, commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs.
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it another way, the mobility we enjoy today resources and thus also the quality of life
and the way in which we shape our transport of the present and future generations are
system and its infrastructure must not be at preserved.
the expense of the mobility and quality of life
of our children and grandchildren. 3. The social benchmark – transport is to en-
able everyone to participate in public life.
The Federal Government’s transport po- Transport policy thus has a social respon-
licy is thus based on the three benchmarks of sibility – for affordable mobility, for safety
sustainable action: and fairness in transport and for good
working conditions for people employed
1. The economic benchmark – transport is to in the freight transport industry.
make a lasting contribution to prosperity,
employment and the competitiveness of The Federal Government has thus adopted
the German economy, without impacting an integral approach in this Masterplan. The
excessively on other land uses. Competiti- aims of the measures contained in the Master-
on, as a driver of quality and efficiency, is plan are economic efficiency, environmental
of great importance here. friendliness and social responsibility.

2. The ecological benchmark – transport is

to be shaped in such a way that natural

. Transport policy in social dialogue

Sustainability, as the combination of A total of over 700 participants contribut-

economic, ecological and social requirements, ed their expertise and experience. The results
cannot be achieved unless all stakeholders are of this dialogue process have been drawn for action resulting from the dialogue pro- tization, which will be continuously reviewed
involved. Thus, from the outset, the process of together in a list with proposed measures. cess in the “Transport Policy Guidance for a and updated in accordance with the criteria of
developing the Masterplan aimed to link up This Masterplan is the outcome of a process Freight Transport and Logistics Masterplan”. sustainability (including the financial criteria).
players from industry, academia, government in which the federal states, associations and In line with this guidance, and as a result of
and civil society on a broad basis and to over- Federal Government departments were invol- the consultations between the government Responsibility for implementing the
come structures of thinking and working that ved. This was followed by a process of assess- departments, with the federal states and measures enumerated in this Masterplan
are “set in stone”. To launch such a joint pro- ment by the Federal Ministry of Transport, stakeholders from industry, academia and lies with the different players. Thus, for each
cess of development and learning, the Federal Building and Urban Affairs, during which the associations, the present Masterplan of the measure, the Masterplan states who is respon-
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban other government departments had an oppor- Federal Government has been developed for sible for its implementation. And the same ap-
Affairs staged a number of thematic work- tunity to provide comments. the future direction of freight transport in plies to implementation as applied to the pro-
shops with experts from industry, academia, Germany. Given the large number of envi- cess of developing the Masterplan. It will not
authorities of the federal states and associa- In September 2007, the Federal Minister saged targets and proposed measures, not be a success unless all sides continue to be wil-
tions (including unions, trade associations and of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs set all of which were convergent, the aim of the ling to engage in a dialogue and to cooperate.
environmentalist groups). out his benchmark for assessing the proposals Masterplan was to carry out an initial priori-
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As the European Union grows more closely Plan for Freight Transport Logistics, which was ltural production and to prevent any further traffic flows, which in turn will spread the load
together, transport policy has to be conceived presented in the autumn of 2007, are seam- deterioration in the quality of life of people on transport infrastructure more evenly and
and planned in European terms. There was lessly linked and complement each other. It is living along transport routes, it is imperative enhance the capacity of the infrastructure.
an intensive exchange of views between the now imperative that we continue this dialogue that optimum use be made of the existing In the federal trunk roads sector, the aim is to
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and with the greater involvement of our European infrastructure in order to limit upgrading and significantly reduce congestion by installing
Urban Affairs and the European Commission. neighbours, some of whom have likewise star- new construction to that which is absolutely further active and strategic traffic manage-
That is the reason why the Freight Transport ted to develop masterplans. essential and to focus such work primarily on ment systems, by allowing moving traffic to
and Logistics Masterplan and the EU’s Action removing bottlenecks in the transport system. use the hard shoulder at certain times and
by introducing a roadworks management
The Federal Government’s aim is thus system that minimizes congestion. On the
to better interlink the individual modes of railways and waterways, latent capacity is to
. Objectives of the Masterplan transport as part of an integrated transport be systematically unlocked by using modern
system in order to make optimum use of the telematics technologies. At the same time, all
A Making optimum use of transport optimum use of the existing capacity inherent strengths inherent in each mode and enhance these measures will help to enhance transport
infrastructure – shaping transport in our transport system. It will not be possible the capacity of the system as a whole. Within safety.
to make it more efficient to cope with the expected additional traffic the framework of such an integrated transport
volume by simply constructing new and up- strategy, the Federal Government attaches If an integrated, high-capacity transport
In view of the considerable growth in grading existing transport infrastructure. For great importance to seaports, inland ports and system is to be preserved on a permanent ba-
traffic and the tight constraints on public financial and economic reasons, for reasons airports as key points of interchange between sis, it is absolutely essential that the long-term
funding, the Federal Government’s foremost of nature conservation and landscape protec- the different modes of transport. The Federal functionality of transport infrastructure be
objective is to enhance efficiency and to make tion, to ensure that land is available for agricu- Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Af- ensured in the face of the foreseeable impacts
fairs will therefore present a National Airports of climate change. The Federal Ministry of
Strategy and a National Ports Strategy in order Transport, Building and Urban Affairs will the-
to enhance the competitiveness of German refore review the potential inherent in inland
ports and airports and improve the links waterways in a research programme, against
between these transport hubs and the inter-ur- the background of climate change, and deve-
ban transport network. In the future, it will be lop adaptation strategies in order to ensure the
important not only to make greater use of the long-term future of inland navigation in Ger-
environmentally friendly inland waterways many as an environmentally friendly mode of
but also to make greater use of the potential transport.
inherent in maritime shipping over medium
distances (short sea shipping). By doing so, it B Avoiding unnecessary journeys –
will be possible to reduce the level of freight ensuring mobility
carried by road and rail and free up additional
capacity in those modes. In addition to making better use of exis-
ting transport infrastructure, another overri-
In addition, the Federal Government will ding objective of the Federal Government is to
significantly expand the use of electronic avoid unnecessary freight mileage wherever
traffic control and management systems in this is possible without having an adverse
all modes in order to achieve better control of impact on the economy. Without proactive
0 I n t roduc t ion 1

transport policy measures, the rising levels of number of empty journeys. It is up to opera-
freight traffic would not only have a signifi- tors to step up their investment in innovative
cant impact on the environment and people’s technologies and make their contribution to
quality of life. They would also entail the risk avoiding unnecessary journeys.
of our mobility coming to a standstill in total
gridlock on certain transport arteries. This has In addition, the Federal Government will
to be prevented. vigorously lobby at European level to ensure
that transit traffic in and through Europe
With regard to freight transport, the Fede- moves efficiently and sustainably. Germany re-
ral Government thus believes that maximum cognizes its European responsibility as a trans-
efficiency in traffic management, optimized port hub and transit country. That is why it is
control of logistics processes and the removal necessary, in Europe, to find ways of strengthe-
of bottlenecks in the transport system are ning the Lisbon process and minimizing the
absolutely essential to ensure that avoidable impact of transit traffic on the environment
journeys do not actually take place. Avoiding and quality of life.

C Shifting more traffic to the railways

and inland waterways
ral Government’s aim is that, within an inte- D Upgrading more transport arteries
The Federal Government is pursuing the grated transport system, the individual modes and hubs
objective of shifting much more traffic to the should be used and interlinked in such a way
railways and waterways. For this reason, it will that they can deploy their inherent strengths Avoiding unnecessary journeys, efficient
establish a regulatory framework and invest- in an optimum manner. traffic management and a modal shift will not,
ment priorities that will enable the rail mode by themselves, be sufficient to secure our mo-
to increase and sustain its share of freight The Federal Government supports bility in the long term. There are already noti-
traffic by 2025. The measures designed to measures that will result in more competition ceable bottlenecks in our transport infrastruc-
strengthen rail freight may at the same time in rail transport. European integration, with ture, and the volume of traffic is forecast to
help to enhance the capacity of the railways in the opening-up of the market for international rise significantly. Against this background,
the passenger sector. rail freight, is thus viewed positively. The Fede- the Federal Government will step up its efforts
ral Government supports the continuation of to upgrade the transport infrastructure on a
Strengthening the railways and water- European liberalization efforts. The fact that human scale and in an environmentally sound
ways is a major contribution towards making there is still a lack of harmonization must not manner. In doing so, it will take account of
our transport system more climate-friendly be used as an excuse by individual countries noise mitigation as well as the other aspects
and more environmentally friendly. In addi- to back-pedal on liberalization or suspend it. of environmental protection and nature
unnecessary journeys by means of greater ef- tion, shifting traffic to the railways and wa- Enhancing competition in rail transport will conservation, plus the interests of agriculture
ficiency will cut operators’ costs and thus also terways will also help to free up capacity on improve its competitiveness vis-à-vis the other and forestry. Plans are to be geared to an even
benefit the industry. Logistics strategies have the roads and tackle congestion. Thus, road modes of transport. A start should be made greater extent to the needs of the people in the
to be evolved so that freight transport opera- transport will also benefit from a strengthe- by evolving the regulatory framework. The local communities.
tions can be consolidated wherever possible ning of the railways and waterways. It is thus Federal Government will also lobby at Euro-
(e.g. in city logistics) and incentives have to be in no way a question of playing the individual pean level for fair conditions of competition In order to take account of the future
created for an ever greater reduction in the modes off against each other. Rather, the Fede- between the modes of transport. upgrading requirements as well as the rising
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expenditure necessary for the maintenance Despite rising levels of investment, it is tes, which have almost reached their capacity port Infrastructure Plan as being essential
of existing networks resulting from the in- still necessary to define priorities in upgra- limits today and will have to cope with a dis- for an effective segregation of long-distance
creasing wear and tear on the transport ding infrastructure. Here, it is necessary to proportionately high growth in traffic levels in passenger services and freight services.
infrastructure, which today already consu- take account of the considerable differences the future. Upgrading these bottlenecks in our
mes almost two thirds of total investment in traffic trends. For this reason, the Federal transport system will also benefit the provi- E Environmentally friendly and
in transport infrastructur 5, the Federal Government will give priority to upgrading sion of links to rural areas – including those a climate-friendly transport
Government has increased the federal fun- those transport arteries and hubs where there long way away from the actual construction
ding available for investment in transport are already capacity constraints today or works. Because the creation of adequate ca- Tomorrow’s transport is to be quiet, clean,
infrastructure. It calls on the federal states where such constraints are likely in the medi- pacity for freight and passenger traffic on the efficient and climate-friendly. As part of the
and local authorities to likewise significantly um term because traffic volumes are rising at a busiest main transport arteries is absolutely efforts to combat climate change, there has to
increase transport investment in their areas of disproportionately high rate, and those arte- essential if people and goods are to be able, in be a further reduction in the specific CO emis-
responsibility. Despite rising expenditure on ries and hubs where an appropriate adaptation the future, to reach every corner of our coun- sions from transport. The objective of redu-
maintenance, the financial scope for a targe- of the transport system would make it possible try quickly and punctually. At the same time, cing greenhouse gas emissions by 40 % by 2020
ted upgrading of the transport infrastructure to better exploit existing spare capacity. This prioritization also has to consider the objec- compared with 1990 levels, which was reaf-
is to be ensured in the future, giving due applies, for instance, to the some of the routes tives of structural policy, which aim to ensure firmed in the Integrated Energy and Climate
consideration to budgetary requirements. to and from ports and some north-south rou- balanced development throughout Germany. Change Programme, means that the transport
sector will also have to make a substantial
Against the background of the rising contribution. In this programme, the Federal
levels of freight traffic, but also the widely dif- Government has already reached agreement
fering levels of traffic on individual routes, the on a number of measures affecting the trans-
Federal Government will consider whether, port sector. They include the introduction of
and if so how, the requirement plans and mandatory CO limits for passenger cars at EU
capital budgeting for the roads, railways and level, increasing the share of biofuels – prefer-
waterways have to be adapted to the changed ably second-generation biofuels – in fuel con-
traffic trends and economic developments. sumption to 20 % by 2020, the climate passport
for passenger cars, the introduction of a
In order to enhance the efficiency of the carbon- and pollutant-based motor vehicle tax
main transport arteries, the Federal Govern- for newly registered passenger cars and the
ment is seeking a greater separation (“segre- inclusion of aviation and shipping in emissions
gation”) of slower freight traffic and faster trading. However, given the forecast growth in
passenger traffic, for instance by means of traffic levels, it is obvious that reducing speci-
lane management based on traffic volumes on fic energy consumption and CO emissions by
motorways and a greater separation, in terms technological means alone will not be suffici-
of space and time, of freight and passenger ent. The measures set out in this Masterplan to
services on the railways. Here, too, this will optimize the transport system, to shift traffic
not be possible unless the busiest routes are to the railways and waterways, to make freight
upgraded in a targeted manner. In the case transport operations more efficient, to opti-
of the motorways, this means systematically mize use of existing transport infrastructure,
widening them to six lanes. In the case of the and the other measures to relieve congestion
5 railways, it means the speedy delivery of those on the roads, especially extending the range
Cf. Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs (2007): Investitionsrahmenplan bis 2010
für die Verkehrsinfrastruktur des Bundes. projects identified in the 2003 Federal Trans- of public transport services, thus also serve the
 I n t roduc t ion In t roduc t ion 

purpose of further reducing energy consump- charges based on noise emissions, in order to same time, they represent the key factor in en-
tion and CO emissions in the transport sector. create an economic incentive to speed up the suring that the German logistics and transport
In addition, action is also to be taken to mi- retrofitting of the freight wagon fleet. At Euro- industry enjoys a development that is success-
nimize the use of agricultural and woodland pean level, it will lobby vigorously for concrete ful in the long term. Investment in the training
areas and nature conservation and landscape agreements on improved noise mitigation of their workforce is thus just as important for
protection sites, including the land needed in measures in the wagon fleet. the competitiveness of operators as invest-
compensation. ment in technology and their vehicle fleet. It
However, protection against traffic noi- is already becoming apparent that there will
One of the Federal Government’s major se is not solely a responsibility of the state. be a shortage of skilled labour. To counter this,
objectives is to reduce the noise associated The Federal Government therefore believes the basic and further training systems have to
with freight transport. The Federal Ministry that operators themselves are responsible be strengthened and evolved to meet the more
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has for perceptibly reducing freight traffic noise exacting requirements.
by purchasing low-noise vehicles in the road
haulage sector and by retrofitting the wagon The Federal Government, together with
fleet in the rail freight sector. This is in the operators, trade associations, chambers of
operators’ own interests, and they realize this, industry and commerce, and unions, will
because the noise caused by freight traffic thus launch a basic and further training drive
and the associated impairment of people’s before the end of 2008 and incorporate it internationally operating companies in the
quality of life will, in the long run, mean that into the skills initiative for Germany. Regu- sector and the leading research institutions.
the population is less willing to accept freight lar industry summits, to which the Federal
transport, thereby jeopardizing the economic Government will invite the aforementioned In addition, the Federal Government will
foundation of operators. players, will be held to achieve continuous task the Federal Office for Goods Transport
collaboration to improve the basic and further with evaluating the working conditions in the
F Good working conditions and training situation on the logistics market. freight transport and logistics sector annually
good training in the freight The Federal Government also believes that as part of its observation of the freight trans-
transport industry operators should create additional apprenti- port market. In order to ensure good working
ceships, as they pledged to do in the National conditions in view of the increasing pressure
The Federal Government is firmly commit- Pact for Training and Young Skilled Workers to meet tight delivery deadlines that those
launched a National Traffic Noise Mitigation ted to improving basic and further training in Germany of 5 March 2007, and improve employed in the sector are facing, it is abso-
Package, which addresses noise mitigation and ensuring good working conditions in the job skills in order to lay the foundations on lutely essential that operators comply with
measures in all modes of transport. In particu- freight transport and logistics sector. To this which they will be able meet their rising social legislation and provisions governing
lar, the desire to attract more traffic to the rail- end, it will launch continuous collaboration demand for skilled labour in the future. health and safety at work, road safety and the
ways is linked to the objective of significantly between all the major stakeholders – not only carriage of dangerous goods. Unless there is
reducing the noise caused by rail freight. In government bodies but also, and in particular, Logistics courses in higher education, significant progress here, the Federal Govern-
addition to structural measures such as noise operators, the appropriate trade associations despite being of outstanding quality, have so ment, in cooperation with the federal states,
barriers, the Federal Government has laun- and the unions. far tended to receive little attention. In order will step up checks to prevent social dumping
ched a pilot project to promote the retrofit- to improve the profile of this subject, the Fede- and non-compliance with legislation. It is in
ting of freight wagons with composite brake The people employed in the freight trans- ral Government will lobby for the creation of the interests of every operator to comply with
blocks, which will result in a lasting reduc- port and logistics sector are especially affected an internationally recognized course of study the appropriate rules and regulations. Because
tion of the noise caused by freight trains. It is by the changes in the transport sector descri- that provides basic and further training in the satisfied, motivated and healthy workers from
also seeking a differentiation of track access bed at the beginning of this document. At the field of logistics and that is closely linked with the basis of all long-term economic success.
 I n t roduc t ion M e a su r es: M a k ing op t im u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e – 
sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

II. Measures

. Implementation A Making optimum use of transport infrastructure –

shaping transport to make it more efficient
In order to make Germany even more activity, the trade associations and unions plus
attractive as a centre for logistics, all stakehol- civil society groups as representatives of the
ders can, and must, make a contribution, each various societal interests. One of the objec-
in their own area of responsibility. The Federal tives of this Masterplan is to arrive at lasting
Government, federal states and local authori- collaboration between all the stakeholders,
ties are responsible for creating the regulatory to coordinate interests and represent them at
framework and preparing the infrastructure European level, thereby jointly ensuring that
for the tremendous growth that lies ahead. Germany remains the number one location for
freight transport and logistics in Europe.
The Masterplan describes the framework
of freight transport policies that the Federal The Federal Ministry of Transport, Buil-
Government believes should have priority. ding and Urban Affairs will conduct an initial
Substantial funding is available in the finan- evaluation of the measures and their impacts.
cial planning to 2012 for those measures that
are in the area of responsibility of the Federal It is important that all stakeholders inter-
Government. Thus, for 2009, around 10.2 bil- act in implementing the measures – depen-
lion euros has been earmarked for investment ding on their responsibility and acknowled-
in the classic road, waterway and rail modes ging the fact that the only way to effectively
plus combined transport. That is around 1 bil- address all the challenges is by collaborating,
lion euros more than in the current financial and that this is the only way to meet the eco-
plan. Transport investment will be sustained nomic, ecological and social requirements in
at a high level in the period from 2010 to 2012. transport policy.
This increase in transport investment will
be made possible by increasing, and making It is now imperative that we continue the
more ecological, the tolls that are imposed social dialogue on transport policy, which has
on heavy goods vehicles for the use of federal been intensified by the Masterplan process,
motorways, based on the “user pays” principle. and that we make further use of the valu-
All the additional toll revenue will be invested able pool of expertise, experience, contacts
in the transport sector. In addition, proceeds and creativity. The network of players from
from the privatization of the railways will in- industry, academia, government and civil
crease the level of investment that is available society, which emerged during the process of
for transport infrastructure. And – provided developing the Masterplan, forms an excellent
that it offers value for money – there is to be a basis for this.
greater involvement of private sector capital
in the provision of transport infrastructure by
means of PPP projects.

But action is also required on the part of

the operators, as the actual agents of economic
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A 1 Develop and deploy more traffic management systems A 2 Standardize and link up the traffic management systems
on busy sections of federal motorway on federal motorways nationwide

Current situation EU relevance Current situation Responsibility

In many areas, traffic management systems This measure is consistent with EU transport On the German motorway network, the cap- The federal states, in cooperation with the
can help to improve traffic conditions. By policy. ture and analysis of traffic data and the control Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and
means of active control measures, they make it of traffic using traffic management systems is Urban Affairs, are responsible for developing
possible for road users to adapt their behaviour Implementation period performed by the infrastructure operators at and implementing the strategy.
to the traffic situation at any given time. Dyna- This measure is due to be launched in 2008. federal state level. At present, there is no nati-
mic displays such as maximum speeds, bans The aim is to have the equipment installed on onwide link-up of these traffic management Budgetary relevance
on overtaking or lane control signals make all busy sections by 2015. systems. Nor is there any coordination or co- This measure will be funded from the Federal
traffic flow more smoothly, thereby avoiding operation between the operators on the scale Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban
driver behaviour that could result in congesti- required. This means that it is not possible to Affairs’ budget.
on or accidents. This modern telematics equip- exploit the potential for making more efficient
ment has not yet been installed on many busy use of the federal motorway network. EU relevance
sections of the German motorway network. This measure is consistent with EU transport
Description of the measure policy.
Description of the measure Taking account of existing traffic manage-
Busy sections of motorway on which telema- ment systems, the authorities of the federal Implementation period
tics equipment has not yet been installed are states, in cooperation with the Federal Mi- This measure is due to be launched in 2008.
to be equipped with such systems at a faster nistry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs The strategy is due to be finalized by the end of
rate than in the past. Systems already installed and the industry, are to develop a strategy 2009 and implemented in its entirety by 2015.
are to be optimized and, if necessary, up- for linking up existing traffic management
graded to reflect the state of the art. systems. The aim of the strategy is to facilitate
responsive and efficient traffic management
Impact on federal motorways. This will involve, for
This measure will enhance the capacity of the instance, predictive information on conges-
corresponding sections. It will enhance the tion, available parking spaces plus measures
efficiency of the entire motorway network that impact on the flow of traffic, such as speed
and help to avoid congestion and improve limits or bans on overtaking.
road safety. This is likely to result in additional
positive effects with regard to climate change Impact
mitigation and environmental protection, for By providing intelligent traffic informa-
instance by reducing CO emissions. tion and control, this measure will make
it possible to enhance capacity on federal
Responsibility motorways throughout the country. By
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and means of better route planning and the
Urban Affairs in cooperation with the federal ability to react at short notice to evolving
states affected. traffic situations, it will be possible to ma-
nage transport movements more reliably.
Budgetary relevance This will also have a positive impact on the
This measure will be funded from the Federal environmental acceptability of transport
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban and reduce its climate change impact. The
Affairs’ budget. measure will also improve road safety.
0 Me a su r es: M a k i ng op t i m u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e – M e a su r es: M a k ing op t i m u m use of t r a nsport in f r a s t ruc t u r e – 1
sh a pi ng t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f ici en t sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

A  Speed up implementation of the “Development programme to increase the number A 4 Continue and intensify the measures to tackle congestion by optimizing
of parking areas at service stations and rest areas on federal motorways” roadworks management

Current situation mate change impact, and to improve working Current situation Impact
There are insufficient parking areas for heavy conditions. Congestion causes economic damage and This measure is designed to result in a smoo-
goods vehicles on and in the vicinity of the harms the climate and the environment ther flow of traffic at roadworks sites. This will
federal motorways. This may increasingly Responsibility through an unproductive increase in emissi- reduce congestion and minimize the econo-
result in HGVs being improperly parked, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and ons. Experts have estimated that congestion mic damage it causes.
additional traffic searching for parking spaces Urban Affairs, highway authorities of the fede- on our motorways costs the economy at least
and even in the permissible driving periods ral states (delegation of administrative pow- ten billion euros and is responsible for billions Responsibility
being exceeded, which would lead to a greater ers), local authorities. Plus freight forwarders of litres of fuel being consumed unnecessa- The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
risk of accidents. The forecast rise in the level associations, Autobahn Tank & Rast Holding rily. The growth in traffic levels predicted by and Urban Affairs, in cooperation with the
of freight traffic, combined with the new rules GmbH, Association of German Truck Stops current forecasts could seriously exacerbate federal states, is responsible for implementing
governing driving hours and rest periods, will (VEDA). this situation. the measures.
result in even greater demand. The greatest In many cases, roadworks on motorways
demand is at the border-crossing points on the Budgetary relevance impede the flow of traffic, increase the risk Budgetary relevance
routes to Eastern Europe. The Federal Minister This measure will be funded from the Federal of congestion and reduce road safety. Today, Implementing the measures will result in
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs has Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban an average of 200 to 280 roadworks sites are additional costs for roadworks. However,
recognized this urgent need. In the autumn of Affairs’ budget. A total of € 250 million will in place every day for the maintenance and these additional costs will be more than offset
2007, he set up an “HGV Parking Facilities on be available for the development programme operation of the federal motorways. Experts by substantial economic gains. The funds
Motorways” Project Group to address the issue over the period to 2015. Of this sum, € 35 milli- assume that these roadworks are responsible required will be included in the budget esti-
of enhancing capacity. on is to be invested in 2008. for more than one third of all congestion on mates of the Federal Ministry of Transport,
motorways. Building and Urban Affairs.
Description of the measure EU relevance
An additional 11,000 parking spaces are to be The European Commission (DG TREN) has Description of the measure EU relevance
created. The activities of the Federal Ministry launched a pilot project aimed at creating a Roadworks management is to be optimized to The measures are consistent with the objec-
of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs network of secure HGV parking areas in the avoid congestion. This involves: tives of EU transport policy, especially regar-
Working Group to identify requirements and EU. The project has initial funding of € 11 • reducing the time for which a roadworks ding an increase in road safety, an improve-
construct additional HGV parking areas cover million to 2009 and is currently occupied with site is in place by wording tender docu- ment of the flow of traffic in Europe and a
the entire federal motorway network. Because definition tasks. ments and contracts appropriately and by reduction in emissions from transport.
of the pressing problems at the border-cros- performing work outside normal working
sing points on the routes to Eastern Europe, Implementation period hours, if necessary on Sundays or at night; Implementation period
the identification of requirements and cons- Creation of 11,000 additional parking spaces • avoiding cumulative congestion by means The measures are to be launched in 2008.
truction for these areas are to be brought for- by 2012. of better nationwide coordination of road-
ward. Account will be taken of the guidelines works;
governing service stations and rest areas of the • facilitating a smoother flow of traffic at
federal states. the roadworks site by better adapting the
measures taken (e.g. number and width
Impact of lanes) to the traffic situation and ma-
This measure will help to make optimum king greater use of dynamic traffic control
use of the transport infrastructure, to avoid measures (e.g. display of speed limits and
unnecessary journeys, to make transport more bans on overtaking).
environmentally friendly and reduce its cli-
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A 5 Provide traffic information and communications services for heavy goods vehicles A  Develop a strategy to speed up introduction of the European Train Control System (ETCS)
on the motorway network by using toll information (value-added services) on freight corridors in Germany

Current situation Budgetary relevance Current situation Responsibility

To enhance its efficiency, the road haulage Minor, because the value-added services will There are increasing capacity constraints on The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
sector needs dedicated traffic information. be services performed in return for payment. the main rail freight corridors. The forecast and Urban Affairs, in cooperation with Deut-
Against this background, the demand for data growth in volume, especially in traffic to and sche Bahn (DB) AG and the federal states, is
generated by the German tolling system is EU relevance from seaports, will aggravate this situation. responsible for developing the strategy.
rising. A decision by the European Commission regu- In addition, the multiplicity of incompatible
lates the conditions and obligations regarding train protection systems in the EU is a major Budgetary relevance
Description of the measure the provision of telematics services based on obstacle to a European railway area with inter- The costs of the strategy will be within the
The current technical equipment of the system the German tolling system by their operators. national trains that do not require a change limits of the current, increased financial
makes the German HGV tolling system an of locomotive at borders. Since Germany is a planning of the Federal Ministry of Transport,
ideal platform for telematics value-added ser- Implementation period transit country and a highly trade-oriented Building and Urban Affairs.
vices, which should be developed. By using the The Federal Government will lay the contrac- nation in Europe, this makes the railways less
existing platform, telematics service providers tual foundations by 2009. Initial applications attractive. It is even difficult to attract to the EU relevance
could use basic functions of the system – such could be launched around 2010/2011. railways freight that is particularly suited to This measure is consistent with the EU policy
as satellite-based positioning, the existing rail. This has an adverse impact on road trans- for the creation of a single European railway
mobile communications channel or short-ran- port, the climate and the environment. area, which is characterized by, among other
ge communications using microwave tech- things, TEN corridors and the goal of interope-
nology – for their own services upon payment Description of the measure rability.
of an appropriate user charge. Regulatory, A national strategy is to be developed to speed
technological and organizational frameworks up the introduction of ETCS on the busiest Implementation period
are to be created that allow fair competition rail corridors in Germany, taking account of The strategy is to have been developed by
between the telematics service providers. demand-responsive hinterland connections to 2010.
and from ports. The ETCS is a technical specifi-
Impact cation for the interoperability of rail transport
This measure will make it possible to organize in Europe. The strategy is to take account of
transport in a more intelligent, environmen- the Federal Government’s budget line earmar-
tally friendly and climate-friendly manner and ked for the infrastructure (existing network)
to improve logistics strategies. It will be pos- and the costs, to be borne by the operators, of
sible to reduce traffic searching for a parking the equipment required for the rolling stock.
space and prevent congestion. This will reduce
CO emissions and protect the environment. Impact
The services can help to avoid unnecessary The strategy will lay the foundations for opti-
journeys and improve working conditions. mizing the use of the railways. It will be possib-
le to enhance capacity and shift more traffic to
Responsibility the railways. This will make the railways more
The Federal Government is responsible for competitive, relieve congestion on the federal
creating the regulatory framework. The estab- trunk roads and help to protect the environ-
lishment of a telematics gateway company is ment and tackle climate change.
the responsibility of private sector companies,
which will be responsible for the technological
and organizational implementation.
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A  Develop a national ports strategy • Targeted programmes for the integration of ports industry are responsible for this
the unemployed are to be supported. measure.
Current situation There is a growing need for the coordination • Efforts to create apprenticeships for young
Our seaports and inland ports are of special of a national ports policy, including the inland people should be stepped up. Budgetary relevance
strategic importance to our entire economy. ports. It will not be possible to quantify the impact
They are part of the backbone of the globa- c) Environmental protection and on the budget until the ports strategy has been
lized economy and are a hub for the exchange Description of the measure climate change drawn up.
of goods within the Single European Market. To meet these challenges, the Federal Govern- • Emissions standards in the shipping sec-
For shippers, our seaports and inland ports are ment, federal states and the industry have to tor (sulphur, nitrogen oxides, particulate EU relevance
an indispensable link in the logistics chain. assume joint responsibility and conduct joint matter) are to be evolved and maritime This measure is consistent with the European
Given that the volume of cargo handled by activities. Ports policy has become a national shipping is to be included in emissions Commission’s ports policy.
German ports is set to double between now task. For this reason, a national ports policy trading in a manner that does not distort
and 2025, and that the volume of containe- will be developed, containing measures that competition. Implementation period
rized traffic will triple over the same period, address the following thematic areas, among • New propulsion technologies are to be The strategy will be presented in 2008.
Germany faces major challenges. others: developed and new materials used in ship-
In order to prevent capacity constraints at building.
ports and in movements to and from ports, the a) Infrastructures and suprastructures
transport infrastructure has to be modernized • The Federal Government funding available d) Competition
and adapted to meet the growing demand for for investment will be focused even more • Further measures to reduce distortions of
freight transport. At the same time, German than in the past on those projects that are competition are to be reviewed and – as far
ports face fierce international competition, especially important in macroeconomic as possible – implemented.
which requires fair rules. By lowering the fuel terms. • State aids result in distortions of competiti-
tax to be paid by port cargo handlers, the Fede- • The Federal Government will give priority on. Germany is lobbying in Europe for more
ral Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban to upgrading port hinterland links (road, transparency in this sphere. The European
Affairs has already made a major contribution rail and waterway) that have almost rea- Commission is urged to present uniform
towards harmonizing the conditions of com- ched their capacity limits today and will state aid guidelines.
petition with the ARA ports. have to cope with a disproportionately high
In addition, production and distribution are growth in traffic levels in the future. e) Combined transport
placing more exacting demands on freight • Possibilities for collaboration between sea- • In order to cope with the forecast volumes
transport and logistics. The port infrastruc- ports will be sought in a targeted manner. of cargo, short sea shipping and inland na-
tures and superstructures must therefore keep • Telematics solutions are to unlock additio- vigation will also have to be strengthened.
up with the state of the art. The problems are nal efficiency potential at ports and in the Here, the inland ports will play an increa-
compounded by the fact that a lack of skilled logistics chain. singly important role, offering services ran-
workers in the maritime cluster is becoming • Where there are plans to convert ports or ging from a supra-regional hub to a regio-
apparent. The growth in the volume of cargo areas near ports for other urban functions, nal distribution centre for the seaports.
handled and the level of traffic to and from such as leisure, residential, office or other
seaports pose new climate change and envi- uses, care must be taken to ensure that this Impact
ronmental protection challenges. will not result in any adverse impact on the This measure is designed to strengthen the
The targeted and coordinated improvement competitiveness of the location. ports as major import/export hubs and as logi-
of the landside and seaward approaches to the stics and processing centres.
seaports, as well as their connection with the b) Jobs
centres of economic activity in Germany, are • Job-generating measures are to be exploi- Responsibility
among the key elements of German transport ted to the full. The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
policy and the German transport industry. and Urban Affairs, the federal states and the
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A  Develop a national airports strategy between individual Member States would

entail serious competitive disadvantages
Current situation must be given to protecting people against for the carriers of the EU Member States
Airports that are well developed, efficiently night noise. involved, the Federal Government believes
used and linked up with the rest of the trans- that the introduction of a kerosene tax can,
port system are indispensable infrastructure c) Current forecasts of air traffic growth under the conditions prevailing at present,
for worldwide trade. Airport infrastructure predict that there is likely to be significant only be done on a worldwide basis).
makes a major contribution to enhancing growth in landside traffic to and from air-
the attractiveness of Germany as a business ports in the future. This growth means that Impact
location. The growing demand for air trans- it will be necessary to provide sufficiently The airports strategy is designed to result in
port services calls for optimum use to be made efficient surface access, by both road and transport infrastructure being developed and
of the existing infrastructure and for a strat- rail. used in an optimum manner and in transport
egy to be developed for evolution and, where being shaped in an intelligent manner.
appropriate, expansion, taking account of d) In the air cargo sector, there are interface
economic, ecological and social aspects, so problems in intermodal transport chains. Responsibility
that airports can continue to assert themselves Examples include non-standardized loa- The airports strategy will be presented by the
in future international competition. ding units and loading gauges, which Federal Government.
require additional transhipment processes
Description of the measure in onward movement by a second mode of Budgetary relevance
The airport infrastructure is to be developed transport, and non-compatible adminis- Funding is to be focused on investment that
such that airports can perform their tasks trative processes in the fields of handling will have maximum economic benefit.
for the economy and society in Germany in a and customs. Such breaks in the process of
manner that is macroeconomically efficient, transportation have an adverse impact on EU relevance
profitable for business and sustainable. The the competitiveness of intermodal freight The development of an airports strategy is
construction of new airports and the expan- transport, because they ultimately lead to consistent with the transport policy objectives
sion or conversion of existing airports should higher prices, longer transportation times, of the EU.
only take place if the economic benefits have poorer punctuality, restrictions as to the
been proved. Airports that are not economic- types of goods that can be transported, a Implementation period
ally self-sustaining will have to take second higher risk of damage and greater handling The strategy is to be presented before the end
place. Against this background, the Federal effort. The Federal Ministry of Transport, of the current parliamentary term.
Government will present an airports strategy Building and Urban Affairs will therefore
before the end of this parliamentary term, make a contribution towards resolving the
which will be discussed with the federal states. legal issues involved here – at European and
The benchmarks of this strategy will be: international level wherever possible.

a) Optimizing use of the existing infrastruc- e) The air transport sector, too, must play its
ture of aerodromes in Germany, including part in tackling climate change and protec-
their demand-responsive and sustainable ting the environment (e.g. by taking active
evolution, including expansion. and passive noise control and mitigation
measures, including aviation in internatio-
b) Some types of air cargo require special time nal emissions trading in a manner that does
slots if they are to have an economic impact not distort competition, realizing the Single
or to perform their function of providing European Sky and emissions-based landing
a service of general interest (e.g. medical charges. Since the levying of taxes on dome-
supplies). At the same time, consideration stic flights and on intra-European flights
 Me a su r es: M a k i ng op t i m u m use of t r a nsport i n f r a s t ruc t u r e – M e a su r es: M a k ing op t i m u m use of t r a nsport in f r a s t ruc t u r e – 
sh a pi ng t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f ici en t sh a ping t r a nsport t o m a k e i t mor e ef f icien t

A  Take concerted action with shippers and the freight transport sector A 10 Create a focal point – the Federal Government Commissioner
to stagger freight traffic (extending ramp times) for Freight Transport and Logistics

Current situation Impact Current situation more transparency in the control of priority
In many cases, the delivery times at consi- If wider time windows are available for In addition to the Federal Ministry of Trans- research activities in the field of freight trans-
gnees’ premises and the collection times at collecting, transporting and delivering the port, Building and Urban Affairs, which is the port and logistics. This means that it will be
shippers’ premises, which are limited to spe- goods, transport operations can be optimized lead department, several other ministries are possible to better control the allocation of
cific time windows, mean that freight trans- and more efficient use can be made of the involved in the freight transport and logistics funds as a whole and to translate findings into
port movements do not make efficient use of infrastructure. This will help to segregate sphere. They include the Federal Ministry of practice more efficiently.
the infrastructure. In some cases, significant freight and passenger traffic and reduce both Economics and Technology, the Federal Mi-
resources and capacity are expended unneces- CO emissions and the need for investment. nistry of Education and Research, the Federal Responsibility
sarily or remain unused. The consequences are Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
a rise in congestion, an intensification of the Responsibility Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature and Urban Affairs is responsible for establi-
competition between passenger and freight All parties involved in the transport chain, Conservation and Nuclear Safety. shing the coordinating body.
transport for use of the infrastructure, incre- with the Federal Ministry of Transport, Buil- They regularly take initiatives which require
asing calls for higher levels of infrastructure ding and Urban Affairs acting as a facilitator. more and more coordination because of the Budgetary relevance
investment and adverse impacts on the supply Shippers (major shippers/chain stores), in par- increasingly complex research and funding The establishment of the coordinating body
chain. ticular, are to be involved, plus the retail trade activities. will not require any additional funding from
and hauliers. the budget.
Description of the measure Description of the measure
Within the framework of concerted action, a Budgetary relevance To better coordinate the Federal Government’s EU relevance
strategy will be developed to make delivery This measure will be funded from the Federal research and funding activities and make This measure is consistent with EU suggestions
and collection windows more flexible in order Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban them more transparent, the Permanent State to make public administration more efficient.
to make optimized use of the infrastructure Affairs’ budget. Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Transport,
and vehicles, without calling existing restric- Building and Urban Affairs, Matthias von Ran- Implementation period
tions into question, e.g. the ban on driving on EU relevance dow, will be appointed Federal Government This measure is to be implemented immedia-
Sundays and public holidays and noise abate- This measure is consistent with EU transport Coordinator for Freight Transport and Logi- tely.
ment. The importance of having order place- policy with regard to making more efficient stics. In addition, an interministerial freight
ment times that are as late as possible, haulage use of the existing infrastructure. transport and logistics coordinating group,
times that are as short as possible, delivery chaired by the Federal Ministry of Transport,
times that are as early as possible and collec- Implementation period Building and Urban Affairs, will be establis-
tion times that are as late as possible, is to be Planning and implementation of the con- hed.
reviewed from the perspective of all those certed action is to be launched in 2008.
involved in the transport chain to see whether Impact
these times can be made more flexible and if This measure will facilitate a better link-up
there is any scope for efficiency. Here, it is up between the issues and activities of the minis-
to shippers, in particular, to exploit opportuni- tries involved. This is designed to result in a
ties for optimization, thereby making a contri- more targeted allocation of the funds availa-
bution towards enhancing the efficiency of the ble. The purpose of cooperation in the commit-
overall transport system. The concerted action tee will not only be to improve communication
is designed to raise awareness of the problems between the ministries, but also to convey the
and provide an impetus for improvements. great importance that the Federal Govern-
ment attaches to this issue. A central overview
will provide all government departments with
0 M e a su r es: Avoiding u n n ecessa ry jou r n e ys – ensu r i ng mobil i t y 1

B Avoiding unnecessary journeys – ensuring mobility

 Me a su r es: Avoi ding u n n ecessa ry jou r n e ys – ensu r ing mobil i t y M e a su r es: Avoiding u n n ecess a ry jou r n e ys – ensu r ing mobi l i t y 

B 1 Urban Logistics Initiative B  Step up investment in innovative and capacity-enhancing technologies

Current situation are to be based on the following guidelines, Current situation Impact
In cities and conurbations, freight transport among others: The existing modes and systems of transport Pilot projects involving innovative techno-
and logistics are often perceived as an obstac- • better account should be taken of the interests still have untapped potential for enhancing logies and systems in the transport sector
le to the smooth flow of traffic. At the same of commercial transport in urban planning; the efficiency of the transport system. Given are designed to drive forward innovations
time, delivering goods right to the customer’s • better account should be taken of the in- that the volume of freight traffic is forecast in intermodal transport and process chains.
doorstep is presenting the logistics sector terests of freight transport and logistics in to rise and that the existing infrastructure This will speed up the implementation and
with an increasingly difficult challenge. spatial and sub-regional planning; will reach its capacity limit, and in view of introduction of these innovative technologies
Because of their often short duration and • affordable, environmentally friendly and the increased consumption of resources, the on the market, which will result in a more
because they were often not binding, the user-friendly local transport schemes, development and implementation of innova- efficient, more climate-friendly and more
projects and measures carried out in the field which encourage as many people as possib- tive technologies, systems or services to make environmentally friendly freight transport
of city logistics in the past have not resulted le to use public transport; more efficient use of the infrastructure and and logistics system. In particular, it will be
in the development of a successful model that • incentives to use environmentally friendly resources is of crucial importance in ensuring possible to make better use of existing capaci-
has been able to assert itself on the market. delivery vehicles; a promising future for Germany as a logistics ty and vehicles, conserve resources, enhance
Nevertheless, there have been a number of • better link-up between the decision-ma- centre. Examples of thematic areas include: economic efficiency, reduce CO emissions and
innovative and – at least partially – successful king and implementation levels; • longer trains on selected routes; improve transport safety.
projects, for instance the freight tram at the • better communication between business • double-decker trains on se-
freight village in Dresden. In additional to practice and planning decisions. lected railway lines; Responsibility
operational measures, more account has been • cargo rail feeder services between The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
taken of spatial planning requirements when Impact Leipzig and Frankfurt/Main; and Urban Affairs is responsible for developing
planning freight villages, which has resulted This measure will lead to agreement on strate- • Galileo applications; the funding guidelines. The industry is re-
in commercial transport movements taking gies for sustainable transport in conurbations. • transport logistics/intralogis- sponsible for the applications.
place with fewer conflicts. Last but not least, tics interfaces (automation);
several major German cities (e.g. Bremen) have Responsibility • ITS solutions (HGV routing); Budgetary relevance
integrated their freight villages as essential Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and • multi-layer container transport in inland The costs of the measure will be within the
components into their schemes to meet EU air Urban Affairs, federal states, freight transport navigation on selected waterways; limits of the current, increased financial
quality management requirements. It has also associations, freight village operators, local • innovative and efficient vehicle stra- planning of the Federal Ministry of Transport,
become apparent that it is unrealistic to consi- government associations, industry (as shippers tegies (road, rail, waterway). Building and Urban Affairs.
der passenger and freight transport separately and consignees).
in towns and cities. If environmental aspects Description of the measure EU relevance
are to be reflected more strongly and efficien- Budgetary relevance Consideration and, if necessary, development This measure is consistent with the EU policy
cy is to be significantly enhanced, the focus Launching the transport strategies will not re- of funding guidelines to support pilot projects of making greater use of innovative techno-
has to be on both systems. quire any additional funding from the budget. to make greater use of innovative technologies logies to manage future traffic growth and to
in freight transport and logistics. This is de- improve the profile and image of Europe as a
Description of the measure EU relevance signed to fund projects other than combined place to do business. The financial assistance
Launch of a nationwide initiative, sponsored This measure is consistent with the objectives transport handling technologies, which can programme will require European Commissi-
by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building of the Urban Transport Green Paper. The prin- make a contribution towards enhancing the on approval.
and Urban Affairs, the federal states and cities, ciple of subsidiarity must be complied with in overall system but are not eligible for funding
with the aim of developing environmentally its implementation. today because they are no longer at the re- Implementation period
friendly and climate-friendly strategies for search stage and have not yet been launched Work on developing the funding guidelines
urban transport, formulating transferable Implementation period on the market. will commence in 2008.
standards and implementing them in coope- This measure is to be implemented over the
ration with local authorities. These strategies period from 2009 to 2012.
 Me a su r es: Avoi ding u n n ecessa ry jou r n e ys – ensu r ing mobil i t y M e a su r es: Avoiding u n n ecess a ry jou r n e ys – ensu r ing mobi l i t y 

B 3 Optimize transit traffic B  Short Sea Shipping

Current situation Europe (e.g. short sea shipping or inland wa- Current situation (SPC). As a whole, this measure will require
Transit traffic whose origin and destination terway transport). Germany is having to cope with a rising vo- intensive multilateral and EU cooperation.
are abroad will, in the future, account for lume of purely transit traffic. Especially hard
an ever larger share of road haulage and Responsibility hit is the north-south transit corridor through Budgetary relevance
rail freight. The transport interconnectivity Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Germany, with a sizeable share of traffic to Initially no impact on the budget. If it was
forecast for Germany predicts that there will Urban Affairs, federal states, EU, shippers and Spain and Portugal. Current forecasts predict intended to implement the strategy, start-up
be a 2.5-fold increase (in terms of tonne-kilo- hauliers, ports. that traffic levels on this corridor will rise at financing through the EU’s Marco Polo pro-
metres) by 2025. This means that the rise in a disproportionately high rate, and the con- gramme could be considered.
transit traffic will be twice as high as the rise Budgetary relevance sequences will be increasing noise, pollutant
in freight traffic in Germany as a whole. The This measure will not require any additional and CO emissions. Short sea shipping, inclu- EU relevance
share of transit traffic is especially high in con- funding from the budget. ding inland navigation to a greater extent, The EU is promoting a greater development
tainerized rail freight. On certain corridors, can help to relieve the burden on this corridor. of short sea shipping and motorways of the
some of which run through densely populated EU relevance The cargo is transhipped at overseas ports and sea through its Marco Polo programme and in
conurbations or regions that are important Solutions can only be found at European level. continues its journey on so-called motorways accordance with the TEN-T guidelines.
for tourism, transit traffic is thus resulting in of the sea. Motorways of the sea are maritime
a considerable nuisance in the form of noise, Implementation period corridors with a high volume of shipping to Implementation period
pollutants and CO emissions and causing Discussions are to start immediately. which freight traffic is shifted to ease the bur- Work on developing a strategy is to commence
wear and tear on the infrastructure. den on roads and railways. Successful projects in 2008.
in the Baltic Sea region illustrate that short sea
Description of the measure shipping allows traffic to be shifted from the
At the European level, options are being explo- roads to the sea.
red as to how transit traffic can be optimized
and, for instance by creating new delivery Description of the measure
routes and by means of feeder services to and Development of a strategy for shifting road
from the Mediterranean ports, shortened or haulage traffic on the north-south corridor
even reduced. To this end, the Federal Govern- to the waterborne mode by making use of the
ment will place this issue on the European possibilities of short sea shipping and inland
agenda, taking care to safeguard the interests waterway transport. At the same time, the pro-
of German businesses and ports. In parallel, jects in the Baltic Sea are to be evolved.
approaches are being developed at Europe-
an level to identify market-based incentives Impact
to shift more traffic to the railways and wa- Lasting relief of congestion on the roads of the
terways, especially over long distances. The north-south corridor, reduction in CO emissi-
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and ons and noise along the corridors.
Urban Affairs will have a study prepared on
this subject. Responsibility
Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and
Impact Urban Affairs, EU, shippers and hauliers, Asso-
Optimization of transport by reducing the ciation of German Seaport Operators (ZDS). Ex-
number of transit journeys and by using shor- pert support will be provided by the Short Sea
ter or more energy-efficient routes through Shipping Inland Waterway Promotion Centre
 M e a su r es: Shif t i ng mor e t r a f f ic t o t he r a i lways a n d in l a n d wat erways 

C Shifting more traffic to the railways and inland waterways

 Me a su r es: Shi f t ing mor e t r a f f ic t o t he r a ilways a n d i n l a n d wat erways M e a su r es: Shi f t ing mor e t r a f f ic t o t he r a i lways a n d i n l a n d wat erways 

C 1 Review the regulatory framework for freight transport in intermodal competition C  Increase funding for combined transport

Current situation with the Federal Ministry of Finance, Federal Current situation billion tkm being shifted. This would cut CO
A major constituent of an integrated transport Ministry for the Environment, Nature Con- The existing intermodal handling facilities at emissions by around 7.5 million tonnes per
policy in Germany and Europe is co-modality. servation and Nuclear Safety, and the Federal all logistics hubs in Germany – in the indus- annum.
All modes of transport are to be able to deploy Ministry of Economics and Technology also trial centres in the interior of the country, at
their inherent strengths on a level playing involved. inland ports, in the areas around seaports and Responsibility
field. The conditions of competition currently in border regions – are working at or near their The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
vary from one mode to the next, which may re- Budgetary relevance capacity limit. In addition, some air cargo and Urban Affairs and Federal Ministry of
sult in distortions of competition between the The report will be funded from the Federal feeder services are to be transferred from Finance are responsible for implementing this
individual modes in freight transport. Against Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban road to rail. Current forecasts, for instance measure.
this background the question arises: Does the Affairs’ budget. the forecast of transport interconnectivity for
present-day modal split reflect fair conditions 2025, predict there will be a disproportionate- Budgetary relevance
of competition in the interests of co-modality, EU relevance ly high and sustained demand for intermodal The additional funds required will be provi-
and if not, what has to be changed to establish The report will be consistent with EU policy. transport in the future. Today, funding total- ded as part of the current, increased financial
such conditions? ling around € 62.5 million is available annu- planning of the Federal Ministry of Transport,
Implementation period ally in the federal budget for the co-financing Building and Urban Affairs.
Description of the measure The report is to be drawn up in 2009. of combined transport terminals. However,
Preparation of a report to review the current there are already numerous requests for the EU relevance
situation of the individual modes in freight construction of new handling facilities or the This measure is consistent with EU policy,
transport and, if appropriate, to formulate pro- upgrading of existing facilities which cannot which aims to strengthen combined transport
posals for the establishment of fair conditions be met because of a shortage of funds. in Europe and to establish green transport
of competition. This will involve, for instance, corridors as a measure of the Freight Transport
the impact of cost factors on competition (user Description of the measure Logistics Action Plan.
pays principle, costs of accidents, environmen- Increase of funding for the construction/up-
tal costs, infrastructure costs, electricity tax in grading of combined transport transhipment Implementation period
rail transport, and the like). facilities from its current annual level of € 62.5 Funding is to be provided starting in financial
million to € 115 million a year. In addition, a year 2009.
Impact total of € 32 million per annum will be availa-
The report will provide a better overview of ble for the funding of rail sidings.
the impact of the regulatory framework in
intermodal competition and, if appropriate, Impact
formulate a list of proposals, the implementa- Making greater use of transport chains, which
tion of which can guarantee competition that combined transport makes possible, will help
is as fair as possible. In addition, this measure to enhance the capacity of the overall system,
is designed to prevent a situation from arising to shift freight traffic from the roads to the
where a shift of traffic to the railways and railways and waterways and to bring about
inland waterways is hampered by the lack of a more environmentally friendly transport ope-
level regulatory playing field. rations. The ongoing evaluation of the guide-
lines on the promotion of combined transport
Responsibility transhipment facilities revealed (in February
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building 2008) that this investment will probably result
and Urban Affairs is the lead department, in a total of around 78 million tonnes or 49.3
0 Me a su r es: Shi f t ing mor e t r a f f ic t o t he r a ilways a n d i n l a n d wat erways M e a su r es: Shi f t ing mor e t r a f f ic t o t he r a i lways a n d i n l a n d wat erways 1

C 3 Evolve handling technologies and organization in combined transport

C 4 Internalize external costs

Current situation Responsibility Current situation Responsibility

The current disproportionately high demand The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building External costs are those costs that are not The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
for intermodal transport services will increase and Urban Affairs is responsible for drawing captured by market prices, which means that and Urban Affairs is responsible for developing
even further in the future. To meet this de- up the funding guidelines. investment and use decisions taken on the the strategy.
mand, the capacity of the composite systems basis of these market prices are less than eco-
comprising the railways, roads and waterways Budgetary relevance nomically optimum. In the transport sector, Budgetary relevance
has to be enhanced. Innovative handling tech- The costs of this measure will be within the these are essentially the external costs of: The development of the strategy will not entail
nologies such as limits of the current, increased financial • air pollution; any costs for the budget.
• parallel horizontal loading, planning of the Federal Ministry of Transport, • climate change;
• parallel automated horizontal loading or Building and Urban Affairs. • noise; EU relevance
• waterborne container movements within • accidents; This measure is consistent with EU transport
ports EU relevance • congestion. policy. In June 2008, the European Commis-
can make it possible to achieve efficiency This measure is consistent with EU policy, If the prices for transport services are too low sion will present a proposal for the revision of
gains and offer a range of services that meets which aims to strengthen combined trans- with regard to external costs, this will result in the Infrastructure Charging Directive with a
demand. However, many innovative develop- port in Europe. Supporting combined trans- the price for the transport service in question view to internalizing external costs.
ments fail because of the high costs involved in port is one of the subjects of the EU’s Freight not reflecting all the costs. Thus, the demand
a pilot project that has to be carried out before Transport Logistics Action Plan. The financial for this transport service is too high. This can Implementation period
potentially successful commercialization. assistance programme will require European result, among other things, in a waste of raw The schedule and subject matter of the delibe-
commission approval. materials (e.g. water, fossil energy sources). rations will have to be coordinated with the
Description of the measure European Commission’s proposal for a revision
Introduction of funding guidelines to provide Implementation period Description of the measure of the Infrastructure Charging Directive.
assistance to pilot projects that support the Work on developing the funding guidelines is A strategy is to be developed to better inter-
evolution of innovative handling technologies to commence immediately. The preparatory nalize external costs, taking account of the
in combined transport. This is designed to period leading up to the entry into force of the forthcoming amendment to the EC Infrastruc-
make it possible to provide financial assistance funding guidelines will probably be more than ture Charging Directive (cf. decisions taken at
to pilot projects in combined transport that one year. the special cabinet meeting in Meseberg). This
cannot be funded through the existing pro- will also make a contribution to the Europe-
grammes because they are already beyond the an discussion of external costs, so as not to
research stage and have not yet been launched have an isolated adverse impact on the com-
on the market. petitiveness of the German freight transport
These new funding guidelines are designed Impact
to improve the introduction of new handling The strategy will produce greater transparen-
technologies onto the combined transport cy regarding the nature and level of the costs
market. This is to enhance the efficiency of to the economy of individual means of trans-
combined transport and incentivize a shift of port, which can be used as a decision-making
traffic to the environmentally friendly inland basis for transport and economic policies.
navigation and rail modes. This will also make
a contribution towards tackling climate chan-
ge and protecting the environment.
 M e a su r es: Upgr a di ng mor e t r a nsport a rt er ies a n d h u bs 

D Upgrading more transport arteries and hubs

 Me a su r es: Upgr a di ng mor e t r a nsport a rt er i es a n d h u bs M e a su r es: Upgr a di ng mor e t r a nsport a rt er ies a n d h u bs 

D 1 Segregate freight and passenger traffic • Removal of bottlenecks on the roads: kings and the federal states affected (as
Widening to six lanes those stretches of fe- the authorities that order local transport
Current situation to be developed. In this context, the possibi- deral motorway that are busy and of prime services).
The growth in traffic levels, especially in the lity of extending the prioritization of freight importance to road haulage will enhance • The Federal Ministry of Transport, Buil-
freight sector, is increasingly resulting in traffic during the night is to be explored. The the capacity of the sections concerned by ding and Urban Affairs, in consultation
conflicts in the use of the transport infrastruc- measures are to be shaped such that they are up to 50 %. This will make them correspon- with the federal states, is responsible for
ture between freight and passenger traffic acceptable and with balanced approaches to dingly more permeable for HGVs and removing bottlenecks on the federal mo-
and between heavy goods vehicle traffic and passenger traffic. passenger cars, and is absolutely essential torways.
private traffic. This is impeding the free flow As far as the removal of bottlenecks on the if the forecast growth in levels of both
of traffic and having an adverse impact on the railways is concerned, DB AG’s “Network 21” types of traffic is to be better absorbed. If Budgetary relevance
efficiency of the transport infrastructure. strategy is to be continued and accelerated. DB bottlenecks are removed on the road, it The updated financial planning includes sig-
• There are increasing capacity constraints AG’s “Network 21” strategy includes the aim of will not be necessary to introduce “area- nificantly higher levels of investment for the
on the busiest rail freight lines. On the segregating slow and fast services, and is also wide” bans on overtaking for heavy goods removal of bottlenecks. In 2009, an additional
north-south corridors, in particular, there reflected in federal transport infrastructure vehicles. Implementation of this measure € 1 billion (approx.) will be made available.
are either no paths available or, where planning and the planning of requirements. will reduce the frequency of congestion
they are available, they are limited or only The most efficient way to segregate freight and and accidents and thus also the social EU relevance
available at times that are not compatible passenger traffic on the roads is by widening costs of transport. In addition, the reduc- These measures are consistent with the freight
with the market. These constraints have federal motorways to six and eight lanes. The tion in the number of traffic jams and transport logistics actions that the EU intends
various causes, including competition appropriate construction work is to be carried accidents will make road haulage services to take.
with regular interval passenger services out more quickly than in the past to upgrade easier to plan and more reliable across the
for use of the infrastructure. the relevant sections of federal motorway. entire network. This will make the deploy- Implementation period
• On busy four-lane sections of federal ment of resources more efficient, both for These measures are due to be launched imme-
motorway, HGVs pulling out to overtake, Impact logistics service providers and for trade diately.
in particular, cause critical situations with • Removal of bottlenecks on the railways: and industry (less capital-tie up for buffer
faster moving passenger cars. This slows The continuation and acceleration of DB stock and equipment, improved turna-
down the flow of traffic and reduces effi- AG’s “Network 21” strategy will make round). Ultimately, the measure is also
ciency. This problem is likely to get worse railway infrastructure lines and hubs designed to counter an economically inef-
with the forecast growth in traffic levels. more permeable and will make it possible ficient downsizing of the vehicle fleet: in
to improve the quality of freight transport order to get round the obstacles that heavy
Description of the measure and to enhance pathing capacity. Experts goods vehicles face, such as bans on over-
By reducing pathing conflicts between regi- believe that it is mostly comparably small- taking and speed limits, logistics service
onal passenger rail services and rail freight scale investment projects that – in relation providers are, in some cases, operating
services, and by taking targeted action to to the line concerned – will result in an smaller, faster vehicles (light vans) rather
remove bottlenecks on both the railways and enhancement of the efficiency of the net- than long-distance HGVs on time-sensitive
the roads, a greater separation of the different work capacity (gaining additional paths) and just-in-time transport markets.
types of traffic on busy routes is to be achieved. in the range of 10 to 20 %.
This segregation is designed to increase per- • Pathing conflicts: Experts believe that Responsibility
meability, improve transport safety and redu- even minor flexibilization measures, such • DB Netz AG is responsible for removing
ce the risk of congestion. This measure is also as moving the schedule of one train by a bottlenecks on the railways.
designed to result in improvements in passen- few minutes or adjusting the slot of one • The resolution of pathing conflicts, where
ger transport, because the bottlenecks concer- train per hour in a regular interval service, this is appropriate and possible, is the
ned are predominantly on mixed-use routes. can result in a perceptible enhancement responsibility of DB Netz AG in consultati-
Options for resolving pathing conflicts are to of rail freight pathing capacity, especially on with the Federal Network Agency and
be reviewed and, if appropriate, a strategy is at times that are relevant to the market. with the involvement of railway underta-
 Me a su r es: Upgr a di ng mor e t r a nsport a rt er i es a n d h u bs M e a su r es: Upgr a di ng mor e t r a nsport a rt er ies a n d h u bs 

D  Review the requirement plans D 3 Press ahead with the implementation of PPP solutions for the speedy and efficient
delivery of motorway widening and motorway maintenance projects
Current situation must also take account of the requirements of
To prioritize transport infrastructure invest- inland waterways, even if a requirement plan Current situation Responsibility
ments, the Federal Government develops a does not explicitly have to be prepared for this The federal trunk road network currently The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan. This sector. comprises over 12,500 km of motorways and and Urban Affairs is responsible for this
makes it possible – on the basis of the available around 41,000 km of federal highways, and is measure.
traffic forecasts and a cost analysis plus an en- Impact thus the densest trunk road network in Eu-
vironmental impact assessment and a spatial By launching this measure, it will be possible rope. Maintaining and upgrading this trunk Budgetary relevance
impact assessment of the individual projects to secure the investment priorities as early as road network requires a high level of financial Suitable PPP projects generate a more efficient
– to identify those measures that have a high possible. expenditure. With the introduction of the hea- economic return than is the case with conven-
level of efficiency in terms of transport and the vy goods vehicle tolling scheme, the establish- tional public funding.
national economy. To implement the Federal Responsibility ment of the Transport Infrastructure Finan-
Transport Infrastructure Plan, requirement The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building cing Company and the use of operator models, EU relevance
plans, which contain the first priority projects, and Urban Affairs is responsible for updating there now exists in Germany, for the first time PPP solutions are practised in many EU coun-
have been included in the Railway Infrastruc- the Federal Transport Infrastructure Plan and ever, a wider range of sources for infrastruc- tries.
ture Upgrading Act and the Federal Trunk the associated upgrading acts. ture funding. One of the ways of achieving this
Road Upgrading Act. is by widening the terms of reference of the Implementation period
Since the adoption of the most recent Federal Budgetary relevance Transport Infrastructure Financing Compa- This measure is to be implemented immedia-
Transport Infrastructure Plan in 2003, based It is estimated that the costs of the reports and ny. The involvement of private sector capital tely.
on the traffic forecast dating from 2001, and studies will be € 3 to 5 million. This measure through public private partnership (PPP) or
the related upgrading acts/requirement plans, will be funded from the Federal Ministry of other forms of funding can result in faster and
there has been a further change in the gene- Transport, Building and Urban Affairs’ budget. more cost-effective delivery. PPP has establis-
ral framework and prospects for the future. hed itself as a form of funding in the transport
Trends in traffic growth, demographic chan- EU relevance sector. Greater use is to be made of it where it
ge, globalization and new climate change This measure will also impact on routes that provides better value for money than conventi-
and environmental protection requirements are the subject of the trans-European net- onal public funding.
present Germany with new challenges, which works.
are reflected in the demand for transport, in Description of the measure
particular. They also include the impact of Implementation period PPP solutions in the road construction sector
new technologies, innovations and new logis- It will be possible to conclude the review of the are to be encouraged for suitable projects. PPP
tics processes. requirement plans in 2010. will be examined to see whether it is a suitable
way of solving the problems of parking space
Description of the measure on federal motorways.
A start is to be made immediately on review-
ing the requirement plans, as provided for by Impact
law, and subsequently adapting them if neces- Pressing ahead with the use of PPP for suitable
sary, so that a report can be submitted to par- projects in the road construction sector will
liament in 2010 and any necessary adaptation result in benefits to the national economy. The
of the requirement plans can be initiated in a involvement of private sector capital will make
timely fashion. The review of the requirement it possible, in particular, to implement major
plans also follows, in particular, the transport projects earlier. In addition, it can result in
policy guidance set out in this Freight Trans- shorter construction periods.
port and Logistics Masterplan. The review
 M e a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r ien dly, cl im at e-f r ien dly, qu i e t a n d s a f e t r a nsport 

E Environmentally friendly, climate-friendly, quiet and safe transport

0 Me a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r i en dly, cl i m at e-f r ien dly, qu ie t a n d sa f e t r a nsport M e a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r ien dly, cl im at e- f r ien dly, qu i e t a n d s a f e t r a nsport 1

E 1 Develop a strategy to vary toll rates according to the route driven and the time of day E  Mitigate noise on the railways

Current situation objective, thereby making transport more Current situation EU relevance
The steady increase in traffic levels is produ- environmentally friendly and reducing its The problems associated with noise are This measure is consistent with EU transport
cing a growing number of congestion-prone climate change impact. especially acute in rail transport, because policy (see also the EU’s Freight Transport Logi-
sections of road. The possibility of varying toll mainlines frequently run through densely stics Action Plan).
rates by place and time could have a regulato- Responsibility populated areas and cause considerable noise
ry impact on the levels of congestion on these The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building nuisance for people living near these lines. Implementation period
sections. At its special cabinet meeting in and Urban Affairs is responsible for imple- Against the background of increasing trans- This measure is to be implemented within five
Meseberg in August 2007, the Federal Govern- menting this measure. port operations, the rising levels of noise emis- years.
ment decided to achieve an improved regula- sions they entail must be minimized. In addi-
tory impact through the HGV tolling system. Budgetary relevance tion to the construction of noise barriers, the
This measure has no budgetary relevance, procurement of low-noise freight wagons and
Description of the measure because the so-called Eurovignette Directive the retrofitting of existing wagons to make
Development of a toll rate model that uses (Directive 1999/62/EC) states that differential them quieter are of particular importance.
route and time of day categories in addition charging has to be fiscally neutral. Graduating
to the regulatory impact based on weight and charges according to the route driven and the Description of the measure
emissions. The Federal Highway Research time of day is not designed to generate any Creation of incentives for the retrofitting of
Institute is to develop a strategy to identify the additional toll revenue. The funds needed rolling stock to reduce the noise caused by
potential inherent the HGV tolling system for a to develop the tolling system will have to be freight wagons, by introducing an effective
regulatory impact through a variation of tolls generated from toll revenue. differentiation of track access charges based
according to the route driven and the time on noise emissions.
of day, taking account of the impacts on the EU relevance
logistics sector and the economy. The federal The Eurovignette Directive imposes limits on Impact
states will be involved. the extent to which charges may be gradua- The speedy introduction of as many low-noise
Varying toll rates according to the route driven ted. It states that the difference between the freight wagons as possible will make it possible
would at present already be legally permis- cheapest and the most expensive toll rate may to reduce transport noise and the impairment
sible and technologically feasible, in both the be up to 100 % and that graduated charging of health it causes, thereby making transport
automatic and manual systems. Tolls varied by has to be fiscally neutral. more environmentally friendly and reducing
time are currently only feasible using the au- its climate change impact.
tomatic procedure, because here the journey Implementation period
data recorded by the on-board unit is accurate The Federal Highway Research Institute Responsibility
to the minute so that the applicable rate can is to propose in 2008 a strategy to iden- The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
be calculated simultaneously. This means tify the potential inherent in the HGV and Urban Affairs and railway infrastructure
that tolls varied by time can only be realized if tolling system for a regulatory impact managers are responsible for implementing
there is even greater market coverage with the through a variation of tolls according to this measure.
automatic system. the route driven and the time of day.
Budgetary relevance
Impact The budgetary relevance of this measure will
This measure is designed to prevent congesti- depend on the nature of the differentiation.
on and produce a better segregation of traffic.
It is to identify the extent to which differential
tolling – taking account of the costs of toll
collection – can make a contribution to this
 Me a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r i en dly, cl i m at e-f r ien dly, qu ie t a n d sa f e t r a nsport M e a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r ien dly, cl im at e-f r ien dly, qu i e t a n d s a f e t r a nsport 

E 3 Establish a financial assistance programme to encourage the use of modern E 4 Optimize processes in the logistics chain taking greater account of environmental concerns
technologies to reduce the noise caused by rolling stock
Current situation measure will be funded from the Federal
Current situation the freight wagon fleet, thereby significantly Efficient logistics systems and networks are Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban
The problems associated with noise are espe- mitigating the impact of noise on residents. a crucial factor in the success of businesses Affairs’ budget.
cially acute in the rail freight sector, because and locations in national and international
mainlines frequently run through densely po- Responsibility competition. However, efficient systems do EU relevance
pulated areas and cause considerable nuisance The pilot and innovation programme will be not, by themselves, automatically mean that This measure is consistent with EU environ-
for people living near these lines. Residents’ controlled by an interministerial working optimum consideration is given to environ- mental and transport policy, according to
quality of life could be improved by the use of group with the Federal Ministry of Transport, mental concerns. Examples do show, however, which freight transport and logistics can make
new technologies, such as innovative brake Building and Urban Affairs as lead depart- that technological innovations and optimized a contribution to environmental protection
blocks for freight wagons. The development ment, EU (state aid issues, possibly uniform EU processes, with the involvement of producers, and climate change mitigation, in particular
and retrofitting of improved brake block types solution). can result in better profitability and competi- by unlocking potential for CO savings.
entails risks and opportunities for railway tiveness while taking account of environmen-
undertakings. At present, however, there are Budgetary relevance tal concerns. Implementation period
neither incentives nor obligations to under- The 2008 federal budget includes 100 million The strategy is to be developed in 2008/2009.
take such a retrofit. euros in the “noise mitigation“ item. Of this Description of the measure
sum, 10 million euros are ring-fenced for the Incentives are to be developed to optimize
Description of the measure pilot and innovation programme. A total of up processes in the logistics chain taking greater
A pilot project is to be launched for the retro- to 40 million euros, distributed over four years, account of environmental concerns. In parti-
fitting of existing freight wagons to reduce the will be provided for this purpose. cular, the impact of financial assistance incen-
noise they cause. On a selected busy corridor tives for voluntary environmental certification
(Rhine Valley), the short-term use of quiet EU relevance (e.g. ISO 14001 and EMAS) of the logistics chain
freight wagons is to deliver practical findings This measure will require European Commis- is to be considered.
about the necessary engineering and authori- sion approval.
zations. In parallel, a programme component Impact
for the collection of data on wagons is to lay Implementation period This measure is designed to enhance the
the foundations for further measures, espe- Around two to four years will be required to efficiency of the logistics chain and to result in
cially with regard to a revenue-neutral emissi- retrofit the wagons. further contributions being made to environ-
ons-based rail infrastructure charging system. mental protection and climate change mitiga-
The objective of the innovation programme tion, for instance by reducing CO emissions.
is to further improve noise-reducing retrofit
solutions for older, noisy freight wagons and Responsibility
to make these solutions more widely available. Incentives and, if appropriate, funding strate-
The aim is to reduce the costs of developing gies will be developed by the Federal Ministry
improved brake block types for retrofitting of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. Ship-
and to speed up development. pers, forwarders and logistics operators will be
responsible for implementing the measures.
This measure will help to make transport Budgetary relevance
more environmentally friendly and reduce its The funding required for public sector finan-
impact on climate change by seeking to subs- cial assistance programmes is estimated to
tantially reduce the level of noise caused by be around € 4 to 6 million per annum. This
 Me a su r es: En v iron men ta l ly f r i en dly, cl i m at e-f r ien dly, qu ie t a n d sa f e t r a nsport M e a su r es: G ood wor k i ng con di t ions a n d g ood t r a i n i ng in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry 

E  Further tighten environmental and safety standards (emissions reduction,

noise mitigation, safety technology)

Current situation Impact F Good working conditions and good training in the freight transport industry
The Federal Government has set itself the These measures are designed to help reduce
objective of reducing the greenhouse gas CO emissions and improve safety in the road
emissions caused by Germany by 40 % by 2020 haulage sector.
compared with 1990 levels. The transport sec-
tor has to play its part in achieving this goal. Responsibility
This applies especially to heavy goods vehicle The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
traffic, because road haulage accounts for one and Urban Affairs has lead responsibility for
third of all CO emissions from road transport. evolving the programmes of innovation.
In addition, the fact that current forecasts pre-
dict a growth in levels of freight traffic means Budgetary relevance
that legitimate questions of transport safety Implementation of the measures will have a
and noise mitigation are increasingly beco- neutral impact on the budget.
ming the focus of public attention.
EU relevance
Description of the measure This measure is consistent with the EU ob-
The existing programme of innovation is to jectives of making freight transport climate-
be evolved – possibly within the framework friendly and environmentally acceptable
of the toll compensation measures – towards and improving road safety. The financial
the provision of further financial assistance assistance programme will require European
to encourage the purchase of cleaner and Commission approval.
quieter HGVs. In addition, it is also to cover
issues relating to transport safety technology Implementation period
and efficient logistics systems. In this way, for Work on developing the funding guidelines is
instance, electronic stability programmes to commence in 2008. The preparatory period
such as ESP and other modern safety techno- leading up to the entry into force of the fun-
logies, especially driver assistance systems, ding guidelines will probably be more than
could be introduced earlier than required by one year.
law. In inland navigation, the existing finan-
cial assistance programmes to encourage the
purchase of low-emission engines and parti-
culate traps will be optimized and, if approp-
riate, continued. Using more biofuels in the
freight transport sector can also help to reduce
CO emissions. In this context, possibilities
for using more vegetable oil and biodiesel in
HGVs, local public transport and inland navi-
gation, including technical conversion, should
be explored.
 M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a i n ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a in ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry 

F 1 Step up the enforcement of social legislation in the road haulage sector F  Launch a basic and further training initiative
to improve road safety
Current situation sector. As the regulatory body responsible
Current situation Budgetary relevance In all spheres of logistics, there is an increased for 90 % of all training regulations, the Fede-
Infringements of road safety rules or social Implementation of the measure will have a need for skilled personnel. This need ranges ral Ministry of Economics and Technology
legislation are often a major factor in serious neutral impact on the budget. from professional drivers to highly skilled will also issue practice-oriented training
road accidents. Monitoring compliance with professionals with an academic background. regulations that reflect the requirements of
these rules makes a major contribution to ge- EU relevance Despite this, far too few operators have so far industry and technology, as it has already
neral road safety and to the protection of the When the measure is implemented, the Eu- offered their employees a range of basic and done in recent years for the fields of freight
social welfare of the crews. ropean regulatory framework governing the further training courses. It is imperative that forwarding, inventory management and
road haulage sector is to be observed. operators be made more aware of the potential courier, express and postal services. As far
Description of the measure benefit of a wider range of skills schemes and as further training is concerned, the Fede-
Continuous, targeted evaluation of the results Implementation period develop their commitment to widening the ral Ministry of Education and Research, as
of checks carried out by the Federal Office for The measure is to be implemented continuous- range of in-company training courses. There the department responsible, will develop
Goods Transport and the federal states, inclu- ly starting in 2008. Initial results are expected is great unused potential here which, if unlo- appropriate schemes, with the involve-
ding checks of vehicles from other EU Member in the summer of 2008. cked, will help to meet the demand for skilled ment of the social partners, in particular.
States and third countries (monitoring). workers and produce additional scope for
• At the national level, proposals for impro- enhancing productivity. The contents of the Impact
ving the checking strategy are to be deri- training courses will have to be continuously By quickly relieving the shortage of person-
ved from the results. If necessary, special adapted (technically, organizationally, etc.) nel, raising the skills level and improving
checks are to be carried out. to ongoing developments arising as a result of the sector’s image, we will lay the founda-
• At the European level, the results are to globalization, for instance. tions for good working conditions and good
inform the evolution of the regulatory At present, over 40 % of those employed in the training in the freight transport industry.
framework. freight transport and logistics sector have no
• In additional, at national level, the issue vocational qualification. If this sector of the Responsibility
is to feature more strongly in training, for economy is to have a promising future, the The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
instance of professional drivers, haulage skills of its workforce have to be improved. To and Urban Affairs will be the initiator, toge-
operators and logisticians. solve these problems, all the stakeholders, i.e. ther with the Federal Ministry of Economics
industry, training institutions and public aut- and Technology and the Federal Ministry
Impact horities, have to cooperate more closely than of Education and Research. Training ins-
This measure will result in better compliance they have done in the past. The National Pact titutions in cooperation with the business
with social legislation in the freight transport for Training and Young Skilled Workers in Ger- community, the Association of German
industry. many is one example of successful cooperation Chambers of Industry and Commerce,
in the field of training. Similar schemes have to freight transport associations, the Federal
Responsibility be created for further training. Employment Agency, the Federal Institu-
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building te for Vocational Education and Training
and Urban Affairs, the Federal Office for Goods Description of the measure and the German Logistics Association.
Transport, the federal states and the bodies Workshops and information meetings are
that provide training are responsible for im- to be held for better link-up and cooperation Budgetary relevance
plementing the measure. between the players at the working level, Implementation of the measure will have a
and an image campaign is to be launched to neutral impact on the budget.
highlight career opportunities in the logistics
 M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a i n ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a in ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry 

EU relevance F  Hold regular summits on the subject of work and training in the freight
This measure is consistent with EU trans- transport and logistics sector
port policy (see also the EU’s Freight
Transport Logistics Action Plan). Current situation Responsibility
The availability of sufficient well trained The summits are to be facilitated by the Fede-
Implementation period personnel at all levels of activity is absolutely ral Government, with the Federal Ministry of
Starting in 2009, for a period of initially five essential if operators are to have efficient pro- Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, Federal
years. cess and transport chains and enhance their Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Federal
corporate efficiency. In addition, working con- Ministry of Education and Research and Fede-
ditions are of crucial importance to the effici- ral Ministry of Economics and Technology co-
ency of the workforce and the attractiveness operating closely. The events are to be staged
of the various occupational profiles. Today, jointly with the industry.
already, there is increasing demand for skilled
personnel in all fields of freight transport and Budgetary relevance
logistics. This measure will be funded from the Federal
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban
Description of the measure Affairs’ budget.
Holding regular summits with the participa-
tion of the Federal Government, operators, EU relevance
associations and unions will help the stake- In the Commission’s Freight Transport Lo-
holders to reach agreement on the situation gistics Action Plan, the subject of personnel
concerning recruiting, further training and and training is dealt with under the heading
working conditions. The summits are to be “Sustainable Quality and Efficiency”. In con-
used to kick-start and monitor the activities crete terms, the Commission intends to work
of the further training initiative (cf. parallel together with European social partners and
measure) and to record and discuss the pro- stakeholders on the mutual recognition of
gress and results achieved. Subsequently, training certificates and to launch a dialogue
concrete agreements are to be reached on how to find ways of improving the attractiveness of
to further improve the situation and to push freight transport logistics occupations.
forward the initiative’s integration into the
skills initiative for Germany. At the same time, Implementation period
the working conditions in the freight trans- Implementation of the measure is due to start
port and logistics sector are to be addressed in in 2008.
order to unlock potential for improvement.

By quickly relieving the shortage of personnel
and raising the skills level, we will lay the foun-
dations for good working conditions and good
training in the freight transport industry.
Quantification of the additional workers to
be recruited through the Masterplan, and of
those with superior skills levels, is to take place
as the training initiative progresses.
0 M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a i n ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a in ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry 1

F 4 Launch a lighthouse project to improve the international profile of logistics F  Monitor the working conditions in the freight transport and logistics sector as part
courses in higher education of the market observation activities of the Federal Office for Goods Transport

Current situation search institutions and the national link-up of Current situation EU relevance
The German system for the training of ma- institutions of higher education. The course of Today, freight transport and logistics are It is not believed that this measure has any EU
nagement executives in the field of freight study is to establish benchmarks and set exa- among the major economic factors for Germa- relevance.
transport and logistics is of a high standard, mples of good practice. Internationally recog- ny. The people in this sector are one of the key
but at present it tends to play a subordinate nized examples are to be taken into account. factors determining its continuing successful Implementation period
role internationally. The multiplicity of players development. At present, this sector has a This measure is to be implemented starting in
and the competition between institutes create Impact workforce of around 2.6 million, who gene- 2008.
link-up and coordination problems, which re- If highly qualified management executives rate more than € 180 billion a year. Operators
sult in a lack of recognition. It is therefore diffi- trained to German standards operate at the are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit
cult to present a positive image of the top jobs international level as well, this will enhance sufficient numbers of skilled personnel. One
in the freight transport and logistics sector, to the competitiveness of Germany as a centre for of the reasons for this could be that the wor-
achieve international recognition of the Ger- logistics and make it more attractive as a place king conditions are generally considered to be
man training courses for logistics managers to do business. In addition, the course of study unattractive (weekend work, shift work, heavy
and to disseminate and implement the high will make it possible to better link up the higher physical work, low pay, etc.).
standards of the German freight transport and education landscape in Germany and might
logistics sector internationally. – even while it is still at the drawing-board Description of the measure
The marketing of Germany as a centre for lo- stage – create the necessary transparency, drive As part of the market observation activities
gistics in a globalized world, in which logistics forward an exchange of experience, launch col- conducted by the Federal Office for Goods
functions will be of ever greater importance, laborative schemes and have a positive impact Transport, this measure is designed to facili-
depends heavily on the quality and recogniti- on the way in which the training courses at tate an annual evaluation of the working con-
on of German expertise in the logistics sector. institutions of higher education are fleshed out. ditions in the freight transport and logistics
This requires an intensification of the efforts sector. It is to provide the social partners with
to improve the international profile of the Responsibility a robust evidence base for their discussions of
training of management executives by con- Institutions of higher education, the industry, working conditions. It is not to involve any ad-
ducting a lighthouse project. the federal states and the Federal Government ditional reporting requirements for operators.
(Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and
Description of the measure Urban Affairs) as facilitator are responsible for Impact
The aim is to create an internationally recog- this measure. Better and continually updated evidence on
nized course of study for the basic and further working conditions in the freight transport
training of national and international ma- Budgetary relevance and logistics sector.
nagement executives in the freight transport Implementation of this measure will have a
and logistics sector. This will involve the creati- neutral impact on the budget. Responsibility
on of a “lighthouse course of study” by pooling The Federal Office for Goods Transport is re-
the initiatives of the major players who provide EU relevance sponsible.
training in the field of logistics (linking up the It is not believed that this measure has any EU
principal training structures that operate in relevance. Budgetary relevance
the field of logistics), with the participation of Funding for the measure will be provided
the industry. The establishment of an interna- Implementation period from the Federal Office for Goods Transport’s
tionally recognized course of study presup- The blueprint will be drawn up by the end of budget.
poses the creation of a network comprising 2008. The course will start as of the winter
globally operating enterprises and leading re- semester of 2009.
 M e a su r es: G ood wor k ing con di t ions a n d g ood t r a i n ing in t he f r eigh t t r a nsport in dus t ry M e a su r es: F u rt her me a su r es t o m a k e Ger m a n y e v en mor e at t r ac t i v e a s a cen t r e for logis t ics 

F  Improve seafarers‘ working and living conditions

Current situation Budgetary relevance

The 2006 Maritime Labour Convention of Implementation of this measure will have a G Further measures to make Germany even more attractive
the International Labour Organization (ILO) neutral impact on the budget. as a centre for logistics
contains rules governing seafarers’ working
and living conditions. The Convention cannot EU relevance
come into force until it has been ratified by at Ratification is required for implementation of
least 30 states parties to the ILO which have at this measure.
least 33 % of the world gross tonnage of ships.
The Convention will thus establish worldwide Implementation period
standards. The European Commission has Ratification and implementation will be
called on EU Member States to ratify the Con- sought by 2009.
vention by 2012. There is the risk of numerous
ships being transferred to foreign registers
if Germany has not ratified the Convention
when it comes into force.

Description of the measure

The process of ratifying the Convention is to
be progressed. In addition, transposition into
national law will be taken as an opportunity
to create a new maritime labour code and to
modernize national maritime labour legislati-
on. Overall, a contribution will be made to the
worldwide improvement of seafarers’ working
and living conditions and to an improvement
of safety in international maritime shipping.

The Convention will improve seafarers’ living
and working conditions. In addition, it will
create a level playing field, thereby optimizing
German shipowners’ opportunities for ma-
king long-term profits.

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Af-
fairs has lead responsibility for implementing
the measures, which will also be closely mo-
nitored by the Federal Ministry of Transport,
Building and Urban Affairs.
 Me a su r es: F u rt her me a su r es t o m a k e Ger m a n y e v en mor e at t r ac t i v e a s a cen t r e for logis t ics M e a su r es: F u rt her me a su r es t o m a k e Ger m a n y e v en mor e at t r ac t i v e a s a cen t r e for logis t ics 

G 1 Establish a freight transport and logistics network G  Implement a marketing strategy to promote Germany as a centre for logistics

Current situation Implementation period Current situation marketing activities and measures in the
The EU is playing an increasingly important This measure is to be implemented by the end Germany is a high-technology location. As respective target markets, training of
role in developing the framework for freight of 2008. such, it is becoming increasingly dependent, “sales partners” within the framework of
transport and logistics. If German interests within the framework of an international appropriate activities. Workshops are to
are to be effectively articulated, the players division of labour, on imported inputs, whose be held and strategic partnerships with
require timely information on forthcoming processing and final assembly in Germany states and institutions initiated.
projects. Closer coordination between the creates jobs and safeguards the competi- Implementation of the strategy will be coordi-
Federal Government, the industry and trade tiveness of German companies. Against this nated with the Federal Ministry of Economics
associations can make it possible for the sta- background, there are opportunities for more and Technology, the Federal Foreign Office
keholders to adopt a position quickly and thus economic growth and employment. If we wish and its missions abroad, and the industry. The
exert influence on European decisions at an to seize these opportunities, it is absolutely federal states will also be involved.
early stage. essential that we have an efficient and inter-
nationally competitive freight transport and Impact
Description of the measure logistics system. As a first-class logistics centre Implementation of the marketing strategy is
Establishment of a permanent network with in Europe, Germany is well equipped in this designed to result in more orders for the Ger-
fixed focal points in the Federal Government, sphere. However, the way it is perceived on man freight transport and logistics industry.
federal states, trade associations, unions and, international markets is inadequate. For this This is likely to lead to additional wealth creati-
if appropriate, the industry, to ensure that Ger- reason, Germany as a logistics centre will be on and more jobs.
man interests inform the EU’s decision making marketed in an effective and targeted manner,
processes earlier and more effectively. and these efforts will be coordinated with the Responsibility
Federal Government’s activities to promote The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
Impact foreign trade and investment. and Urban Affairs and the industry, in consul-
The aim is to ensure that German interests are tation with the Federal Ministry of Economics
better reflected. Description of the measure and Technology and the Federal Foreign Of-
A marketing strategy to promote Germany as a fice, will be responsible for implementing the
Responsibility centre for logistics is to be implemented in or- marketing strategy.
The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building der to better highlight internationally the po-
and Urban Affairs, the industry, trade associ- tential and qualities of Germany as a logistics Budgetary relevance
ations and federal states are responsible for centre. This will complement the marketing € 600,000 is available for 2008 in the Federal
implementing this measure. activities of the federal states to make regional Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Af-
logistics centres more attractive. The strategy fairs’ budget. The industry has indicated that it
Budgetary relevance contains the following approaches: will provide complementary funding.
This measure will be funded from the Federal • Trade fairs and congresses: Presentations
Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban are to be given and customers targeted, EU relevance
Affairs’ budget. for instance by means of trade fair stands This is a measure to make Germany even more
and accompanying events such as the attractive as a centre for logistics in internatio-
EU relevance German Logistics Day. nal competition.
This measure is to facilitate more effective • Trips by delegations/entrepreneurs: Targe-
cooperation with the EU. ted logistics presentations are to be given Implementation period
and business receptions and corporate Implementation of the marketing strategy is
meetings held, among other things. due to have started by mid-2008.
• Networking events: Discussion of the
 Me a su r es: F u rt her me a su r es t o m a k e Ger m a n y e v en mor e at t r ac t i v e a s a cen t r e for logis t ics Glossa ry of a bbr e v i at ions 

G  Security strategy for the freight transport and logistics industry Glossary of abbreviations
Current situation and academia will be continued
The attacks of 11 September showed that glo- and expanded.
ARA ports Ports of the North Sea coastal cities of Amsterdam,
balization and the associated international in- • The Federal Government will con-
Rotterdam and Antwerp
terdependency make freight transport and lo- tinue its civil security research pro-
CO Carbon dioxide
gistics more vulnerable. Crime and terrorism gramme, which was launched in ²
DB AG Deutsche Bahn Aktiengesellschaft (German Rail
prevention are therefore important fields in 2007. One of the priorities is to be re-
the evolution of freight transport and logistics. search into logistics chain security.
DG TREN European Commission Directorate-General for
In particular, transport chain security and the • If recognized standards are to be
Energy and Transport
protection of critical transport infrastructure created in the field of civil security,
EC European Community
are becoming increasingly important throug- clearly defined international coor-
EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
hout the world. However, transport, like no dination is required.
ESP Electronic stability programme for motor vehicles
other sphere of life, is dependent on smooth
ETCS European Train Control System
flows and delay-free operations. We face the Impact
EU European Union
challenge of striking a balance between secu- This measure is designed to help enhance the
EU-27 The European Union in its current composition,
rity and mobility. Security gains, red tape and security of the supply chains and thus also of
with 27 Member States
economic efficiency have to be regularly weig- the people employed in the freight transport
HGV Heavy goods vehicle
hed against one another. In particular, secu- industry.
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
rity measures are not to result in competitive
ILO International Labour Organization
disadvantages vis-à-vis foreign service provi- Responsibility
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ders or in one mode of transport being placed The Federal Ministry of Transport, Building
ITS Intelligent transport systems
at a disadvantage compared with the others. and Urban Affairs, Federal Ministry of Edu-
km Kilometre
cation and Research, Federal Ministry of the
kWh Kilowatt-hour
Description of the measure Interior, trade associations and operators are
PPP Public private partnership
The aim is to evolve the security strategy, responsible for implementing this measure.
SPC ShortSeaShipping Inland Waterway Promotion
taking account of the following aspects, which
are of great importance to the freight trans- Budgetary relevance
t Tonne
port and logistics industry: This measure will be funded from the Federal
TEN Trans-European network
• In order not to place a burden on operators Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban
tkm Tonne-kilometre
in the form of unreasonable measures, in- Affairs’ budget, except in those cases where
formation on the existing security regimes the security research programme is affected
will be gathered, reviewed and assessed. (funded from the Federal Ministry of Educa-
• This stock-taking exercise will be follo- tion and Research’s budget).
wed by a comparative study of the various
security levels. This is designed to identify EU relevance
the “weakest links” in the supply chains, This measure is consistent with EU transport
in order to derive necessary and targeted policy.
security measures. It is important that an
impact assessment be carried out. Those Implementation period
tasks for which the industry itself is to be Work on implementing this measure is to start
responsible should also be determined. immediately.
• The network comprising the public
authorities, industry, trade associations

Die Bundesregierung
(The Federal Government)
represented by
Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung
(Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs)
Invalidenstr. 44
10115 Berlin

Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Bau und Stadtentwicklung
(Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs)
Referat A 32
Invalidenstr. 44
10115 Berlin

September 2008

Beate Reußner, Berlin, Germany

Printed by
Druckerei Conrad GmbH, Berlin, Germany

Photo credits
LNC GmbH (cover top left); Levis (cover bottom left); BLG LOGISTICS (cover bottom right);
DB AG: Max Lautenschläger (cover top right), Thomas Herter (p. 7), Dorothea Schmid (p. 9), Vedder (p. 13),
Pierlings (p. 24), Christian Bedeschinski (p. 41), Bartolomiej Banaszak (p. 47), Bernd Honerkamp (p. 53); Fotolia V (p. 8), Stefan Redel (p. 12), Michael S. Schwarzer (p. 15), nyul (p. 17), Yves Damin (S. 20),
Ilhan Balta (p. 22, 59), endostock (p. 25), scatterly (p. 27), Franz Pfluegl (p. 65), Andreas P. (p. 73); dpa (p. 11);
Toll Collect GmbH (S. 18); SGKV (p. 21)

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at local call rate when calling from Germany.

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