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WEEK 2 Day 1 Date: Nov.14, 2022

A. Content Standards
Demonstrate an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an
alternative source of income.
B. Performance Standards
Perform necessary skill in enhancing/decorating finished products.
C. Learning Competencies
Demonstrate creativity and innovativeness in enhancing/decorating bamboo, wood, and metal


A. Topic: Enhancing/Decorating Finished Products
B. References: Technology and Livelihood 6 pp. 185 (Authors: Susana V. Guinea, Randy R. Emen, and
Ma. Gilmina G. Sotoya)
C. Materials: laptop and projector


A. Reviewing previous lesson
Why is it important to enhance/decorate finished products?
B. Establishing Purpose for the Lesson
Have you experienced making a product out of bamboo, wood or metal?
C. Presenting Examples/ Instances of the New Lesson
Show to them sample pictures of finished products.
D. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills No. 1
What are the finishing materials they used to decorate the product?
Why is it important to used finishing materials in the product? Do you know how to apply the
finishing materials in the product?

E. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Skills No. 2

Show an example of unfinished product.
What kind of finishing materials are we going to use in these product? Is it a filler? Stains? Paint?
Varnish? Enamel? Or Lacquer? (It depends on the product they brought what finishing materials
they will use).
The teacher will demonstrate how to apply finishing materials like paint, varnish, enamel or lacquer
in the finished products.
Put some other design to decorate.
F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment)
Group activity:
Each group will demonstrate creatively how to enhance/decorate finished product using
varnish. Work with proper attitude.
Group 1: bamboo product
Group 2: wood product
Group 3: bamboo or wood product
G. Finding Applications of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
You can make your products more beautiful and attractive by using finishing materials. Finishing
materials give sheen to the bamboo, wood and metals.
H. Making Generalizations and Abstractions about the Lessons
What are the finishing materials used in finished products?

Used sample rubrics to evaluate the finished product.
Criteria 5 3 1 Points
Creativity and Finished product is very Finished product is attractive Finished product is not so
Design attractive and presentable. and presentable. The design attractive and presentable. The
The design is neatly done. is neatly done. design is not neatly done.

Workmanship Followed the steps, finished Followed the steps, finished Did not follow the steps, did
on time and work is on time but work is not not finished on time, and work
properly done. properly done. is not properly done.
Work Habits Good work habits actively Poor work habits, not so Poor work habits, did not
participated and kept the active but kept the work area participate, and left the work
work area clean. clean. area dirty.


Enhance another metal finished product using paint.

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