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The Problem


Societal Violence is a very dangerous act that could affect the youth at different level
and in many ways. It can also affect the performance and peace of a particular community.
Knowing this, the researchers will conduct a study about the effects of societal violence in
youth’s behavior in Cagayan de Oro City. As the researchers observed, violence is not an
easy thing that must be disregarded because it is something that must be taken care of.
According to the Oxford Dictionary, violence is a behavior that involves physical force
intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. This definition just clearly shows
how scary violence is, how it can damage people and the society as a whole. One of the
biggest problems which results from violence is its effects on youth’s behavior, especially
nowadays that youths tend to imitate almost everything they see and observe which make
things more complicated and dangerous.

According to CDC (2020) Youth violence increases the risk for behavioral and mental
health difficulties, including future violence perpetration and victimization, smoking,
substance use, obesity, high-risk sexual behavior, depression, academic difficulties, school
dropout, and suicide. Youth violence affects entire communities. This phrase is true because
based on the researchers’ observation the said attributes are present and currently happening
today. Hence, it leads the researchers to seek information about it and find possible solutions
that can greatly help not just the youths but also the performance and the development of the
community as a whole. The behavior of a person really depends on its environment that is
why it is very important to develop a healthy environment for a child to grow and develop in
a nicer manner that is why some of the parents tend to choose on where a particular place
they will settle. In the U.S. and internationally, children frequently are exposed to high levels
of community violence. Recent surveys estimate that more than 50% of children and youth

The researchers’ objective is a.) To identify what are the effects of societal violence on
youth’s behavior, while letting them realize how scary it could be if violence will not be
addressed or stopped and b.) Identify effective solutions for societal violence through letting
them put into action the things that needs to be done in order for them to address or at least

minimize societal violence happening in the society nowadays and to protect the youth’s
safety and behavior.


This study assumes that Societal Violence has negative effects on Youths’ Behavior.
This is
Anchored on the theory that “violence begets violence” as mentioned by (Guerra 2019).
Accordingly, youths who experienced violence are more likely to become ensnared in a cycle
of violence that leads violent behavior, including aggression, delinquency, violent crime and
any forms of abuse. This holds true for all types of youth violence exposure including, but not
limited to, societal violence.

Societal Violence. Societal violence refers to interpersonal violence in the community

that is not perpetrated by a family member and is intended to cause harm. Exposure to
societal violence is among the most detrimental experiences children can have, impacting
how they think, feel and act. Furthermore, it can also be traumatic and can negatively impact
multiple factors such as development, academic functioning, coping skills and relationships
(Guerra 2019).

Youths’ Behavior. Youth may possess a more aggressive behavior because of their
environment. They may have greater access to weapons and be more likely to carry weapons.
For many youths this is not a choice, but necessary for survival, which can lead to
involvement in the juvenile justice system.

Societal Violence
Independent Variable

Youths’ Behavior
Dependent Variable

Figure 1. Schematic Presentation of the Study


This study aims to know about the possible effects of societal violence to the youth’s
behavior and the possible solutions for societal violence. Furthermore, the study would like to
seek answers to these following questions:

1. What is the most common type of Societal Violence present in your community?

2. What are the possible effects of Societal Violence towards youth’s behavior?

3. What are the effective solutions in order to lessen and avoid Societal Violence?


Societal Violence has negative effects on youth’s behavior. However, the researchers
believe that these negative effects can be addressed through creating effective programs for
youths that would help them divert their attention on positive and meaningful things that can
contribute to the betterment of their lives and to the society


This study focuses on the effects of Societal Violence on Youths’ Behavior. The data
were randomly collected from the Youths (15-24 years old) residing in Cagayan de Oro City.
This study does not cover the root causes of Societal Violence and its nature. Furthermore,
this study does not include youths residing outside Cagayan de Oro City and people beyond
24 years old who are no longer considered youths.


This study which seeks to identify the effects of Societal Violence on Youths’
Behavior and its possible solutions, will be beneficial to the following:

The Youths

The findings of this study will help the youths to become aware of the most common
type of Societal Violence around them and find means to address and over come it through
considering the possible solutions that will be recommended in this study.

The Parents

The findings of this study will help the parents of the youths to strengthen their
guidance and support to their children that will prevent them from the harmful effects of
Societal Violence to their mental health, behavior and to their essential roles/functions in the


The terms presented bellow are the words that can be found in the papers that could
help the readers to fully understand the terms being used in the study.

1. Societal Violence- refers to any type of violence committed by individuals or the

community that has a social impact.
2. Sociological Theory- is a set of ideas that provides an explanation for human society.
3. Differential Association- it explains that people learn to become offenders from their
environment. Through interactions with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes,
methods and motives for criminal behavior.
4. Juvenile Justice- refers to a system dealing with children at risk and children in
conflict with the law, which provides child-appropriate proceedings, including
programs and services for prevention, diversion, rehabilitation, re-integration and
aftercare to ensure their normal growth and development.

5. Perpetrate- a term commonly used by law enforcement officers to designate a person

who actually commits a crime.
6. Aggression- is forceful and hostile behavior toward another person that can result in
emotional or physical harm.
7. Delinquency- is generally thought to mean criminal behavior committed by juveniles
under the legal age of adulthood.
8. Detrimental- causing damage or harm
9. Traumatic- psychologically or emotionally stressful in a way that can lead to serious
mental and emotional problems.
10. Intrusive- being involved in a situation where you are not wanted or do not belong.


Review of Related Literature of the Studies

This chapter presents the reviews of related literature and studies made or conducted that
will bring a thorough understanding of this study.

Foreign Literature and Studies

Over the last decade a great deal of literature has been focused on the subject of youth
violence. For this paper, youth violence is defined as elementary and adolescent-aged boys
and girls who commit violent acts. These include: the use of physical force to produce injury
or death to others, gang fighting, hate crimes, sexual and/or physical assault, bringing and/or
using weapons at school, and aggressive behavior used as a means to gain a certain outcome
(Ferrara P. 2019).

According to Cipollone E. (2021) exposure to violent events can be traumatic and can
negatively impact multiple factors such as development, academic functioning, coping skills
and relationships. Kids are not only being exposed to violence within their communities at a
much higher rate, but also through technology. Social media has increased access to violent
content online, which, studies have shown, increases violent behavior. Youth may become
more aggressive because of their environment. They may have greater access to weapons and
be more likely to carry weapons. For many youths this is not a choice, but necessary for
survival, which can lead to involvement in the juvenile justice system. Statistics from the
National Center for Mental Health and Juvenile Justice indicate that at least 75 percent of
court-involved youth have experienced a trauma. A large percentage of court-involved youth
have experienced multiple kinds of trauma, often referred to as poly-victimization.

Furthermore Violence Prevention (2021) stipulated that youth violence is a serious

public health that can have long-term impact on health and wellbeing. Youth Violence is the
intentional use of physical force or power to threaten or harm others by young people ages
15-24. Youth violence can include fighting, bullying, and threats with weapons, and gang-
related violence. A young person can be involved with youth violence as a victim, offender,
or witness. Experiencing youth violence can harm development and contribute to impaired
decision-making, learning challenges, decreased connections to peers and adults, and trouble
coping with stress. Youth violence can have serious and lasting effects on young people’s

physical, mental, and social health but youth can be protected through ensuring their growth
into healthy adults by preventing violence.

This study is based on the principles of Republic Act No. 8044 or the act creating the
national youth commission, establishing a national comprehensive and coordinated program
on youth development, appropriating funds therefor, and for other purposes. The State
declares that “Youth” is the critical period in a person’s growth and development from the
onset of adolescence towards the peak of mature, self-reliant and responsible adulthood
comprising the considerable sector of the population from the age of fifteen (15) to thirty (30)

The State further declares the National Comprehensive and Coordinated Program on
Youth Development shall be based on the following principles: Promotion and protection of
the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the youth to the end that the
youth realize their potential for improving the quality of life; Inculcation in the youth of
patriotism, nationalism and other basic desirable values to infuse in them faith in the Creator,
belief in the sanctity of life and dignity of the human person, conviction for the strength and
unity of the family and adherence to truth and justice; Encouragement of youth involvement
in character-building and development activities for civic-efficiency, stewardship of natural
resources, agricultural and industrial productivity, and an understanding of world economic
commitments on tariffs a trade and participation in structures for policy-making and program
implementation to reduce the incidence of poverty and accelerate socio-economic
development; and Mobilization of youth’s abilities, talents and skills and redirecting their
creativity, inventive genius and wellspring of enthusiasm and hope for the freedom of our
people from fear, hunger and injustice.

Thus, the objectives of this study is specifically anchored on the promotion and
protection of the physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being of the youth to
the end that the youth realize their potential for improving the quality of life through
identifying the effects of Societal Violence on Youths’ Behavior and find alternative
solutions to protect them from these negative effects. With this Youths will then serve their
duties and functions as integral contributors for the betterment of the society and the whole

Local Literature and Studies

In February 2020 DIGNITY, CLRDC and the NGO Balay Rehabilitation Center
launched a project to protect vulnerable children from torture and ill-treatment in a poor
urban settlement in the capital, Manila. The project is called 'Following the Child: Integrated
protection of children along their pathway through the juvenile justice and welfare system in
the Philippines' and is intended to empower children by strengthening their life skills and
knowledge of their rights, promote community-based activities aimed at transforming
attitudes and behaviors from being punitive to protective, and help ensuring a better
monitoring system to document violations and provide support to child victims. IN a country
where about 80 percent of all children have experienced some form of violence according to
Save the Children (1) such a project is much needed. But the COVID-19 crisis has put the
planned activities on hold for the time being.

According to Roche (2021) child protection practices in one Local Government Unit
(LGU) in the Central Visayas of the Philippines via a case study design, highlighting child
protection actors and their functions. It focuses on child protection from local perspectives,
aiming to better understand the role, interactions and influence of NGOs, including residential
care, as components of wider child protection approaches. This is important given that the
over-reliance on the institutional care of children—in residential care, orphanages, group
homes and other settings—is a major component of approaches to children's welfare and
protection in the Philippines. Despite this, its connection to child protection practices, formal
or otherwise, is yet to be explored.

In addition, The Government of the Philippines through the CWC in collaboration with
UNICEF, Department of Health, University of the Philippines Manila and Consuelo Alger
Zobel Foundation conducted a nationwide study among 3,866 children and youth aged 13-24
years old that provides information on the prevalence and various forms of violence against
children in the country. The study revealed that: 80% of children and youth experienced some
form of violence in their lifetime, whether in the home, school, workplace or community,
with boys at 81.5% and girls, 78.4%.1 in 3 children experiences physical violence, with more

than half of this happening at home. Most common cases of violence at home are corporal
punishment committed by parents and siblings. 3 in 5 children experience psychological
violence; in the form of verbal abuse, threats or neglect.1 in 5 children below age 18 have
experienced sexual violence while growing up.
Common perpetrators of sexual violence are brothers or cousins.


Research Methodology

This chapter contains a discussion of research methodology used in the study.


The researchers utilized Mixed Method Research design. This type of research design is a

Procedure for collecting, analyzing, and “mixing” both quantitative and qualitative
research methods in a single study to understand a research problem.


The researcher decided to conduct the study in Upper 20, Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro
City to easily track the respondents since the said setting is where the researcher live for the
mean time

Figure 2. Research Setting


The researchers used a random sampling design to avoid bias in gathering data from
the respondents about effects of society violence towards youths’ behavior. According to
Kendra (2021), a random sample is a subset of individuals randomly selected by researchers
to represent an entire group as a whole. The goal is to get a sample of people representing the
larger population.


Data processing was done by getting the consent of the respondents. The researcher
decided to have 30 respondents to answer the survey questionnaire and they had the privilege
to answer the survey anytime they want for them to feel comfortable in answering the said
survey, they also has the right to say no when they do not feel comfortable.


The researchers developed a self-made questionnaire which is composed of checkbox

questions and interview question through Google Forms. The researchers decided to use
online survey questionnaire for the safety and comfortability of the respondents especially
now that we are currently experiencing pandemic.


For the scoring procedure the researcher decided to use the percentage formula since
the only goal of the researcher is to know what is the most common societal violence present
in the community and if it has an effect to the youth's behavior.



Since this study falls under the Mixed-Method Research Design, the researchers used
two types of treatment in the study. In the checkbox type of questions, the researchers utilized
automatic generated statistical result from the Google Form, in which the data were reflected
through comprehensive charts and bar graphs. On the other hand, upon analyzing the
interview type question, the researchers followed Modified Colizzi’s Method as mentioned by
Turunen, H. (2017). The processes of this method are as follows:

1. Familiarization on the data- read and re-read transcribed interview and make sense to

2. Identification of significant statements- extract vital ideas that directly pertains to


3. Formulation of Meanings- the process of giving meanings to statements.

4. Clustering of Themes- create themes based on the formulated meanings.

5. Exhaustive Description- compile this from all the generated in steps 1-4.6.
Fundamental Structure- result of summarized exhaustive description.

7. Verification- this ensures the credibility of data.


Analysis and Discussion of Data

This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of the data in accordance with the
appropriate statistical treatments. For better understanding of this study, the data gathered are
presented in tables.

Problem 1. What is the most common type of Societal Violence present in your

Table 1. The most common type of societal violence

Types of violence Frequency Percentage

Physical violence 16 53.3%

Emotional 24 80%
Sexual violence 5 16.7%

Neglect violence 9 30%

Table 1, shows the different types of violence present in the society. As we can see in
the table emotional violence is the highest or the most common type of social violence
present in the society, having a frequency of 24 with the percentage of 80%. Physical
violence is the second one having a frequency of 16 with a percentage of 53.3%, followed by
neglect violence having a frequency of 9 with a percentage of 30%. Lastly is sexual violence
having a frequency of 5 with a percentage of 16.7%?

Problem 2. What are the possible effects of societal violence towards Youth's behavior?

Table 2. Effects of societal violence in youth’s behavior

Effects of societal violence Frequency Percentage

Smoking 7 23.3%

Illegal substance 4 13.3%

Depression 15 50%

Academic difficulties 13 43.3%

Drot out in school 7 23.3%

Imitate the violence observed 8 26.7%

Being aggressive 10 33.3%

Impatient 7 23.3%

Being aloof or alone 8 26.7%

No effect at all 8 26.7%

Table 2 shows the effects of societal violence in youth’s behavior. As we can see in the
table presented above, depression got the highest frequency which is 15 with a percentage of
50%, this means that one of the most common effects of societal violence is depression.
Academic difficulties comes after with a frequency of 13 and a percentage of 43.3%,
followed by being aggressive with frequency of 10 and a percentage of 33.3% ,then followed
by imitating the violence they observed, being aloof or alone with a frequency of 8 and a
percentage of 26.7%. Dropping out of school and being impatient got a frequency of 7 with a
percentage of 23.3%.Lastly is the usage illegal substance with a frequency of 4 with a
percentage of 13.3%. Good to say that 8 of the respondents answered that societal violence
doesn't affect them at all which is 26.7%.

Problem 3. What are the effective solution in order to lessen or avoid societal violence?

The researchers read all the responses, all of their answers has the same thoughts which
is to take action by the help of the barangay officials and their guardians to stop violence in
their home and in the community. The youth must have a positive ways to spend their spare
time through organized recreation and also conducting a seminar in every barangay about the
effects of societal violence for them to be able to know their boundaries in life to avoid
conflicts around the society.



This chapter represents the summary and findings, conclusion and recommendations
that derive from the previous chapter.

Summary and Findings

The researcher analyzed the data by using the percentage formula and by following the
step presented in the statistical treatment and the data shows that the most common violence
present in the society is emotional violence, since they tend to receive harsh words and
comments from the people around them which could possibly affect their behaviors.
Moreover, the findings also shows that these violence could possibly be lessen if proper
action will be taken.


The study's result and findings led the researcher to a particular conclusion which is,
one of the most common societal violence is emotional violence which greatly affect the
behavior of the youth in any aspect of their lives. The result also gave the researcher a
conclusion that this violence may be avoided if proper action will be taken in the society
where violence is present. Recommendation

After a thorough analysis of data, the following recommendations are hereby made.
1. Guidance of parents towards their children must be put into priority.
2. Seminar about the effects of societal violence must be part of the society's program.
3. If there is violence being noticed inside the society, then it must get immediate action
before it get worst.



1. Oxford Dictionary
2. Guerra (2011) Societal Violence: The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions

Retrieved at:

3. Russell (2013) Conflict and Violence Viewpoint

Retrieved at:


4. Horn (1998) Retrieved at:

5. Shaw (1942) Sociological Theory

Retrieved at:


6. Turunen,H. (2017) Modified Colizzi’s Method Retrieved at:

7. (Ferrara P. 2019) Physical, psychological and social impact of Violence on children

Retrieved at:

8. Violence Prevention (2021)

Retrieved at: 9.

Cipollone E. (2018) Exposure to Community Violence and Its Impact on Our Youth

exposuret o-community-violence-and-its-impact-on-our-youth

10. National Youth Comission

Retrieved at:


A. Letter

Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Good day!

I, Axil P. Sundo a 4th year BS-Criminology Students of Phinma Cagayan de Oro College, is
currently enrolled in CRI194 – Criminology Research 2 As part of my semi-final/final
requirement in this subject, I was tasked to conduct a research study. My research study is
about The Effects of Societal Violence on Youth's Behavior in Cagayan de Oro City. In order
to gather data about this study, I am asking for your consent to conduct the said survey.

The purpose of my research study is to know the effects of societal violence on Youth's
Behavior. The data that will be gathered will be used to supplement my research study. No
data shall be connected directly to you and it will be kept confidential. The participation in
taking this survey questionnaire is voluntary and it may take approximately 3-5 minutes while
answering the said survey questionnaire. The participant may choose to withdraw their
participation in answering the survey questionnaire anytime. No fees will be provided by their
participation as well as no monetary contributions shall be asked from.


Research Instructor

B. Questionnaire


Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Good day!

I, Axil P. Sundo a 4th year BS-Criminology Students of Phinma Cagayan de Oro College, is
currently enrolled in CRI194 – Criminology Research 2. As part of my semi-final/final
requirement in this subject, I was tasked to conduct a research study. My research study is
about The Effects of Societal Violence on Youth's Behavior in Cagayan de Oro City. In order
to gather data about this study, I am asking for your consent to conduct the said survey. If
you feel uncomfortable about the said survey you have the freedom not to answer it. Thank


( ) Male


( ) Age

( ) 15-16

( ) 17-18

( ) 19-20

( ) 21-22

( ) 23-24

1. What are the most common form of Violence in your Society? (You can select as
many as you can.)

( ) Physical Violence (ex. Punching, Kicking, Slapping, Torturing, Assaulting)

( ) Emotional Violence (Bullying, Insults, Threats, Humiliating)

( ) Sexual Violence (Rape, Sexual Assault, Child Sexual Abuse)

( ) Neglect (Child Abuse and Neglect by Parents)

2. What are the effects of the Societal Violence in your behavior as a youth? (You can
select as many as you can.)

( ) It leads me to smoke.

( ) It leads me to use illegal substance.

( ) It leads me to depression.

( ) It leads me to academic difficulties.

( ) It leads me to dropout in school.

( ) It leads me to imitate the violence that I have observed.

( ) It leads me to become aggressive.

( ) It leads me to become impatient.

( ) It leads me to become aloof or alone.

( ) It has no effect in my behavior at all.


3. If Societal Violence has no effect in your behavior at all, explain


4. What do you think are the effective solutions to Societal Violence?

Axil P. Sundo

Upper 20 Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City 09268568364

Personal Information:
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Birthdate: March 24, 2000
Address: Upper 20 Nazareth, Cagayan de Oro City

Status: Single
Religion: Catholic
Educational Background:
Primary: Anlogan Elementary School
Secondary: Cabulohan- Paradise National high-school (CPNHS)
Senior High School: Cabulohan - Paradise National High School (CPNHS)
Tertiary: PHINMA Cagayan de Oro College


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