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The Code Of


Nike's Code of Conduct: is an essential component

to our sourcing strategy and how we determine the
suppliers Nike will continue to engage and grow our
business to create a lean, green and equitable supply

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The contractor does not employ any person below
the age of 18 to produce

The contractor does not employ any person below

the age of 16 to
produce apparel, accessories or equipment.
Management practices that respect the rights all
employees,including the right to free association and
collective bargaining.

Forced Labor. The contractor does not use forced

labor in any form - - prison, indentured, bonded or

Child Labor. The contractor does not employ any

person below the age of 18 to produce footwear. The
contractor does not employ any person below the age
of 16 to produce apparel, accessories or equipment. If
at the time Nike production begins, the contractor
employs people of the legal working age who are at
least 15, that employment may continue, but the
contractor will not hire any person going forward who
is younger than the Nike or legal age limit, whichever
is higher. To further ensure these age standards are
complied with, the contractor does not use any form of
homework for Nike production.

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Pregnant Workers.The factory
shall not discriminate against
pregnant workers. The factory must
also comply with the local labor
regulations regarding maternity

Environment, Safety and Health.

The contractor has written environmental, safety and
health policies and standards, and implements a
system to minimize negative impacts on the
environment, reduce work-related injury and illness,
and promote the general health of employees.

Annual Leave :order to maintain a work/family

balance, contractors are required to provide annual
leave as a part of an employee's bene ts package.
Employees should be encouraged to take annual
leave and not to accept the practice of additional work
for additional bonus pay.

Hours of Work/Overtime. The contractor complies

with legally mandated work hours.Uses overtime only
when each employee is fully reduce according to local
law, and informs each employee at the time of
hiring .On a regularly scheduled basis, the contractor
provides one day off.Requires no more than 60 hours
of work per week, or complies with local limits if they
are lower.
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Basic wage structure:
Each contract factory must consider the following
when establishing a wage and salary structure.
Job performance.
Type of work.
Years of service.

New Factories and Labor Practice:

Before Nike manufacturing management approves
any new factory for production, or places the initial
product order, that factory must agreed to, pay for and
undergo an independent .Labor Practices
Assessment, as well as a Nike shape inspection.

The ndings of both inspections must indicate that the

factory is in substantial compliance with the Nike
Code of Conduct.

If the factory is judged not to be in substantial

compliance, it must make necessary corrections and
submit to a re-audit, which it must pay for, and/or re-

Done by: Nour Abed


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