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Test English

3 Lessons 9–12
Name    Date 
for Life

Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.

1 ‘I’ve got a headache.’ ‘(a Dear  b Poor  c Pity)  you! Take some aspirin.’

2 Gennaro’s office is  (a –  b a  c the)  second door on the left.

3 Is that  (a –  b the  c a)  man you told me about?

4 Flora’s got a new  (a fitting  b fit  c fitted)  kitchen. It’s very modern.

5 Shall we go to  (a a  b the  c –)  new café in the park or stay in?

6 ‘I was ill with flu last weekend.’ ‘(a That’s  b There’s  c It’s)  a shame.’

7 ‘Has the house got central  (a heating  b heat  c heaters)?’ ‘No, it’s freezing!’

8 A  (a flatmate  b landlord  c tenant)  lets accommodation.

9 Jaime bought Alicia  (a a  b –  c an)  expensive ring yesterday.

10 You need to pay a  (a deposit  b location  c condition)  of €200.

11 ‘I’m disappointed I failed the exam.’ ‘I  (a don’t  b can  c can’t)  imagine.’

12 How much is the  (a share  b pay  c rent)  on our new flat?

13 It was  (a a  b the  c –)  most beautiful dress in the shop, so I bought it.

14 All the flats are fully  (a unfurnished  b furniture  c furnished).

15 ‘I missed the concert.’ ‘(a What a  b That a  c What)  pity.’

16 ‘Atishoo!’ ‘(a Bless  b Blessings  c Bless you)!’

17 The flat is  (a spacious  b convenient  c comfortable)  for the city.

18 Is there  (a a  b –  c the)  really good supermarket near here?

19 The accommodation consists  (a in  b –  c of)  four rooms, so it’s quite small.

20 It’s a  (a first floor’s  b first-floor  c floor first)  flat in the town centre.

✓ mark out of 20

3 © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

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