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Test English

5 Lessons 17–20
Name    Date 
for Life

Write the correct letter, a, b, or c.

1 Have you  (a got know  b got to know  c get to know)  each other better?

2 If you  (a drink  b ’ll drink  c drank)  coffee at night, you won’t sleep.

3 ‘I don’t feel well.’ ‘OK. I  (a –  b ’m going  c ’ll)  cook dinner tonight.’

4 Jorge was my  (a best  b better  c the best)  friend at school.

5 Gustav’s  (a done  b pulled  c lifted)  a muscle in his leg again.

6 Look at that boy! He  (a goes  b ’s going to  c ’ll)  fall off his bike.

7 You should really  (a eat  b take  c cut)  down on fat in your diet.

8 Marika’s extremely busy. She’s always on  (a the go  b go  c going).

9 (a Robots will they  b Will robots  c Are robots)  cook meals in the next ten years?

10 My son and I have got a very good  (a relate  b relations  c relationship).

11 The teacher told us to  (a lift  b lie  c lower)  on the floor and relax.

12 I’ve decided to  (a lose  b get off  c give up)  much more weight.

13 Do you ever take a power  (a nap  b sleep  c rush)  at work?

14 Why don’t you try and keep  (a health  b exercise  c fit)  more?

15 They enjoy  (a each other  b each other’s  c each’s other)  company.

16 (a Shall we meet  b Meet we  c Shall we meet us)  at 7 p.m.?

17 I rarely get  (a the  b –  c a)  good night’s sleep these days.

18 Your  (a stomach  b palm  c spine)  is in your back, not your leg.

19 When  (a you’re going to  b are you going to  c you’ll)  buy a new car?

20 I hope they  (a be  b ’ll  c ’ll be)  very happy together.

✓ mark out of 20

5 © Oxford University Press  PHOTOCOPIABLE

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