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Footing on Piles

Prepared by:
Engr. Kenny B. Cantila
Piles maybe used when the surface soil layers are too soft to support the load
from the structure. Pile loads are either transmitted to a stiff bearing layer
below the ground surface or maybe transmitted to the soil by friction along
the length of the pile.

Modes of failure for a pile cap:

a. Crushing under the column or over the pile

b. Bursting of the side cover where the pile transfers its load to the pile cap
c. Yielding of the tension tie connecting the top of the piles
d. Anchorage failure of the tension tie
e. Two way shear failure
f. Failure of the compression strut
Assumption of Designing of Pile Cap (Eccentric or Concentric Loading)
1. The cap is perfectly rigid.
2. Pile heads are hinged to the pile cap, therefore no bending moment is
transmitted from the pile cap to the piles.
3. Piles are considered as an elastic column, therefore the deformation and
stress distribution are planar.
4. Pile caps, similar to spread footings, maybe pedestals, stepped or sloping
5. Pile caps should be large enough to have a minimum edge distance of 150
mm of concrete beyond the outside face of the exterior piles.
6. Pile caps are embedded at least 150 mm in the cap.
7. The reinforcing bars are placed at a clear distance of 75 mm above the
pile head.
8. Depth of footing above the bottom reinforcement shall not be less than
300 mm for footing on piles.
Assumption of Designing of Pile Cap (Eccentric or Concentric Loading)

9. Under a concentric load, all piles in the same group are assumed to carry
equal axial loads.
10. The soil under the pile cap is assumed not to offer any support.


d = 300 mm (min)

75 mm (min)
150 mm (min)
Concrete column,
𝐏𝐮 𝐏𝐮
Masonry wall
wall or pedestal Critical Sections
for Moment t
Critical section
Critical section for moment
for moment

3R u 3R u 3R u 3R u
x1 x1
x2 x2

Pu Pu
Ru = Mu = 3R u x2 + 3R u x1 Ru = Mu = 3R u x2 + 3R u x1
𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑦 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑇𝑤𝑜 𝑊𝑎𝑦 𝑆ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑟

Concrete column, 𝐏𝐮 Critical Sections 𝐏𝐮 Concrete column,

pedestal or wall for Shear pedestal or wall

Critical section for shear Critical section for shear

d d/2 d/2

3R u 3R u 3R u 3R u



1 ′ 1 ′
Vu = 6R u Vu = ∅ f c bw d Vu = 14R u Vu = ∅ f c bo d
6 3
When the critical section for shear is within the pile diameter

critical section
critical section
critical section
c1 c1

Dp /2 Dp /2 Dp /2 Dp /2 Dp /2 Dp /2
Dp Dp Dp

R 2c1 R R 2c1

R = 1+ R′ = R′ = 1−
2 Dp 2 2 Dp

Vu = 3R + 3R′ Vu = 3R + 3R′ Vu = 3R + 3R′

Problem 1: A reinforced concrete square footing supports a 400 mm x 400
mm square column footing carrying a total dead load of 700 kN and a total
live load of 1,100 kN. The footing dimension is 3 m x 3m and is supported by
9 piles spaced at 1 meter apart on a 3 x 3 formation. The effective depth of
the footing is 600 mm. f'c = 30 MPa, fy = 375 MPa

a. Compute the nominal beam shear to be resisted by the footing in MPa.

b. Compute the nominal punching shear to be resisted by the footing in
c. Compute the nominal moment to be resisted by the footing in MPa.
Dead Load: PDL = 700 kN
Column: Live Load: PLL = 1,100 kN
Column size: c = 400 mm

Concrete: Compressive strength f′c = 30 MPa

Steel: Yield strength fy = 375 MPa

Footing: Size: B x B B = 3 m
Effective depth d = 600 mm

Piles: Formation 3x3

Number of piles n = 9 piles
PDL = 700 kN
PLL = 1,100 kN

3Q u 3Q u 3Q u

1m 0.4 m
0.4 m d


0.5 m 1m 1m 0.5 m

1.7 m 1.3 m
Total factored load on column: Wide beam shear:

Pu = 1.2PDL + 1.6PLL Vu = 3Q u
Pu = 1.2(700) + 1.6(1,100) Vu = 3(288.89)
𝐏𝐮 = 𝟐, 𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐍 𝐕𝐮 = 𝟖𝟔𝟔. 𝟔𝟕 𝐤𝐍

Load on each pile: Nominal shear provided by concrete

based on wide beam shear:
Qu = Vu
2,600 Vc =
Qu = ∅
9 866.67
𝐐𝐮 = 𝟐𝟖𝟖. 𝟖𝟗 𝐤𝐍 Vc =
𝐕𝐜 = 𝟏, 𝟏𝟓𝟓. 𝟓𝟔 𝐤𝐍
Shear stress at critical section Nominal shear provided by
for wide beam shear: concrete:

Vc Vc = Vu /∅
fc =
bw d 2,311.12
1,155.56 Vc =
fc = 𝐕𝐜 = 𝟑, 𝟎𝟖𝟏. 𝟒𝟗 𝐤𝐍
fc = 642 kPa
𝐟𝐜 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟒𝟐 𝐌𝐏𝐚 Shearing stress at critical
section for punching shear:

fc =
Punching Shear: bo d
Vu = 8Q u fc =
[4(0.4 + 0.6)](.6)
Vu = 8 288.89 fc = 1,283.96 kPa
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟐, 𝟑𝟏𝟏. 𝟏𝟐 𝐤𝐍 𝐟𝐜 = 𝟏. 𝟐𝟖 𝐌𝐏𝐚
Moment at critical section:

Mu = 3Q u x
Mu = 3 288.89 (1.3 − 0.5)
𝐌𝐮 = 𝟔𝟗𝟑. 𝟑𝟒 𝐤𝐍 ∙ 𝐦
Problem 2: A reinforced concrete footing on pile cap, f’c = 20.7 MPa, fy =
276 MPa as shown in the figure is supported by piles which are 10 m long.

a. What is the ultimate load per pile in kN if the footing is to be supported

by 9 piles?
b. What is the required depth of footing in mm?
c. How many 20 mm round bars are required for this footing (both ways)?

Total factored load on column: Load on each pile:

Pu = 1.2PDL + 1.6PLL Pu
Qu =
Pu = 1.2(650) + 1.6(1,200) N
𝐏𝐮 = 𝟐, 𝟕𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐍 2,700
Qu =
𝐐𝐮 = 𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝐤𝐍
PDL = 650 kN
PLL = 1,200 kN

3Q u 3Q u 3Q u

0.9 m 0.4 m
2.7 m
0.4 m d

0.9 m

0.45 m 0.9 m 0.9 m 0.45 m

1.55m 1.15 m
Required depth of footing as controlled by punching beam shear:

Ultimate shear on the footing: Effective depth:

Vu = 8Q u Vu = ∅Vc
Vu = 8(300) 1 ′
Vu = ∅ f c bo d
Vu = 2,400 kN 3
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟐, 𝟒𝟎𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐍
Vu = Pu − Q u d=
∅ f ′ c bo
Vu = 2,700 − (300) 3(2,400,000)
Vu = 2,400 kN d=
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟐, 𝟒𝟎𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐍 (𝐄𝐪. 𝟏) 0.75 20.7[4 400 + d ]

𝐝 = 𝟓𝟓𝟑. 𝟑𝟑 𝐦𝐦
Nominal shear strength provided by concrete:
𝟏 ′
𝐕𝐜 = 𝐟 𝐜 𝐛𝐨 𝐝 (𝐄𝐪. 𝟐)
Required depth of footing as controlled by wide-beam shear:

Ultimate shear on the footing: Effective depth:

Vu = 3Q u Vu = ∅Vc
Vu = 3(300) 1 ′
Vu = ∅ f c bw d
Vu = 900 kN 6
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟗𝟎𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐍
Vu = Pu − 6Q u d=
∅ f ′ c bw
Vu = 2,700 − 6(300) 6(900,000)
Vu = 900 kN d=
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟗𝟎𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐍 (𝐄𝐪. 𝟏) 0.75 20.7(2,700)

𝐝 = 𝟓𝟖𝟔. 𝟏𝟏 𝐦𝐦
Nominal shear strength provided by
𝟏 ′ Final effective depth:
𝐕𝐜 = 𝐟 𝐜 𝐛𝐰 𝐝 (𝐄𝐪. 𝟐)
𝟔 𝐝 = 𝟔𝟎𝟎 𝐦𝐦
Design for Reinforcements:

B − 2e − a
x = 0.70 m
0.9 m 0.4 m
2.7 m Ultimate moment at critical section:
0.4 m

Mu = 3Q u x
0.9 m Mu = 3(300)(0.70)
Mu = 630 kN ∙ m
Mu = 630,000,000 N ∙ mm
0.45 m 0.9 m 0.9 m 0.45 m

Coefficient of resistance:
1.55m 1.15 m
Ru =
B = 2.70 m 630,000,000
Ru =
e = 0.45 mm 0.90 2,700 600 2
a = 0.40 m R u = 0.72 MPa
Required reinforcement ratio: Required steel area:
0.85f ′ c 2R u As = ρbd
ρ= 1− 1− As = 0.00507(2,700)(600)
fy 0.85f ′ c
𝐀 𝐬 = 𝟖, 𝟐𝟏𝟕. 𝟒𝟎 𝐦𝐦𝟐
0.85(20.7) 2(0.72)
ρ= 1− 1− Area of steel bar: db = 20 mm
276 0.85(20.7) π 2
Ao = db
𝛒 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟔𝟔𝟒 4
Ao = (20)2
𝐀 𝐨 = 𝟑𝟏𝟒. 𝟐 𝐦𝐦𝟐
Steel ratio limits:
1.4 f′c
ρm𝑖𝑛 = , Number of bars required:
fy 4fy As
N = int +1
1.4 20.7 Ao
ρm𝑖𝑛 = , 8,217.4
276 4(276) 𝑚𝑎𝑥 N = int +1
𝝆𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟓𝟎𝟕 314.2
𝐍 = 𝟐𝟕 𝐩𝐜𝐬.
Problem 3: The footing shown is supported by 12 piles each of which has a
capacity of 100 kN. The footing supports a 450 mm x 450 mm carrying an
axial factored load of 900 kN and is subjected to a factored moment of 160
kN-m. The pile has an average diameter of 300 mm. f'c = 21 MPa and fy =
340 MPa. Reinforcements along long direction is 12 – 25 mm bars while on
the short direction is 8 – 28 mm bars. Total thickness of the footing is 660
mm with steel covering of 75 mm and 150 mm allowable embedment of piles
in the concrete footing. The provided effective depth is 435 mm. Neglect the
weight of footing.

a. Compute the load on each pile on row 1, row 2 and row 3.

b. Compute the maximum reaction on the pile
c. Is the section safe to carry the loads?

Reference: (Reinforced Concrete Design 2nd Ed. By Besavilla p. 296)

Pu = 900 kN

Mu = 160 kN − m

12 − 25 mm ∅

8 − 28 mm ∅
660 mm
75 mm
150 mm

3Q u 3Q u 3Q u 3Q u
0.45 𝑚
0.90 𝑚

450 mm x 450 mm
0.90 𝑚
0.45 𝑚

0.45 𝑚 0.90 𝑚 0.90 𝑚 0.90 𝑚 0.45 𝑚

Load per pile on Row 1, Row 2, Row 3, and Row 4

The pressure at any point p

Pu Mu c
P= ± A = Na I = a∑d2

Pu Mu c
P= ± mutiply both sides by a
Na a∑d2

Pu Mu c where:
Pa = f = ±
N ∑d2
A = total area of pile
a = area of a single pile
∑d2 = 3 2 1.35 2 + 3 2 0.45 2
N = number of piles
∑d2 = 12.14 m2 c = distance from N.A .(c.g.) to point
of load application
Pu = 900 kN
Pu Mu c Mu = 160 kN − m
f=− ±
N ∑d2

900 160 1.35 kN

fR1 = − + = −57.20
12 12.14 m2 pile

900 160 0.45 kN P P

fR2 =− + = −69.07 − −
12 12.14 pile A

900 160 0.45 kN +
fR3 =− − = −80.93 I
12 12.14 pil𝑒 MC

900 160 1.35 kN kN
fR4 = − − = −92.79 < −100 (safe)
12 12.14 pile pile

Negative sign − means compression

Required Depth of Footing as Controlled by Wide Beam Shear:

Vu = 3fR4
Vu = 3(92.79)
Vu = 278.37 kN
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟐𝟕𝟖, 𝟑𝟕𝟎 𝐍

Vu = ∅Vc
Vu = 0.75 f′ b d
6 c w
278,370 = 0.75 21(2,700)d
278,370 = 0.75 21(2,700)d
𝐝 = 𝟏𝟖𝟎 𝐦𝐦 < 𝐝 = 𝟒𝟑𝟓 𝐦𝐦 (safe)
Required Depth of Footing as controlled by Punching Shear:

Vu = 3fR1 + 2fR2 + 2fR3 + 3fR4

Vu = 3(57.20) + 2(69.07) + 2(80.93) + 3(92.79)
𝐕𝐮 = 𝟕𝟒𝟗. 𝟗𝟕 𝐤𝐍

Vu = ∅Vc
Vu = 0.75 f′ b d
3 c o
749,970 = 0.75 21 4 450 + d d
749,970 = 0.75 21(1800 + 4d)d
𝐝 = 𝟐𝟑𝟕. 𝟗𝟏 𝐦𝐦
Required steel area:

Ultimate moment at critical section:

Mu = 3 fR3 x3 + 3 fR4 x4
Mu = 3 80.93 (0.225) + 3 92.79 (0.225 + 0.90)
Mu = 367.79 kN ∙ m
𝐌𝐮 = 𝟑𝟔𝟕, 𝟕𝟗𝟎, 𝟎𝟎𝟎 𝐍 ∙ 𝐦𝐦

Coefficient of resistance:
Ru =
Ru =
0.90 (2,700)(435)2
𝐑 𝐮 = 𝟎. 𝟖𝟎 𝐌𝐏𝐚
Required reinforcement ratio: Required steel area:
As = ρbd
0.85f ′ c 2R u
ρ= 1− 1− As = 0.004118(2,700)(435)
fy 0.85f ′ c 𝐀 𝐬 = 𝟒, 𝟖𝟑𝟕 𝐦𝐦𝟐
0.85(21) 2(0.80)
ρ= 1− 1− Area of steel provided:
340 0.85(21)
𝛒 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟐𝟒𝟎𝟖 db = 25 mm ∅

As = 𝑛Ao
π 2
Steel ratio limits: As = 12 db
1.4 f′c π
ρm𝑖𝑛 = , As = 12 25 2
fy 4fy 4
𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝐀 𝐬 = 𝟓, 𝟖𝟗𝟎 𝐦𝐦𝟐
1.4 21
ρm𝑖𝑛 = ,
340 4(340)
𝑚𝑎𝑥 As required < As provided (ok!)
𝝆𝒎𝒊𝒏 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟒𝟏𝟏𝟖
Problem 4: A 600 mm x 600 mm column section which carries a service
dead load of 800 kN and service live load of 1,540 kN is to be supported by a
group of piles arranged as shown in the figure. Under a concentric load, all
piles in the same group are assumed to take equal axial loads. The soil under
the pile cap is assumed not to offer any support. Assume the service loads
include the column loads plus the weight of the pile cap and soil above the
cap. Use f'c = 28 MPa and fy = 276 MPa. Diameter of pile is 300 mm.

a. Determine the load per pile.

b. Determine the effective depth of the pile cap.
c. Determine the number of 28 mm ∅ bars needed for the pile cap in both

Reference: (Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete, Vol. 3, Besavilla p. 841)

PDL = 800 kN
PDL = 1,540 kN

600 𝑥 600 𝑚𝑚










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