Streaming - Suggested Answer

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Some people think that schools should choose students according to their academic abilities,

while others think it is better to have students of different abilities studying together. Discuss
both views and state your own opinion?

People hold widely differing views on whether schools should put their students
into mixed-ability classes or stream them based on their academic abilities. Although it
is true that mixing students with different abilities together in a class has certain
benefits, I would argue that selecting students on the basis of their academic abilities is
a wiser choice.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that mixed-ability classes bring about a number of
benefits to students’ development. To begin with, when students with different abilities
are educated together, they would be able to learn from each other and overcome their
weaknesses. For instance, those who excel at science subjects but struggle with art
subjects can improve their singing or painting skills with the help of their classmates
and vice versa. As a result, they may grow up to become more well-rounded individuals.
Another benefit that is drawn from this situation is that these children are encouraged to
cooperate, thereby improving their teamwork skills, which can be useful in their future

On the other hand, I believe that grouping students according to their academic ability is
more beneficial to teachers and their students. As intelligent students
are separated from weaker students, teachers can easily plan more suitable lessons to
work at the right speed for them. For example, students with a high academic ability can
be provided with more advanced materials to progress faster, whereas those in a lower
level group can acquire knowledge easier when their teachers explain the lesson to
them at a slower pace. Therefore, this practice not only helps students to study
effectively and efficiently but it also makes teaching easier for teachers.

In conclusion, while mixed-ability classes are advantageous for students’ all-round

development, I am still of the opinion that schools should separate students based on
their academic abilities for the sake of both teachers and students.

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