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Exercise 3

The given table illustrates the proportion of domestic consumer expenditure of 4 countries in 3
categories in 2008.

Overall, Fast Food/Drinks claimed the highest percentage among the three categories and the least
belonged to Leisure activities/Education. Furthermore, China was the one with highest expenditure

To start off, China boasted the highest expenditure proportion in eateries, account for nearly 30%. The
rest 3 countries spent less than 20% in this category, with Japan at about 18%, Thailand and Vietnam at
around 16% and 14% respectively. Vietnamese consumers spent the least in fast food and drinks.

Compared to fast food/drinks, the other 2 categories accounted for much lower proportion in terms of
consumers expenditure. Vietnam, Thailand and Japan’s spending on Shoes/Watches only claimed
around 5-6% of the total expenditure, with the exception of China with a staggering figure of about 16%.
Turning to Leisure activities and education, Vietnam had the highest index of more than 4% while the
remaining countries’ figures lied below 4%, especially Japan with just above 1%.

Exercise 4

The given table illustrates the proportion of advertisement expenditure in four media platforms in three
countries in 2005.

Overall, television-based advertisement was the most focused area while advertising on the Internet
received the least funding. Moreover, Australia had the overall lowest percentage of spending for

To start off, all three countries followed a similar pattern that most investment was given to the
television platform, with 31%, 44% and 61% in Australia, Vietnam and Japan respectively. The second
most popular was Newspaper, whose figures accounted for two-third of that of TV in the cases of
Australia and Vietnam, and the ratio was 1:4 in Japan. Radio was the third on the ranking list. The last
place belonged to Internet, claimed less than 5% of the expenditure.

While all three countries adopted similar priorities, Australia’s spending accounted for 79% of total
advertising fund, compared with 98% in Vietnam and 94% in Japan. Furthermore, the funding in
Australia was more evenly distributed over three main platforms (TV, Newspaper and Radio) than the
distribution in Japan and Vietnam where more emphasis was put into marketing on TV.

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