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Informed Consent of Students for the Face-to-Face Supervised Pharmacy Practice Experience (SPPE) in

Community Pharmacy During COVID-19 Pandemic

I, _____________, years of age, and a resident of Kita-Kita, Balungao, Pangasinan, consent to undergo
face-to-face SPPE in Community Pharmacy at __________during the COVID-19 pandemic:

a. I understand that COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread primarily by person-

to-person contact;

b. I understand that our Dean, ____ & ______Top Management/Owner, Internship

Coordinator and Preceptor have adopted reasonable preventive measures intended
to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but there is still a possibility of transmission as a
result while undergoing SPPE;

c. I understand that our Dean, preceptors, or coordinator may be required to report

COVID-19 related patient information to public health departments, DOH, or the LGU.
For example, if anyone among the student-interns shows symptoms of COVID-19,
disclosure may be necessary for contact tracing or other data collection needs. If
reporting is required, only the minimum necessary information will be disclosed.

1. I agree to take certain precautions which will keep everyone safer from exposure.
a. To minimize exposure, I will:
 Adhere to the safe distancing precautions by keeping a distance of at least 1.5
meters and there will be no physical contact;
 Wear face mask at all times;
 Sanitize frequently my hands by alcohol or alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
 Follow the health and safety protocols implemented in our HTE and in the
b. To notify my Dean, preceptors, or coordinator as soon as possible before reporting to
our HTE premises if I have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been exposed to certain
risk factors.

3. I waive my right to file any complaint against _____, and my College.

I knowingly and willingly consent to undergo face-to-face SPPE in Community Pharmacy at

_________during the COVID-19 pandemic, and I acknowledge the health risk of COVID-19 during this
pandemic. I have read the information provided above and discussed it with our Dean, and all of my
questions have been answered to my satisfaction.

____________________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Student-Participant/Parent/Legal Guardian Date

______________________________ __________________
Signature of Dean Date

Revised /sdvm*03142022

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