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1. Culture is learned.

Culture is not inherited biologically but it is leant socially by man in a society. It is not an
inborn tendency but acquired by man from the association of others.
My own example are Eating, Sleeping, Being a boy or girl or even though how to
express love

2. Culture is shared.
Culture is something shared. It is nothing that an individual can passes but shared by
common people of a territory.
My own example is a group of people shared values, perception and learning and they
are likely to share a special relationship with other members of the group vs members
outset of the group

3. Culture is based on symbols.

Culture is symbolic in nature. Language, signs, dress, and behavior are all cultural and
all based on the use of symbols. When anthropologist Leslie White observed that
human behavior originates in the use of symbols, he was expressing a view widely
shared by anthropologists.
My own example are Language, Objects with meaning, Events with Significance

4. Culture is integrated
All aspects of a culture function as an integrated whole.
A change in one part of a culture usually will affect other parts.
A degree of harmony is necessary in any properly functioning culture, but complete
harmony is not required.
My own example is the construction of the great wall of china

5. Culture is dynamic
Culture is dynamic and thus complex. Culture is fluid rather than static, which means
that culture changes all the time, every day, in subtle and tangible ways. Because
humans communicate and express their cultural systems in a variety of ways, it can be
hard to pinpoint exactly what cultural dynamics are at play. Consider,
My own example is that culture is always changing it also means just because someone
appear to belong to one culture they might not identify with that group

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