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- - - - ~ ~"<IU\11111..:,l ..;,..:; u 'fo / • m And progra111 J. LJ'-.., .

, or Tank
Practical No. J2: Develop Ladder pu1gra I
Level Contro .

I. Practical Significance- . .r. - g is the most essential require

> . , · I arc 111lc1 ,ac1 11 . .
I rogramming the PLC and rt s haH w Id be able to develop the logic for ti
. 111Jus11y.
. Tl ' ( ic.Jcnls shou
ti 1c mechatro111cs ,c s L . • dustrial cnvr. ronment.
d 111
problem statement which can be ,mp IeJ 11 en le
· JJ1

If. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs)- . f b · mathematics, '-Cien ~

. . . .
Po l.Bas1c knuwlcdgc. PP Y A I lrnowleclge o as1c
. · ring (JrOblcms.
. . d b d Mechanrca 1 engwee
cngmeenng to c;;;olvc the broa - ase . . .· g knowlcd oc t
hanrcal cng111cc1111 c u ~l Id,
P02.Discipline knowledge: App Iy 111cc
based mechanical engineering related problems. . .
• t ·form expenments and pr,1c lJc
P03. Experiments and practice: P1an o pei he
results to solve b, oad-bascd Mechanical engineering problems.
!>(}~!.Engineering tools: Apply relevant Mechanical technologies an l t< 1n
understanding of the limitations.

HJ. Competency anrl Skills

This practical is expected to develop following skills for the i11dust1 ,ti1icd
competencies 'OperatP and manipulate mechatronics systems as p::r req1 1 ire1
1. Develop a ladder logic for given problem statement using PLC software.
2. Programme and troi.ibleshoot PLC for the developed logic.
3. Interface hardware with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

l\l. iielevant Course Outcorne(s)

> CO - c. Use sensor for different mechatronics based applicatio11s.
• CO - d. Use actuator for various mechatronics based applications.
• CO - e. ?rogrnmme PLC for various applications.

Practical Outcome
Develop ladder diagram and program pr Cf.or s;..,.,
ulat1·0 n c1.r a tank Ieve1 contn
• .LJ ...

Relevant affective domain related Outcomes

, . l•ollow safety practices.
2. Maintain tools and equipment.
3. Work as a team J~ader/ team member.

lVJinimum Theoretical Background

Use of PLC Software, Development of Ladd n· .
er rngram m PT C S~ft ., dov. ·
"nd execut~ the ladder program and h ~ u w'-4re,
c.. '"' ardware connA.,c t·ions on PLC tramer.
1lals ofM, 1 . I. fl--.
n .= ,cs(
4 -8
~ )::::'::;;;::~~; 12 Nos w1.ti1 toggle sw itchcs
- Digital Inputs:-
. 24V de inputs. <l
for applying :,t, 24V operate
Digital outputs:- 12 Nos V./JL

Lamp. 01
Analog Inputs : - 02
2 Logic Controller
(PLC) Trainer Analog Outputs: - 02 V DC
S ty · 24 ·
External Power upp · + 51 K Code
Memory:-16 K data nwlnory 3
Memory +9 6K up load · · to
dulewith [actl1ty
Tank Level Controller oM . d
Tank Level t
·ol i,hc Higl1 an Low Ol
sense, indicate and con
3 Controller
Module level .

Precautions to be followed
1. Avoid irnproper handling of instrument. .
?,. Follow safety practices about maintaining tools and equipment.

l. Open the PLC Software.
2. Create new project.
3. Dev~lop ladder diag1arn for tank level controller.
4. Tesl and correct the errors (if any).
5. Duwnload the program on PLC.
6. Make required input output connections to PLC.
7. Execute the program and observe the output on hardware.

Ladder Diagram:

c) ~ 0,0/1

.,.._____,...--=( L )\---~-==

0 : Q, CJ/)
Cv )
t-, \,°'"'n"
..._ '-"" ~ )

l ~- .. , ' h . ' t hd

(ii any)

•. Obsen ations :1nd (_ alculations

\ ction to be
St:itus -of-H-,c .-:-
LcYel of
Le, cl
St ep the tank
0 c.,._J

1 :.1edium
~ 1gh_
~ - - i :H H:~ ---+----~ l)

2 Medium

- - -·
~- 'JI

h 11Jda ," c 11 lals of Mcchatronrc (22048)

lnte~pretalfons ul l~c,11!1, 0 p El C (! 5;.rnJJ. .11.().... Q.P..J~o.l:1.... .JR,..v.1d
.1i,lh JU '1tlp h,r.i .:.:fu.o. k. ... ..l.e,y.e.J ......w.1. ll..... b.e... 1~11i
.... con ko Jw; I 1o u+
· 07J. oJ O .be
vJ O and LU btO ..... hJ.;1.h.... m.O:t9.-r... w~IJ !
<L .... · ... ...... . CJ
({j . Qr
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... ... . ......

X\ fl J. Cond u~ion~

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u . lY.)V ca, o Cl :¥.. :vu i!' u .. • tt J ,_

$ 0 J~f;wd~.: .. :, :s-::...... be.;:~. :. . ~-V•L-·· •••• ••••.

CQ,'i~i.e, ......o.iJ t.:. :...e. . ... ,.,ii.. v.el ~

.....}i' .

............................................................................................................................................................................................................... U.

·1 X. Pnic tfral f~elatcd Quc5tions

\otc IJ,•/011 ,f!ll en a, c few M.1111ple questions/or reference. Teachers should design m r
,urh qu, ,,t101M \O a~ to e ,1,·111·e the achievement of ident[/ied COs.

J l xpla 111 the f unclions of JeveJ sensors.

Naml.! ~111v 11\ c app licntions where measurement of level is required?

ISpare for Answers)

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