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lcti diaonuu •~·

cal No. 09: Den~lop the !adder . ~ pLC-
controllcr using
I. Pra cttca
· 1 Sr~mficarH·c-
. . · , 111 cnt can be .mt l \\ ith
. a This rcquirl:
• 1,rm.:
Ttlere arc ,, omc ta..-.b "h1ch r~qu1rc · • dda) Ille•f T1111t:r ,~ cS~l'.n
.. t" al when ll e;oh-,
I, ... cs~
• J.: wlcdgc 0
tr mer f~anm: m allnbk 111 Pl (',. The ·no . rcqui1 cd delay.
~ 1 1()1lt'llt~ \\ 1t 11
tun1 on and olT cc-11.1m p, t1rc,,c, l)f ulll I

11. Relevant Pro!!ram Outcome-" (POs)- . . .. mathetnnt1cs. scic cs anc

P 01.Ba\ic kno" kd~c: \pply kmi\\ L - ·l~dr.c ot ba~,c
• , •ri rl!.! pro blems.
, I , nical e1rnlllt.:l'. ~
engmcc-ntH! 10 ~oh c the b,oud-bascd ~,cc ia ~. ,, .· n kno, fed11c , ~
"' l . , , cn!.!tt11.:l'.t in.::- o
P02.Dhci11lin c i,no,, ledge: \pply mcc 1 anict1• -
b~,cd mechanical 1-?ngmcermg rdatcd problem,. ts and prac1t(i..?S
form expenmen
POJ. E~pcrimcnts and practice: Plan to per
results to soh e broad-ba,cd f\ fcchamca 1engmec =-
· --nncr problems.
· d I
I •cal techno 1og1es 111 oo
P04.Eneineering tools: Apply releYant !\.fee iam
undc1 ~tan ding of the l urntations.

JI 1. Competenc:: a11d Sh:ills

This prnctic:i I is •xpected to de,·elop following skills for th e i11 <lust~
compe~cncies "Opcrak :1nd manipulate mechatronic~ systems as per reqmn s':
I. De·, ek)r a ladder log;..: for given problem statement using PLC software
.:!. Prog,a111111~ and troubleshoot PLC for the developed logic.
3. rntcrfa cc trarfic l:ghi lamps with Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).

l \.. Rclc\'an1 Cour~l' Outconw(s)

• CO - c Use sensor (or differeni mech,1tronics based applications.
• CO d Use ac1u,1tor for various mechatronics based applications.
• CO~ c. P1ogra111111l' PLC for various applications.

V. Practical Ou1come
D~vclop ladde, d1agrn111 and program PI...C for simulation of a pcdc ,t rim fd fliC

VI . Relevant :.iffocth r dom:iin related Outcomes

i. t- ollov~· safety pra cLices.

~- Maintain tools and equipment.

3. Work as a team le:1uer/ team member.

~1inimum Theoretical Background

PLC suppor1s the use of timers. Three diffier t PLC .
l TON). Off-d~lay 1in1~r (TOF) ar JR . en . timer ty prs arc- On-,dL y timer
' i etClll!vc tuner o•1 (RTO).

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education

- ...... ., v, ivacchatronics(2204 8)
Obliervations a nd Calculations
' OS
• al Timm.,
t of Sign -

Table J: I\Jeas uremen . : Seconds

I T·nunos
1 .n -
Signa " -
Lane C LaQeD
Step Sign a l
~ La ne A
Lane~ - .I

Red )5 (p('_ -
l Yellow 5 c,(1" {'
Green I 0 .C, e C
2 Yellow
4 Yellow '
I ,

X~'l. Results

.11.~ct.i~:Yt Rs::
rrc::::s.oe.{lP.e :~;:x: :io:o::::qox ~~::::L'i:o x: d~s.s.1c
a...'T.£ ... .... b. us di ..... Vu. ~~ m V. ICll•LO!'.l.··'···•••····•••... •....
··· ·········· .. ·· ·· ························································································· ·······························•· ..

f l -k n dt
XVII. Interpretatio~ Rf.ResulJ,s -
·:r.n..... fu:Ju.¥.:¥.: .le j·a
.glo.w ....~.ff....... . .....
Jlhj;. ....... . J~con.:trn
......~>JS..... ~e. .......... .a.o..p. .~,11
rf.l ....
.. Se..C. ...~···~··)·l····•g:{.ee,0 ..... 1Qm.g ....

..<:Ly .I.! ....... ft !E w... .. .1...... 1..l~ .. sec_ ... g_ ...... ~.e. .
o~...... .I ci.crip . . ,'/J
···8····~·~······· .. ····o.·~··· .... £ ....'........................ ~........................................... ....... .
XVIII. Conclusio11s

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:.5~/:~:~~:::::::::.:~:.:.::?::~::::::::~~~:~+,:o.a·······:·:Ql.~eLdUF::: . : ································································
XIX. Practkal Related Qcestions

Note: Below given are f Pw sample questions fvr ,.. r, Ae •

. · ~ e, encc::. Teachers i;;h011ld desw11 ,nvr

such questions so as io ensure the achievement oif .d . , ,.,
, 1 entified COs.

1. State the procedure of changingthe ON and OFF_timinm,_"'~----- .cr.'._ .

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