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13526 Reg. No. | V Semester B.Com. Degree Examination, March - 2021 COMMERCE Goods & Services Tax (GST) (Common for Accounting & Taxation and Finance Groups) (Elective) (CBCS) (Freshers) Paper : Il - 5.6 Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Instructions to Candidates: Answers should be written completely either in Kannada or in English. SECTION-A. agen - 2 Answer any Five of the following. Each question carries Two marks. (5x2=10) 1 dens coeade wae mdoA. wEokoord THoiw ada wosnvay, Paodwedd. 1, a) Givethemeaning of GST: Baw oprah, 22. b) — Whatare the taxes subsumed in GST? , Baron adedhood soririd cing? ¢) Define Annual Return. spare ecRodsah, Osa. d) Give the meaning of Casual Taxable Person. ROE FOR AHS aigad wards, aca. ©) Expand:PAN& TIN. x08: PAN & TIN. f) . WhatisGSTN? Barar sodden? . g) Define Self Assessment. Roe BPoswaasay, DBOA, [PT.0. © @) 13526 SECTION - B agernt-O Answer any Three of the following. Each question carries Six marks. (3x6=18) Sens odnairacikin shaw siyieri egox. olnocd Hci ud woeridmh, Keondsd. Explain Composite Supply and Mixed Supply. Roclaeks wags sds dow, tadgodsh, aso. Briefly explain features of CGST & IGS CGST & IGSTS SH esd, Rog xox. In accordance with the provisions of Sec. 12 of CC Supply of the following cases: Act, 2017 determine the Time of SLNo. | Date of Dateof | Goods made available! Receipt of |_Removal | | to recipient ent T 7 01-07-2020 03-07-2020. —~—~«|~—~*15-08-2020 2 | 03-07-2020 01-07-2020 | 04-07-2020 25-08-2020 = 04-08-2020 04-08-2020 | 06-08-2020 01-07-2020 4 : 02-10-2020 | 03-10-2020 11-2020 5 : 04-10-2020 | 01-10-2020 25-11-2020 6 - 04-11-2020 | 06-11-2020 01-10-2020 20176 CGSTS 20175 Ager 12 0 AWOGENET wAdADTEDN, Fens Beene Bad gob Baobsa, AGFOA. SINo. | Sftobeed | xeeay mepean abies, mescbeh, amos ed ec eta, 1 01-07-2020 | 02-07-2020 | 03-07-2020 | 15-08-2020 2 03-07-2020 | 01-07-2020 | 04-07-2020 | 25-08-2020 = 04-08-2020 | 04-08-2020 | 06-08-2020 01-07-2020 4 - 02-10-2020 | 03-10-2020 | 15-11-2020 7 - 04-10-2020 | 01-10-2020 25-11-2020 6 - 04-11-2020 | 06-1-2020 01-10-2020 Kamath Hotel Group of Companies provided the following services within the’state of Karnataka from its various establishments. Compute the amount of GST payable for the month of November 2020. a) Supply of food or drink in restaurant not having facilities in air conditioning at 12% GST Rs.40,000. b) Supply of food or Drink in restaurant in having licence to serve liquor at 18% GST Rs.1,20,000. c) Supply of food or drink in outdoor catering at 18% GST Rs.2,00,000. d) Renting of Hotel Rooms at 18% GST Rs.3,00,000. ) Supply of food or drink in air condition restaurant in 5 Star or above rated hotel at 28% GST Rs.2,00,000. COAT ) 13526 Rade Secier raw ver vowart ered mas On Aosnecd o sens Hessridea, e.cinad. Ssloowo* 20208 sewSxeiemes GST Haga, dad awa. 8) 12% GST Hoag amnohost Powded digedows and vem aPdeab HeGs c.0.40,000. b) 18% GST dddd sus, aod en aides sons SAgdorsD ead Sa MAC Teds 0.2.1,20,000. ©) 18% GST Bd8g aeoworice gts00rF ead ease sPdeCt B98 d0.2,00,000. d) 18% GST HdRd Baeict Savary mart do.3,00.000. 8) 28% GST Gong 5 AEP wala SOROS ahefs God aamdobogm aecilers GARSONSY GIT ST TArcod HGF c.2.2,00,000. 6 Compute the Transaction value of taxable goods and GST payable from the following information. Whole Sale Price of a Product sold to Tamil Nadu from a dealer in Bangalore inchiding GST of 12% Rs.70,000. Following items are not included in the prices. a) Normal Secondary packing cost Rs.4.000. b) Cost of Special Packing Rs.2,000. ©) Cost of durable and returnable packing Rs.3,000. @) Freight Charges paid by the supplier Rs.1,600. ©) Insurance on freight paid by supplier Rs.400. f) Trade discount Rs.4,000. & S¥80d Durieod Son wwsichss asd APogsh, sbay GST xomoba Ragas, soudtomB0000. Bonsioos Sars Yasaart seme sma|d AUEs ane Seo dd (GSTe. 12 HeOe3) G.0.70,000. SENS seed sdeos sine a) mated, Qed mBgorF sy H0.4,000. b) aveai mBgorF sieg cn.2,000. ©) RYE wos adey Loamdnainwaderd mon’ Sy do.3,000. d) Acwonnsmedh enaaaa Ave Sef G.1,600. €) Adwoenmedd mAs Ao mr sd 323, 60.400. f) maged Aace d0.4,000. Ero. (AERA ® 13526 SECTION-C apn - 2% ‘Answer any Three of the following. Each question carries 14 marks. (3x14=42) Sens cimamcdn shat week wgor. gsokeond Woso.14 wove, ames. 7. What is GST Council? Explain the Structure, Powers and Functions of GSTC. GST sox Dowsemd? GSTC des, SQRINe adsy weodrMivad, QHOA. 8. a) ~~ What is GSTN? Explain the Vision and Mission of GSTN. GSTN sodden? GSTN dy shay dosint ABA. b) Write a note of GSP Ki GSP BoA Sago 9. Following are the particulars compute the value of taxable services and GST liability (18%) for the month of August 2020. (All services rendered within the state). a) Services provided by Foreign Diplomatic Mission __Rs.10,00,000 b) Aerial Advertising Rs. 2,00,000 c) _ Services by way of Private Tuitions Rs. 60,000 d) Speed Post Services , Rs. 1,00,000 ) House given on rent for commercial purpose Rs. 6,00,000 f) Value of services provided to friends Rs. 1,00,000 2) Sevices rendered to UNO Rs. 4,00,000 h) Certification for Exchange Control Purpose Rs. 1,00,000 i) Secretarial Auditing Rs. 40,000 j) Fees toact asa Liquidator Rs. 2,00,000 k) Vacant land used for horticulture 00,000 1) Sale of time slot by broadeasting organization Rs. 2.00,000 m) _ Services rendered within Indian territorial water Rs.20,00,000 1n) Services related to supply of farm labour Rs. 4,00,000 {100 A 6) 13526 Bi B¥8od Addne Amobood Forinevawbs Aediry: BPonvE, soe GST Barsmabsodar, (18%) Srizf, 20208 domtacnd (ae Aesines Ry xOxeend a) Oded comeDOys ansiet xia Aestrivd 3. 10,00,000 b) B eELeTDD ae. 2,00,000 °) nN seed Head Agar Be, 60,000 d) da. . 1,00,000 °) mR Sedma Ota typd mari 3. 6,00,000 1) Agheort aanks aein¢ ae, ae. 1,00,000 2) UNOR xO 8c Aesiriet Be. 4,00,000 h) BAEbab Achoxee Sey Baedewseo de. 1,00,000 i) mobraser Segeio: 32. 40,000 Dd oseur SN BODE 2: FLAS, won Dy, 32. 2,00,000 k) 0 wdneeh, Zactumedéren weATh, Ba. 20,00,000 1) ered Howesdod 7940 xsbow de. 2,00,000 m) gedSeob mppies avn AOAcs esirtvd 2. 20,00,000 n) a menr ei BOOATOS AQAG Acs da. 4,00,000 10. Mr. Chetan is a r November ma istered dealer submits the following information for the month of [_Rs, lest Purchases Raw materials purchased from another state 600,000 | 5% Raw materials-A purchased within the state | 20,00,000 | 12% Raw materials purchased from USA costing, | |Rs.5,00,000 (including BCD @ 10% and | |including of IGST) Raw materials-B purchased within the state from a dealer who opted for composition scheme | 4,00,000 _Raw materials purchased ffomaSPZinBangalore | 250,000 Details of Sales: Sale of goods purchased from interstate sold to a person in Hyderabad who opted for composition scheme. Goods sold to an unregistered dealer of Mangalore Sale of Goods to @ Union Territory produced from raw materials -A Sale of goods purchased from raw materials - B to registered dealer in Belagavi Sale of goods purchased from raw material C to SEZ in Bangalore | 350,000. | 0% _| Compute eligible Input Tax Credit & GST Payable for the month of November 2020. IP-TO. 15,00,000 5% 75,00,000 12% 600,000 | 18% 5,00,000 28% | CAN © 13526 ae wear, Socomobs ayo. UAH st end awbsabm, sow 20208, ROxbsed. Sane Te. a a 2 fem, Sayivss, sdSgocd coe,Od DoedAch, 600,000 4. 5% leerp, axis A cacfeieuA docOach, 20,00,000 | 12% USA cSoc sdoemaic dua, Szyrisd c.e.5,00,000 (BCD @ 10% ad3y IGST"Ae0003) 649,000 | 18% [Rockacnd hacnBoba, eOAkecs memos Imagine Docoderd tm Sm - B 4,00,000 | 2% orleabs SEZ aod Dorbaees saya -C 2,50,000 | 0% seus oso: lsosdonebom DoeOAd Avwriy sroETe, Bommesrsghs Sei Seow seach, (e805 Rookecess Oeewdciay, eordooamees) 15,00,000 | 5% deriva, shoridnds SeeomeAd Ham an 75,00,000 | 12% [gum sixyrics - A chow mggoind Adariva, seoss jedes Edesg sock, 6,00,000 | 18% fem Sms + Bondd Doeoad adore abe eerRaG Aecomcns seo soy jeer, Sayre - C cod Doedad avdriv smoot SEZ eioridet RK awoc | 3,50,000_|_ox Sdono 20200 Sar ITC Da awed OST aagsm, Sayed sw. oo 5,00,000 28% Compute the amount of Output Tax (GST) to be uploaded by the dealer for the month of December 2020 and which is the last date to upload it in Credit Ledger. a) Product - AB sold to a dealer in Delhi rate of GST notified to this product is @ 12% Rs. 9,00,000 b) Product - CD sold to a dealer in Bangalore at nil rate of GST Rs.12,00,000 c) Product - EF sold to a dealer in Mumbai, rate of GST @ 5% Rs. 7,50,000 d) Product- GH, exported to USA the GST rate notified by GST Council for this product is 12% if itis sold in India. Rs. 9,60,000 e) Product- IJ sold to a dealer in Union Territory rate of GST notified is 12% Rs. 9,00,000 f) Product-KL @ 18% GST sold to a dealer inJammuand Kashmir _ Rs. 1,80,000 g) Product- MN @ 28% GST sold to an unregistered dealer in Hubballi Rs. 6,00,000 h) _ Product-OP sold to a unit of SEZ in. Bangalore the rate of GST is 18% Rs. 3,00,000 i) Product- QR which is exempted from GST is sold to a registered dealer in Punjab. Rs. 7,80,000 j) Product- ST sold to a in Bidar who has registered under Composition Scheme @ 28% GST Rs. 2,25,000 k) Product - UV sold to a unit of SEZ in Mangalore the rate of GST notified for this product is 5%. Rs. 2,40,000 1) Product - WX sold to a registered dealer within the state, the rate of GST notified is 18% Rs. 1,50,000 mM 13526 & Bens Asiori¢ AscdGow BAowo" 2020 sory OUTPUT (GST) son mane aeRQDT SA Sah exiges Sednamd Segaa, dowbtotcho. " a) b) °) d h) i) a) i) i 8, -AB dadob secumdon DK vox dodg BBO BVAT, 08H, - CD elorideod simopuaredont 0% Bans Bond amos san, (ngs, - EF stood Seooemdon 5x awe dod’, sos Ran, oogs, - GH, GSTCxnead GST cidsiaa, USA tox seta B MEAS, MUSA sRees SBS 12% GST Exod ooss,~ UI fod, eed sided stoooimedon 126 sans Bods, seo SeeaT, eng, ~ KL esi, a oon) BETES sath, evgp, - MN adyygod decommctonid socotumedon 28x antes Beng aoe ana! e039, - OP dorisinod SEZA 8s awit Gdog smow stmach, eng — QR sommes dacomanad shotemdon amvctee Bowl ddd tems seach, aR, - ST Besos Hockecnd osmeesst Sacomenad satredor 28% dan! ong sxoets Swank, evgs, - UV sborisiees SEZ rt eds, - WX voegtiovt 188 Bowes Good so woggo aevweaTBTOT 18% wanes i stecuredort 5% BARE BIBY stovets star, oe. § 6 § § § § §8 § §§ 9,00,000 12,00,000 7,50,000 9,60,000 9,00,000 1,80,000 6,00,000 3,00,000 7,80,000 2,25,000 2,40,000 1,50,000

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