Assessment in Learning 1-Module 2

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- Is the process of determining or describing the attributes or characteristics of

physical objects generally in terms of quantity.
- When we measure, we use some standard instrument to find out how long,
heavy, hot, voluminous, etc.
- When we measure, we are actually collecting quantitative information relative to
some established standard.
- Sometimes we can measure physical quantities by combining directly
measurable quantities to form derived quantities.

For example: to find the area of a square piece of paper, we simply multiply the length
of one the side of the paper by 4.


- Measurement can therefore be objective (as in testing) or subjective (as in

- For example: testing produces objective measurements while expert’s ratings
provide subjective measurements.


Measurement of Quantity or Quality of Interest= True Value plus random error

- Each measurement of the quantity of interest has two components: a true value
of the quantity and a random error component.
- The objective in education measurement is to estimate or approximate, as
closely as possible, the true value of the quantity of interest, for example: true
knowledge of the subject matter.
- Objective measurement-are measurements that do not depend on the person
or individual taking the measurements.

Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo

- Subjective measurement-often differ from one assessor to the next even if the
same quantity or quality is being measured.


- an educational variable (denoted by an English alphabet like X- is a measurable

characteristic of a student
- variables may be directly measurable as in X= age or X= height of a student.
- An indicator, I, denotes the presence or absence of a measured characteristic,

I = I, if the characteristic is present

= 0, if the characteristic is absent

For the variable X= class participation, we can let I1, I2 …,,, denote the participation of a
student in n class recitations and let X= sum of the I’s divided by the recitations. Thus, if
there were n= 10 recitations ad the student participated in 5 of these 10, then X= 5/10 or


- are the building blocks of educational measurement upon which all other forms of
measurement are built.
- A group of indicators constitute a variable.
- A group of variables form a construct or a factor.
- The variables which form a factor correlate highly with each other but have low
correlations with variables in another groups.

Example: The following variables were measured in a battery of tests:

X1 = computational skills X5 = Sequences and series

X2 = reading skills X6 = manual dexterity

X3 = vocabulary

X4 = logic and reasoning

These variables can be grouped as follows:

Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo

Group 1: (X1, X4, X5) = mathematical ability factor

Group 2: (X2, x3) = language ability factor

Group 3: (x6) = psychomotor ability factor

The first group is called a “mathematical ability” factor, the second group is called a
“language ability” factor while the third group (with only one variable) is called a
“psychomotor ability” factor.


- The term assessment is derived from the Latin assidere which means “to sit
- Assessment is the process of gathering the evidence of students’ performance
over a period of time to determine learning and mastery of skills.
- Assessment requires review of journal entries, written work, presentation,
research paper, essays, story written, test results, etc.
- The overall goal of assessment is to improve student learning and provide
students, parents and teachers with reliable information regarding student
progress and extent of attainment of the expected learning outcomes.


- Originates form the root word “value” and so when we evaluate, we expect our
process to give information regarding the worth, appropriateness, goodness,
validity or legality of something for which a reliable measurement has been
- Is the process designed to provide information that will help us to make a
judgement about a particular situation.
- The end result of evaluation is to adopt, reject or revise what has been
- Objects of evaluation include instructional programs, school projects, teachers,
students and education goals. For examples: include evaluating the “education
for all” project of a school district, the comparative effectiveness of two remedial
reading programs, correlating between achievement test results and diagnostic
test results and attributes of an effective teacher.

Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo

- Evaluation involves data collection and analysis and quantitative and qualitative
- Evaluation can help educators determine the success of their academic
programs and signal efforts to success factors of programs and projects.


1. Formative Evaluation
- Is a method if judging the worth of a program while the program activities are in
- This type of evaluation focuses on the process.
- The results of formative evaluation give information to the proponents, learners
and teachers on how well the objectives of the program are being attained while
the program is in progress.
- Its main objective is to determine deficiencies so that the appropriate
interventions can be done
2. Summative Evaluation
- Is a method of judging the worth of a program at the end of the program of
- The focus is on the result.
- The instruments used to collect data for summative evaluation are questionnaire,
survey forms, interview/observation guide and tests.
- Designed to determine the effectiveness of a program or activity based on its
avowed purposes.


We measure height, distance, weight, knowledge of subject matter through testing; we

assess learning outcome; we evaluate results in terms of some criteria or objectives.

- MEASUREMENT- Refers to the process by which the attributes or dimension of

some objects or subjects of study are predetermined.
- ASSESSMENT-is a process of selecting, receiving and using data for the
purpose of improvement in the current performance.
- EVALUATION- is an act of passing judgment on the basis of a set of standards.

Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo



- The preposition FOR in assessment FOR learning implies that assessment is

done to improve and ensure learning.
- This is referred to as FORmative assessment, assessment that is given while the
teacher is in process of student formation (learning).
- It ensures that learning is going on while the teacher is in the process of
- Formative assessment also includes the pretest and the posttest that a teacher
gives to ensure learning. This is also termed as pre-assessment.
- PRETTEST-is to find out where the students are or determined their entry
knowledge, or skills so teacher knows how to adjust instruction.
- POSTTEST-is to find out if the intended learning outcome has been attained
after the teaching-learning process.
- if not all students have attained it, then teacher has to apply an intervention or a
- To ensure learning, thus the term assessment FOR learning.
- In assessment FOR learning, teachers use assessment results to inform or
adjust their teaching.
- Assessment FOR learning means teachers using student’s knowledge,
understanding and skills to inform their teaching.


- Assessment OF learning is usually given at the end of a unit, grading period or a

term like a semester.
- It is meant to assess learning for grading purposes, thus the term Assessment
- It is referred to as summative assessment.
- The effectiveness of summative assessment depends on the validity and
reliability of the assessment activity and tools.


Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo

- Assessment AS learning is associated with self-assessment.
- As the term implies, assessment by itself is already a form of learning for the
- Assessment AS learning, students set their targets, actively monitor and evaluate
their own learning in relation to their set target.
- As a consequence, they become self-directed or independent learners.
- By assessing their own learning they are learning at the same time.


“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”-


Study well!!!! <3

Prepared By: Rea Jane F. Ornedo

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