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PROBLEM SET 1- Descriptive Statistics

(Introductory Concepts)

Name: ________________________________ Program/ Degree: ________________ Date: ________

I. Tell whether the following situations will make use of Descriptive Statistics of Inferential Statistics. Write
D for Descriptive Statistics and I for Inferential Statistics.
____1. A teacher computes the average grade of her students and then determines the top ten students.
____2. A medical researcher predicts the number of affected COVID patients after six months.
____3. A psychologist investigates if there is a significant relationship between mental age and
chronological age.
____4. A researcher studies the effectiveness of a new fertilizer to increasing food production.
____5. A janitor counts the number of various furniture inside the school.
____6. A sports journalist determines the most popular basketball player for this year.
____7. A school administrator forecast future expansion of the school.
____8. A market vendor investigates the most popular brand of alcohol.
____9. An engineer calculates the average height of the building along Iloilo City proper.
____10. A manager of a business firm predicts future sales of the company based on the present sales.

II. Classify the following as quantitative or qualitative. Write Quanti if quantitative and Quali if qualitative.
_________ 1. Number of positive COVID patients in a hospital
_________ 2. Gender of positive COVID patients in a hospital
_________ 3. Civil status
_________ 4. Color of the eye
_________ 5. Number of computers in the room
_________ 6. Age of teachers
_________ 7. Rank of students
_________ 8. Speed of a car
_________ 9. Birth rates
_________ 10. Score in mathematics examination

III. Classify the different types of sampling described in the following sentences. Write your answer on
the space provided before each number.
_____________ 1. The names are written in a small piece of paper, rolled and drawn out from a hat.
_____________ 2. It is the type of sampling in which the population is being divided into groups that
differ in important ways such as sexes, races, etc.
_____________ 3. In your study, you only need first 50 respondents who meet the criteria as your
_____________ 4. What type of sampling is being used when the respondents are classified according
to gender and geography?
_____________ 5. It is a sampling that divides the population into comparable groups such as schools,
cities, etc.
_____________ 6. It uses several stages or phases in getting the sample.
_____________ 7. It is done by taking every kth element in the population, where k=N/n if N is
_____________ 8. The subjects are selected because it is easy to access on them.
_____________ 9. The subjects are selected for a good reason tied to purposes of research.
_____________ 10. The respondents in your study are the students in your class.

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