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 Cloud Services Providers are company (such as Microsoft Azure, Amazon & Google)

that offers platform, infrastructure, application, or storage services that are based on the
cloud, typically for a fee based on the customer's demand according to their business.
Customers access all these services via the internet.

 Platform as a Service (PaaS) is a computing platform (including an operating system

and other services) that is offered as a service by a provider over the Internet. Scaling,
security, database integration and more are some of the services provided in Paas.

 Cost-effectiveness: Cloud service providers offer services that are incredibly affordable,
if not free. Pay as you go billing eliminates the need to purchase infrastructure, which
lowers maintenance costs.
Broad Network Access: Consumers can access cloud resources via the Internet at any
time and from any location thanks to broad network access.

 Access to Internet: The availability of internet is what gives cloud computing one of its
characteristics is mobility. Unfortunately, there are places with no internet access which
limits the reach of customers and their ability to work in the absence of internet.


Advantages of cloud computing - javatpoint. (n.d.).

Rashid, A., & Chaturvedi, A. (2019). Cloud computing characteristics and services: a
brief review. International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 7(2),

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