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(made by Terrania)

Explain how an electromagnetic wave is produced
Compare the relative wavelengths of different forms of electromagnetic wave
Cite examples of practical applications of the different regions of EM waves, such as the use of
radio waves in telecommunication
Explain the effects of EM radiation on living things and the environment
Apply knowledge of SIP in conducting a controlled experiment
Perform basic mathematical skills in formula writing, use of decimals, exponents, and scientific
Exam: [Identify or give what is asked; Multiple choice, Problem Solving; Applying knowledge of
SIP in doing controlled experiment; Essay]

Summary of EM Waves (for cramming)

- Electromagnetic (EM) waves or electromagnetic radiations are produced by accelerating
- Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves. They can travel in a vacuum and in a
material medium. They move at 3 x 10^8 m/s in vacuum.
- The electromagnetic spectrum is the arrangement of EM waves in order of decreasing
wavelength or increasing frequency. The different types of EM waves are radio waves,
microwave, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet rays, x-rays, and gamma rays.
- All EM waves follow the basic wave equation: v = fʎ c= fʎ
- The energy of electromagnetic wave is proportional to its frequency and may be
computed using the formula, E = hf
- Electromagnetic waves can be ionizing or nonionizing. X-rays and gamma rays are
ionizing, while the other waves are nonionizing.
- Electromagnetic waves can be both beneficial and harmful to humans and the
environment. The adverse effects depend on the level and duration of exposure to the
EM radiation.
Electromagnetic Waves
- Electromagnetic waves are waves that are created as a result of vibrations between an
electric field and a magnetic field. In other words, EM waves are composed oscillating
magnetic and electric fields.
- Radio waves, longest of EM waves, lowest of frequency and energy. Mainly used in
telecommunication. Radar, acronym for Radio Detection and Ranging.

- Microwaves, mainly used in communication. A microwave oven is a common kitchen

- Infrared Waves, means “below red”. It cannot be seen but felt as heat. They used as
remote controls of TVs, alarms, night vision camera and thermometers. Medical wise,
they are used as heat lamps and infrared imaging is used for diagnosis and prognosis in
oncology, rheumatology, sports med and orthopedics.

- Visible Light, it is simply light. It was discovered by Isaac Newton using a prism. The
colors are (in order): ROYGBIV or Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo,
Violet. Visible Light’s implication in real is that it lets you see objects. Visible light
communication using light-emitting diodes (LED) as a form of wireless communication
technology. One source of visible light is LASER or Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emission by Radiation.

- Ultraviolet Radiation, also known as UV, was discovered by German physicist Johann
Wilhelm Ritter. There are 3 types of UV rays: UVA, UVB and UVC. A major source of UV
rays comes from the sun. UV lights known as black light are used to detect forged bank
notes (Security) and for searching during crime scenes.

- X-rays is sometimes called the Roentgen ray, in honor of its discoverer, German
physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen. It was called x-rays since the letter x is normally
used to represent an unknown quantity because he didn’t know their nature and origin.
They are produced by the sun and other stars. Its implication is typically for the medical
field where it is used to detect abnormalities in the skeletal system such as fractures,
tumors and internal body parts.

- Gamma rays which its sources are astronomical objects such as the sun, interstellar
clouds and remnants of supernova. They are highly penetrating because of their very
short wavelengths, high energy and frequency. Its implication is used to destroy cancer
cells in a process called radiotherapy.

SIP (situational analysis)

- The scientific method: Observing and asking questions, Making inferences and forming
hypotheses, Conducting controlled experiments, Collecting and analyzing data Drawing
- IMRAD, Introduction, Methodology, Results and Discussion.
- Variables, it is an element, feature or factor
that is liable to vary or change.
- Independent Variable, something that is
changed by the scientist. It is tested and
- Depending Variable, it is something that
might be affected by the change in the
independent variable. It is observed,
measured and it is the data collected during
the experiment.
- Controlled variable, it is the variable that is not changed. Also known as constants, it is
something that could be changed but is not. Allows for a "Fair test", so you know what
happened is as a result of the changes you made.

Solving! (Your favorite part)

Quantity Unit Meaning

C or V (3x10^8 m/s (miles per Speed of Light
m/s) sec)
F Hz (hertz or no. Frequency
of cycle/s)
λ M (meter) Wavelength
E J (joules) Energy
h 6.63x10^-34 J.s Planck’s
(joules sec) constant
t S (second/s) time
d M (meter) distance

- In solving exponents,
ADD-SUB-SAME (in adding, subtracting,
exponents are the same)
MUL-ADD (in multiplying, exponents are
DI-SUB (in dividing, exponents are subtracted)

- Decimals Point and Exponent,

LEFT (+)


For all EM
waves, the
formula is
V=fλ c=fλ

Energy of EM is proportional to its frequency and may be computed using the formula,
E = hf
Sample Problem!

Given :

D = 30.0 km
V/C = 3 x
10^8 m/s

30.0 km x 1000m/1km = 30,000 m or 3.0 x 10^4 m (since we cannot use

km, we need to convert it to meters) Nanometers are always ^-9 in
scientific notation.



We go back to the triangle,

T = d/v
T = 3.0 x 10^4 m / 3 x 10^8 m/s
T = 1 x 10^-4 s

Since it is divided, the exponent will be subtracted.

T = (1 x 10^-4 s)2
T = 2 x 10^-4 s

We multiply it by 2 since the radio wave travelled 2 times. It reached the

airplane and then returned back to the radar.

Read pg. 82-83 for more examples.

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