Atance Muñoz Violeta - Ostriches Video

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OSTRICHES video 4.


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The largest living species of bird in the world, the ostrich is native to Africa.

Both the tallest and the 1_heaviest_ living bird, the ostrich is famously unable to fly, but it is the fastest
runner of all birds.
Easily recognized by their long, 2__skinny___ legs, long necks, and oval bodies, ostriches can reach
weights of up to 320 pounds or 145 kilograms, and a maximum height of 9 feet or 2.8 meters.

In the wild, these 3 ______huge___________birds may live as long as 40 years, but captive ostriches have
been known to live to the age of 70.

Ostriches live in groups of between 5 and 50 birds, and will travel around open grassy
savannah or semi-desert areas, moving wherever food and water can be found.
Male ostriches have 4_____fluffy___________ black feathers with white plumes on the wings and tail, while
the females are grayish brown instead.

Ostriches have the largest eyes of any land animal - their eyes are so large that a single
the ostrich eye is actually bigger than their brain.

The powerful legs of an ostrich do not have any feathers on them, and they have only two
5______toes_________ on each foot. With these legs, ostriches can reach speeds of up to 40 miles or 70
kilometers per hour.
They will usually only run at top speed to escape from predators, although if cornered
They can kick with deadly force.

Contrary to myth, ostriches do not bury their heads in the sand, but they have been known to lay down on
the ground to hide from 6________predators__________ .

Ostriches nest on the 7___ground_____________ , laying their eggs in shallow pits scratched in the dirt.
Both male and female ostriches take turns incubating the eggs.
Typically the females will warm the eggs during the day, due to their 8____grayish____________ brown
camouflage, while males will take their turn at night, when their black feathers offer greater concealment.
You will probably not be surprised to hear that ostriches also lay the largest eggs in the world.
Their eggs weigh about 3 pounds or 1.3 kilograms, each one equivalent to about two dozen chicken eggs.

Although they grow to be so tall, baby ostriches are only about ten inches or 25 centimeters in height at
9____hatching___________, and weigh just two pounds.
That's less than 1 kilogram!
Unlike adults, ostrich chicks are covered in downy, light brown feathers speckled with
darker brown spots to give them better 10_____camouflage______________ so close to the ground.

Ostriches are mainly 11_____leather_______, eating seeds, shrubs, grass, fruit, and flowers, but on
occasion they will eat insects and small lizards.
Because they do not have teeth, they will swallow pebbles to help grind up their food
after they have eaten it.

Humans have found many uses for ostriches over the years. Their meat, eggs, feathers, and 12
______herbivores______________have been valued by people for centuries.
In modern times ostriches are often farmed to provide these resources without endangering the wild

Ostriches are also popular attractions in zoos, and some people will even ride on or
race ostriches!

Although ostrich populations have declined over the last few centuries, they are not
considered endangered, meaning these gigantic birds should be around for everyone to enjoy for years to

I hope you enjoyed learning about ostriches today.

Goodbye till next time!

4- fluffy
12- leather

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