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1. Number of maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live birth is

a. Maternal mortality rate
b. Maternal mortality ratio
c. IMR
d. U5 Mortality rate
2. In a population of 10,000; sex ratio is >1000. Correct statement is
a. Male<500
b. Male<5000
c. Female<500
d. Female<5000
3. Couple has given birth to their first child . family is entering in which phase
a. Formation
b. Extension
c. Contraction
d. Dissolution
4. In 14th century there was a disease called plague, for how many days ship and all passengers
were kept under quarantine
a. 7 days
b. 14 days
c. 40 days
d. 60 days
5. Population covered under +/- 1 SD of mean is
a. 34%
b. 68.3%
c. 95%
d. 99%
6. After doing dressing of a patient of road side accident, cotton swab will be disposed in which
colour bag
a. Yellow
b. Red
c. White
d. Black
7. Absolute contra indication of devise given in image

a. Irregular Vaginal bleed

b. H/O ectopic pregnancy
c. H/O PID
d. Anaemia
8. Minimal number of antenatal visits as per WHO
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
9. A 25 year old lady coming with complains of vaginal discharge and lower abdominal pain ,
colour kit used is
a. Red (kit 5)
b. Yellow (kit 6)
c. Blue (kit 4)
d. White (kit3)
10. A worker posted in same village 25-45 yrs, 8 th pass, married/divorce , with good
communication skill. Identify worker
a. ANM
b. Accrediated social health worker
c. Anganwadi worker
d. Trained dai
11. Pregnancy kit for follow up at home
a. NIKSHAY, TB surveillance
c. Nayi pahal
d. Free day
12. Burden of disease is

13. If you want to teach how to prepare ORS in urban slum area , then which method will be
a. Role play
b. Demonstration
c. Group discussion
d. Flash card
14. If you want to explain nutritive value of various food items to family members with help of
pictorial chart , it is
a. Histogram
b. Bar chart
c. Pie chart
d. Pictogram
15. Dose of Vitamin A to < 8 KG BABY of > 12 month age
a. 50,000 IU
b. 1,00,000 IU
c. 1,50,000 IU
d. 2,00,000 IU
16. Most common cause of childhood blindness
a. Vitamin A deficiency
b. Refractory error
c. Glaucoma
d. cataract
17. A patient returned to Delhi from Assam, on 1 st day had fever, 2nd day dizziness, 3rd day
seizures , confirmed as plasmodium falciparum on blood smear , treatment of choice
a. Chloroquine
b. Quinine
c. Mefloquine
d. I/V artesunate
18. A 40 year patient working in stone cutting factory presenting with dry cough, weight loss,
with possibility of TB , is result of which pneumoconiosis
a. Silicosis
b. Asbestosis
c. Byssinosis
d. Bagassosis

19. If you want to check for incidence of deafness caused by noise effect in office workers and
factory workers after 1 year, study conducted will be
a. Case control
b. Cohort
c. Ecological
d. Cross sectional
20. A maize eater with diarrhoea, dermatitis, memory loss , disease is
a. Pellagra
b. Korsakoff psychosis
c. glossitis
d. chelosis
21. Maximum number of candidates in group discussion to avoid over crowding is
a. 3-4
b. 4-8
c. 6-12
d. 12-15
22. Land area required to fill trench of 2 meter depth with compacted refuse for population of
10,000 is
a. 1 acre
b. 2 acre
c. 3 acre
d. 4 acre
23. Reinfection in presence of antibody in blood will flare up symptoms in
a. Measle
b. Rabies
c. Dengue
d. polio
24. A child presenting with fever , swelling in neck and testis, 2 more children in village were
having same symptoms, diagnosis is
a. Measle
b. diphtheria
c. Mumps
d. TB involving nodes
25. If you want to reduce selection error in a clinical trial conducted among two groups, best
method will be
a. Matching
b. Blinding
c. Randomization
d. stratification
26. A farmer brings her wife in emergency department and gives history that his wife has
developed allergy after eating bajra in her meal . he had shown Bajra grains to doctor who
noticed that it is mixed with some black seeds , method to segregate
a. Distilled water
b. 10% sodium
c. 20% sodium
d. Normal saline

27. you are medical officer of ESI , treating insured patients in rural area is under

a. direct medical benefit

b. indirect medical benefit

c. sickness benefit

d. extended sickness benefit

28. Lung malignancy is associated with

a. Silicosis
b. Asbestosis
c. Baggasosis
d. Byssinosis
29. More sodium content in
a. Bowl of cereals
b. Green vegetable
c. Bread
d. Cane of soup/ soup
30. Absolute contraindication of breast feed
a. Galactosemia
b. Mother with CMV Infection
c. Mother with Herpes but not at side of feed
d. Mother with Hep C infection
31. A tubercular patient resistant to isoniazid, rifampicin, kanamycin, quinolones . he will be
categorized as
a. Multi drug resistant
b. Mono drug resistant
c. Extensive drug resistant
d. Extended drug resistant
32. Which of the fruits have Lowest Glycaemic index
a. Watermelon
b. Papaya
c. Sweet corn
d. Potato
33. Information specially of a biased or misleading nature used to promote a political cause or
point of view is
a. Propaganda
b. Health promotion
c. Health education
d. advocacy
34. A 2 year old child reported to PHC with complains of fever and breathlessness. On
examination respiratory rate is 36 /min and presence of chest indrawing . management
protocol is
a. Hone management
b. Antibiotic, follow up
c. Immediate referral
d. Antibiotic and immediate referral
35. All are true for vasectomy except
a. Immediate sterilization
b. Permanent method
c. Contraceptive result after 3 month
d. Non scalpel method

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