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Women In History Documentary

 Who are the female models mentioned in the documentary? Who do you think is the best role
of women model? Discuss and explain your answer. 5 points
The female models mentioned in the documentary are Sappfo, Cleopatra, Mary Magdalene, Boudicca,
The Trung Sisters in the ancient history. Hildegard of Bingen , Eleanor of Acquitane, Joan of arc, Mirabai
,Hrosvitha notable women in the period. St teresa of Avila, Catherine de Medici, Elizabeth I Women in
Pre Modern History. Anne frank, Emily davison, Mother teresa, Amelia Earhart, Rosa Parks, Princess
Diana, Aung san suu kyi, Florence Nightingale, Queen Elizabeth II, Indira Gandhi, Oprah Winrey, Marie
Curie, Coco Chanel, Malala Yousafzai Women in Contemporary History.
I think the best role of women model no other than Sappho because she is the one who set the foundation
for lyrical poetry, influential art, and women's voices more generally. Her work inspired generation after
generation of young women and men, and remains as poignant today as it was 3,000 years ago. Sappho
changed the perspective of many people with her accomplishments in the literary world .

 What do you think are the role of women in the Philippines?

Women in the Philippines have always enjoyed greater equality in the Philippines Society. The
appearance of women in important positions, however, is not new or even unusual in the Philippines.
Filipino women, usually called Filipinas, have been senators, cabinet officers, Supreme Court justices,
administrators, and heads of major business enterprises.

 Would you agree if women engage in politics? Do you consider that politics is a dirty thing? 5
Women have a right to engage in civil society, vote in elections, be elected to government office, serve
on boards, and make their voices heard in any process that will ultimately affect them, their families,
and their communities. Investing in girl’s and women’s right to political participation is a necessary
step to achieving global gender equality and democratic governance.
It is dirty thing because every leader wants to get highest position in least time, everybody wants
to get more and more money and status, that's why they do not get behind if they must use dirty
words and pose dirty allegations.As a result good people and women don't give priority to
politics. Good people try to keep their distance between their life and politics.
 Give examples of Prominent Filipina women discuss their contributions in different aspects? 5
Gabriela Silang, she rallied fighting forces (including the native Itneg people) to carry on the war

against Spain in their home province of Ilocos, launching guerrilla attacks against Spanish
garrison's attacks that caused Spanish soldiers to fear her name. She led over 2,000 men to go
against an army of over 6,000 Spanish soldiers backed by a powerful artillery.
Teresa Magbanua - Known as the Visayan Joan of Arc During her time, she developed her
skills in horseback riding and marksmanship. Upon learning that her brothers joined the uprising
against the Spaniards, she persuaded her uncle, General Perfecto Poblador, to let her join the
Katipunan’s women’s chapter in Panay as an experienced horse rider and marksman. The
General agreed, making Magbanua the first and only woman to lead troops in the Visayas during
the revolution. Her patriotic spirit helped her successfully lead a group of bolo troops during the
Battle of Barrio Yoting and the Battle of Sapong Hills, which were instrumental to the liberation
of Iloilo City. Later, she joined the guerrilla forces in fighting against the Americans in Jaro,
Iloilo. She continued to fight for the country’s independence until the Japanese occupation, when
she sold all her belongings to help fund the guerilla movement.

 The role of your mother in your home is one of the most difficult and a lifetime tasks. In
what ways should you do in order appreciate her efforts? 5points

You need to study hard and graduate to make them feel proud and their hardworks for you will
pay off. I will travel them around the world if I have a lot of money in the future.

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