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1*Bioethics is :*

(a) The division of Ethics that relates to human life

b. The division of Ethics that relates to human acts

c. The division of Ethics that relates to human rights

d. The division of Ethics that relates to human cloning

2. Universal Declaration of Human Rights was based on:

a. Nuremberg Code

b. Belmont Report c. Tuskeegee Study

d. Declaration of Helsinki

3. Herbicide resistance rice case study was an ethical violation

a. Justice

b. Autonomy

c. Beneficence

d. Intellectual property

4. Animals deserve to live their lives :

a. Free from abuse

b. Free from suffering

C Free from exploitation

c. Free from experiment on

control ‫باق االختيارات مقدرش اعملها‬
‫ ي‬exploitation ‫عل‬
‫ ي‬control ‫عشان ممكن نعمل‬
5. The regulations of the animal research ensure:

a. That animal is treated unfairly

b. That animal is treated brutally

c. That it's absolutely not necessary

d. That animals are treated humanely

1- Nuremberg Code was initiated based on:

a. Nazi experiments

b. Belmont Report

c. Tuskegee Study

d. Declaration of Helsinki

2- The Belmont Report focus on the principles:

a. Genomics, Rights, and Justice

b. Genomics, Beneficence, and Justice

c. Injustice, Genomics and Respect for persons

d. Justice, Beneficence, and Respect for persons

3- Herbicide resistance rice case study was an ethical violation of:

a. Justice

b. Autonomy

c. Beneficence

d. Intellectual property

4- The enforcing body of the animal welfare act is:

a. The United States of America

b. The United States Department of Agriculture

c. The United States Food and Drug Administration

d. USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services

5- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is empowered

a. Law

b. Federal law

c. Animal Rights

d. Human Rights
1- Violation of the Animal welfare act can: ‫مش متاكده منها‬

a. Lead to fines

b. Lead to punishment

c. Lead to imprisonment

d-Lead to research program

‫ شامل كل االخيتارات‬punishment

2- IACUC protocol review:

a) Animal use procedures

b. Animal living conditions

c. Euthanasia appropriate methods

d. Humane experimental endpoints

3- Bioethics is:

a. The division of Ethics that relates to human life

b. The division of Ethics that relates to human acts

c. The division of Ethics that relates to human rights

d. The division of Ethics that relates to human cloning

4-Universal Declaration of Human Rights was based on:

a. Nuremberg Code

b. Belmont Report

c.Tuskegee Study

d.Declaration of Helsinki

5-Herbicide resistance rice case study was an ethical violation

a. Justice

b. Autonomy

c. Beneficence

d. Intellectual property
1- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is empowered by:

a. Law

b. Federal law

c. Animal Rights

d. Human Rights

2- Tuskeegee Study was a violation of:

a. Belmont Report

b. Nuremberg Code

c. Declaration of Helsinki

d. Universal Declaration of Human Rights

3- Result of Animal Research has benefit in:

a. Improve the quality of life for animals

b. Improve the quality of life for humans

c. Improve the quality of drugs and vaccines

d. Improve the quality of life for animals and humans

human ‫ لل‬drug ‫عشان نعمل‬animal ‫عل ال‬

‫ ي‬experiment ‫عشان احنا ممكن نعمل‬
4- Declaration of Helsinki was a statement of ethical principles for:

a. Medical research involve aromatic plants

b. Medical research involve animal subjects

c. Medical research involve human subjects

d. Medical research involve human pathogens

‫موحوده ف الصوره‬
5- Peter Singer ethical theorv and Animal rights:

a. It is not harmful for the animals

b. It is used for the GOOD of society

c. It is not going to benefit the community

d. Its importance in the intention of the research not the consequences

1- The human factor involved in the herbicide resistance rice is:

a. The Sierra Club

b. The national agency

c. The scientist from Colombia

d. The research that GMO the rice

‫يعن شخص‬
‫ ي‬Human factor (scientific)
2- Animal Welfare Act is:

a. A series of laws regulating animal abuse

b. cA series of laws regulating animal activities

c. A series of laws regulating animal treatments

d. A series of laws regulating animal use for vaccines

3- The purpose of research is:

a. To develop technology

b. To develop new products

c. To develop generalizable knowledge

d. To develop technological development

4- Nuremberg Code was initiated based on:

a. Nazi experiments

b. Belmont Report

c. Tuskeegee Study

d. Declaration of Helsinki

5- Bioethics is:

a. The division of Ethics that relates to human life

b. The division of Ethics that relates to human acts

c. The division of Ethics that relates to human rights

d. The division of Ethics that relates to human cloning

1-when can animals be used in the research : ‫عشان قال‬in the research

a-In experiments involving animals

b-In experiments involving human

c-In experiments to advance scientific knowledge

d-In experiments involving human to advance scientific knowledge

‫باق االسئله متكرره‬


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