CRY Application

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Why should we select you as a junior member in CRY SRCC?

I believe that I should be selected as a junior member in CRY SRCC as I feel like
I am the right fit for this role because I’m highly passionate about this role and
if selected, I shall accomplish all tasks assigned to me to the best of my ability. I
also have many fresh ideas and inputs. I am always ready to learn new things,
take up new tasks, thrive in a team as well as spend additional hours to make
sure that a particular task is done on time.

State the skills and strengths that you possess which would be in line with
your wing preferences.

One of my biggest strengths is that I’m able to manage my time effectively. I

have a very strong work ethic and I’m capable of working for long hours. I have
good communication skills and I’m able to articulate myself. I also have good
leadership skills and I’m capable of leading a team towards their required goal.

What is your ‘motivation’ behind joining CRY SRCC?

My motivation behind joining CRY SRCC is that I want to give back to the
community. I have been fortunate enough to live a safe and comfortable life
and I am very well aware of the fact that not everyone has this luxury. I want
to do my part by helping the underprivileged children and try to make an
impact on the society.

Do you have any experience in volunteering? If yes, tell us about what you
did and how was your experience?
For the past few years, I have been teaching the children in a small school
behind my house. My family and I have also provided them meals various
times. I also frequently feed the dogs in my neighbourhood. I also participated
in a clothing drive in my apartment complex and donated the clothes to
underprivileged children.

My experience of volunteering had a very big impact on me. It made me realise

that even the smallest effort on my part to help underprivileged children can
make such a big impact on their lives.

What are your expectations from us at CRY SRCC?

If i get selected as a member of CRY SRCC, i wish to go on field visits to various

places and provide my help in person. I also want to play a role in organising
the various events that are carried out by CRY in the college. I also want to
participate in various bake sales and other methods of fundraising that are
carried out by the society. I wish to grow as a person and learn new things as
part of the society.

state an initiative you would take up in your tenure at CRY SRCC. Describe
your relative plan of action accordingly.

I think one of the major issues facing underprivileged children today is the lack of
proper education. Many children either do not go to school at all or dropout due to
various factors like lack of availability of proper schools, poverty, backward family
values etc. Hence, this is the issue I would address. I would first start by choosing a
village near the college. I would then go and inspect the nearby schools in the village
and talk to the teachers and students there and try to understand the standard of
teaching. I would then spread awareness about the importance of education amongst
the parents as well as the students. Many children drop out of school because their
parents believe that sending their children to school is not worthwhile as it may be a
burden on their finances or maybe because of their lack of information. Therefore it is
very important to spread awareness which i would do through going from house to
house and telling the parents about how education helps in the holistic development of
the child and how it helps them become an asset to the nation. i would then try and
raise funds through various initiatives like bake sales, open mics, tambola nights etc
and use the money to help develop one particular school. I would also ask for other
CRY members to volunteer and teach in the school. I would also provide meals to the
children frequently which would provide the children another reason to come to
school and study. This would provide the necessary education that the children need. 

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