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Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
“Ubi concordia, ibi Victoria” – Publius Syrus


S.Y. 2022-2023
Name Score
Grade and Section: Date
I. Multiple Choice. Read and analyze the following items, then ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is the art of creating and recreating things, feelings, array of emotions, and thoughts through words.
A. creative writing B. discourse C. prose D. technical writing
2. The following are the usual tones of a creative text EXCEPT:
A. conversational B. light C. objective D. subjective
3. Which of the following is true in both creative writing and technical/academic writing?
A. factual B. imaginative C. informative D. metaphorical
4. The following all serve the purpose of creative writing EXCEPT
A.educate the readers c. state facts and research-based data
B. share human experiences d. entertain the readers
5. This is something that appeals to your senses when you read a literary text.
A.figurative language B. sensory imagery C.rhyme scheme d. creative writing
6. It is a type of sensory imagery that appeals to the sense of smell.
A. gustatory imagery b. kinesthetic imagery c. olfactory imagery d. tactile imagery
For numbers 7-10, identify the figurative language used in the statements.
7. Silver bells! How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle in the icy air of night.
A. alliteration B. assonance C. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia
8. My heart gets out of my chest whenever I see him.
A. alliteration B. assonance C. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia
9. Chicago is a city that is as fierce as dog with tongue lapping for action.
A. idiom B. Metaphor C. Pun D. simile
10. No matter how much you push the envelope, it will still be stationery.
A. idiom B. Metaphor C. Pun D. simile
11. This pertain to two successive lines that rhyme.
A. couplet B. quatrain C. stanza D. tercet
12. This is a group of consecutive poetic lines.
A. couplet B. refrain C. stanza D. verse
13. This is the total number of lines of a haiku.
A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6
14. This is a stanza having four lines.
A. quatrain B. quadrant C. quintile D. tercet
15. The following are all morals from the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice except :
a. Treasure every moment spent with your loved ones. C. Love cannot live where there is no trust
B. Do not break rules. D. Love and trust with all your heart.
16. This is the idea or concept of the author often referred to as the message of the story.
A. message B. plot C. symbol D. theme
17. This is the initial part of the plot in which the setting and the characters are introduced
A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. rising action
18. This is the part of the plot in which the conflict develops.
A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. rising action
19. This is the highest point of the story during which the readers know how the conflict will be resolved.
A. exposition B. climax C. falling action D. rising action
Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
“Ubi concordia, ibi Victoria” – Publius Syrus

20. This refers to the last part of the plot which gives the story some finality.
exposition B. climax C. falling action D. rising action

II. Examine the sensory imageries and figurative language used in the sample statements below. Write …
L- if it does not make use of any sensory imagery and figurative language
O- if it uses sensory imagery only
V- if it uses figurative language only
E- if it uses both sensory imagery and figurative language

______21. Ria went in the bath and felt the warm water on her cool legs.
______22. The color is repellant, almost revolting; a smoldering unclean yellow, strangely faded by the slow-
turning sunlight.
______ 23. As they sat on the soft, sugary sand beach waiting for the sunset, the sun shimmered on the
______24. Time is money.

III. Poem Analysis

Identify the elements of the poem being asked by the items below.
Rhyme Scheme
The Dawn’s awake! 25. ______
The dawn of a thousand dreams and thrills. 26. ______
And music singing in the hills 27. ______
A paean of eternal spring 28. ______
Voices the new awakening. 29. ______
30. Figurative Language Present: _____________
31. Type of Sensory Imagery Used: ________________

IV. Compare and Contrast

32-36. Accomplish the Venn Diagram of Fiction and Nonfiction below by supplying it with the descriptions
provided inside the box.

Factual imaginative figurative straightforward informative


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Checked and Noted by:
Sitio Fori, Brgy. Talipan, Pagbilao, Quezon
“Ubi concordia, ibi Victoria” – Publius Syrus

SST-III SHS Coordinator

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