MGT407 Module1Case 2022-Earnest Nix IV

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MGT407 Module 1 - Case

Earnest Nix IV

Trident University International

MGT407 Principles of HRM

November 2022

Dr. Peggy Swigart

MGT407 Module 1 - Case 2


As a driver of both organizational and individual development, employee engagement is

a critical HR metric to pursue. Workers that are invested in their jobs are more likely to come up

with creative solutions to problems and show genuine enthusiasm for their work. Employee

involvement will fluctuate from person to person due to individual differences in traits,

expectations, and experiences within the workplace. On the other hand, there are targets for

employee participation that have been shown to yield positive results (KnowledgeCity, 2022).

3 Reasons of the Rise and Fall of Employees’ Engagement Metrics

Employee engagement is one of company's more vague characteristics. Companies have

diverse ways of defining employee engagement, but they all seem to desire the same thing:

dedicated workers. An engaged workforce is one that is more likely to show loyalty, dedication,

and output.

According to the author, the study's three primary indicators address the heart of major

concerns that management encounters; issues that, if left unresolved, can have serious

implications for employee satisfaction (or, more correctly, alienation), performance, and

attrition. Firstly, there is a failure to properly acknowledge staff. There was a 16% drop from last

year's survey to this one in the percentage of workers "who genuinely feel appreciated at

workplace," from 31% to 26%. This is a sad indictment on upper management that no more than

one in four workers feel appreciated. The worst part is that the form of appreciation that people

crave the most — sincere positive remarks from their immediate supervisor — is also the easiest

and least expensive to provide. A new analysis demonstrates that despite the high stakes and high

expenditures, many enterprises fail miserably in this sector (Seven Habits, 2019).
MGT407 Module 1 - Case 3

Second, there's been a severe lack of openness. Poor morale can also result from a lack of

communication between management and staff. Still, only 25% of respondents "believe

management is highly transparent," according to the report. On the contrary hand, if only a

quarter of employees feel safe sharing their ideas, then the great majority of them are probably

stuck in a skeptical environment where motivation and extra effort are more likely to falter

(Seven Habits, 2017).

As a last point, there have the isolation from one's contemporaries. Research shows that

employees are more likely to remain invested in their jobs when they feel they have meaningful

relationships with the people with whom they work. (Seven Habits, 2019). Working in an

atmosphere of camaraderie can greatly improve one's outlook on their job. However, the poll

results suggest that "strong connection to coworkers" has dropped to 24%, a decline of 11% from

the previous year. Worker satisfaction with "team development" at their company was low, with

only 27% agreeing that management was "doing a terrific job" (Lipman, 2017).

Steps in Improving Employee Engagement

It is no longer the sole purview of Silicon Valley start-ups or the Googles of the world to

cultivate an environment where workers look forward to coming to work each day. One of the

primary tactics of the most prosperous businesses, it has gained prominence rapidly. But a

certificate or a trophy aren't all it takes to transform into a terrific workplace. It's a method of

running a firm that's good for everyone involved, from workers to customers to investors. A

perfect scenario for everyone involved. When healthcare is improved, financial results improve.

Taking care of the people at the front lines will increase your profits significantly. This is

becoming recognized by decision makers, albeit slowly. Multiple studies have shown that
MGT407 Module 1 - Case 4

companies with highly engaged employees had lower voluntary turnover, higher shareholder

return, and better customer retention than their competitors (Burke, 2018).

The term "employee engagement" refers to an employee's positive feelings toward their

workplace. It's a simple concept, but in practice it could prove challenging. So, what could be the

initial action to take? In my opinion, the first step you should take is to measure, and the best

way to do that is to conduct a quick and easy poll of your staff to find out. Measuring employee

engagement effectively will show, among other things, if they:

1. intend to put in extra effort to ensure the company's success.

2. plan to be employed by the company for longer than two years.

3. could confidently refer a buddy to work for you.

4. enjoy going to work on the majority of days

5. have a strong belief that their job makes a difference in the world

6. have a positive attitude toward their workplace.

In order to achieve organizational performance and satisfy operational goals, leaders are

tasked with educating and training their subordinates (Mulievi & Tsuma, 2021). Positive work

behaviors are encouraged by an engaged workforce, leading to increased efficiency and output

for the business (Mulievi & Tsuma, 2021). When workers are invested in what they do, they care

more about the company's success and their own roles within it (da Costa & Loureiro, 2019).

Since a company can't run without its workers, keeping them interested and involved is essential

(Tate et al., 2021). Managers, in order to achieve a high degree of employee engagement, must

earn the respect of their staff members and focus on the team in order to create plans and

procedures that provide the excellent efficiency feasible in regards to productivity (Winasis et

al., 2021). Leaders at smaller businesses may try out novel approaches to boosting morale and
MGT407 Module 1 - Case 5

productivity in the workplace. Leaders who successfully implement measures to improve

employee engagement can strengthen leader-employee connections, which in turn can boost

trust, loyalty, and the frequency and candor of open dialogue inside the company (Wright, 2022).

A more invested leadership team leads to greater production, which in turn gives the company an

edge over its competitors.


Measuring employee engagement metrics is helpful since it provides a useful feedback

mechanism for pinpointing areas for improvement and implementing reforms. When employees'

interest in their work begins to wane, employers can take steps to boost morale by giving

workers more challenging tasks, providing training or making other adjustments to the

workplace. It's not hard to keep tabs on employee engagement, but you need to be consistent and

do follow-up for it to be useful. Low levels of engagement can be shown in a number of metrics,

including high turnover and low retention. When the opposite is true, however, high retention

rates suggest that workers are content in their positions.

MGT407 Module 1 - Case 6


Burke, P. (2018, January, 29). Simple steps to improving employees’ engagement with their

workplace. Investment Week; London.



da Costa, L. R., & Loureiro, S. M. (2019). The importance of employees’ engagement on the

organizational success. Journal of Promotion Management, 25(3), 328–336.

Jessee, T. (n.d.). 48 HR KPIs & metric examples (and how to implement them). ClearPoint


KnowledgeCity. (2022, February 28). Employee Engagement Metrics: Which Ones Should HR

Be Using? - KnowledgeCity. KnowledgeCity. Retrieved from

Lipman, V. (2017, February 1). 3 Reasons Employee Engagement Is Declining -- And How

Managers Can Improve It. Forbes. Retrieved from


Mulievi, N. R., & Tsuma, E. (2021). Relationship between leadership and employee engagement

in organizations today, a focus on Vihiga County government: A scoping review.

International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 9, 132–141.
MGT407 Module 1 - Case 7

Seven Habits. (2019). 7 habits that are stalling your employee engagement program and how to

fix them. Glint.


Tate, T. D., Lartey, F. M., & Randall, P. M. (2021). Do performance goals and development,

feedback and recognition, and a climate of trust improve employee engagement in small

businesses in the United States? International Business Research, 14(6).


Winasis, S., Djumarno, B., Riyanto, S., & Ariyanto, E. (2021). The effect of transformational

leadership climate on employee engagement during digital transformation in Indonesian

banking industry. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 5(2021), 91–96.

Wright, S. (2022). Leadership strategies for improving employee engagement. Walden

University ProQuest Dissertations Publishing. https://www-proquest-

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