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ASFC Foundation Art and Design

Unit 2: Wearable Art

In collaboration with Sophie

Deadline Date – Benson: freelance journalist Monday
21st November focusing on sustainable 10:30am
fashion, the environment and
A fashion designer expresses their ideas on the body, which is at the centre of
everything they do.

Ideas are developed through draping on the figure and through observational drawing. Designer Hussein
Chalayan talks about his clothes as compositions of his ideas which, when filtered through the body, become
more alive. The silhouette refers to a garments overall shape and understanding this, alongside form and
structure will help you to master key concepts in fashion design.
In this project you will work sustainably by exploring the construction of ideas on the body through a constant
play of forms and textures, using second hand clothing. You will document this through drawing and as a team,
refine your ideas into a wearable concept which will be presented to guest lecturer Sophie Benson for feedback.

Stage 1, On your own: Experiment, record, consider and document.

● Drawing and darkroom experimentation to review and categorise given materials and clothing: record
through images, drawings, collages, prints and annotation
● Explore draping, fastening and connection methods to create unique structures on the body:
document through life drawing, photography and annotation – link to artists.
● The characteristics of your work will evolve from this process. You will then extend your ideas as a range
of design developments personal to you, produced through fashion illustration.

Stage 2, in teams: Construct, refine and present:

● Sharing best practice: share your ideas and findings from stage one and explore these through drawn
and physical means as a team. Consider suitable fastening and construction methods, as well as how you
can sculpt on the body to exaggerate, restrict or disguise. Document in your sketchbook.
● Develop ideas through design sketches: share and discuss to decide upon a final goal.
● Work collaboratively to create a final garment: this must reflect the experimental nature of the brief
and be constructed in a way which allows stable, safe movement of the model wearing it. Document as a
step by step process in your sketchbook through photography and annotation.
● Present the final garment to Sophie Benson and your tutors as part of a group critique. Consider: hair,
make up, music and any other detailing to best complement your work.
● Capture the final look through studio photography: select a series of three final images, present as an
annotated contact sheet and full page final photos.

 Evaluate: How did your team decide upon the best way to present the outcome? Explain your design
decisions. What feedback did you receive in the group crit? How did you feel about taking part in this
project and what have you learned? What personal challenges did you face and how did you overcome
them? What images did you select for your portfolio and why? What is the biggest success of this

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