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The traditional music of Japan is quite different from the western music. The musical interval in Japan is
based on human breathing, not on mathematical timing. The Japanese musicians show their spiritual self-mastery
through mastering the instrument than simply perfecting a technique. They give more importance to their performance
and composure.
Basically, the traditional music of Japan is meditative in character. Traditionally, the Japanese music
performance has been spiritual in character. It is similar to martial arts and other forms of art such as the tea ceremony
and calligraphy. Usually, their music is about religious festivals, work, dance, love, and regional songs.
Historically, the music of Japan has been greatly influenced by Chinese music. Some of its forms and popular
instruments are adopted from China.
China has a long and influential musical tradition. For centuries, musician develops different styles in music
and invented or adopt many musical instruments.
The teaching of Confucius dominated the culture of Chinese for several thousand years. Confucius conceived
their music as a way of calming passion and dispelling unrest, rather than as a form of amusement. They believed that
sounds influence the harmony of the universe.
The traditional music of Korea is generous in the use of bright rhythms and melody. It gives more energy and
capricious contrast to the nation’s collection of classical music works. Their folk music represents the soul and sound
of traditional Korean villages with a wide-ranging array of music forms.
Two Major Divisions of Traditional Korean Music
1. Chong-ak – It means “right music”. It is the music correlated with the ruling classes. It also pertains to
ensemble music for men of high social status outside of the court.
2. Sog-ak or minsogak – It is the music for lower classes or for the general public.
Activity 1: Write a short description of music of the following countries.
A. Japan – _________________________________________________________________________________
B. China – _________________________________________________________________________________
C. Korea – _________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 2: Compare and contrast the music of Japan, Korea, and China. Answer the guide questions below.
Japan China Korea


Guide Questions:
1. How is culture reflected in the music of Japan, China, and Korea?
2. What is the relevance of the music of Japan, China, and Korea in the society?
Assessment #1
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect.
__________1. China has influenced the music of Japan.
__________2. The traditional music of Japan is based on social status.
__________3. Sakura song is about goodbye.
__________4. Koreans believed that music influenced the harmony of the universe.
__________5. The Japanese are generous in the use of bright rhythm and melody.
Japanese Vocal Music
Japanese music has two modes, the yo-sen and in-sen mode.
The two modes consist of five primary tones-based on a scale with seven tones. The remaining tones are
considered as auxiliary tones.
The classical Japanese melodies are based on yo-sen and in-sen mode but not always in one mode alone. It
usually shifts on both modes.
Chinese Vocal Music
The prominent expressive features of Chinese music are the melody and tone color. Chinese vocal quality is
often described as being high-pitched and nasal. This is generally true, but there are regional differences. The northern
style of singing (such as Peking opera) tends to be higher and shriller than the southern style of singing (such as Kun
Opera or Nanguan).
Pentatonic scale or 5-tone scale is commonly used in Chinese music.
Korean Vocal Music
The music of Korea has a slow tempo that gives a very peaceful and pensive character. Skilled singers and
drummer perform Pansori Music.
Listening and watching of recording music representing Japan, China, and Korea revealed through the musical
elements used.
1. Vocal timber— nasal and throaty
2. Rhythm— duple, triple, quadruple
3. Melody— pentatonic scale, diatonic scale
4. Texture:
 monophony (acapella);
 homophony (with chordal accompaniment);
 heterophony (same melody but ornamented by several instruments
5. Form— Strophic (using the same tune on different verses)

Activity 1: After listening and singing the music of Japan, China and Korea, answer the following guide questions and
fill up the table below.
Guide Questions:
1. Describe the musical pieces using the table below.
2. Based on your answers, what can you conclude on the musical elements of

Activity 2: Make a poster that will describe the music of Japan, China, and Korea. Write a short explanation about the

Assessment #2
Identify which country is being described in the following statements.
__________1. It uses a pentatonic scale. __________3. It uses slow tempo that shows peaceful character.
__________2. It uses two modes in their music. __________4. It has two auxiliary tones.
__________5. Its music is more melodic rather than harmonic.
Musical Instruments of Japan
Percussion Instruments (Membranophone)
Activity 1: Classify the following instruments using the Hornbostel-Sachs System.

Activity 2: Identify the name of the instrument and its place of origin.

Activity 3: Make a short essay on the question below.

After answering the activities in this lesson, what did you discover in the Japan, Chinese, and Korean
musical instruments?

Assessment #3: Fill in the blank to complete the description of the Musical Instruments of East Asia.
____________ is a zither like string instrument, with _____________, but recent variants have been constructed with
21 or more numbers of strings. Changgo is an ___________ body with two heads made from animal skin. Both heads
produce sounds with different pitch. _____________ is a big drum. The Odaiko performance gives physical energy
and sheer excitement. It is an integral part of many Japanese Matsuri.

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