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Every day, the sun emits heat and light; every night, the moonlight pours on

the earth. Why do the stars decorate the sky? Why is the moonlight as cool
as water?
每個白天,太陽都散發着熱和光;每個夜 晚,月光都傾瀉在大地上。
Měi gè báitiān, tàiyáng dōu sànfàzhe rè huo guāng; měi gè yèwǎn, yuèguāng dōu qīngxiè zài
dà dìshàng. Xīngchén wèihé diǎnzhuì tiān chú? Yuèguāng wèihé qīngliáng rúshuǐ?

In those ancient times, there was already the sun during the day, but there
were no stars and moon at night, and at night, there was darkness
在那古老年代,白天已經有了太陽,夜晚 卻沒有星星和月亮,一到
Zài nà gǔlǎo niándài, báitiān yǐjīng yǒule tàiyáng, yèwǎn què méiyǒu xīngxīng hé yuèliàng,
yī dào wǎnshàng, sìchù hēi mò mò.

Suddenly one night, from nowhere, a huge and incomparable moon came.
The moon hangs in the sky, "silver light, but this light is more poisonous
than the sun, scorching the earth, scorching the seedlings, and making
people sweat.
忽然有一個晚上,不知道從哪裏,來了一 個巨大無比的月亮。月
亮掛在天空, 「的銀光,可是這光芒卻比太陽還毒辣,曬得大 地火
Hūrán yǒu yīgè wǎnshàng, bù zhīdào cóng nǎlǐ, láile yīgè jùdà wúbǐ de yuèliàng. Yuèliàng
guà zài tiānkōng, `de yín guāng, kěshì zhè guāngmáng què bǐ tàiyáng hái dúlà, shài dé dà
de huǒtàng tàng, shài dé hémiáo kūjiāo jiāo, shài dé rénmen hàn línlín.

Man cannot sleep, and has no mental work during the day. They shouted,
"Dear God, we are dying on the moon!" Who will help us?
人不能睡覺,白天也沒有腦力勞動。 他們喊道:“親愛的上帝,
我們要死於月亮了!” 誰來幫助我們?
Rén bùnéng shuìjiào, báitiān yě méiyǒu nǎolì láodòng. Tāmen hǎn dào:“Qīn'ài de shàngdì,
wǒmen yàosǐ yú yuèliàngle!” Shuí lái bāngzhù wǒmen?

When the two of them saw their suffering, Ah Mei said to Ah Guang: "You
are good at archery, shoot the moon down and save everyone!"
Tāmen èr rén kàn dào tāmen de kǔ, āměi jiù duì ā guāng shuō:“Nǐ jiàn shù gāomíng, bǎ
yuèliàng shè xiàlái, jiù jiù dàjiā ba!”

Ah Guang nodded, picked up the bow and arrow, and climbed to the top of
the high mountain. With all the strength in his feet, he bent his bow and set
an arrow, and shot towards the moon. But, the arrow flew into the air. One
arrow after another, even after shooting a hundred arrows, all the arrows
fell into the air.
力,彎弓搭箭,向月亮射去。可就是,箭飛到了半空中。 一箭
Ā guāng diǎn yī diǎntóu, ná qǐ gōngjiàn, pá shàng gāo gāo de shāndǐng. Tā shǐ jiǎo húnshēn
de qìlì, wān gōng dā jiàn, xiàng yuèliàng shè qù. Kě jiùshì, jiàn fēi dàole bànkōng zhōng. Yī
jiàn yòu yī jiàn, lián shè liǎo bǎi jiàn, jiàn dōu luòle kōng.

Ah Guang picked up the dropped arrow and saw that the arrow was broken
- he wasn't strong enough to shoot the moon; even if you did, the arrows
weren't sharp enough.
阿光撿起掉落的箭,見箭斷了——他的力氣不足以射月; 即使
Ā guāng jiǎn qǐ diào luò de jiàn, jiàn jiàn duànle——tā de lìqì bùzú yǐ shè yuè; jíshǐ nǐ
zhèyàng zuòle, zhèxiē jiàntóu yě bùgòu fēnglì.
Unable to rescue the tribe, Ah Guang was heartbroken and couldn't sleep
all night.
Wúfǎ jiùchū zúrén, ā guāng shāngxīn yù jué, chèyè nán mián.

Just when he closed his eyes in a daze, he saw an old man with white
beard coming out of the rocky mountain, saying: "Those who want to be
strong, go to the tiger in the southern mountain; those who want sharp
arrows, go to the tall deer in the northern mountain." The bearded old man
went back to the rocky mountain superior.
說道:“欲強者,往南山虎;欲利箭, 去北山的高鹿那裡。”
Zhèngdàng tā bì shàng yǎnjīng fādāi de shíhòu, zhǐjiàn shíshān zhōng zǒu chūlái yīgè báixū
lǎozhě, shuōdao:“Yù qiángzhě, wǎng nánshān hǔ; yù lì jiàn, qù běishān de gāo lù nàlǐ.” Dà
húzi lǎoyézi shuō wán, jiù huí dàole shíshān shàng.

Ah Guang woke up immediately, knowing that it was the mountain god who
gave advice, so he discussed with Ah Mei about catching tigers and deer.
Ā guāng dùnshí xǐngle guòlái, zhīdào shì shānshén zhǐdiǎn, biàn hé ā méi shāngliángzhe
zhuō hǔ zhuō lù de shì.

Hui Amei had an idea and said, "Use my hair clippers to weave a big net."
She cut off her long velvet hair with scissors. It's so strange, the hair grows
long once it's cut, and after it's cut, it's cut a lot, enough to weave a big net.
灰阿梅靈機一動,道:“用我的理髮剪織一張大網。” 她用剪
刀剪掉了天鵝絨般的長發。 真奇怪,頭髮剪了就長長的,剪了
以後剪了很多,夠織一張大網了。Huī ā méi língjī yīdòng, dào:“Yòng wǒ de
lǐfà jiǎn zhī yī zhāngdà wǎng.” Tā yòng jiǎndāo jiǎn diàole tiān'éróng bān de cháng fā. Zhēn
qíguài, tóufà jiǎnle jiù zhǎng zhǎng de, jiǎnle yǐhòu jiǎnle hěnduō, gòu zhī yī zhāngdà wǎngle.
However, the fierce tiger in Nanshan and the Italian deer in Beishan have
thick and tough skin, so they can't be shot by arrows! Only use large nets.
Where can I find Zhang Jianyi's big net?
但是,南山的猛虎,北山的意鹿,皮厚韌,箭射不中! 只用大
網。 哪裡可以找到張健逸的大網?
Dànshì, nánshān de měnghǔ, běishān de yì lù, pí hòu rèn, jiàn shè bù zhòng! Zhǐ yòng dà
wǎng. Nǎlǐ kěyǐ zhǎodào zhāngjiànyì de dà wǎng?

Aguang and Amei, weaving day and night, weaving, weaving, weaving,
weaving, weaving, weaving, weaving, weaving, weaving for three days and
three nights, weaving a large dense net, after untied, it is as big as half a
room; even the strength of the whole body cannot break open.
一張密密麻麻的大網,解開後,有半個房間那麼大; 就算是全
Ā guāng hé ā méi, rìyè zhī, zhī, zhī, zhī, zhīle zhěngzhěng sān tiān sān yè, zhīle yī zhāng
mìmimámá de dà wǎng, jiě kāi hòu, yǒu bàn gè fángjiān nàme dà; jiùsuàn shì quánshēn de
lìliàng yě wúfǎ pò kāi.

The two took a large net and set traps in places where the tigers of
Nanshan often haunted.
兩人帶上大網,到南山大虎經常出 沒的地方設下陷阱。
Liǎng rén dài shàng dà wǎng, dào nánshān dà hǔ jīngcháng chū méi dì dìfāng shè xià

Sure enough, the tiger fell into the net, and it rummaged through the net,
"Rolling and roaring, shaking the mountains.
大虎果然落了網,牠在網裡亂翻 「亂滾、亂吼,把山嶽都震動了。
Dà hǔ guǒrán luòle wǎng, tā zài wǎng lǐ luàn fān `luàn gǔn, luàn hǒu, bǎ shānyuè dōu
Dahu spat out a bright stone from his mouth and said, "This is a strong
stone. Put it in your mouth and you will become infinitely stronger." Ah
Guang and Ah Mei let Duhu go, took the strong stone, I went back happily.
大虎從嘴裏吐出一塊亮瑩瑩的 石頭,說:「這是大力石,把它含
在嘴裏,你就會力大無窮。」阿光 和阿美放了大虎,拿着大力石,
歡 歡喜喜地回去了。Dà hǔ cóng zuǐ lǐ tǔchū yīkuài liàng yíng yíng de shítou,
shuō:`Zhè shì dàlì shí, bǎ tā hán zài zuǐ lǐ, nǐ jiù huì lì dà wúqióng.'Ā guāng hé āměi fàngle
dà hǔ, názhe dàlì shí, huān huānxǐ xǐ dì huíqùle.

Ah Guang and Ah Mei hold onto the big net tightly. Dumb turned around for
three days and three nights, lost his strength, nodded and begged for
mercy, and said, "Heroic man, I lost. I promise you whatever you want!" I
want to be powerful!"
阿光和阿美緊緊捉着大網不放。大虎翻了 三天三夜,沒了力氣,
點頭求饒說:「英勇的 「人啊,我輸了。你想要什麼,我都答應
你!」 「阿光又驚又喜,說:「我要力大無窮!」
Ā guāng hé āměi jǐn jǐn zhuōzhe dà wǎng bù fàng. Dà hǔ fānle sān tiān sān yè, méiliǎo lìqì,
diǎntóu qiúráo shuō:`Yīngyǒng de `rén a, wǒ shūle. Nǐ xiǎng yào shénme, wǒ dū dāyìng nǐ!' `Ā
guāng yòu jīng yòu xǐ, shuō:`Wǒ yào lì dà wúqióng!'

Using the same method, after two days, the two went to Beishan again and
set a trap. Gao Lu was also caught in the net. It rolled, struggled and
croaked in the net, but A Guang and A Mei held on tightly to the big net.
用同樣的方法 隔了兩天,兩人又到北山, 設下陷阱。高鹿也被網
住,牠在網裏翻滾、掙 扎、鳴叫,但阿光和阿美緊緊捉着大網不
放。Yòng tóngyàng de fāngfǎ géle liǎng tiān, liǎng rén yòu dào běishān, shè xià xiànjǐng.
Gāo lù yě bèi wǎng zhù, tā zài wǎng lǐ fāngǔn, zhēng zhā, míngjiào, dàn ā guāng hé āměi jǐn
jǐn zhuōzhe dà wǎng bù fàng.
After a stalemate for three days and three nights, Gao Lu became dizzy
and begged helplessly, "You brave man, I lost. I promise you whatever you
want!" Guang said, "I want sharp arrows!" The deer said: "I will give you the
sharp horn I replaced earlier, and use it to make arrows. It is extremely
僵持三天三夜,高鹿暈頭轉向,無力地求 饒說:「英勇的人啊,我輸
了。你想要什麼, 我都答應你!」阿光說:「我要鋒利的箭矢!」
高鹿說:「我把自己從前換下的尖角送你,用 它做箭,鋒利無
比。」Jiāngchí sān tiān sān yè, gāo lù yūntóuzhuànxiàng, wúlì dì qiúráo shuō:`Yīngyǒng
de rén a, wǒ shūle. Nǐ xiǎng yào shénme, wǒ dū dāyìng nǐ!'Ā guāng shuō:`Wǒ yào fēnglì de
jiàn shǐ!' Gāo lù shuō:`Wǒ bǎ zìjǐ cóngqián huàn xià de jiān jiǎo sòng nǐ, yòng tā zuò jiàn,
fēnglì wúbǐ.'

Aguang and Amei let Gaolu go, took the antlers, and went back happily.
阿光和阿美放了高鹿,拿着鹿角,歡歡喜 喜地回去了。
Ā guāng hé āměi fàngle gāo lù, názhe lùjiǎo, huān huānxǐ xǐ dì huíqùle.

Ah mei
Gao lu
Bearded old man

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