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1. Teacher play twinkle-twinkle little star nursery rhyme video. Students sing along with the lyrics. 2. Teacher recites the poem aloud with the students. 3. Teacher conducts matching activity. Teacher asks students (in groups) to match the missing lines to the correct stanza. 4. Teacher gives the handouts to each and every student on another matching exercise, which is to match the word and phrases to the pictures. 5. Teacher demonstrates to the children with shared writing on the kind of question work best with the theme of the poem. Students work in pairs where they write a question down for each other and swap the papers, then write the answers; they then swap papers again and do other sets of questions and so on, until they have a good list. They have to come out with list of 10 lines: 5 questions, 5 answers. Then, from the 10 line of questions and answers, they suppose to manipulate them in order to create a new poem.

This poem is suggested to Year 3 students because of its metaphorical images, like the twinkling stars and blazing sun. Besides, the subject matter that is the star is described metaphorically as a diamond in the sky. This can certainly help them in developing their writing skills. The first activity for this poem is singing nursery rhyme. The reason behind this activity is to set the mood at the very beginning of the lesson. Besides, with the help of the video, it will enhance the students understanding to the poem. In the next activity, we choose the activity of reciting the poem aloud instead of asking the students to recite individually. This is because when the teacher and students recite it together, it can help in providing a supportive atmosphere that will be reasoning to students.(C.Joanne and S.Slater., 2009). Then it is followed by a warm-up activity of introducing vocabularies using the techniques of matching the words and phrases to the suitable pictures. This is in


accordance to fulfill the KSSR syllabus. In order to test their comprehension to the poem, the teacher provides exercise of matching the missing lines to the stanza. This activity is conducted in group because pair work can lessen the difficulties faced during completing the task. The activity is to enhance their creativity as well as to broaden their imaginations. The activity starts with the teachers demonstration of own questions regarding the central theme that is the star during the shared writing activity, is to elicit their thoughts and feelings so that, they can come out with their own poem.

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