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Women are ‘solely’ responsible for the propagation and existence of the human race.

Now with the

creation of artificial sperm, a man’s role in the process is void and unnecessary.

Statistically:Women live longer on average. Women deal better with stress. Women perform better in
school. Women are better advertised and thus better paid in that particular industry. The youngest
mathematics professor in the united States today is a woman…

All the Yes points:

Females rule

Men do not have wombs or a wide enough pelvic girdle

Tests are botched to favor or equalise men.

Women drive better

Better swimmers biologically

If it were not for females, the human race would not exist

females are smarter in almost every subject in life

Women give more balanced arguements on any given subject

Wow all these points are retarted. Wtf do pelvic girdles and wombs have to do with superiority?

no, and no again

Men are wastes of space and resources.

Males are responsible for most crime both violent and theft.

Males are responsible for the violence of civilization,whereas women could rule more peacefully with
less war and genocide.

Men are responsible for gang rape mass murder serial killings genocide weapons of mass distraction
chemical and biological warfare and nearly all terrorism.

Males are driven by there egos,which cause them to dominate or destroy whereas women can make
better decisions and should rule in politics business and all organizations.

All the No points:

how to measure superiority?

no group of people is superior to another

Equality not superiority

The men’s arguments are legitimate where as the womens are stupid!

Woman are not as good as men in chess.

Men are stronger

Women are not superior!

What makes you think that women are more superior than men?

Women are inferior to men, physically, but men and women are equal in moral value and intelligence.

There would be no women without men!

Rebuttal to Opposition part 1: Testosterone Is Beneficial

Request to Opposition: provide sources for following claims

Rebuttal to Opposition part 2: Males indeed Reproduce

Women are not needed by men in any manner

Females rule

Yes because…

Women are more intelligent than men. I cite the I.Q test score of a two year old British girl, Karina
Oakley of Guildford, Surrey, near London, who has an IQ of 160 — the same as physics professor
Stephen Hawking and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, [[London’s Daily Mail,,2933,525598,00.htm%5D%5D

Point of information 160 is their current I.Q not their I.Q at two, which is why the emphasis is on
‘already’. For your information there is no such thing as an I.Q of four hundred(not for
standardized/legitimate I.Q tests at least) here are the current highest ‘Adult’ I.Q scores in the

the little girl has trumped all but two.

name raw score country

Ivan Ivec 21 168 CRO

Georg Michael Strasser 18 160,2 SUI

Theodosis M. Prousalis 17 158 GRE

Eugenio Correnti 15 153,9 FRA

Gürkan Kýlýç 11 146,3 USA

Okay Karakas 10 144,3 TUR

Ivan Rašić 10 144,3 CRO

I work with Mike Strasser’s father he’s a Dr. of radiology at LWMC his I.Q. is 188, And Mike’s I.Q. is 174.
(I realize this George M Strasser above is not the same individual.) Mike’s a XC runner at UNF he is 19.
The highest I.Q in America is 195 by Christopher Michael Langan (you can look him up on Wikipedia). My
name is Kyle J. Weeks my I.Q. is 142. My father’s I.Q. is 146. I don’t know where these statistics above
were acquired from. But they are highly inaccurate (and yes I did visit the website that is sited).

Individuals are born with the I.Q. they will retain throughout their lives (+,-)5. One can not improve their

Women live longer on average.


All because an individual lives longer this does not indicate that they have contributed anything worth
while to society.

The youngest mathematics professor in the U.S.A is a 19 yr old woman.


A year ago, at 18 Alia Sabur was the youngest college professor in HISTORY.

Female supermodels make tremendous amounts of cash just for walking up and down the ramp, playing
dress-up, selling their products and providing tabloids and newspapers with

Here’s a list of prominent female scientists: [[


2006 first births from artificial sperm: [[]]

women/sisters are doing it for themselves :D ‘pun intended’

(link says this in article, making this point void, “The creation of “male eggs” and “female sperm”,
however, still faces difficult technical barriers, as embryos need genetic material from both a mother
and a father to develop normally.” Nice try though)

Women are intellectually superior to men (even though men are better at mathematical thinking).
Women are good at multitasking, exchanging information, socialising/socializing; and absorbing
information. Women are industrious and sensible, good at focusing, listening. And what are men good at
relative to women?

Apart from raping/corrupting/murdering/destroying people for the sake of money,land,ego and sex(this
I don’t really believe is a truthful excuse; but one used very often).

Women create, men destroy. Men were once used by women for protection against the dangers of the
wild. But now we don’t have any need for them, not even for reproduction! I think it’s time society
learned that the human race will be better off without the masculine side of it. Most male geniuses own
to feminine characteristics. Male inventors/entrepreneurs/etc create to make up for their natural
inability to do so.

In fact the Y-chromosome is depleting as generations evolve. evolution: a naturally intelligent process
towards bettering humanity is whittling away male characteristics in general.


counter to last paragraph:

The proposition is not referring to individual men or women but to where/how general majorities
sway/act. If culture makes people; then to date culture has made men considerably more cruel than

No because…

First you compared ONE girl vs TWO men. Another point that should be made is I.Q is not a measure of
how intelligent someone is at a given point but their potential for intelligence. What is more, using IQ to
determine intelligence (especially at such a young age) is a remarkably unreliable and difficult process.

From time immemorial, men have outdone women in almost everything, the list of female inventors,
writers, scientists, entrepreneurs,doctors, lawyers, award-winning authors and Nobel prize winners
pales in comparison to the number of men who have excelled in serious fields.

Men are generally better at survival tactics, since cavemen were the hunters who brought the meat
home. They constructed houses and weapons, while women only followed orders. A considerable
amount of time has passed but women have not matched men in the fields of construction, civil
engineering(all types of engineering , really), video-game acumen, mathematics and invention.

Men, perhaps because of testosterone, are better leaders. Men trust men(comradeship), women trust
men but women do not trust each-other(competition, resentment and the conflict between whether it
is lady-like to be submissive or assertive) and men do not trust women for fear of competition or

And since trust is the foundation of almost everything. And backstage performers(women) are hidden
and thus hard to trust or reward: Most women are reduced to wallflowers or placard holders.

Bill Gates I.Q was likely had an I.Q of 160 when he was two doesn’t mean he was designing Microsoft by
the age of three. That girl will grow up to be very smart but she won’t have an I.Q 400 at the age of
twenty. Besides 1 individual doesn’t speak for an entire gender.

Though in contradiction; the entire premise behind this paragraph is that the existence of Bill Gates
makes him smarter than every one and stating without evidence that he has an I.Q of 400; when he
actually ‘has’ an I.Q of 160.
The concept of women being creators and men being destroyers is entirely cultural – the roles can easily
be reversed, and women can easily be as brutal and violent as men at times. To assume that only men
are capable of atrocities and violence is entirely flawed logic.

Also, if you want to use the IQ test as a measure of intelligence, why don’t we look at the median IQ
scores for each gender? Male on average have 5 more IQ points than women and also people with an IQ
score over the the mark considered to classify one as a genius (which is usually 140) are 85 times more
likely to be male. This is according to the book Men are better than Women. This does not however say
that women are incapable of becoming a genius but rather on average a majority of them are male. The
simple fact that you would cling to one female’s IQ score in a sea of men who are of her ranking and
superior to is pretty sad. This shows a sign of desperation, the fact that you cling to an anomaly to prove
your point. That is the equivalent of me saying that Black people are the richer race because of Tiger
Woods and Oprah completely disregarding all the others that own an equal or even greater wealth that
are of a different race. The argument just isnt logical.

I find it funny that you would cling to the youngest professor in the United States being a woman. And
the fact that she teaches mathematics like that should make us concede that women are just inherently
better than men. But in your own argument you concede that men are, on average, better at
mathematics so then I dont see your point. Again, it’s just another desperate argument being made
because of the lack of substance behind your claim, so you rather cling to an anomaly. If you want to see
substance behind my claim you can A-read your own post or B-look at the picture of the mathematics
teams of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Stanford, and you tell me the proportion of Men to the inferior

When you bring up that women are good at being super models which means that they make alot of
money for doing nothing. So how in the world does that prove the superiority of women? Again that
would be like me saying because a majority of Waltons who gained the WalMart inheritence were males
men are better at making more money from doing nothing. And to disprove your already ridiculous
claim why don’t we look up how good Bill Gates’ wife is at getting money from bill Gates. How much of
his fortune is actually set to go to her after he passes away vs charity? Furthermore If we are going to
compare males to females why dont we look at basketball where the minimum NBA salary is more than
tripple that of the maximun WNBA slary. Or lets just look at sports in general. Why dont women
compete with men? Look at the record for women in any track event and compare it to the 10th best in
mens history and tell me 3 catagories where a woman wins and I will concede that women are better.
As far as you saying women are better intelectually. Well again you already concede that men are better
at mathematics so im going to make the assumption that it also includdes things such as physics and
chemistry. First off I dont buy the argument that women are intelectiually superior. the entire point
about multi tasking is flawed. Screwing up several task at one time is not good multi tasking, men go one
task at a time so we can achieve desireable results in everything we do. But if I am to accept your point
you have only left women the liberal arts field to be smarter in than men. So congratualations you can
read and analyze a shakesperean poem (which is written by a man) better than a man. So while we build
our society, and try to grasp the origins of the universe, women analyze literature and tell me about
something that happened in 1776 that i could find any where on the internet. How is that considered
intelectually superior?

As far as male geniuses taking on feminine charecteristics, that argument is an inherent flaw. You state
“Male inventor/entrepreneurs/etc create to make up for their natural inability to do so.” WHAT?????
This argument makes no sense what so ever. If men have a natural inability to create then how the HECK
could do we create aka invent?

As far as the Y chromosome depleting. No scientist knows for sure what is going to happen when the Y
chromosome eventually shrinks into non existance or if it will ever become non-existent at all… If
something decreases by 1/2 every generation then it never really goes away it just becomes
infantecimally small just like the magnetic gravitational pull between two objects, you can only weaken
it but never destroy it as long as there is some force. But going back to the original argument about how
scientist are still unsure. This is in fact an inexact science so lets not jump to conlcusions here.
Remember scientist at one point have said that an apple a day could actually be bad for your health until
they retracted their statements. Our information changes with time, so please leave it to the men who
are more mathematically and scietifically inclined to figure out what will happen to the male gender
while women excel in their liberal arts fields and analyze poetry made by men.

When you talk about females living longer, while that it a valid point, I think that most of us will have
had a long and fulfilling life by then.

By the way, when you bring up the point that artificial sperm is being created, read this article. Just let it
sink in a bit.
With that being said, one of your reasons is now completely invalid.

Also one tip, use the enter key. Helps for lists.

Men do not have wombs or a wide enough pelvic girdle

Yes because…

Scientists have ridiculously tried to impregnate men in various fictional and nonfictional scenarios. The
only man ever to be pregnant, was originally a woman who underwent a sex-change operation but still
retained a womb.

Men are not capable of doing anything physically or mentally that women potentially cannot, however
women can procreate and men CANNOT(not even potentially). And with the successful use of artificial
sperm and delivery of babies created with such , a man’s role in the process is rendered obsolete.


Women have greater brain to body weight ratios generally.

An elephant/man may have a bigger brain but since its/his body is also bigger,it can be concluded that
it/he is not smarter.[[]]

What are you kidding me. Danica McKellar is gorgeous! let me guess you’re some pimply short dude or a
jealous girl.-


Hello?! ‘artificial sperm’ women ‘can’ get pregnant without men…////////That’s not actually a thing the
entire Human Genome has not even been researched yet. a sperm has 23 single chromosomes which
contain millions of sequences of adenosine triphosphate and guanosine triphosphate, A nucleotides
must go opposite a T nucleotide, and a G opposite a C. And all of this is sub-atomic. This is literally
impossible to reproduce.
Why must the opposition keep reverting to the past? (or equivocally writing in the past sense)

It’s because what they’re typing about is ‘history.’

So; Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard(what next; are you going to claim that Radcliffe doesn’t exist?) and
stole much of Steve Job’s ideas, Newton discovered gravity (are you seriously suggesting that it occurred
to no one else that we are not falling off the planet?) when an apple fell on his head and Einstein was
only discovered because he was a Jewish-German refugee; never faring well in school/college.
Mathematics taught in German schools at the time was exponentially more advanced than that taught
in anywhere in the world; including the U.S.

*I’m curious as to what can be the influence that made Henriettta Green rise to be the “Witch of Wall

No because…

So? Last time I checked, women have a very distinct lack of testicles. Men and women are almost always
needed for reproduction; it it entirely possible to replace either, although the media tends to overhype
any possibility of a ‘world without men’.

Trying to downplay the role of men in science does not help show that women are better; whilst there
have been great scientists on either side (albeit many more renowned men, due to the nature of society
for the past centuries), that does not in any way suggest that women are ‘better’ than men; it would be
best to say that there is an equal level of potential.

Okay her brain to body weight argument is just inherently flawed. First men on average spend more
time playing sports than women and women arent capable of developing such a body mass made of
muscle where as men can, so they shouldnt be punished just becasue we are more muscular and
women arent.

The bigger you are, doesnt mean you are going to be smarter just look at stephen hawking vs the rock.
or yourself vs a dinosaur. the dino has a smaller brain yet is how many times bigger? If youre somehow
trying to prove women are smarter why dont we just stick to comparing intelect. I think I know why,
because men clarely outshine women in almost every intelectual field.
Fine women can get pregnant without men, so what? Having the ability to do something doesn’t mean
anything if you dont use it. If I have the ability to beat Lebron James in a basketball match what good
does it do me if I never play him or in the NBA for that matter? I think you only help prove that men are
superior, we can convince you to take something you appearantly dont need (being men) and marry
them or engage in acts for our sensual pleasure. So how are you superior if you allow yourself to be
manipulated by the inferior gender?

No newton did not discover gravity, Gallileo did, Newton, in the most simple explenation possible
provided us with laws that govern physics and relate to gravity, and I dont claim that gravity didnt occur
to anyone else before him (but if it did i bet it was a man) however Galileo was smart enough to
document it, as was arristotle, and socrates, and einstein.

Einstein did poorly in school, so? What does that prove, that he’s not a genious? It doesnt change the
fact that he later on discovered what no woman did.

Yes Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard, and made billions which means it was a smart move. In
economics theres always an opportunity cost, meaning to do one thing you will invest time in which you
cant use in another, Bill Gates analyzed his opportunity cost and made a decision that has made him a
fortune. Name a Harvard graduate that is richer than him. Oh thats right there isnt one. He stole ideas,
okay name a woman that is made completly of her own ideas and thoughts and i will show you a fool.
The fact is that everyone steals ideas and builds on them. Scientist constatnly use Einsteins theory of
relativity to postulate their own theories such as black holes and dark matter. Its what the human race
does, we find ideas and build on them. Its called advancement.

The problem with your argument is that it is irrelevant to proving superiority of women. I may have an
extra finger but it does not mean that i am more superior over you. A wider pelvic girdle is just
superficial. We can now create babies with or without any side of both sexes

Tests are botched to favor or equalise men.

Yes because…

“But IQ is clearly a flexible construct — as amply demonstrated by decisions in the 1930s and 1940s in
the United States and Britain to ‘adjust’ test questions to equalize the scores of boys and girls, because
in previous versions of the tests girls had scored

But men were motivated/encouraged to be math-friendly while as Danica Mckellar rightly points out
here [[]] women were/are not.

The first programmer [[]] was a woman but men were made
to hijack the field; because society(even places that profess gender-equality) expects/encourages men
to over-perform and women to under-perform.

So, the incorrect assertion here is that Babbage had no other friends…tsk tsk tsk aw

No because…

Men perform better in mathematics and science at school level and very few women enter mathematics
and science programs after that. Clearly proficiency in Mathematics and Science is the true indicator of
intelligence and thus superiority.

The only actual reason why Ada Lovelace was the first programmer was due to her friendship with
Charles Babbage – to assume that the field had always been female based on the gender of the only
person who was willing to fund him completely misunderstands it.

Furthermore, men have been at the forefront of incredible inventions such as electricity, the light bulb,
heart transplants, telephones, and even the computers and internet we are using now. Even the admins
of this website are men!

You have basically tried to burden your whole argument on IQ tests but you did not realise that IQ tests
are very inaccurate.
Women drive better

Yes because…

Women are more cautious behind the steering wheel, get fewer tickets and are significantly less
accident prone.[[



No because…

Men have better spatial abilities(Developed from years of video/computer/Play

Station/Sega/Atari/Commodore game playing). Men have a better sense of direction. Men ARE better
drivers , the statistics do not reflect ‘percentages’ only numbers, clearly since there are significantly
more men on the road , more men get into accidents. Women are responsible for the majority of car

Better swimmers biologically

Yes because…

Australian Susie Maroney swam a record 197 km (122 miles) from Mexico to Cuba, covering the longest
distance ever swum without flippers in open sea. She completed the marathon swim in 38 hours and 33
minutes, arriving in Cuba on June 1, 1998.[[wiki-answers]] Men are not biologically equipped to snatch
her title.


Woman have a higher percentage of fat(fat floats) as well as a lower percentage of bone mass and
muscle.(muscle and bone weigh you down) therefore it is easier for women to float. Distribution of fat
towards the periphery in women allows their/our legs to float higher, making them streamlined.

The potential hydrodynamic benefits enjoyed by women become noteworthy in longer distances where
swimming economy and body insulation(women have to spend less energy to swim at a higher velocity)
become more important. The first woman to swim the english channel, swam at a speed that was 35%
greater than the fastest (male) swimmer before her.- [[Essentials of exercise physiology By William D.
McArdle, Frank I. Katch, Victor L. Katch page 285 ‘Effects on buoyancy’:men vs women’]]


Why heavy? even a heavy ‘man’ would lose? how typical of men to suggest ‘cheating’ to win. And the fat
in women makes us more buoyant so that’s an absurd suggestion.

other than that men cannot outperform women as women and men swim separately in separate swim

No because…

Not for shorter distances. If this were true then the list of world records found here:

would not consistently show men outperforming women at every distance.

Oh yeah? Michael Phelps broke 8 world records.Beat that.

Since most women weigh less than most men, they swim faster. Try having a race between a heavy
woman and Michael Phelps, then decide.

See I dont even have to read your arguments to know that you are just flat out WRONG. If women are
such damn good swimmers why arent they competing with men in swimming events? Why do they need
their own division? And when in their own division how come their times in identical events are slower
than that of men?

Wow this argument is not even founded on logic, but then again the entire premise that women are
better than men isnt founded on logic either so i cant expect the points under it to be.
This argument might just prove how much women will lie to conclude to themselves they they’re right.

Swimming World records

Women: Men

50m freestyle 23.73 20.91

100m freestyle 52.07 46.91

400m freestyle 3:59.15 3:40.07

1500m freestyle 15:42.54 14:34.36

200m breaststroke 2:20.12 2:07.31

100m butterfly 56.06 49.82

Etc.. Faster for longer= better

If it were not for females, the human race would not exist

Yes because…

– Women have wombs

– Women can have children, men cannot

– Women provide babies with vital breast milk.

Sperm can be artificially produced. A complete artificial womb is absent from our world today; except
maybe in your head.

– If men had to give birth to a baby and carry it for 9 months then the human race would have died out
eons ago. Women are better at handling pain.

“And then there’s parthenogenesis! A form of asexual reproduction found exclusively in females, where
growth and development of embryos occurs without fertilization by a male. What’s more,
parthenogenesis always results in female progeny because the offspring invariably possess two X
chromosomes. While there are no known cases of naturally occurring mammalian parthenogenesis in
the wild, it does occur in a variety of species and is a possibility in humans. Hence, it is theoretically
possible for women to reproduce without any male, genetic contribution (i.e., sperm) while it is
impossible for men to procreate without women. Score another point (their seventh) for the girls.”

No because…

Men have testicles – women do not. Arguing that either one other the other is superior due to
childbearing seems illogical when both are needed. Sure either can be taken away and replaced with
technology but this would not support either side.

Again her argument is based on the present state. If we go back say 50 years then how the hell would
the human race survive without men? thats right they wouldnt. Or if it wasnt for the MAN who created
artificial sperm how the hell would the human race survive then?

Men cannot be replaced by technology. Mankind does not have the ability to create sperm no matter
what the popular scientific b.s. article of the month is claiming. You can however take the egg of certain
primates and combine it will male semen to get human. You can’t take the sperm of other primates and
combine with a human female’s egg and get mankind. EVER! A sperm has 23 single chromosomes which
contain millions of sequences of adenosine triphosphate and guanosine triphosphate, A nucleotides
must go opposite a T nucleotide, and a G opposite a C. And all of this is sub-atomic. This is literally
impossible to reproduce.

females are smarter in almost every subject in life

Yes because…


When it comes to rational reasoning, a sensible woman can understand and explain better than men. As
women are reportedly better communicators/writers/artists/orators/singers.

And Im keeping her/hisduh;, I think it`s cute.

No because…

I am not sure that having ‘duh’ as your reasoning is the best way to support this. Therefore it must not
be true!

Women certainly are NOT better at rational reasoning, as they have no use for it, men developed this
form of scepticism to test the scientific and philosophical theories that they came up with and quickly
became experts at applying it (e.g. Socrates, Diogenes the Cynic and Pyrrho). Women’s style of
argument is usually based on emotion and subjectivity rather than reason or rationality due to their
psychological make up.

The most moneyed thriller/science-fiction/fact-writers are men.

Review a list of Nobel Laureates for literature and I can tell you there are male winners than female

Really better writers, artist, orators and singers? Wow then it must be dumb luck that when you look at
the top five gross selling movies of all time they are all directed by men right. And as far as orators to
convey that point we can just look at the top 100 movies of al time and how many of them are female
leads? What about the highest paid orators, such as Bill Clinton. Yea not Hillary. And as far as artist who
are the most famous artist again? Picasso, Van Gough, Michael Angelo, Leonardo de Vinci. Was there a
woman in that list or one whose name has as much prominence? what about the most famous painting
the Mona Lisa, who was that painted by again, a man? No it cant be true because according to you
women are better painters so this has to be a mistake right? please correct me becaue im getting
confused. As far as singers go, I’m pretty sure the highest selling musicians of all time are men, such as
Michael Jackson, Elvis, The beatles. Wait where are the women? I thought yal were the better singers.
This has to be a mistake. You cant be better at every one of those categories but yet the best in each
category is a man? What??? This makes no sense please clarify this for me.

Women give more balanced arguements on any given subject

Yes because…

Due to their superior interlectual capabilities, which has been proven in education, womens ability to
craft a well balanced arguement on a topic is far superior to that of mens.
Okay, user name Metta (who has been gracious enough to type rubbish for both sides thus doing a great
injustice to my debate) : learn how to spell or else use a spell check. I am not going to fix all these errors.

And your high school is just another example of the sad and extreme degradation of the American
(public probably?) school system.

No because…

We can all appreciate the irony of someone claiming to be intellectually superior who cannot spell
intellectual correctly.

I have been reading the other arguements…and well…many of the Female Sided arguements are just
plain stupid. “Duh?” I was in the debate team in High School, and I won most of my arguements, the two
I lost were to men. The women were easiest, their arguements were mainly opinion-based, and they
took much of their facts from Feminist Ideology.

To add on how the hell have women proven this in education? Fine a significant number of K-12
teachers are women but so what? Over the past 15 years 15 millions kids in the state of Texas alone
have graduated without the ability to read at the basic level to function in a work enviroment. And who
were these teachers women. Also its clear that these K-12 teachers usually stop after a bachelor degree,
but why dont you glance at the College level and see what the predominant gender is for professors. Oh
yea thats men also. So its clear that women stop at bachelor degrees while men go on to get Masters
and PHD’s so who is the one that exceeds in education. Also look at the percentages for those who get
their masters and PHD’s and tell me who exceeds in education.

Mens I.Q.s which is a measure of ones ability to learn are on average are 8 points higher. There is also
E.Q. Emotional Quotation which is self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of
oneself, of others, and of groups. Also Social IQ which is interpersonal intelligence, the way people
communicate with one another. I.Q. cannot be changed an individual is born with it. E.Q. and E.S.I.
(Emotional Social Intelligence) both are important in an “argument”, both can be improved. Men with a
higher ability to learn could learn and improve E.Q. and E.S.I to a higher level than a woman could. (on
Average). A lot of men are stupid but ALL women are illogical. Logic is the easiest and most direct way to
explain a subject.
Wow all these points are retarted. Wtf do pelvic girdles and wombs have to do with superiority?

Yes because…

screw you if you actually clicked on this point. but my goodnes, why on earth would you argue that
women are superior based on anatomy? and females rule? really? is that a legitimate point or just some
feminist voicing her opinions AGAIN.

Women are obviously not superior to men, as history tells. I’m not saying men are superior to women
either, but seriously. Why even argue this? You are all stupid and need to just go make me a sandwich.

You both telling women to make you a sandwich are disrespectful and disgusting, get off your own fat,
lazy asses and make your own sandwiches. Women are not personal kitchen slaves, just like men aren’t
personal bodyguards.

im blonde so this is my argument : woman are superior. I based this off because im a women. I can make
my own sandwich. Without women men will starve. Jesus created the women race first. this is
scientifically proven because the X chromowhatever comes first before the y.

No because…

You know, you are exactly right. All this argument is is some feminists vs. people with a little common
sense. When was the last time anyone cared anyway? Its not as if the future of the human race
depended on knowing which gender is ‘better’. In my mind, they are equal. Men and women both have
their advantages and dissadvantages.

And for all you women out there, MAKE US BOTH A DANG SANDWICH!

no, and no again

Yes because…

women are from venus, men are from mars, deal with it!
No because…

as you can see, the “yes” argument was made by an idiot…deal with it.

Men are wastes of space and resources.

Yes because…

We live in a world where the exponential acceleration of technology has made its presence felt in all
fields of study. Over the past two decades, once-ubiquitous professions associated with largely male
attributes such as physical strength have fallen into the hands of machines virtually overnight. This
acceleration will lead to a point where augmentation of the human brain using brain-computer
interfacing will increase the intelligence of the average person by orders of magnitude, making brutish,
testosterone-driven “solutions” to international affairs – such as war – completely unnecessary.

All over the world, women are beating men at their own game. Women are morally, culturally,
intellectually and aesthetically superior to men, make up a majority of teachers, scholars, doctors,
professors, artists, engineers and technicians, and are generally concerned with the well-being of the
human race and the planet that we live on.

Men, on the other hand, are capable of nothing but destruction, waste, abuse, sickness, filth, stupidity,
crudity and lowbrow humor. Everything in the hands of these vile beasts turns to dust. Because men
have been in the driver’s seat of world affairs for so long, our precious resources have been frivolously
wasted, our pristine waterways are laden with chemical slurry, our rainforests have been made into
barren wastelands, our kids are failing to string proper sentences together and our cultural milieu is an
abominable trainwreck.

The truth is that men, with their lame-ass Y-chromosomes that are incapable of repairing themselves,
are less evolved than women. Man is a strange mutation indeed, a cross between the lowly ape and a
real human being. The male physique is a real piece of work, probably the ugliest form of life there is on
two legs. Beady eyes, a gaping and cavernous mouth which barks out authoritarian cliches, a nose out of
proportion with the rest of the face, a square head, an angular body full of gross hair in strange places,
ugly hands and feet, pungent body odor, unsightly sexual organs that dangle like rotting fruit…yeah,
that’s beauty, indeed.
Whoever finds beauty in men must be blind or brainwashed by our unhealthy society to worship these
things. Hopefully in the future, with the advancement of gene therapy and medical nanotechnology, the
sexual preferences of women towards men will be corrected so that women will become attracted to
each other instead of wasting their sexual and social energy on these dirty brutes.

I am dead serious about eliminating the human male from this planet. The bastards have had it so good
for so long, despite not even deserving the adulation bestowed upon them by most females, who should
know better. They have been put on a pedestal, worshipped, deified, idolized, loved, adored, honored,
pampered and doted on by the female, who puts the needs of her own gender behind those of the
gender associated with blind aggression, truck testicles, belching, farting, ugly fashion and utter
mediocrity. What’s so great about men that entitles them to the love, care and attention of 99% of
women on this planet? I just can’t see it.

Like the dinosaurs before them, the male of the species is about to be consigned to the dustbin of
history. Men may have been useful when the human race was still at the feces-lobbing, hunter/gatherer
stage of our existence, as well as providing manual labor throughout the agricultural era, but that time is
rapidly coming to a close, and rightfully so.

No because…

Firstly, men have been the driver of society because we have better strength, and are more logical and
less emotional. You can’t say that muscular strength is useless even in nowadays. Im sure you have
encountered many situations where you are out of strength to carry something, and a man has helped
you. Your wording of men that are “cross between lowly ape and real human” reflects your complicity of
controlling emotions and demonstrating your level of bias. And im sure women will be able to take over
then mens world one day, dead serious! Because when it comes to war with men, women always win
eh? There is your lowbrow humor.

Lastly your line ‘Whoever finds beauty in men must be blind or brainwashed’ and then saying:

‘Hopefully in the future, with the advancement of gene therapy and medical nanotechnology, the sexual
preferences of women towards men will be corrected so that women will become attracted to each
other instead of wasting their sexual and social energy on these dirty brutes.’
This is contradictory to what you have said because if you alter the genes of an unborn baby girl to like
women then you will be taking away their free will on which gender they would eventully prefer and
‘brainwashing’ them to like women more.

This I feel would be the manipulative and dark society women would live in where you alter everything
to be perfect. Soon enough as women get more and more addicted to being in control of how a person
thinks and looks beofre their even born, dark practices like slavery and dictators would return as females
tryt to establish dominance over each other.

All of your arguments is on physical beauty and how only women are capable of giving birth to a baby.
This reinforces everything I have said on how manipulative an all female society would be.

Men may not be perfect but neither are women. There may come a time when you have need of ‘our
ussless strenth’ in either warfare with an exsternal threat or manual labour. You think that with men
gone the world would become a lesbian utopia where women all agree on the same thing and there is
no conflict? Grow up and see reality.

Males are responsible for most crime both violent and theft.

Yes because…

Look at who goes to jail.

No because…

Look at who are now being arrested more and more often for commiting crimes such as assaults and
drunken violence, behaviour which women once condemned and said was immoral, but now rather
pathetically and hipocritically do the same themselves to prove they can “do anything a man can do”.
Seems quite backward to me.

Males are responsible for the violence of civilization,whereas women could rule more peacefully with
less war and genocide.

Yes because…
Male rulers conquer other civilizations by violence while women could resolve conflict using there
suprerior communications skills and humanitarian life affirming instincts.

No because…

What have women done to curb violence anyway? Only more of them are contributing to it themselves.
Margaret Thatcher was not responsible for any wars was she? Or queen Victoria? Or queen Bodacia?
And how is excessive backstabbing and bitchiness and selfish favouritorism (a trait profoundly
associated with women) in the workplace a good life affirming instinct? Its also surprising how many
people on this page favouring womens communication ability cannot spell.

Plus man or woman when you come to power and you have the chance to expand everybody would do

Men are responsible for gang rape mass murder serial killings genocide weapons of mass distraction
chemical and biological warfare and nearly all terrorism.

Yes because…

Just look at who is responsible for all such behavior…male behavior almost exclusively.

No because…

You have made your statement confidently and seem to feel it needs little clarification (or punctuation,
spelling or grammer).

If only life and the world was so simple and clearly defined.

1. Firstly you seem to be assuming that we live in a world where competition does not exist, it does and
not only in the human world. If you care to watch a few nature documentaries you would notice that all
life is in competition and often violently with each other.

2. Competition equals conflict and conflict can not always be resolved peacefully. As humans have got
technologically more advanced they have also found more advanced ways of killing each other.
3. Men are typically more openly aggressive than females, I think this is a point of view that most sides
would agree on – but you are implying that women are incapable of being cruel and violent which is
patently not true.

4. ‘Men’ rape and murder more than women but your generalisation has a few problems. Firstly the vast
majority of men do not go around raping and murdering people, so despite the fact that men do these
things more than women the majority of men do not. Secondly the laws of nearly every society in the
world expressly forbid rape and murder, which means that the majority of men (who invariable make
the laws) do not agree with those acts and expressly condemn them.

5. Terrorism – one man’s terrorist is another’s freedom fighter. Regardless of the ideology behind
terrorist action; the reason why most ‘terrorist’ action is taken by men is that men are more likely to
actually take action to change the world rather than just sit around bitching about it…..

Males are driven by there egos,which cause them to dominate or destroy whereas women can make
better decisions and should rule in politics business and all organizations.

Yes because…

Once again, look at history from ancient times to today.

No because…

Personally by own experiences, and I am sure many will agree, I can only feel that womens egos are
actually much bigger than any mans. She seems to think she can control any boyfriend or husband, if her
demands are not met, she throws a wobbly. Women are driven much more by their egos. It reassures
them. They have to believe in themselves excessively and put any man down. Its the only way they
survive. Men from the beginning of time have been the creative, inquisitive sex, the original thinkers. It
was men who designed and built cities, discovered great breakthroughs. Men first sailed around the
world and discovered new colonies. Men will step out of the safety line, women won’t. They thrive on
role models even if they are catostrophic ones. This makes them much more vulnerable to social
engineering. For example, a group of men set out from Hull recently to row around Britain. Next thing, a
group of women said we can do that even better, and just did the same thing.(I don’t know whether
they beat the men, but I doubt it)
Another woman is trying to beat the mens treadmill record which is 628 miles. True, these things really
don’t matter much, but why wait until a man does it, then try and do it better? Why not think of it in the
first place? Maybe because of the reason that the only original thing to come from women was finding
clever ways between them on how to manipulate men. Hang on they are not so clever.

how to measure superiority?

No because…

Superiority is too vague a term to measure. How do we judge superiority? On what grounds, and who
exactly says? The only ultimate measure of superiority would be if women were better in every other
aspect than men, which is eminently false. So women are more necessary to reproduce – so what?
There is more to human existence than reproducing. They might both be rendered obsolete eventually.

The fact that the artificial sperm was developed before the artificial womb is not sufficient to deem the
female sex superior.

*Superiority does not exist in terms of males vs. females.

From the beginning, men have taken power and put women in the subordinate position. While these
days women are proving more and more their equality to men in aspects that they were once
considered inferior, that doesn’t mean that they are superior. People that take excessive pride in being
better than those of the other sex (like a dominatrix or an alpha-male etc..) tend to be hardened to the
world emotionally, and are therefore flawed and, in conclusion, not superior.

See above for the earlier comments on the first programmer.

Yes because…

How can a human exist without birth?

even cloning and in-vitro fertilization require the use of a womb.

“They might both be rendered obsolete eventually”-not really there’s no sign of the x-chromosome
depleting; just the y.
And yes, equality in abilities in/for everything less one and superiority in the remaining ‘one’, does
logically reflect ‘overall’ superiority.

You type ‘Might be’ &’eventually’. P.O.I

The topic, by definition, refers to the ‘present’, the question begins with ‘Are’, not ‘will be’ or ‘might be’.

Just saying ‘it does not exist’ is not a substantiation but merely a statement. Yes so men took over, were
bossy , women ‘fought'(yes, men didn’t say ‘hey,come come, you can play with us’ women
struggled/fought) for their rights and continue to do so, showing up stronger than men in all ‘man-
made’ fields/constructs.

In fact, the first programmer was a woman and as usual men hijacked that field and continually try to
take credit for ‘the women behind’ them.

Blocking women from their own turf using unfair means: such as for example:’veclock’ deletion.

no group of people is superior to another

No because…

People in groups aren’t uniform. There will always be exceptions – especially when dealing with gender,
a large deal of which is to do with societal role, which can be changed by simply raising children
differently, rather than actual genetics (genetics isn’t THAT immutable any more). The only way to really
measure superiority in a field is to measure the performance of individuals. and then who could we trust
to make the test? whenever society has decided that one group of people as a whole is superior to
another, it has resulted in oppression and even genocide.

Yes because…

A group need not be ‘uniform’ to be superior to another.

You’ve just argued that all team sports/debate events are obsolete because all the team members are
not the same( I would say ‘equal’ If you had referred to abilities and not

Your ‘highest’ achievement in any form of a test reflects your potential/abilities.Oppression and
genocide only result from

jealousy(I want to win, why did s/he win? s/he must be punished). Are you saying that men are too
‘immature’ to deal with anyone winning anything and thus should be shielded from the facts?

So, by the logic on the right, there should be no competition, since all competitions end in at least one
winner and loser. And immature losers will start killing people since their egos can not handle

The mutability of genetics does not kill the fact that you must(surgically, naturally(by birth) or
otherwise) be a woman to give birth.

Equality not superiority

No because…

This debate is of long standing and in my opinion completely unnecessary.We shouldn’t question who is
superior to whom because in the world both have their own respective roles to fill and in some aspects
women are superior while in others men are.For e.g. men can’t reproduce thus cannot be responsible
for the continuity of our race.Similarly science says that men have more brute force and strength than

Man and woman were made for co-existing, which shows that neither can be superior if one applies
Darwin’s theory of the ‘survival of the fittest’.I imagine that since both genders have survived so far,
both are equally fit.Remove one and the scales won’t balance anymore and most likely lead to extinction
of mankind rather than flourishing of one so-called ‘superior’ race.

In response to the subjet of artifical spern and males being obselete allegedly. I will refer to the
countless examples of medical breakthroughs that have proven detrimental to the human race in the
past. As such, tampering in nature to potentially eliminate the necessity of one sex, is highly dangerious
and while it might prove lucritive now. Nobody could predict the effects of using artifical sperm could
have upon the human species in say one, two, or five generations.

As such, scientists have also developed ways to grow babies in tubes or an artifical womb if you prefer.
As such, this type of claim is not founded, as things that appear wounderful today for humanity can
prove to be out demise in the future. As it stands, this argument falls down to physical abilities of each
sex without human interferance, and humans can cause further harm to society. Refer to Technological
Determinism to observe effects on technology, a trait that extends far greater and more dangeriously to
biological creatures we do not fully understand and may never completely understand in entirity.

On the other hand, boys are superior to females because the function of our brains to work on single
objectives, and lack of various disharmonious hormones such as Progesterone, cause us to have a more
stable outlook on the world. Mind you, as I am certain will be argued, this single objective nature does
limit our creaitivty, it promotes our rationality.

Debate: Rationality > Instability. Males ARE more rational, whatever way ensue due to hormones and
brain chemisty, and are therefore greater than instable female emotions caused by hormone mood

*Females can give birth granted is one thing males can not do, however, females are also incapable of
procreating on their own naturally. And therefore both sexes are required. Anything can in theory be
done artifically, and as stated, this could be deterimental and is thereby circumstatial not evidence
which should be the only grounded-theory in debate.

Yes because…

Okay, I iterate, the existence,creation and successful use of artificial sperm indicates , that men are NO
LONGER needed for the survival and proliferation of the human race. That’s where your survival of the
fittest argument falls apart.
Agreed, that women and men are both superior and inferior to each other, in a lot of things BUT in
Reproduction, there IS no contest(men cannot even ‘compete'(cannot reproduce all on their own) forget
being just ‘relatively’ inferior) Which (I reiterate) makes women ‘superior’ overall.


Excellent point regarding the dangers of artificial breeding. However, you neglect to address the
emotional / physical bond that exists between mother and child (artificial or not). Thus, females still can
and have one thing males do not; of course females do also have other unique features that would
arguably bad (such as the mood swings listed above). Males also have the power to force themselves on
us, often through violence, to have children (rape), and while frowned on by society it is a possibility and
induced by your hormones. Therefore, females have a stronger bond to offspring, while both suffer from
hormone mood swings. I would also like to see your research for the point on brain chemistry, I have
read things along that line but for the sake of evidence please cite.

Test-tube/Petri-dish babies still require a womb(a female/natural one) to develop in.

There is no evidence for the ‘dangers’ you postulate and prophesize.

If boys were actually more rational the youngest mathematics professor to date,would be a young boy.

The majority of crimes-of-passion are committed by men, ‘Testosterone’ (there’s a lot more in men than
women) causes bursts of anger among other things, it’s one key reason why menopausal(increased
testosterone=balding,risky behavior (stupidity/bravery),frequent temper tantrums,hair in odd places
and so on) women have anger issues.

Men not only have uncontrollable tempers, they have been encouraged throughout the ages to vent, to
roar, to smash things or be branded spineless/sexless. And women are supposed to put up with it.
Women may have mood swings during certain periods in our menstrual cycle
[[]] but men are always like
And Progesterone isn’t absent from males.’Adult males have levels similar to those in women during the
follicular phase of the menstrual cycle’-[[]]

So the argument here is men cannot handle/tolerate the reality that women are better in every respect
therefore are too immature to accept this fact and should be ‘protected from the truth before they go
on one of their aggressive violent mad killing/abusing sprees. I see your point.

And this point is further illustrated in light of velock’s deleting spree.

The men’s arguments are legitimate where as the womens are stupid!

No because…

The men’s arguments have had merit to them, but the women have argued they are better swimmers
and drivers. Enough said.

Just because some men commit crimes doesn’t mean that all of them do, and besides, there were lots of
good men too.

You are wrong in this area…”is why more men have weight problems, die of heart-attacks, cause and
fight bloody wars/battles…”

Men have more weight problems and heart attacks because our skeletal and circulatory system isn’t as
advanced as the women’s, whereas the man’s muscular and nervous system is more advanced.

Women tend to WANT to be superior, but they can’t, because they aren’t.

Men aren’t superior, but they seem to want to be superior less.

Women’s have waged war and have been seen to not want to step down on the field of politics. Look at
Gloria Arroyo, Indira Gandhi. All Corrupt and unwilling to step down. They never really got any
substance when standing for election. They rather appeal to emotions which is less legitimate in terms
of argumentations.

Yes because…

The men have presented no statistical/factual evidence to support their (self-proclaimed) ‘meritorious’
argumentation and have now resorted to name-calling.

This very immature excommunication, is why more men have weight problems, die of heart-attacks,
cause and fight bloody wars/battles, commit suicide after the age of seventy( thus more women pass
the age hundred mark), are responsible for more violent crimes/terrorism, are clinically paranoid,
stalk/kill/rape can’t swim the English channel even half as fast, get into ‘accidents’ and die within the
age range of 20 to 25 yrs(despite the fact that more women of that age are attacked by criminals)
because of testosterone-generated risk-taking,rash and irrational behavior. There are lots of nice article
links & quotations from news sources on this blog[[]]

The Romans crucified Spartacus.

Hmm… I think I have a fair idea of who’s been deleting points on Google wave. “veclock” is it?

Point is ‘more’ men commit ‘more’ violent crimes than women do. Though some men are apparently
too slow to understand that point.

Testosterone: you were born with it. It is not your fault.

Woman are not as good as men in chess.

No because…

Throughout history woman have never been able to match on the battlefield of the brain chess. There
has only been one woman to play in men tournaments and win. However she is only one woman
compared to the hundreds of men that have dominated the chess scene. Why if woman are better the
men at everything can they not match them at the ultimate brain game. And it is no arguement to say
that woman have not been able to match men due to gender discrimination against woman as a whole.
To this I say in the past twenty years woman have been offered the same prospects as men but have
never been able to match them. To quote Bobby Fischer one of the greatest chess players of all time
when he was asked how good woman players are he said “oh they’re terrible”.

There is a reason why women are not always generals during war. They cannot percieve tactics as well
as mens. You are just basing your arguments on a person alone. Please substantiate yourself by a wider

Plus when women are Generals they show to much compassion so what happens when you fave a
merciless leader you lose everything women

Yes because…

Women hardly play chess; though I’m sure if ms.youngest math professor in the world ever, tried a hand
at it she would beat any guy across the board.

Chess is a war game, Bobby Fischer, by far the greatest Chess Master the ‘west’ has ever produced was
never academically strong.

The best chess players come from patriarchal societies mainly/namely Russia and China where girls are
not brought forward in extracurricular activities as much as men.

I personally beat my brother a lot when we were younger; he kept calling it luck. We don’t play

Men are stronger

No because…

Let’s face it, it’s a dog eat dog world out there. However, males are at the very least equipped to fight
back. Without males, the females who “single-handedly” created our species would not have survived
long, as they would lack both food and security. The inventiveness of man and the protective instincts
he feels towards both woman and child are what have ensured the survival of our species.
Fast forward to a time when people are living in cities, and the need for protection is no longer as acute.
By their strength and their wits, it is of course men who rule, and women are at their mercy. Of course it
is hard for females to admit that their gender is subordinate to ours, which is why the great gender
equality project has started. However, this project isn’t about having the genders recognised as equal –
it is about women adopting the worst characteristics of men, while berating us for being what nature
and our mothers made us.

When women accept themselves as they are and stop trying to emulate men, perhaps then they can
start to talk about superiority. In the mean-time, men will continue to be the driving force behind
human progress, and if you push it too far, you may just find we come to regret our tolerance and react
the only way we – according to some of the female debaters – know how.

When you said that “size does not matter skill does” thats a lie from personal experience i have fought
boys bigger than me and i was faster lighter and more skilled in street fighting but he was just to strong
and a few hits i was on the ground counting stars.

so just because you are more skilled and faster while we are bigger and slower does mean we cant get
every time like you can we just have to get you once and you are finished

Yes because…

The survival instinct is innate in both men and women.

Women can be just as strong or stronger(it’s only a matter of training, the fact that men are more
pugnacious and spoiling for a fight isn’t good on them) than men.In fact in most oriental/martial arts a
lighter, more agile body is an advantage.Size does not matter, skill does.

And propagation/procreation in today’s world is impossible sans woman but not sans man.

maybe fast forward to you means going back a few decades :P

Men are definitely not stronger than women. Men always pretend to be strong by keeping their
problems to themselves, hoping it will go away. Let’s look at the depression rates – higher percentage
goes to men.

Also, has anyone heard of the quote

“behind every successful man, there is a woman” ?

Is that a threat?

Studies have shown numerous times that the ONLY way a man is superior to a woman is physical
strength. This is becoming less and less useful with technological advances, and regardless of how
muscular men may be, it nowhere near deserves to be referred to as the “driving force behind human

And I think that when women, as you put it, “accept themselves as they are” this will restore the natural
order and we will be a much more peaceful, happy and well-rounded matriarchal society. The problem
here is that men are too confident, and women aren’t confident enough… which is mostly due to the
fact that men have convinced women they are weaker and useless without them for…. well since the
beginning of our existence. This is a fallacy. and the sooner women realize that as a whole, the better off
the world will be.

Women are not superior!

No because…

I think and after asking people this question “are women superior to men” most replied that we are
simply equal and i can understand that only women can carry children so without them humans would
die off but to create children you also need a man and God realised this- if God thought men were
superior why would he choose to create women?

Men need Women and Women need Men.

Let me quote this sentence you just typed…”and men generally make trouble/war.” EEE. WRONG.
Females are usually the one behind the wars. Let me name one, rather famous, one. Diao Chan. She was
a manipulative, evil basterd who brought the end to 2 Kingdoms.

Females live longer because their circulatory and Skeletal systems are more advanced. The man is
stronger because he has a superior Muscular system.

you take the biblical route women are not superior for when Eve ate the apple she was decieved but
when adam ate the apple he was not decieved because she knew that Eve made that fatal mistake not

Yes because…

Actually, the four men who only entered onto this debate to argue against the motion voted against it.
And that too based on your/their points: merely because your/their ego/s is/were hurt.

The others only voted after Veclock plagiarized/mutilated all the points on the stereotypically pink left.

That’s an absurdly Heterosexual idea.

Women don’t need men.

Ipso facto:The human race needs women to continue to proliferate/exist

and men generally make trouble/war.

Women live 5 years longer on average and age at a significantly lower rate; maintaining the pros of their
youth for much longer. This point ‘was’ mentioned earlier with proof but may have been lost in Veclock

What makes you think that women are more superior than men?

No because…

1. Because women have womb?

Alright, Men does not have womb but do you know that the womb will soon be obsolete as menopause
comes and it stops functioning? That phenomena will not happen for men. As menopause came, women
will tend to be forgetful and emotional.

Speaking of artificial sperms, The scientists have already developed artificial egg also which in other
words, the existence of both fathers and mothers are no longer needed. This is moral ethics, women! Do
not put this topic to strengthen the statement that women are more superior. Or perhaps the debate
topic should be changed to “Have women lost their common sense?”

2. Better drivers?

There is a case in the US about a woman buying a hot drink in McDonald’s drive through… and soon
after she got the drink, on the way home, she hit the speed bump and the coffee spill out to her thigh.
You know what happen if a hot drink get into your skin? This fact denies that women always drive
carefully than men or perhaps, they already drive carefully and slowly but still not good enough.

If there are accident commited by men (so far as I concern in the West? Which I do not think so…
Because in Indonesia, female make accident more than male),

There are many reasons for that:

. More men than women driving thus, accident commited more by men.

. Drunk driving! Women do this a lot although in the West (less in Asia) I believe men also do this but
usually nothing happen to the men.

. I do not what makes women think they are better drivers. So far as I concern, according to the statistic
based on data compiled from police/highway patrol agencies across the country, 2/3 of accidents
commited by women not men. It makes sense as men are more rational and women are more
In the men’s mind before they start speeding up, they have already got the calculation in mind that only
in rare occasion may fail but still better than if the emotional that drives.

As a matter of fact, men learn quicker than women in any case but please notice do not compare
abnormal man with genius woman.

3. Again, I do not know about men in the West but in Asia, men are physically and mentally stronger
than women.

Men does not cry in front of public although they got pressure from their boss and from the pressure of
their family (Children’s school fee, living cost, etc). Women, tend to cry whenever they got pressure thus
women take longer time than men to become that tough.

Physically? Not to mention… want to try?

4. Brain And Skills.

As what I mentioned above, one of the skills is driving. Okay, lets talk about the general concept. Driving
can be considered as men’s job as it is suitable better for men instead of women, no wonder if men are
good at it.

Let’s talk about beauty (women’s favourite topic) There are more men that are skillful in hair dressing
compare to women. Designers also.

Cosmetics? Men develope it for women so women will not look that bad as they age.

Cooking? There are more men chefs than women.

All of these facts shows that although people may say that women are better in IQ or whatever blah..
(although I think it may be just coincidence)
This should prove that men are better in any case.

The idea of the world should be ruled by women is non-sense. There is no wonder that the fact is men
controls the world, not women and will never ever happen without men’s agreement.

Yes because…

For one thing we don’t think that women are “more” superior to men(more than what? certainly; my
grammar is superior to yours)

Women have “wombs”; that’s each of us padre!

men “do not” have natural baby factories; yes therefore NEVER produce children EVER; capish?


Ever heard of male menopause? ooh

1.The argument on the right is equivocal to saying that people who eventually die(all of us) should not
be credited for ever having lived. So; essentially the opposition has proved itself dead with its lopsided
thinking: Well done!!!

2. Oh No! you gave an example of a single woman involved in an automobile accident; what ever will I
do? There is ‘NO” existing example of a single MAN ever being involved in a car/bus/truck/motorcycle
accident. Oh dear ! You’ve got me now!!!

On the contrary I’ve put in a link earlier; in another yes point quoting road-accident statistics. More men
than women get into and are the cause of road accidents. Also more men between the ages of 18-25
suffer fatalities(read:die/expire) because of rash/callous driving.
As for parallel parking everyone with a license is required to parallel park during the drivers’ test. Again;
since more women than men are ‘cautious’ enough to bother getting driver’s licenses before getting on
the road; the likely truth is that less men know how to parallel park.

3. You obviously haven’t read any research on why women live five years longer than men; on average.
There are two basic possible reasons: one is reproduction(sorry about playing that like a broken record)
and the second reasoning is that women are better communicators. Women express feelings therefore
avert psychological/mental scarring where/when men do not.Bottling up emotions is not a sign of, nor a
means to achieve good physical/mental health.

Sure I’ll try; though I wish to be exempt from facing legal consequences after slicing your head off with a
knife-hand-strike through the neck. It’s all physics.A light stick is a more effective weapon than a heavy
bat; mainly because it’s easier to control/maneuver/navigate. Control is power.

4. Not even worthy of addressing. Funny; quite.

Women are inferior to men, physically, but men and women are equal in moral value and intelligence.

No because…

I think it is scientifically proven that men are built to be stronger than women phsyically, which can be
proven by looking at any sporting records. Women are not better than men. Men are not better than
women. Each have their place, and unique function in life. They are just as important as the other.
Feminine is on one side of the scale. Chauvinism is on the other. We need both, otherwise the scale is
not balanced. If you only have man, its bad, if you only have woman, its bad. Both complete each other
and bring out the best in each other, if they respect each other that is and learn to love each other. If
the female tries to usurp the man, the scale loses balance. If the male tries to degrade or discard the
female’s advice and guidance, the balance is destroyed. We must do what what we were designed for in
perfect harmony and love!

(God rid of the unnecessary religion and sexism)

Yes because…

1) Your assumption is that we’re all christian.

2) Physically stronger, yes, but what about mentally? Most men get into fights because they have little
ability to reason out AND listen to the counterargument, much less give a rebuttal.

3) Research and tells us that women have better developed brains and graduate with higher degrees.
More developed brains means intelligence and a much firmer hold on sanity, a.k.a. moral values.

There would be no women without men!

No because…

Your Idea that males cannot reproduce but females can is a flawed argument. Both artificial sperm and
eggs have been developed, meaning you do not need either male or females to reproduce.

Additional Comment —->

May I just add, in the Christian religion, Man (Adam) was created first and Woman (Eve) from the rib of
the Man, hence why Women have the extra rib… Why do we have to argue like this anyway, in God’s
eyes, we are all equal and made in his image. Why is this in the ‘Religion’ section anyway?

Hang on, I thought it was men who had the extra rib….but nevertheless I think the idea of the reason for
it in the bible is utter nonsense (Eve emerged fron it). Could men having an extra rib simply be explained
by the fact they are taller and have on average larger lungs?

It is mostly accepted by all Muslims that the females also came from men. Check your facts. I would like
to paraphrase. Women came from th rib of man. The exact same thing as christianity.

Yes because…

In the Quranic version the first human was female and there’s no proof backing biblical history. Science
sides with the theory of evolution which points to the first living thing (our first ancestor; the being
we’ve all evolved from) being reproductive. And I hate to repeat myself again: People who are born
male; cannot reproduce.
Rebuttal to Opposition part 1: Testosterone Is Beneficial

No because…

In the post, “The men’s arguments are legitimate where as the womens are stupid!”, you stated that:

“Testosterone: you were born with it. It is not your fault.”

It is not a fault to have testosterone, a normal and important part of the endocrine system in both
genders.Women also produce testosterone which helps maintain muscle and bone strength, and
contributes to sex drive or libido.[1] You act as if testosterone is a poison; but, you are wrong. It is a vital
and important chemical that was evolved for a reason. Far from being a cause of aggression as you
falsely believe, research shows it to be integral to fairness and other desirable traits.[2]

1. ^

2. ^

Yes because…

Request to Opposition: provide sources for following claims

No because…

1)”Women are better at handling pain.”- claimed in Yes Point 6

2)”When it comes to rational reasoning, a sensible woman can understand and explain better than
men.”- claimed in Yes Point 7

3)”women are reportedly better communicators/writers/artists/orators/singers.”- claimed in Yes Point 7

4)”Due to their(women’s) superior interlectual capabilities,”- claimed in Yes Point 8

5)”Women hardly play chess”- claimed in No Point 5

6)”Men are definitely not stronger than women.”- claimed in No Point 6

7)”men generally make trouble/war.”- claimed in No Point 7

[note: all quotes are taken from their source material directly via copy-and-paste, and no effort to fix
and grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors has been made. This is reflected in the hilarious misspelling
of ‘intellectual’ in Yes Point 8 by the opposition, while they are simultaneously telling another user to
learn how to use spell check. This is compounded by the fact that this error occurred in a point where
they were claiming with no sources that women have superior mental capabilities. It would seem
women are superior hypocrites, sexists, and bigots, at the minimum.]

Yes because…

1. Check out the book “Man Down: Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt That Women Are Better Cops,
Drivers, Gamblers, Spies, World Leaders, Beer Tasters, Hedge Fund Managers, and Just About Everything
Else” by Dan Abrams, at chapter 2

2-3.To comprise it into one single sentence, men have created a variety of issues in different social,
economical and political areas throughout the world in every single country. And, ironically, the
solutions to all the problems caused by the men are increasingly being given by women after painstaking
efforts. It is a scientifically proven fact that women are better communicators than men and this is
largely because their brains are more networked for processing and conveying of messages. As a result,
majority of women are far quicker and way better at the so-called “mind-reading” and communicating
than most men. Moreover, women are more empathetic than men. Also, women have a cautious
approach to life and career; they avoid reckless decisions and wait until they have the necessary skills or
the full answer compared to men. Women are the world’s most successful “multi-taskers”. A look at the
growing number of working women transforming into super-moms is proof enough for that. During the
global meltdown that shook the world economy lately, there were many instances that showed a
number of companies hiring efficient female executives into their work force and even to their
boardrooms as important decision makers in order to help them come out of the market troubles. In
short, female supremacy is the buzz-word these days all around the world.

4.”Department of Education statistics show that men, whatever their race or socioeconomic group, are
less likely than women to get bachelor’s degrees — and among those who do, fewer complete their
degrees in four or five years. Men also get worse grades than women.”

“Still, men now make up only 42 percent of the nation’s college students. And with sex discrimination
fading and their job opportunities widening, women are coming on much stronger, often leapfrogging
the men to the academic finish.”

5. Famous Women chess player Judit Polgár (born July 23, 1976) is a Hungarian chess grandmaster. She
is by far the strongest female chess player in history. In 1991, she achieved the title of Grandmaster
(GM) at the age of 15 years and 4 months. She was, at that time, the youngest person ever to do so.
Polgár is ranked number 50 in the world on the May 2010 FIDE rating list with an Elo rating of 2682, the
only woman on FIDE’s Top 100 Players list, and has been ranked as high as eighth. She has won or
shared first in Hastings 1993, Madrid 1994, Leon 1996, US Open 1998, Hoogeveen 1999, Siegman 1999,
Japfa 2000, and the Najdorf Memorial 2000.

6. According to a new study conducted by Internet security firm Bitdefender, men are more likely to fall
victim to data theft on social networks like Facebook and Twitter than women.

7.”We were not surprised to see that men have slightly more violations — about 5 percent — that result
in accidents than women,” said Raj Bhat, president of Quality Planning. “And because men are also more
likely to violate laws for speeding, passing and yielding, the resulting accidents caused by men lead to
more expensive claims than those caused by women.”

Topping the list is the finding that men are cited for reckless driving 3.41 more times than women.
Reckless driving is considered one of the most serious traffic offenses by courts since it implies a
disregard for the rights and safety of people or property.”
Rebuttal to Opposition part 2: Males indeed Reproduce

No because…

In the post, “There would be no women without men!”, you stated that:

“People who are born male; cannot reproduce.”

This only reveals your extraordinary ignorance of us and our biology. Get your reading glasses on
opposition, I’m gonna be your sex ed teacher for a spell. The male reproductive system is made up of a
number of different organs working in conjunction with each other in order to produce and transport
the male gamete, called the sperm cell. A sperm cell is a haploid cell designed to join with the female
gamete to form a complete diploid cell.[1] Without either, reproduction is impossible. The organs that
create these cells in males are the testicles.[2] A healthy male should have no issue reproducing by
fertilizing female eggs.

1. ^

2. ^

Yes because…

Women are not needed by men in any manner

No because…

What can a women do for a man that he cannot proide for himself? A man can learn to do for himself
everything that a wife traditionally did for her husband. Men can cook their own meals. Men can clean
and decorate their own homes to suit them. Men can pick their own clothing. Men can learn to do their
own sewing. Men can do their own gardening. The only reason a man thinks he needs a woman is that
he has been socialized to believe that he is worthless if he cannot persuade a woman to love him, have
sex with him, and bear his children.

A man needs a woman like a fish needs a bicycle. Women, however, still need men. If they don’t need
men for their sperm, they need men to be servants and whipping boys.
The first thing a man should say to a woman is “Non serviam”. Common courtesy demands that women
be given fair warning that the man they just met will not live his life for her sake as a servant, a
protector, or a blame object.

Yes because…

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6 years ago

Both are equally pwerful. If women were superior, then why are we living in a world in which the most
powerful and richest people are men( include presidents, prime ministers and CEO’s) . If men were more
powerful, why does almost every man admit that it is the woman who has the upper hand in the family.




5 years ago

Reply to zzk

Mm men are the creations of women if they stop or deny creation that is the end of men species only a
woman can deliver a baby[female] or a baba [male] child Even male child is also loved by mother wome
are always better and superior species Old vedas clearly reveals this


Ashok T Jaisinghani

6 years ago

★★★★★Are Not Women BIOLOGICALLY Superior to Men?★★★ ★★

If the hunger instinct and the sex instinct are considered as instincts, then we can define an instinct as
follows: “An instinct is a biological force that has the capability to produce a periodical biological urge of
a particular type.”

According to this theory, the following is the list of the instincts that are present in men and women:

1. Respiratory instincts – instinct of inspiration

and instinct of expiration.

2. Hunger instinct.

3. Thirst instinct.

4. Salivary instinct, which produces an urge

for swallowing the saliva to keep the throat

and foodpipe moist.

5. Defecation instinct.

6. Urinary instinct.

7. Blinking instinct, which is for the urge to keep

the eyes moist during the period of waking.

8. Instinct of sleep.

9. Orgasm instinct (in grown-ups), commonly known as the sex instinct. The orgasm instinct
periodically produces an urge for orgasmic ejaculation.
Besides the above-mentioned instincts, women also have the following special instincts:

a) Instinct of menstruation.

b) Instinct of ovulation and pregnancy.

c) Birth-giving instinct in pregnant women.

d) Lactation instinct in nursing mothers.

Three of these special instincts make women BIOLOGICALLY superior to men in the propagation and
survival of the human race!



Alex Denison

8 years ago

no, women are not above men, but it goes the other way also. yes, most great scientists have been men,
but women give birth…….have a man try to do that. but neither of these means that men are smarter
than women, or that women are stronger than men. Men naturally have more stamina and women
naturally have more layers of fat due to their natural ability to give birth, so it is harder for women to
gain muscle than men. there have been many great historical women, think of the first woman to fly a
plane: miss Amelia airheart, or all the first ladies. Men and women are equal.


dutch national

8 years ago

Reply to Alex Denison

In my humble opinion man and women are different but equal. There is no sane reason to say one is
above the other but there are differences, both physical and mental. In my opinion those differences
supplement eachother and enrich our lives.


Alex Denison

8 years ago

Reply to dutch national



Man Truth

7 years ago

One of the massive differences between the genders is that women have been proved to have a far
higher Automatic Own Group Bias. In fact research suggests that men are actually biased against their
own gender group.



7 years ago

A society controlled by men eould be barbaric, while a society controlled by woman would most likely
be lawless. We know men create 75% of crime. We dont hear that 70% of current divorces are from the
woman wanting greener grass, boredom, or what ever the case. As in crime im sure both genders have a
role in many crimes (ie: stole for her.. etc). As also in divorces both genders have a part. Not all men
vent like a woman so society ignores or never hears about the hardships men endure or flawed statistic
because of it. By enlarge most womans faults are usually secondary effects from good intentions. For
instance when driving woman are more apt to be the one who swurves to miss a duck and kill a family.
Woman are more apt to be the enabler, or enable negative behavior by following their female emotions
or idealism. Many woman idealize that they want a good man yet run if hes too nice. Woman’ say they
want a responsible man, yet they get bored or pout if hes focusing too much on responsibitilities over
them. Many Woman dont use some simple logic in reasoning like the examples named, and a large
group of woman does not understand i will say for instance dating. Men watch for a females signs to
approach or to see if she is available. So if woman dress “riskay”, woman advertise or market
themselves as how they dress. Many state loudly they are available or easy. Then blame others. Another
example of not using much logic, in many relationships woman are overly critical of even gifts they
receive until her man gives up. Then woman complain or slanders their mate that he doesnt care or put
much effort into the relationship. While he is confused nothing seems good enough. The last example is
a secondary effect of a good quality (if practiced with discipline) of helping men be civilised. A lot of
decisions they make is what would make me or what they think others need to feel good at this
moment. A example is waiting in line to say even a bathroom. You will hear the woman in the bathroom
chatting and laughing (in their own little world) not thinking of the little girl outside waiting and peeing
her pants. Now a male by enlarge is almost the opposite. Ive worked at a all male mill 18 years, almost
any guy would risk injury to help me if needed. Woman enlarge need support if a emergency, or at a
blue collar job. Womans greatest contribution again is civilizing men, but if a man is disciplined (men like
myself) are great realist parents, who practice tough love and able to maintain himself and the home
without that added stress of a constant critical voice. Our current societies faults are seen if googled
“fatherless statistics”. After the feminism movement raising boys to stay boys (not men) or not letting
men in on parenting is deeply effecting our current generation in a destructive way. secondary effects of
suicide, drive for adversity at school or financially, structure, children with less respect, inmate
percentages, and daddy issues rampant to those in the sex industry. I conclude a society made up by
men faults would be barbaric, a females society would be lawless, by doing what feels good in my little



Katherine F.

7 years ago

Sorry girls, but most of these “yes” points are completely invalid. I mean, “women can drive better?”,
come on. Men and women are equal.


Benjamin West

8 years ago

Let’s clear up a few facts. For one, Men, you can not bring older scientists into this conversation an
prove that mean are superior. You can if you account that women HAVE been looked down upon for
most of history. Secondly, Women, you can not bring up the fact that men will never feel the pain of
giving berth. That can be easily countered with “Do Women know the pain of being kicked in the balls?”
No? Case closed. Three, women, the human race was split into a male and female for genetic diversity,
which is case you don’t know, keeps the human race from all coming out with extra limbs. eyes, ears,
ect. Fourth, Men, as much as you all hate to hear over and over again, women are looked down upon in
many professions, whether it’s on purpose or by instinct. Fifth, Women, you can fix the problem by
showing that you are able to do just as much as men. This means that you can function just like a man,
maybe even a bit better. The best proof is through results, not words. Which sounds for convincing to
you? “I deserve to be paid as much as a man because THAT’S equality” or “I deserve to paid as much as a
man because I work just as hard as him”. The second one should sound more convincing, BUT, again,
you must remember another fact. Just because one women(or man in men’s case) is smarter, brighter,
or stronger does NOT make everyone else of that gender the same way.




8 years ago

I love all these arguments where women claim superiority for having wombs. Claiming a pointless
victory that you had no hand in as your gender was a roll of the dice. And it’s as if semen had never
played a part in conception. Remember women, men have the seed and you’re just the dirt.




9 years ago

If woman are so smart and intelligent why most of greatest scientists of the world are men? 95% of
scientists are men and only a few women e.g Albert Einstein,Isaac Newton,Michael Faraday,Neil
Bohr…..etc The world’s most smartest person was a woman who had a IQ of nearly 256 but she did not
discover a single thing. In fact her job was newspaper editor whereas men with IQ of 130 and so on
became great scientists This clearly shows that women are not as “smart” as they say



9 years ago

By that logic, I can say that I, as a man, did better in -my- calculus classes than any of the women,
therefore ALL women are inferior in calculus.

That’s a case of stereotyping, confirmation bias and a basic lack of critical thinking.



9 years ago

I don’t see how people can categorise a sex being more superior to the other, they are not the same,
they function differently and are seen to have different purposes, just because men can’t give birth
doesn’t mean they are inadequate because there are a lot of people within the NHS that are male and
that are needed. People are able and are good at different things and I don’t believe in equality as
everybody is different and equality to me seems robotic, but i also don’t believe that anybody could be
superior they are simply just different. Difference abilities, different personalities and different needs.



9 years ago

I read this whole thing, and my only comments are as followed: MEN and WOMEN ARE NOT THE SAME…
we are two different things. Both genders have benefits and negatives, so stop arguing on something
that no body gives a shit about unless they are: A) Sexist B) Stupid C) A Troll D) A and B E) All of the
Above. We can have equality between the two, but there are negative and positive outcomes from



9 years ago

Reply to Neille

I’m totally with you on everything you say, but (there’s always one :-)) …

Equality should mean that women and men are treated equally. This just doesn’t happen.

Two friends of mine are firemen, who now have a women amongst their ranks – how did she get there
you ask – all physical test were made easier for her – in effect the other firemen don’t really trust her –
and right they are – there already was a situation where she endangered lives , because she just doesn’t
have the strength.

Equality means being treated equally !



9 years ago

This is “Equality” again. As I was saying, before I ran out of room on my page, I had trouble even typing
those last 2 statements, because I know how WRONG they are. They are contradictory to everything
that I know to be true. I don’t think that either of those aforementioned statements apply to any man or
any woman. so in conclusion, I have a question of my own. Why would anyone (man or woman) want to
berate an entire group of people and accuse them of being inferior based on the actions and attitudes of
a few notable (but not always in a good way) members of that group of people? EVERYBODY IS EQUAL,
and we should all strive to get along peacefully with each other.


5 years ago

Reply to Equality

Thank you for actually being a voice of reason.


I support Equality

5 years ago

Reply to Equality

Also this is the only argument that works for LGBTQ+ people. Most of those people could say that they
are a different group, a third party, which makes equality a much better option rather than having 3
different arguments between the three groups of genders.




9 years ago

Question, why does this debate even matter? Men and women are equal in everything, the ratio of
which gender does what more often is irrelevant. This is because ANYONE can do whatever they want if
they have the desire to do so. A violent man can commit terrible atrocities (I.e. Hitler and the
Holocaust), and while that act was incredibly evil, malicious, and just plain WRONG, a woman with the
same desire to do something that evil could do it with the same ruthless efficiency as Hitler did if said
woman were given all the opportunities to commit the act. So let me just make myself clear to any
woman who thinks I am trying to say that men are better, and I’ll also make it clear to any man who
thinks that I’m saying men are better; I am not saying that either gender is superior to the other, quite
the opposite, I am saying that we are ALL created EQUAL. I would also like to add that the people who
were using EMOTION rather than SOUND, LOGICAL, and UNBIASED FACTS to argue their respective
points (whether those points were for or against the superiority/inferiority of women, or the
superiority/inferiority of men) are WRONG!!! Using emotion and opinion as if it is factual evidence is a
logical fallacy, facts are facts; opinions are opinions. To use an opinion to validate an argument makes
that argument inherently flawed, since it is not backed up by CONCRETE FACTS that can be repeatedly
proven through unbiased scientific evaluation. As an EXAMPLE of an unfounded argument, I’m going to
say that ALL men (no exceptions, not even one anywhere in the world) are chauvinistic brutes who want
to rape, pillage, and beat women at chess. I’m also going to say that ALL women (no exceptions, not
even one anywhere in the world) are just useless pieces of meat that exist only to serve and gratify men,
and on occasion produce offspring to continue the lineage of men. I’ve run out of room on this page


Aaron Coats

9 years ago

Check out the stream called men are superior to women and tell me if you still believe that. Men have
been the soul cause of the progression of the human race and no statistic can change that.



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