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Matriculation Number: 2022/MBA/21/004. IFECHUKWU ANUNOBI

Program: MBA 21
Course Code: …NHB
Date: 25TH DEC 2022
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I Ifechukwu Anunobi. being an MBA student at Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic

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Name signature of the student: ___Ifechukwu Anunobi.

Dated: ___25th/dec/2022
A. Using your knowledge of NHB fully, please respond to the questions in the case study

This case “Growing Pains at hillcrest: Insights into Human Nature” talks about finding
approaches, and insights for exploring human behavior in the business environment of

Disasters are defined as "... a sudden, cataclysmic event that substantially disrupts the
operation of a community or civilization and causes human, material, and economic
losses that surpass the community's or society's ability to manage using its resources"

Business disasters, whether they are man-made or natural, pose a genuine and constant
risk to people's lives as well as to the destruction of property, cultures, and society at
large. There are two main reasons why a behavioral study on disasters is important.
First of all, choices taken in such a hostile environment can have a big impact on a
person's chance of survival as well as the chances of their family, friends, and even
other people in their community. Second, resource allocation is frequently problematic
as a result of shortage restrictions, which regrettably also affects the provision of
humanitarian help and disaster relief.

For explaining human behavior, there are two theories.

1. Human behavior is a function of the individual as well as the workplace, social

environment, or environment in general. Individual factors, such as skills, efficiency,
experience, health, attitude, perception, and learning, have an impact on one's
willingness to perform work, while environmental factors, such as working
conditions, reward policies, interactions with peers, supervisors, and subordinates,
have an impact on behavior as well.

2. According to the theories that assert that an external stimulus determines an

individual's behavior, that persistent aspects of personality influence behavior, and
that psychological concept like belief and attitude influence behavior, one must
comprehend the cause of behavior in order to grasp behavior.
1. The newly hired Head of Accounts seemed to have a very structured approach to
his work. Is there anything wrong with that? Why or why not?

This part of the paragraph in the case study talks about the scenario where you are
fitting an expensive square peg into a round hole this typically means trying to fit
something that's not of that standard or is that shape into a standard that has already
been formed. As we know the newly hired head of accounts was hired at the age of 50
years old his recommendations and his CV showed potential and was very good but he
could not be flexible at the workplace he could not register and renegotiate payment
agreement with suppliers he had a very high standard for the business he saw the
business from a different perspective from the people who have been in the workplace
longer and who started the business.

The issue with the newly hired head of accounts was he had a very structured approach
to his work is there anything wrong with that? Yes! Why?

In an ideal system, a manager would first list potential challenges, then decide which
skills are required, and then put together a team whose skills complement one another,
creating a rich and conflict-free team. Due to the complexity of human behavior and the
individual differences among people, it is challenging for an efficient organization to
effectively match the management and the subordinates.

This is when Ayodele Alade has to consider does the new Head of accounts have
potential challenges with the staffs and customers. He also has to determine if his skills
are needed even if his skills are needed he also has to sort out a conflict-free team in the
business he also has to understand the differences in each individual behaviors and use
them approximately to increase the synergy in the workplace I feel that the newly hired
head of accounts being a human should have the ability to renegotiates or think outside
the box to act himself how can I fit into the standard of this company also having his
before work experience and trying to adapt to a new business work experience having a
structured approach to work isn't a bad thing but being too structured in a way that you
can't be rigid in time of concentration can be a very harmful skill to the business. In this
case, we can see that the head of account on paper had the right qualification and
certification and a lot of experience having worked as an accountant for many years
with some very leading organizations now that's considered a hard skill which he had
no soft skills as having a job soft skills are regarded because you have the right set of
qualification as had skills soft skills can very well bring down an organization which
the head of accounts had no soft skills He had a very straightforward system of belief in
the business environment meanwhile in a business environment it's advisable to be
very flexible because some things might occur in which you have to use your wits and
guts to make it work.

I personally think that something's wrong with the head of accounts having a
structured approach to the work environment because he's not rigid enough and he
does not have negotiating skill which is very important for a business. The purpose of
negotiation in business is to reach the best agreement for you and your company.
Negotiations don't have to be power struggles; they can be opportunities to hear
customers explain your company's values and build strong relationships with them that
will encourage them to recommend you to other potential customers. If the newly
appointed head of accounts is still in this business in the long run I think he may have a
conflict with many more customers coming into the business I strongly agree that
there's a problem and he should be fired or given a briefing on how he should do his job
2. Why do you think the accountant is having trouble at Hillcrest?

I think the accountant at Hillcrest Company is having problems because his beliefs were
more along the lines of a big organization like a shell company, and he took the
customer's word for it. He also didn't have a business understanding of the
unforeseeable future and didn't see how the company or the customers were operating
in a typical business way because he believed he was perfect. As a result, he was not
flexible to the business structure and was unable to renegotiate a payment agreement
He also had a distinct perspective on business; he believed that the company had
unlimited resources and was unable to set priorities, which was fatal for anyone who
was not an entrepreneur. According to the entrepreneurship school of thought, a
company can never have unlimited resources.

3. If you were Ayo, how would you handle this situation and why?

If I were Ayo which is the manager my cognition way of handling this situation
would be thinking rationally and not emotionally by thinking rationally, I would
have a process of logical reasoning having the facts that my process has implicit
proof of its validity. Attribution is one of the rational processes that involves
determining the reason or cause of observed behavior. understanding the
accountant's behavior to the way the business is run would therefore make me ask
the manager to choose the right path which is knowing that I'm trying to fit a square
peg into a round hole I'm trying to make the accountant fits into a business he's not
used to. In this kind of situation, I'm not meant to think emotionally thinking
emotionally follows a shot caught partway through bypassing the other cognitive
process to choose an option however my emotions would have a considerable
influence on the decision I'm making. Ask the manager trying to assess the behavior
of the accountant should also make a continuous effort to evaluate my perspective
and adapt to it if this directorial process is successful, it would create a behavioral
concurrence between the manager and good the accountant takes a call in the body
for both of them and would eventually lead to today a peaceful situation.
1. Do you agree with the Plant Manager’s recommendation? Why or why not?

I agree with the plant Managers recommendation. I think when people feel valued, they
feel better about doing something the plat manager's recommendation is a brilliant way
by attaching a bonus to their performance on hitting the target. But a disadvantage to
this recommendation is the fact that bonuses actually motivate Staff, but it may decrease
their ability to think outside the box because they are mainly working for the prize
which is the bonus, they can get at reaching the targets so this may limit their ability to
do things extraordinarily. It's also noticed that bonuses raise the performance of staff,
the trick is simple if people are paid according to their performance they are motivated
to work harder. We can see in this case 14,000 bags was the target and the team was
falling below the target of 12,500 to 13,000 but when the bonus was attached to the
target they reached 13,800 bags to the target which is a positive remark from the bonus

2. What else might you recommend to encourage the workers to i. meet their target,

and ii. take initiative rather than waiting to be micromanaged.

I would also recommend that the staffs located on this team should be given a
follow up they should have a meeting again to help them know things they
might have forgotten.

3. Why do you think Wale acted the way he did?

Wale acted the way he did because he felt he was a childhood friend of Ayo and
would have the privilege to be overlooked. He acted in a very lackadaisical manner
even from the team members efforts to motivate him to work harder he showed no
effort, nevertheless.
1. Wale’s three-month probation was now drawing to a close and Femi needed to

decide what to do about Wale. What would you recommend?

I would recommend that Femi should Fire Wale or demote him to another job fit
for his way of understanding life. He has been given a lot of chances and this
behavior at work has been overlooked a couple of times but if he is given passed
the 3 month’s probation, they might not be a chance for him to even change.
Femi would make the right decision to either fire him or demote him.

2. How might whichever recommendation you make above affect the rest of the


If he is fired it would show the sternness of the company and with valid reasons the
team would see to it that he was fired for particular reasons, if he's left longer than the
probation period his lackadaisical attitude might affect the team members making them
feel on challenges like him and showing up to work late considering in the case that he
was the life of the group or team that he's in may affect the team members wants he's
been fired what if he is demoted or transferred to another group that doesn't require
him to wake up at a particular time and a job that makes him retain his reliability and
honesty. So, I would suggest the best option which is for him to demote or put on
another team that requires him not coming to work early.

B. What is your most important unanswered question post-NHB and how do you
intend to find the answers?

After having learned a lot from NHB class I have rather some unanswered questions
about life, humans, and the earth in general.

I am still trying to understand what personality is,

what makes us who we are?

Are personalities we consider bad actually bad? Are personalities we consider good
actually good?

If people know the differences between good and bad why do most people still decide
to do bad things?

Are we humans cursed by diversity or are we blessed by it?

Why bother trying to figure out who we are, then?

Have you ever encountered someone whose behavior you couldn't comprehend?

Ever had your identity misunderstood?

Have you ever felt annoyed by others because of the way they differ from you in terms
of appearance, behavior, thoughts, or feelings?

Have you ever regarded someone less favorably because of the way they acted,
believed, or felt?
A person's personality is defined by emotions, thoughts, and behavior patterns; it is a
distinctive pattern of behavior and thinking that endures over time and situations and
sets them apart from others. A person's personality results from how they interact with
others. Although situations, attitudes, cognition, motivation, and belief are also
important influences on behavior, personality is one of the key ones. It is possible to
predict a person's behavior in many situations thanks to their personality, which also
explains why each individual is different.

How is a person's Personality Developed?

Now an individual's personality can be developed hereditary that's through genes. A

person's personality can be developed through nature which is hereditary, or true
nurturing, which is upbringing.

Personal relationships and environmental factors affect human behavior. the interplay
of circumstances and personality Essentially, this is how a person interprets or
characterizes a circumstance, which highlights the person's actions.

Using that as an illustration Let me give you an example of a case: A doctor reports that
a child born will not be able to participate in any physical sports. How did the parents
and the child define the situation? How did it affect the child's behavior in the years to
come? How would the situation affect the child's behavior toward life?

We should also note that there are 16 personality types by Myers- Briggs there is
















Diversity as human beings’ diversity is recognizing differences and each of us

appreciating diversity developing teamwork is the power of diversity.

This is when critical thinking comes in which is problem-solving and analyzing

information translating information recognizing bias understanding different points of
view applying information and learning and also learning to unlearn things. Now we
must all acknowledge that our capacity for fairness is a function of our cognitive and
social-emotional growth. To be fair-minded, we must cultivate traits like intellectual
humility and intellectual integrity. intellectual fortitude intellectual independence
intellectual empathy, tenacity, and assurance in one's ability to reason.

A lot of questions that are still left unanswered I intend to find these answers by going
through life because you never really can know all the answers unless you learn and by
learning I would have to go through life I would have to experience and certain things I
would have to judge carefully and not bias.
C. What impact do you expect NHB to have had on your life when you look back 10
years from now, and what do you have to do in the next 6 months to make that

If I knew about NHB 10 years ago it would have had a great impact on my life 10 years
ago. 10 years ago, I didn’t know how humans differ from each other and how
understanding each personality would help or break a person or team. It would have
known how to think critically before judging a matter. I also would have not been a
victim of things I felt victimized for. I would have understood a lot more about animals
and their way of living and how they differ from humans.

Looking ahead at the next 6 months I have pretty much known a lot right now from
NHB and I intend to put all this knowledge into my business and my place of work and
also use this knowledge to help make better decisions both personally and not
personally. In the next 6 months, I would have developed a strong notion of how
human behaviors are perceived.

Thanks to Madam Kemi for installing in me this knowledge God bless you greatly.

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