Answers Lesson 1

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Answers lesson 1

1) Systemized set of rules to make society a liveable place. A systemized level of possible
2) Secular law: Law is created by politicians, states have autonomy
Religious law: Coms from GOD. Law that is created by old wise men such as religious law and
based on clergy, it has many forms (decreet, ordonantie), it has character they are global.
Christian law in Europe is the same in the US.
3) Common law: you will use history (the precedent) to decide a verdict in the present.
Civil law: you will decide the verdict according to the usage of the codex or law books. So
there is a specific guide or framework to follow
4) ULN: legal norms which not have been written down, it just comes from customs.
5) The constitution is not easy to change, and the regular laws are based on the constitution.
The rule is based on which a country is founded.
6) This is European law, and this is above national law and has direct effect. This is in contrast
with international law.
7) Law is being interpreted by scholar lawyers and judges. No justice without interpretation.
Why? Law should be contextualised it can evolve. Judges reinterpret the law. But if you
always interpret and change the rules that isn’t fair.
8) More than 1 nationality.
9) Zie notities!
10) So, for example Russian woman come pregnant to the US. And give birth to their child the
child will automatically gain American citizenship. The child can bring his/her parents to the
11) Naturalization of nationality: this entails a decision made by the House of representatives (=
the parliament).
Declaration of nationality: are strict conditions, this has become more and more difficult.
12) No, it doesn’t.
13) For example, in Malta you can buy a passport. But it is very expensive.
14) Aliyah: the law of return (Judaism only). A full discussion of this law would go beyond the
scope of this lecture. It has deep ramifications in international relations, statehood, and
political philosophy.
15) You need to have office in the Vatican, it depends on your job. Because priests are not
allowed to have children.
16) Women don’t want to follow their husband’s nationality.
17) Notes
18) The state has to provide for this person. It creates a mess. People can not travel without a
19) Voluntary: through renunciation of citizenship
Non-voluntary: in some cases, as a punishment (for example, but not limited to cases of
terror-related crimes): denaturalization or loss of citizenship.
20) Voluntary loss (to avoid someone from becoming stateless).
21) When you want to fight for ISIS you know you will lose citizenship but is this a choice
22) You always need to pay taxes.
23) Mening.
24) Mening. It is a good thing, They need to choose 1 country.
Halakha = Jewish law  What jews can and can’t do
Diffrence between Jewish and Cathaolic law is  Jews also have law about private life. (also Islam)
Supranational law = Direct Effect  If you go to a judge and you can invoke

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