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Answers lesson 5

1) The essence of the formation of the EU was within us since centuries. The EU is the 2nd
empire after the Roman Empire that combined all of Europe in one constitution.

2) Kalergi: he came up with the idea of a unified Europe instead of the mini states that had
formed during and after the medieval era. Kalergi wanted to mix the Caucasians with the
blacks because this would end the racial war between the 2.

3) The 2 pillars of Europe:

1) economic reconstruction after WW2.
2) peace. Peace nowadays have been replaced by security. Germany was the economic
engine of Europe.

4) After WW2 war torn Europe needed something to do for their people. Because of the
solidarity that exists in us, we have created a system, the welfare system. Because of this
system we help each other in times of need. In the US people think differently about
solidarity and social security and healthcare. In the US, they don’t want any common social
security and healthcare because their mindset is not the same as ours. They want to become
billionaires and don’t want to pay for others.

5) group of Western liberal democracies. It is situated between the state and the international

6) 3 treaties:
Paris: the focus was on steel and sources of energy
Rome: the focus was on economic development and nuclear energy
Maastricht 1992: from economic collaboration to an entity that is state like.
They are trying to recreate the Roman Empire and a unity.

7) Every democratic state within Europe can join the Union.

8) These are political and economic criteria introduced in 1993. You also need to accept the
acquis communautaire: you need to accept the rules that were made and are accepted by
every other EU member.
9) States have to contribute a sum to the Union.

10) De Gaulle: the UK wanted to join the union but he disagreed with it. He knew that they won’t
accept everything, but in 73 after De Gaulle was retired, they became a member. After
decades it finally happened, after decades of improvisation and changes and slowing the
Economic development of the EU, the Brits voted for Brexit. The people of the UK had a
different view of everything that happened in Brussels, they wanted to be sovereign etc so
they voted for it.
11) Eigen mening (Hani): The EU is a constitution made up of democratic countries, but it is not
democratic by its own policies. The more prominent members of the EU (Germany and
France) have a lot of influence in the decisions made for all the other members. E.G.:
Germany and France were the only ones who decided for the after mat of the financial crisis
in Greece.

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