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EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide 2017-2018



1. Tax authority and relevant transfer pricing is not yet adopted in the Portuguese legislation; however, the
transfer pricing documentation prepared locally addresses all
of the relevant topics covered in the master and local files.

a) Name of tax authority The part of Action 13 of the OECD BEPS Action Plan devoted
to the CbC reports has been introduced in Portugal.
Portuguese Tax and Customs Authority
(Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira)

b) Relevant transfer pricing section reference 3. Transfer pricing documentation

• Name of transfer pricing regulations/rulings and effective
date of applicability
a) Applicability
Article 63 of the Corporate Income Tax Code articulates the • Does your country have transfer pricing documentation
arm’s-length principle and provides guidance about transfer guidelines/rules?
pricing (TP) in Portugal. An updated Article 63 of the Corporate
Income Tax Code came into force on 16 January 2015 following Yes. The Portuguese transfer pricing rules require taxpayers
the publication of Law No. 2/2014. with turnover and other income in excess of EUR3 million in the
prior year to prepare contemporaneous documentation in the
A detailed APA procedure, setting out the APA submission Portuguese language, which should provide evidence of market
requirements, process and fees, was implemented by Ministerial parity regarding the terms and conditions agreed to, accepted
Order 620-A/2008 on 16 July 2015 (which came into force on and practiced in the operations made with related parties, as
17 July 2015) and is currently foreseen in Article 138 of the well as evidence that the best method was selected and used.
Corporate Income Tax Code.
• Does transfer pricing documentation have to be prepared
Furthermore, a general anti-avoidance provision applies to annually?
all simulated transactions, and the rules embodied in the thin
capitalization, CFCs and anti-tax-haven regimes may be used Yes.
in the general context of transfer pricing.
b) Materiality limit/thresholds
The new articles 121-A and 121-B added to the Corporate
Income Tax Code introduced an obligation for multinational • Transfer pricing documentation
groups to submit CbC reports.
EUR3 million in net sales and other operating revenue in the
• Section reference from local regulation previous tax year.

Point 4 of Article 63 of the Corporate Income Tax Code. • Economic analysis

Not applicable.

2. OECD Guidelines treatment/reference • BEPS master and local files

Portugal is a member of the OECD. The Portuguese regulations Not available.

and tax practice follow the OECD Guidelines.
• CbCR
Business restructurings are specifically addressed in the
Portuguese transfer pricing regulations as activities that must Consistent with OECD requirements (i.e., group consolidated
rely on the arm’s-length principle; however, the approaches revenue of EUR750 million).
stated in Chapter IX of the OECD Guidelines are likely to affect
the transfer pricing audit activity.

The master file concept established in the EU Code of Conduct

on transfer pricing documentation for associated enterprises

EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide 2017-2018



c) Specific requirement(s) 4. Transfer pricing return/related party

• Treatment of domestic transactions disclosures
There is a documentation obligation for domestic transactions.
a) Related party disclosures/transfer pricing-related
• Local language documentation requirement appendices

The main disclosure requirements at this level are contained in

The law mandates the use of Portuguese in TP documentation.
annexes A, B, C and H (transfer pricing annexes) of the Annual
• Safe harbor availability Tax and Accounting Information Return (Informação Empresarial
Simplificada, or IES), which include (on a yearly basis) the
None specified. following information:

d) BEPS Action 13 implementation overview • Identity of the related entities

• Has your country adopted/implemented BEPS Action 13 for • Amount of transactions conducted with each of the related
transfer pricing documentation in your local regulations? parties

Portugal adopted the global minimum standard included in • Confirmation that proper contemporaneous (annual)
Action 13 of the OECD BEPS project for the international transfer pricing documentation is prepared on a timely
automatic exchange of CbC reports. basis and is currently retained

• Coverage in terms of master and/or local files The deadline for the submission of such return corresponds
to the 15th day of the 7th month after the corresponding tax
Not applicable.
year-end. Taxpayers have to state in good faith in this annual
• Effective/expected commencement date return that they have complied with the contemporaneous
documentation requirements. Misleading information may result
CbCR rules apply to fiscal years starting on or after 1 in tax penalties and criminal proceedings.
January 2016. Master file/local file rules have not been
introduced, and it is hard to foresee when they will be. Multinational groups engaged in activities in the Portuguese
territory with aggregated turnover exceeding EUR750 million
• Material differences from OECD report template/format in the reporting period are obligated to submit the CbC report.
It should be completed on an aggregated basis (per jurisdiction)
The BEPS Action 13 TP documentation format has not been and should contain information about allocation of revenues
adopted in Portugal. Full local TP documentation (combining (separating those received in intragroup transactions from
information from both the master file and local file in terms those received in third-party transactions), profits, employees,
of contents) should be prepared. earnings before tax, amounts of taxes due and paid, as well
as other information. The CbC report should be submitted to
• Sufficiency of BEPS Action 13 format report to achieve
the tax authorities by the end of the 12th month of the year
penalty protection
following the reporting year.
The BEPS Action 13 format report is not sufficient to
achieve penalty protection. There is no indication of b) Transfer pricing-specific returns
Portugal adopting BEPS Action 13 for TP documentation, Only the appendices referred to above (within the IES).
which is why only full TP documentation prepared following
the local rules can serve as a penalty protection. Only the
CbCR part has been adopted. 5. Transfer pricing documentation/disclosure
• CbCR notification and CbC report submission requirement timelines
There is a CbCR notification requirement in Portugal. The a) Filing deadline
deadline for preparation/submission for the CbCR notification
is the end of the fifth month following the fiscal year-end. • Corporate income tax return

The deadline for submission of the CbC report is the end of 31 May (end of the fifth month following the fiscal year-end).
the 12th month following the fiscal year-end.

EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide 2017-2018



• Other transfer pricing disclosures/return In fact, Portuguese rules also state (in paragraphs 1 and 2 of
Article 4 of the Transfer Pricing Ministerial Order) that the
15 July (7 months and 15 days after tax year-end). most appropriate method should be applied to a controlled
transaction or to a series of transactions to determine whether
• CbCR notification
those transactions comply with the arm’s-length principle.
The end of the fifth month following the fiscal year-end.
This principle reflects a best-method rule. This implies that
• CbC report preparation/submission a taxpayer is expected to use the method or methods most
suitable to each case, explaining not only the reason a certain
The end of the 12th month of the year following method is considered the most appropriate to test whether the
the reporting year. controlled transactions comply with the transfer pricing rules,
but also why other methods are rejected.
b) Documentation preparation deadline

Transfer pricing documentation should be prepared

contemporaneously. The statutory deadline to have a
7. Benchmarking requirements
final transfer pricing documentation ready is by the
15th day of the 7th month following the fiscal year-end. a) Local vs. regional comparables

Local comparables are required. In the absence (or insufficiency)

c) Documentation submission deadline of purely local comparables, Iberian comparables may be
• Is there a statutory deadline for submission of transfer included; if these prove scarce, European comparables may
pricing documentation? be accepted.

No. It should only be submitted upon request. b) Single-year vs. multi-year analysis
• Time period/deadline for submission on tax authority Single-year analysis of the tested-party results is required.
request Single-year tested-party results are normally compared with
multi-year comparables’ range.
The taxpayer is normally given 10 days’ notice to submit the
transfer pricing documentation once requested by the tax c) Use of interquartile range
authorities in an audit or inquiry.
Interquartile range calculations are used following general
statistics rules for respective calculations.
6. Transfer pricing methods
d) Fresh benchmarking search every year vs. roll-forward/
a) Applicability update of the financials

• International transactions Fresh benchmarking is required.

Yes. e) Simple vs. weighted average

• Domestic transactions There is a preference for the weighted average for arm’s-length
f) Other specific benchmarking criteria, if any
b) Priority/preference of methods
Local independence threshold/criteria (20%) should be used in
The transfer pricing methods described in the Portuguese benchmarking studies.
legislation are based on the OECD Guidelines and therefore
do not introduce significant changes to the widely accepted
methods recognized among transfer pricing administrators
and practitioners.

EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide 2017-2018



8. Transfer pricing penalties/relief 9. Statute of limitations on transfer pricing

a) Penalty exposure
In Portugal, an assessment is possible during the four
• Consequences of failure to submit/late submission and/or
years after the end of the assessment year. All Portugal-
incorrect disclosures
based companies have a statutory obligation to keep their
Failure to comply with documentation requirements may result transfer pricing documentation available (at the Portuguese
in a possible shift of the burden of proof. establishment or premises) and in good order for the relevant
year for a 10-year period.
Under the General Regime of Tax Infringements (RGIT),
penalties for late filing of transfer pricing documentation apply.
Article 117/6 of the RGIT establishes specific transfer pricing 10. Likelihood of transfer pricing scrutiny/
penalties up to EUR10,000 (per year and per taxpayer) apply related audit by local authority
for failure to present transfer pricing documentation within
the period determined in the request made by the Portuguese • Likelihood of transfer pricing-related audits
Tax Authorities plus 5% for each day of delay in fulfilling this (high/medium/low)
The likelihood of an annual tax audit, in general, is medium, as
Other general penalties reaching as high as EUR150,000 may is the likelihood that transfer pricing will be reviewed as part of
be applied by the Portuguese Tax Authorities, depending on the that audit.
circumstances, if the entity refuses to provide information or if
the entity provides incorrect or incomplete information. • Likelihood of transfer pricing methodology being challenged
Furthermore, possible income tax adjustments and
compensatory interest can also be assessed if applicable. The likelihood is high that the transfer pricing methodology will
be challenged if transfer pricing is reviewed as part of the audit.
In addition, special penalties are foreseen for late submission
of the CbC report that may reach up to EUR10,000 per year • Likelihood of an adjustment if transfer pricing methodology
and per taxpayer plus 5% for each day of delay in fulfilling this is challenged (high/medium/low)
obligation. The likelihood of an annual tax audit, in general, is medium, as
is the likelihood that transfer pricing will be reviewed as part of
• If an adjustment is sustained, can penalties be assessed?
that audit.
Transfer pricing adjustments are subject to the general
• Specific transactions/industries/situations, if any, more
tax penalty regime. A late-payment interest penalty is also
likely to undergo audit
applicable for transfer pricing adjustments at the rate of
4% per year. Special emphasis is being put on the quality of comparables
— namely, on the royalty CUP analysis. Head-office interest
• Is interest charged on penalties/payable on refund?
charged to branches is the most recent area of scrutiny and
Refer to the section above. adjustment. Limited-risk commissioner structures have been
increasingly challenged recently. Cross-border restructurings
b) Penalty relief are also under intense scrutiny, as well as intercompany
financial transactions.
The general tax penalty regime applies in Portugal. The
determination of penalties will be made on a case-by-case basis.
11. APA opportunity
Taxpayers can challenge adjustments (if any) and tax
assessments in court. • Availability (unilateral/bilateral/multilateral)

An APA program was included in the Portuguese Corporate

Income Tax Code in 2008 (Article 138). Ministerial Order
620-A/2008 allows taxpayers to negotiate the unilateral,
bilateral and multilateral APAs.

EY Worldwide Transfer Pricing Reference Guide 2017-2018

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