SAT Vocab List Week6 (Adv)

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There's a critique of his

an evaluation or ~에대한 분석, 평가, 검
1001 critique (n.) new play in the paper
appraisal 토
Everyone was suspicious
of Dr. Howard's new
paper because no one
a repetition or copy
1002 replication (n.) 반복, 재현 had a successful
of something
replication of the same
results, despite many
Stephen has an aptitude
for languages; he can
총명함, (주로 지적, 심
1003 aptitude (n.) inherent ability speak Spanish and
적) 능력
French fluently and is
now learning Japanese.
a feeling of deep and I don't have any
1004 resentment (n.) bitter anger and ill- 원한 resentment about the
will way they treated me.
denying or
questioning the I'm skeptical about your
1005 skeptical (adj.) tenets of especially a 의심많은, 회의적인 ability to finish this work
religion; marked by by tomorrow.
or given to doubt
Our apprehension grew
fearful expectation or
1006 apprehension (n.) 걱정, 우려 worse when he failed to
return on time.
Fighting broke out during
to weaken; to bring ~을 손상하다, ~을 훼 the ceasefire,
1007 undermine (v.)
down; to harm 손하다, ~을 해치다 undermining the peace
showing unselfish
The act was generous
1008 altruistic (adj.) concern for the 자선의
but not entirely altruistic.
welfare of others
The president conferred
~을 주다, ~을 수여하
1009 confer (v.) to give; to provide the medal of honor upon

the soldier.
The journalist
~을 문서로 기록하다,
1010 document (v.) to record in detail documented events in
~을 자세히 기록하다
the war zone.
badly behaved;
The mischievous child
deliberately causing
caused trouble for
1011 mischievous (adj.) harm or damage; 짓궂은
everyone in the
naughtily or
annoyingly playful
Tom only spent a few
lasting for a brief fleeting moments with his
1012 fleeting (adj.) 짧은
time family while he was
form or compose; set
up or lay the
groundwork for;
create and charge
The states that constitute
with a task or
1013 constitute (v.) ~을 구성하다 this country each have
function; to compose
their own culture.
or represent:"This
wall forms the
background of the
stage setting"
to fix (a mistake or
You should rectify your
error); to make ~을 바로잡다, 올바로
1014 rectify (v.) relationship with your
straight (or right) 수습하다
mother before she dies.
They used curtains to
to make less visible ~을 숨기다, 흐리게 하
1015 obscure (v.) obscure holes in the
or unclear 다, 잘 안보이게 하다
Child abuse is
incapable of being
막기 어려운, 변호의 여 indefensible no matter
1016 indefensible (adj.) justified, explained,
지가 없는 what excuse you may
or defended
given to expressing Jeremy is very
1017 outspoken (adj.) yourself freely or 자기 주장을 잘 하는 outspoken; he always
insistently says what he thinks.
The passages depict a
1018 depict (v.) to show, illustrate (~를) 보여주다 beautiful landscape that
entrhalls the reader.
The essay does not
to understand; to ~를 이해하다; ~을 포
1019 comprehend (v.) comprehend a solution to
include 함하다
the problem.
The baffling situation
was that even though he
헷갈리게 하는, 혼란스 arrived first, everyone
1020 baffling (adj.) confusing, perplexing
럽게 하는 else got in the door
before he had a chance
to impart vigor, Taking a cold shower will
1021 invigorate (v.) ~의 생기를 돋우다
strength, or vitality to invigorate you.
to express grief We lament the passing
(~에 대한) 슬픔을 표현
1022 lament (v.) verbally; to regret of Father Smith, our
하다; 애도하다
strongly priest.
Under apartheid, blacks
a social policy or 인종차별 정책 (주거,
1023 apartheid (n.) had severely restricted
racial segregation 생활, 직장등의 분리)
The report's preliminary
findings suggest no one
is to blame for the
1024 preliminary (adj.) 준비의, 준비 과정의 accident, but we will
preparatory, initial
have to wait until next
week for the committee's
definitive conclusion.

to display; to exhibit; The new model of this

~를 보여주다; ~를 전
to tout as an computer features more
1025 feature (v.) 시하다; (어떤 중요한)
important memory and a faster
~~가 포함된
characteristic processor.
following accepted
Raising your hand is the
customs; traditional 관례적인, 원래부터 했
1026 conventional (adj.) conventional way to get
(the way it's been 었던 방식인
the teacher's attention.
Who first developed the
1027 notion (n.) an idea 아이디어, 생각
notion that life evolves?
Don't embarrass him by
to deny the truth of; ~에 모순되다; ~가 틀
1028 contradict (v.) contradicting him in
to show to be false 렸다고 하다
to cause to do
through pressure or
Did anyone coerce you
1029 coerce (v.) necessity, by ~에게 ~을 강요하다
to carry this package?
physical, moral or
intellectual means
The ship's captain
to move skillfully 능숙하게 행동하다/움
1030 maneuver (v.) maneuvered the vessel
through 직이다
into safety.
A cold wind was blowing,
1031 cozy (adj.) small but comfortable 아늑한 but the house was warm
and cozy inside.
marked by intense Work at the shop was
(바쁘거나 빨라서) 정
1032 hectic (adj.) agitation or emotion; always hectic before
신 없는
crazily busy Christmas.
Andy likes to extol the
to praise, glorify, or ~을 칭찬하다, ~을 격
1033 extol (v.) virtues of following a
honor 찬하다
vegetarian diet.
He's been an avid stamp
very eager; desiring 열렬한; 갈망하는, 탐내
1034 avid (adj.) collector ever since
enthusiastically 는
to force or place a ~에게 ~을 내세우다, The dictator imposed his
1035 impose (v.)
burden on someone 받아들이게 하다 will on the people.
Margret's cheerful
to make attractive or ~을 사랑받게 하다, ~ attitude has endeared
1036 endear (v.)
lovable 을 따르게 하다 her to everyone in her
to lower tension or No need to get upset, the
1037 defuse (v.) aggression of a ~을 진정시키다 woman said, trying to
situation defuse the situation.
anxious about an
긴장된; 긴장된 (상반
uncertain future;
된 것들의 대립이 있는, Philip felt tense while he
1038 tense (adj.) having opposing or
혹은 어떤 불안이나 우 waited for his results.
conflicting elements
려로 인한)
in balance
to give moral or
emotional strength
Try to console the
to; to help someone
1039 console (v.) ~을 위로하다 children while I cook
feel better after
something sad or
bad happened
to make certain of; to The tour guide assured
confirm positively ~을 확실하게 하다; ~the group that they would
1040 assure (v.)
that something is 을 보장하다 be able to see whales
sure or true from the boat.
to grow stronger; to Tomatoes prosper here
1041 prosper (v.) 번영하다
gain in wealth with very little care.
It's important to articulate
your ideas clearly if you
1042 articulate (v.) to express clearly 잘 설명하다, 잘 말하다
want your presentation to
go well.
represent as less The book understates
~의 중요성을 축소시
1043 understate (v.) significant or the importance of social
켜 설명하다
important class in British daily life.
There's been an awful lot
of information in this
1044 recap (n.) to summarize briefly 요약하다, 짧게 말하다
seminar, so I'll just recap
It's a misconception that
an incorrect idea or
1045 misconception (n.) 오해, 잘못된 생각 antibiotics help get rid of
a cold.
Evan eventually gave up
the charade of having a
1046 charade (n.) a fake act 가식, 위장, 사기극 girlfriend and confessed
to his mother that he was
still single.
The boss endorsed
to support or express
1047 endorse (v.) ~를 지지하다 Karen's plan to make the
approval for
office more efficient.
The researchers have
similar in some
~와 비슷한 점들이 있 developed an analogous
1048 analogous (adj.) respects (though
는 method of forming the
perhaps not all)
able to endure
something (without
The people there didn't
too much 용인하는, 관용하는; 봐
1049 tolerant (adj.) seem very tolerant; I
displeasure); 주는
wouldn't go back.
somewhat accepting
of something
to control and move The device is difficult to
~를 다루다; ~를 조종
1050 manipulate (v.) about something or manipulate with one
someone hand.
Edward received a
substantial number of job
considerable (size or
1051 substantial (adj.) 상당한 offers this week; he
hasn't decided which one
he will take yet.
The scalpel is a surgical
~의 방법, ~의 수단, 도
1052 instrument (n.) a tool; a method instrument, not a butter

The monks' virtuous
1053 virtuous (adj.) morally excellent 도덕적으로 우수한 conduct is an inspiration
to their supporters.
Nathan is very sensible;
showing reason or 합리적이고 올바른 판
1054 sensible (adj.) he never does anything
sound judgment 단을 하는
wild and spontaneous.
Circumstances in the
1055 grave (adj.) very serious 심각한, 중대한 current war are very
acting or intending to
appear better, more Everyone found her taste
1056 pretentious (adj.) important, or 허세부리는, 가식적인 in clothes just a little
distinguished, usually pretentious.
to impress
The physical therapist
to readapt, restore; to 복귀 혹은 회복하다; ~
1057 rehabilitate (v.) helps to rehabilitate her
help to readapt 의 복귀를 돕다
Mrs. Murphy gave a
expressing extreme 경멸하는, 모욕하는, 업 scornful look to the
1058 scornful (adj.)
contempt 신여기는 teenager with sagging
It's natural to feel
feeling anxiety or
1059 apprehensive (adj.) ~을 걱정하는 apprehensive before a
job interview.
The sedimentary layers
of or related to can be analyzed to
1060 sedimentary (adj.) 퇴적물의
settling of dirt or soil calculate the dates of
each fossil.

I had to call a plumber

quick (in response); 즉각적인; 시간을 매우 last week, and I was very
1061 prompt (adj.)
on time 잘 맞추는 impressed at how prompt
his response was.

Scientists have not ruled

of or from outside the
1062 extraterrestrial (adj.) 외계의, 지구 밖의 out the possibility of
extraterrestrial life.
able to attract
interest, draw
흥미로운, 관심을 끄는, Dean had nice hair and
1063 appealing (adj.) favorable attention or
공감을 사는 an appealing smile.
evoke empathic or
sympathetic feelings
causing active 논란의 소지가 되는, 물 The controversial
1064 controversial (adj.)
disagreement 의를 일으키는 proposal was defeated.
The workers were idle
1065 idle (adj.) not doing any thing 아무것도 안하는 because of the late
shipment of materials.
사용 중이지 않은; 아무
not in use; having on We found a couple of
도 안들어가 있는; 무엇
1066 unoccupied (adj.) one inside; not unoccupied seats in the
에게 점령 혹은 정복된
seized or controlled front row.
상태가 아닌
lacking energy or I feel so lethargic in this
1067 lethargic (adj.) 무기력한
alertness hot weather.

moving away in The divergence of their

(같이 있던 것이) 분리
1068 divergence (n.) different directions opinions turned the two
혹은 서로 멀어짐
from a common point into enemies.

The marked danger of

the situation was obvious
1069 marked (adj.) noticeable 눈에 띄는 to anyone but John, who
made the mistake of
going in alone.

attracting or
상냥한, 매력 있는; ~와 The professor gave an
1070 engaging (adj.) delighting; interacting
상호 작용하는 engaging lecture.

willingness or
I am impressed by your
readiness to receive (새로운 생각에 대한)
1071 receptiveness (n.) receptiveness to new
(especially 수용성, 개방성
impressions or ideas)

habitually disposed 자기 의지가 강한 (그 Edward committed a

1072 willful (adj.) to disobedience and 래서 반항을 주로 많이 willful act of
opposition; deliberate 하는); 의도적인 disobedience.
seeming unaffected
My father was a stoic to
by pleasure or pain; 금욕주의의, 감정을 보
1073 stoical (adj.) the core; he never
impassive, not 이지 않는
whined or complained.
showing emotion
Marion's sober outlook
합리적인; 맑은 혹은 총
1074 sober (adj.) reasonable; clear makes her a good
person to ask for advice.
to request or ask for The organization
요청, 요구하다 (주로
something, usually solicited funding for a
1075 solicit (v.) 호객행위 하는 과정에
from a potential new program from the
customer mayor.
This measure is
1076 measure (n.) method, policy 방법, 방식, 정책 necessary to ensure the
safety of all employees.
to discuss ~; to
~에 대해 얘기하다; ~
speak to ~; to make We need to address the
1077 address (v.) 에게 연설하다; ~를 해
an attempt at solving problem of absenteeism.
결하려 하다
an unforeseen or Have you considered the
1078 pitfall (n.) unexpected or 보이지 않는 어려움 pitfalls of your chosen
surprising difficulty career?
Lisa's friends
to express strong ~에 대해 강하게 비판
1079 condemn (v.) condemned her for her
disapproval of 하다
wild behaviour.
suggest that
someone is guilty; Jennifer's testimony
~에게 죄를 씌우다, ~
1080 incriminate (v.) bring an accusation incriminated her
을 유죄로 만들다
against; level a husband.
charge against
This mirror distorts your
to alter, twist, or
~을 뒤틀리게 하다, ~ reflection so that it looks
1081 distort (v.) mutate out of shape
을 왜곡하다 like your head is really
(usually negative)
Lucy was relieved to
have her boss's
1082 endorsement (n.) support/approval 추천, 지지
endorsement for the
to push or poke 찌르다, 누르다, 살짝 Prod him with your elbow
1083 prod (v.)
against 밀다 and he'll wake up.
to prevent the
~을 방해하다; ~가 성 Irene's petty coworker
progress or free
1084 hamper (v.) 공하지 못하도록 조치 tried his best to hamper
movement of; to put
를 취하다 progress on her project.
at a disadvantage
Please don't bother me
1085 trivial (adj.) small, insignificant 사소한, 중요하지 않은
with trivial complaints.
~에서 ~을 논리적으로 How did you deduce that
1086 deduce (v.) to conclude by logic
추론해내다 no one had been here?
Hillary's frequent sun
substance that
exposure is causing her
1087 pigment (n.) creates color in 색을 내는 물질
to lose pigment on her
clothes, paint, etc
a middle ground The rivals agreed on a
1088 compromise (n.) between two 타협 compromise and stopped
extremes fighting.
The dinner party was
tedious; there was no
1089 tedious (adj.) boring, not exciting 지루한
one at all interesting to
talk to.
fake; made with They use a special light
1090 counterfeit (adj.) intent to deceive for 위조된 to identify counterfeit
the real thing money.
I prefer natural to
1091 synthetic (adj.) man-made 인공적인
synthetic fabrics.
The molecules
to come together or unexpectedly clustered
~을 모으다, (더 큰 그
1092 cluster (v.) gather as a larger when the chemical was
룹으로) 모이다
group added, resulting in a
large amalgamation.
The film's depiction of life
1093 depiction (n.) description, portrayal 묘사 in the eighteenth century
is remarkable.
calm, significant
깊고 차분하게 한 생각 The loud crash outside
1094 musing (n.) (중요하지 않을 수 있 interrupted the
(doesn't have to be
음) professor's musing.
When caught stealing,
not genuine; showing
1095 insincere (adj.) 거짓의, 위선의 the sneaky child gave an
no honest reflection
insincere apology.
the scene of any
I'm tired of Chicago
event or action
1096 locale (n.) 무대, 장면, 배경, 장소 weather; I'm moving to a
(especially the place
warmer locale.
of a meeting)
not firm in decision; 의지나 결정이 완고하
unable to make 지 않은; 결정/결단을
Yesterday he seemed
decisions timely; not 잘 못내리는; 그렇게 중
1097 indecisive (adj.) quite confident but today
significant as to 요하거나 치명적이지
he was indecisive.
ultimately decide a 않아 최종 결론을 못내
result 리는
The presentation is just
to describe roughly
my attempting at
or briefly or give the
1098 sketch (v.) (대략적으로) 알려주다 sketching out the overall
main points or
plan for the museum
summary of
a general disposition
My father's pessimism
to look on the dark 비관적 (염세적) 태도,
1099 pessimism (n.) about the future of our
side and to expect 부정적인 태도
country depresses me.
the worst in all things
Abigail suspected it was
located beneath or
Trevor's underlying guilt
1100 underlying (adj.) below; not readily 근원적인, 근본적인
that caused him to set up
the charitable fund.
My dilemma was whether
state of uncertainty
딜레마, 2개 중 고민이 to get drenched in the
1101 dilemma (n.) regarding a choice
되는 상황 rain or miss out on the
between two things
He has recurrent
recurring again and
1102 recurrent (adj.) 반복적인 episodes of fainting and
the quality of being The analyst determined
1103 feasibility (n.) 실행 가능성
doable the feasibility of the plan.
~을 보내다, ~을 ~로 They channelled drugs
1104 channel (v.) to direct the flow of
흘려보내다 through the border city.
(sometimes followed
by `to') meeting the Heather's homework
requirements scores are adequate, but
1105 adequate (adj.) especially of a task; 충분한 she needs to work
about average; harder if she wants to go
acceptable; enough to college.
to meet a purpose
a positive
influence; an
additional payment The club offered
1106 incentive (n.) (or other 장려, 장려금, 인센티브 incentives to attract new
remuneration) to members.
employees as a
means of increasing
Jim incorporated his
to include; to make a ~을 포함시키다; 전체
1107 incorporate (v.) political ideas into his
part of something 에 일부를 포함시키다
school presentation.
derived from Andy has empirical
experiment and 실제적인, 실행상의, 경 knowledge of medicine;
1108 empirical (adj.)
observation rather 험에 의한 he was a nurse for two
than theory years.
derived from There are some
experience or the experiential requirements
1109 experiential (adj.) 경험의, 경험상의
experience of that applicants must
existence fulfill.
George failed his exam
to look past and fail ~을 보지 못하다; 놓치 because he overlooked a
1110 overlook (v.)
to notice 다 number of mistakes in
his work.
not realistic in terms The design looks great
현실적으로 실행이 어
1111 impractical (adj.) of actually occurring but it's impractical, given
렵거나 불가능한
or doing our budget.
an assertion offering Her high marks are
support for a fact; a testimony to her
1112 testimony (n.) 증언, 증거
solemn statement improved attitude this
given under oath term.

a statement asserting The large crowd at the

1113 affirmation (n.) the existence or the 지지, 확인 concert is an affirmation
truth of something of the artist's popularity.

The Queen rules by

divine right--if you do not
1114 divine (adj.) from god; of god 신성한, 신의 respect her authority, you
are effectively rejecting
God himself.
The citizen exercised his
1115 exercise (v.) to use or utilize 행사하다, 사용하다
right to vote.
Dustin's wry humor
humorously sarcastic
1116 wry (adj.) 비꼬는, 풍자적인 makes his stories a
or mocking
delight to read.
a feeling or act of
She showed her
disliking something 못마땅함, ~에 대한 비
1117 disapproval (n.) disapproval by refusing
or what someone is 난 혹은 싫은 감정
to shake his hand.
to use or manipulate systematically exploited
1118 exploit (v.) ~을 활용하다
to one's advantage their workers until they
formed labor unions.
Before you sign a
1119 binding (adj.) obligating, mandatory 의무적인 binding contract, make
sure you read it carefully.
The fallibility of the
program made him
the likelihood of 오류나 흠의 정도 혹은
1120 fallibility (n.) worry, because any
making errors 가능성
failure would mean total
What sort of apparatus
1121 apparatus (n.) a tool or equipment 기구, 조직 does the experiment
The team was able to
to apply to other, ~를 다른 혹은 더 큰 개
generalize the findings
1122 generalize (v.) broader contexts or 념이나 상황에 적용하
from the experiment to
situations 다
all mammals.
복제하다; (같은 일을 Other labs were unable
to make a copy of; to
1123 replicate (v.) 다른 곳에서) 다시 하 to replicate the
perform again
다 experiment's results.

not extreme or harsh;

지나치거나 심한 수준 The winters in the area
1124 moderate (adj.) at a reasonable level
이 아닌; 적당한 수준의 are moderate.
or degree

The clouds above are

stratified; each area is
arranged in layers or 계급 혹은 레벨로 나뉘
1125 stratified (adj.) distinctly different from
levels 어진
the areas above or below
standing above
The distinguished
others in character or
1126 distinguished (adj.) (남들보다 더) 뛰어난 professor talked about
attainment or
his early life.
The ocean was placid,
1127 placid (adj.) calm, peaceful 조용한, 차분한, 침착한 making it a good day for
The circus mimic could
to imitate the actions
1128 mimic (v.) ~을 따라 하다 do perfect impressions of
of someone
a variety of celebrities.
The utter disregard you
lack of care and
1129 disregard (n.) 무시 show for your safety is
Please don't bother me
1130 trivial (adj.) small, insignificant 사소한, 중요하지 않은
with trivial complaints.
The storm ceased in the
1131 cease (v.) to stop ~을 중단하다 early hours of the
Abigail suspected it was
located beneath or
Trevor's underlying guilt
1132 underlying (adj.) below; not readily 근원적인, 근본적인
that caused him to set up
the charitable fund.
Julia was filled with
unease as she waited for
1133 unease (n.) feeling of discomfort 걱정, 불안
the doctor to bring the
test results.
something fancicul,
These children's stories
1134 whimsy (n.) odd, unpredictable 신비롭거나 신기한 것
are full of whimsy.
I couldn't figure out some
having elaborately
1135 intricacy (n.) 복잡함, 얽히고 설킴 of the intricacies of the
complex detail
Don't question the King's
to challenge the ~을 의심하다, ~에 이
1136 question (v.) authority unless you
accuracy or validity of 의를 제기하다
don't like living.
Try to find out what
to moderate or temper the boss is in,
1137 temper (v.) ~을 누그러뜨리다
lessen before you ask for your
pay rise.
The bear cubs were
unable to function or
1138 helpless (adj.) 무력한 totally helpless without
their mother.
It's important to articulate
your ideas clearly if you
1139 articulate (v.) to express clearly 잘 설명하다, 잘 말하다
want your presentation to
go well.
The agenda for the day
a schedule/list of
회의에서 다루어야 할 includes filing papers
1140 agenda (n.) things to take care of
내용들 and meeting with two
in a meeting
We are waiting for the
to distribute finance department to
1141 allocate (v.) ~에 ~을 할당하다
accordingly confirm how it will
allocate funding.
The contract was
to put into ~을 이행하다, ~을 실
1142 implement (v.) implemented after
practice/action 행하다, ~을 수행하다
everyone agreed.
Jenna closed the
1143 fasten (v.) to attach firmly ~을 고정시키다 packing case and
fastened it with cords.
The desert nomads saw
something illusory mirages of lakes that
1144 mirage (n.) 신기루
and unattainable vanished as they
Edward received a
substantial number of job
considerable (size or
1145 substantial (adj.) 상당한 offers this week; he
hasn't decided which one
he will take yet.
There's a huge disparity
inequality or
1146 disparity (n.) 차이; 격차 in men's and women's
difference; gap
The car's speed
~의 범위나 한계를 벗 surpassed that of any
1147 surpass (v.) to pass or go beyond
어나다 vehicle Lydia had
previously owned.
Sport these colors
~을 보이다, 드러내고
1148 sport (v.) to wear; to show proudly, because they
represent your school!
to become involved; The teacher's approach
~을 하다; ~와 무언가
1149 engage (v.) to begin interacting to maths did not engage
를 시작하다
with her students.
to make. [replace
with "make" and it The shock rendered him
1150 render (v.) ~를 ~로 되게 하다
usually means the speechless.
tending to persuade
The court did not find the
1151 compelling (adj.) by forcefulness of 설득력있는, 끌리는
evidence compelling.
You have to concede
to admit (usually to
1152 concede (v.) ~을 인정하다 that you misunderstood
the opposition)
the question.
the legal right or
document showing 소유의 권리 혹은 그것 The title to the house is
1153 title (n.)
the legal right to 을 입증하는 서류 stored safely in my vault.
to do away with; to The company has
~을 폐지하다, ~을 파
1154 abolish (v.) repeal (a law or pledged to abolish these
practice) unfair practices.
to allow or endure
The school will not
the presence of
1155 tolerate (v.) ~을 참다, ~을 견디다 tolerate girls wearing
mini skirts.
The men had a spirited
displaying vigor; 생기있는, 살아 움직이
1156 spirited (adj.) conversation about local
energetic 는, 활발한
The startling rise in crime
causing momentary 당황하게 하는, 충격을
1157 startling (adj.) worries parents in the
shock or alarm 주는
The film's poignant
arousing intense
1158 poignant (adj.) 가슴에 사무치는 ending had us all in
My recollection of that
day is crystal clear—
memory, or recall of 기억, 혹은 기억한다는
1159 recollection (n.) every second of that
a memory 것
wonderful memory is
etched into my soul.
Booker T. Washington is
known for his glowing
1160 glowing (adj.) highly enthusiastic 찬사를 아끼지 않는
tributes for Abraham

something given or Tributes for the late

1161 tribute (n.) done as an 바치는 것 grand duke are pouring
expression of esteem in from around the world.

Frank championed the

to fight for or defend ~을 옹호하다, 대변하 equal rights movement
1162 champion (v.)
publicly 다 because he felt it was his
unbiased impartial
unconcern; the trait
of lacking
enthusiasm for or
interest in things
generally; the trait of Your indifference to our
1163 indifference (n.) remaining calm and 평범함, 범용함, 보통 financial situation was
seeming not to care; only to be expected.
a casual lack of
concern; apathy
demonstrated by an
absence of emotional
unhappy at being
My grandmother always
away and longing for
1164 nostalgic (adj.) 향수를 불러일으키는 thinks about her youth,
familiar things or
nostalgic for the past.
I found the speech to be
causing awareness 품위를 떨어뜨리는, 치
1165 demeaning (adj.) demeaning to women
of your shortcomings 욕적인, 굴욕적인
and minorities.
an inclination to favor
one group or view or
opinion over
1166 partiality (n.) 편파, 편견, 불공평
alternatives; a
predisposition to like
a person who helps A large donation from a
people or institutions benefactor allowed the
1167 benefactor (n.) 후원자, 기부자
(especially with hospital to construct a
financial help) new wing.
give equal rights to;
of women and ~을 해방시키다, ~을 The president's decree
1168 emancipate (v.)
minorities; free from 자유롭게 하다 emancipated the slaves.
slavery or servitude
The area's predominantly
much greater in Muslim, with a few
1169 predominantly (adv.) 주로, 대부분
number or influence Christians here and
~을 앞장서다; ~전에 J precedes K in the
1170 precede (v.) to come before
오다 alphabet.
to happen
Easter and Passover
1171 coincide (v.) simultaneously (at 동시에 일어나다
coincide this year.
the same time)
Ease your way into an
to lessen the ~을 느슨하게 하다, ~ exercise routine,
1172 ease (v.)
intensity of; to calm 의 강도를 줄이다 because you don't want
to go too fast.
The ship's captain
to move skillfully 능숙하게 행동하다/움
1173 maneuver (v.) maneuvered the vessel
through 직이다
into safety.
There are competing
theories that both explain
1174 competing (adj.) rival 경쟁하는
the same phenomenon
but in different ways.
There is an unfounded
without basis or rumour going around that
1175 unfounded (adj.) 근거없는
evidence the pop group has split
Many office workers use
~를 지지하다, ~를 더 cushions to bolster their
1176 bolster (v.) to support
강력하게 하다 backs while sitting at
their desks.

The collapse of the

bridge sparked
to put into
1177 spark (v.) ~의 시작시키다 widespread criticism
about the city's neglect of
important infrastructure.

To truly appreciate
a positive
poetry, you need to be
consideration based 이해를 통해 이루어지
1178 appreciation (n.) able to understand the
on understanding of 는 긍정적인 평가
interplay between rhyme,
meter, and meaning.
Parents need to nurture
to help develop and their children to help
1179 nurture (v.) 육성하다, 키우다
grow them become good
The lie Philip told the
boss was clearly a
1180 deliberate (adj.) on purpose 고의
deliberate attempt to get
Martin fired.
Some parents buy
something (like numerous toys for their
1181 compensation (n.) money) given as 보상 children as
payment/reward compensation for
working so much.
capable of being A concrete plan outlines
perceived by the every detail, instead of
1182 concrete (adj.) 구체적인
senses; in real, providing a nebulous
specific terms proposition.
I often have trouble
initiating conversations
opposite of
with some people,
1183 reserved (adj.) enthusiastic; not very 소극적인
especially if they have a
willing or eager
very reserved
aware of; ~에 적응한, ~에 대해 Babies are attuned to
1184 attuned (adj.)
accustomed to 잘 인식하는 their mothers' voices.
Marcus feigned
to pretend; to make a ~을 꾸미다, ~인 척을 innocence when Jackie
1185 feign (v.)
pretense of 하다 asked who had eaten all
of the cookies.
I find it inconsiderate
lacking regard for
1186 inconsiderate (adj.) 남을 배려하지 않는 when friends forget my
A road trip without a
1187 ill-advised (adj.) careless (a bad idea) 생각이 짧은, 경솔한 map? I'd say that's pretty
Ken made a hasty
excessively quick, 너무 빠른, 성급한, 조
1188 hasty (adj.) decision when he
potentially careless 급한
accepted that awful job.
Jane is an upright person
standing straight;
1189 upright (adj.) 올바른, 정직한 and would never lie to to
having good morals
get out of trouble.
Janice was inclined to
~을 믿는 편인, ~하는
1190 inclined to (adj.) having a tendency for believe Bill's version of
경향이 있는
the events.
The roar of the lion
to cause; to ~을 초래하다; ~을 하
1191 prompt (v.) prompted those around
incentivize 게 하다
him to step back.
The CEO of the hospital
to put in; to exercise exerted his authority to
1192 exert (v.) ~을 가하다
effort get the patient treated
Once Craig had
explanation or
explained the rationale
1193 rationale (n.) justification for 이유에 대한 설명
behind his decision, it
made perfect sense.
The prevalence of birth
quality of being
1194 prevalence (n.) 널리 퍼짐, 지배적인 defects in the area is
to provide direction
I'll drive if you'll navigate
1195 navigate (v.) (especially when ~을 헤쳐 나가다
for us.
moving forward)
The net profit was
actually negative when
total (after tallying the
총 (손익 등을 다 따진 you consider the
1196 net (adj.) ups and downs, the
후) exorbitant costs incurred
pluses and minuses)
by the expensive
The firm attempted to
achieve better relations
with its customers
naturally, not 유기적으로, 자연스럽
1197 organically (adv.) organically, by
artificially 게
communicating with
them more readily
through SNS.
Certain enzymes are
1198 enzyme (n.) a biological catalyst 효소; 활성 단백질
necessary for digestion.
The winter grew colder
1199 traverse (v.) to travel across ~을 가로질러 가다 as the troops traversed
the eastern front.
Interest in this subject is
to decrease in phase;
waning, so the university
1200 wane (v.) to become smaller; 줄어들다
is cancelling the course
to grow smaller
next year.

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