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College of Engineering and Technology

B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

ME 569 Course Project

Design of 3D-printed auxetic-structured
intervertebral disc implant

Academic Year: 2022 – 2023

Semester: Fall 2022

Course Code and Title: ME569 – Mechanical Behavior of Materials

Prepared by: (ID)

Ghadah Alawadhi 44091
Sarah Alomani 43088
Shoug Alsamhan 46061
Course Teacher: Fethi Abbassi


The process of turning virtual 3D models developed by computer-aided design (CAD) into

tangible items is known as additive manufacturing, or AM. By digitally slicing CAD, 3D scan, or

CT data, AM builds objects layer by layer without the use of molds or machining. The

decentralized production of customized items on demand is made possible by AM thanks to the

use of digital information storage and retrieval through the Internet. Mechanical engineers and

materials scientists continue to encounter challenges as the transition from rapid prototyping to

production speeds up. Since polymers are by far the most often used class of materials for

additive manufacturing, this Review concentrates on polymer processing and the creation of

improved polymer systems and new polymers particularly for AM. Included in the list of AM

processes are vat photopolymerization (stereolithography), powder bed fusion (SLS), sheet

lamination (LOM), extrusion (FDM, 3D dispensing, 3D fiber deposition, and 3D plotting), and

3D bioprinting. Various types of polymers, including thermoplastics, thermosets, elastomers,

hydrogels, functional polymers, polymer blends, composites, and biological systems, are

employed in additive manufacturing (AM). Regarding raising build speed and improving

accuracy, functionality, surface polish, stability, mechanical characteristics, and porosity, aspects

of polymer design, additives, and processing parameters are discussed. Applications in

lightweight engineering, architecture, food processing, optics, energy technology, dentistry,

medication delivery, and customized medicine are just a few examples of how polymer-based

additive manufacturing is being used. Polymer-based additive manufacturing (AM), unmatched

by metals and ceramics, is crucial to the development of advanced multifunctional and

multimaterial systems, including living biological systems and lifelike synthetic systems.

Table of Content


2.litructure review…………………………………………….…………………………….…….7

3. Biomedical Application………………………………………………………….…………….8

4.3D printing and Additive manufacturing technics………………………….………………….10

5.3d printed structures behavior/3D-printed auxetic-structureparts……………………….……10

6. Use of Additive manufacturing for biomechanical applications……………………….……11

6.1.Scaffolds and implants……………………………………………………………….…….12

6.2 Organoids………………………………………………………………….………………..13

6.3 Dentistry………………………………………………………………….…………………13

.6.4 Orthopedics……………………………………………………………….………………15

6.5 Medical supplies………………………………………………………………………….16

7.Available design of intervertebral disc and the applied mechanical load…………………..15

8.Intervertebral disc prosthesis and used materials ……………………….………………….16

8.1.Shape memory alloys (SMAs)………………………………………...………………….17

9.Functionally graded materials………..……………………………………...……………..18

10.Polymeric materials……...………………………………………………………………..19

11. Conclusion………………...….…………………………………………………………..20


Table of Figures

1.figure1. Flowchart from medical data to final section……………..…….……………………..9

2.Figure 2. Implantation process characteristics………………………………………….………9

3.Figure3. Outline of structure construction techniques…………………………………………1

4.Figure 4. scaffolds……………………………………………………………………….…….12

5.Figure 5 Replicas of PLA medical…………………………………………….……………….14

6.Table 1 Major Biomedical applications of AM0………………………………………………15

7.Figuer6 The achievement and design…………………………………………………………16

8.Figure 7 types of materials……………………………………………………………………17

9.Figure 8. stress-strain curves of stainless steel, Nitinol, and bone……………………………18

11.Figure 9. kinds of FGM………………………………………………………….…………19



In the 1980s, additive manufacturing (AM), often known as 3D printing, was created to satisfy

the highly specialized demands of model generation and quick prototyping (RP). It has evolved

into a versatile technology platform for computer-aided design (CAD) and rapid production.

Metals, ceramics, and polymers may be customized via additive manufacturing (AM) without the

usage of molds or machining required for traditional formative and subtractive fabrication.

Today, 3D printers can be purchased for less than $500, making it possible to create 3D objects

on a desktop at home. Similar to how digital 2D printing and desktop publishing revolutionized

communication and information technology, computer-guided fabrication of complex objects

and multifunctional material systems may be transformed by the development of AM

technologies in conjunction with the "internet of things. Because additive manufacturing (AM) is

inherently nimble, it allows for faster turnaround on the design and production of bespoke

products adapted to the needs of individuals and specific applications. Processing restrictions

associated with industrial mass manufacturing limit conventional manufacture. Fast prototyping,

layered manufacturing, solid freeform fabrication, 3D fabbing, and 3D printing are all terms that

are used interchangeably in the literature. Although most engineers prefer the word "additive

manufacturing," the term "3D printing" is significantly more widely used, particularly in the

media. In this work, the terms "additive manufacturing" (AM) and "3D printing" are used

interchangeably to refer to the same basic manufacturing technology.


 Problem statement

In this report we have to go on details about Intervertebral fusion cages (IFC), which is also

known as "interbody cages," "disc cages," or "cages," have been created over the years to be

implanted between vertebrae with the purpose of repairing and recovering the disc space by

replacing the injured or deformed intervertebral disc. Moreover we have to define Additive

manufacturing (AM), a layer-by-layer method, is being utilized to manufacture spinal implants

for both standard off-the-shelf and bespoke implants. Using additive manufacturing, porous

titanium cages with improved loadbearing qualities, reduced micromotion, high compressive

strength, osteoconductivity, and bone-bonding ability, removing the requirement for

autografting, and linked pores for easy fluid flow may be created. We have to mention as wel the

usages in biomedical applications .


2.litructure review

One of the most potential uses of AM is in customized medicine, where tomographic scans (from

X-rays, MRIs, and so on) may be utilized to print things shaped precisely for the patient. AM is

utilized in surgical planning, prosthesis construction, dentistry, and tissue engineering. Using

additive manufacturing to create tissue grafts and other medical implants is a hotly debated topic

that requires careful consideration of both the build material and the AM process. The method

must be considered. Acrylates, for example, are cytotoxic but may be substituted by less reactive

methacrylates, thiolene systems, and other photoreactive monomers utilized in all lithographic

AM processes (SLA, Polyjet).

3. Biomedical Application

Traditional manufacturing involves subtractive or formative processes that need numerous

phases and expensive infrastructure, limiting the opportunity for on-time execution of final

product revisions. Furthermore, such typical manufacturing procedures do not allow for the

creation of complicated geometries, which are widely used in biomedical engineering

applications. Additive Physical components are manufactured using Computer Aided Design

(CAD) models in this process, and the pieces are built layer by layer. This technique has changed

the industrial industry.


mechanism, and in the current day AM is widely considered as an important mainstream

contribution to the third industrial revolution. According to digital times, the only data necessary

for building a component using AM technology is its three-dimensional model created using

CAD software. The value of using this technique is obviously validated by the design freedom.

Manufacturing has grown over the last few decades into a powerful instrument for producing

products with complicated geometries in a much cheaper and time-consuming manner. in

biomedicine and a variety of other applications As a result, 3D complicated and elaborate shapes

may be easily turned into physical components in a single step. fabrication without the use of

particular tools, dies, or molds Such adaptability has piqued the interest of several industries,

notably biomedical, which has been the primary user of AM methods.

4.3D printing and Additive manufacturing techniques

a printing process in medical application and discovered that it lowers operating room expenses,

resulting to a reduction in treatment times in the field of orthopedic and maxillofacial surgery

Furthermore, the utilization of 3D-printed components in patient care provides

major benefit to medical systems Mahmoud et al. investigated the 3D printing of human

anatomic pathology specimens and concluded that advances in 3D printing technology will

improve the quality of medical specimens produced in the near future. Tack et al. examined the

use of 3D printing in surgical procedures and academic research. The authors' main findings

include improved medical outputs, reduced surgery time, and reduced radiation exposure. They

proposed more study on the use of 3D printing techniques on every patient Ballard and

colleagues investigated antibiotics in 3D printed implants and devices. They discovered that 3D-

printed antibiotic-impregnated tools and devices provide the advantages of a bigger surface area

for medication distribution and the possibility for rapid manufacture of patient-specific medical


figure1. Flowchart from medical data to final section

Figure 2. Implantation process characteristics

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5.3d printed structures behavior/3D-printed auxetic-structured parts

The introduction of solid freeform manufacturing methods has significantly increased the ability

to create structures with detailed geometric dimensions using computer-assisted designs and data

gathered through medical imaging. This approach includes stereolithography and fused

stereolithography. 3D printing, selective laser sintering, and deposition modeling

Stereolithography is primarily adaptable in terms of the freedom with which buildings can be

planned and the scales at which they can be built: structures as small as a micron and as large as

a decimeter have been created. Such advancements in the biomedical industry result in the

creation of patient-specific replicas for assistance in difficult surgery mold-assisted.

Figure3. Outline of structure construction techniques

6. Use of Additive manufacturing for biomechanical applications.

AM has the ability to increase production efficiency. Short manufacturing times, exposure to

new materials, decreased material waste, and the development of novel complicated geometries
[TITLE] 11

and tough materials are all advantages. major reasons to encourage the usage of metal AM

technology in the biomedical industry This section contains a number of new apps. There are

several medical applications for additive manufacturing. However, it is presently most widely

used to make three-dimensional reconstructions of human skull deformities, skull models, and

porous titanium implants manufactured utilizing the EBM technique, demonstrating the potential

and important uses of AM in biomedical sectors.

6.1. Scaffolds and implants

Using the SLA process, Elomaa et al created a scaffolded series made of photocrosslinkable

(PCL) centric resin. No additional solvents were used throughout the production process. were

required. Three-armed PCL oligomers with varying molecular weights were created and

functionalized with methacrylic anhydride before being photo cross-linked to form a network

with a high gel content. As shown in Fig.4, the scaffolds correctly coordinated with the CAD

models exhibit negligible material shrinkage. The average porosity was discovered to be about

70.50.8%, and the average pore size was 465 m, indicating increased interconnectivity. The most

often used material for hip and knee joint implants is ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene

(UHMWPE), which may be obtained by Gamma irradiation crosslinking Melt compression

molding or additive manufacturing is used to treat UHMWPE. UHMWPE might be utilized to

construct 3D structures.Laser sintering structures are printed structures.Primary tests found that

the material projected by the laser beam decays due to cross-linking, chain scission, and

oxidation. Peltola et al. described the use of a novel antibacterial.

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Figure 4. scaffolds

6.2 Organoids

The basic idea behind tissue engineering is to combine biocompatible materials, living cells, and

growth parameters to create implants that can help normal tissue formation throughout the

healing process. Engineered structures Additive manufacturing has found extensive use in tissue

engineering, allowing for the creation of 3D-printed prototypes that imitate the tiny connective

tissue network. The ability of 3D printing to generate geometrically complex structures through

precise material placement in a 3D space is a significant advantage in the field of tissue

engineering. Complex 3D organizations of multiple cell types may allow for the production of

organoids and functioning sections of various organ systems to investigate disease progression

and therapy responses. It has been discovered that the cells operate somewhat differently. When

compared to standard two-dimensional backdrops, gene expression and signaling in a three-

dimensional environment is distinct. Because organ development begins during the embryonic

stage, recreating the architectural environment and exact signaling arrangements formed during
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the process is critical for shaping both developmental and disease operations. In the past ten

years, bioprinting has developed into a strong technology that can produce intricate and highly

complex organoids as well as laboratory models. This is currently being used in lots of labs.

using a variety of tissues, including the liver, kidney, neurons, skeletal muscle, mammary

epithelium, and myocardium, to create physiologically viable models There are a few drawbacks

to bioprinting, though.

6.3 Dentistry

More accurate three-dimensional reconstructions of the oral cavity are now possible because to

advances in scanning and imaging technologies, which may be used as a model for creating

customized designs oral prosthetics and implants. In the field of prosthodontics, additive

manufacturing is acknowledged medically as a practical and accurate approach to create

prostheses with comparable resilience to that produced by conventional fabrication methods and

materials. In orthodontics, computer-aided models of the patient's mouth and teeth are used to

simulate the desired ultimate teeth alignment as well as to create a mold that may be used to

create personalized silicon prosthesis. The most important use of additive manufacturing in

maxillofacial and oral surgery is the 3D printing of bespoke biocompatible and osteoinductive

implants for precise filling of the bone defects.

6.4 Orthopedics

Plants demonstrate a crucial function in the treatment of patients with orthopedic injuries for

structural integrity, realignment, and mobility. Numerous implants are available in standard sizes

designed to nearly all patients. Dedicated implants may be required for individuals with

significant degrees of anatomical deformity or variability to provide a good fit. Orthopedic

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implants must integrate with the patient's native bone in order to provide tissue support and

prevent implant failure. The implant's capacity to promote bone regeneration is boosted by a

number of characteristics relating to its structure and makeup.

6.5 Medical supplies

Additive manufacturing is a powerful technique for quickly turning CAD models into usable

instruments that can support the ongoing needs of high-output facilities like operating rooms in

hospitals. Tools produced by AM were effectively disinfected and used for retractors, drills, and

jigs, cutting guides, etc. One such research demonstrated how a 3D-printed PLA-based retractor

(shown in Fig. 5) could work in a way that was comparable to its stainless counterpart while

being 10 times more affordable. If this method is widely used, we can achieve significant savings

for institutions. Furthermore, it is highly feasible to use 3D-printed surgical instruments and casts

in low- and middle-income nations and institutions. advancements in radiological

Figure 5 Replicas of PLA medical 

Imaging enables CAD reconstructions of human anatomy, enabling the modeling and creation of

surgical instruments that are specialized for each patient. In the end, these accurate 3D models

enable surgeons to better plan difficult procedures, such as the surgical approach or the
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requirement for specialized gear. Table 1 summarizes the main biomedical uses of AM


Table 1 Major Biomedical applications of AM

7.Available design of intervertebral disc and the applied mechanical load.

Recent developments in 3D printed micro-architected materials provide previously unimaginable

opportunities for the creation of highly customized orthopedic implants. The load transfer to the

surrounding bone tissue is dramatically altered by these implants, which are normally

constructed from totally solid materials. This might cause interface instability and bone

resorption. In this study, we offer computational techniques for the fabrication of patient-

specific, three-dimensional (3D), implants with heterogeneous micro-architectures. Our approach

concurrently reduces the hazards of both peri-prosthetic bone remodeling and load-induced

interface fracture while taking into consideration practical and manufacturing limitations. First,

we create a brand-new parametric microarchitecture with advantageous functional characteristics

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and a variety of useful mechanical characteristics, such as positive and negative Poisson's ratios.

Then, we provide formulations that reduce the risk of load-induced interface fracture and post-

operative bone remodeling by optimizing the spatial arrangement of micro-architecture

parameters. In order to achieve this, a unique bone remodeling goal that accounts for both bone

apposition and resorption and is predicted by a model based on strain-energy density is

developed. The greatest value of the multi-axial Hoffman failure criteria along the interface is

referred to as the interface fracture objective. The process is used to create 3D titanium hip

implants with specified standard geometry, and it is then contrasted in a computer simulation

with both a traditional solid implant and a homogenous low-stiffness lattice design. When

compared to a traditional solid implant design, the optimized implant performs 64.0% better in

terms of bone remodeling and 13.2% better in terms of interface fracture risk.

Figuer6 The achievement and design

8.Intervertebral disc prosthesis and used materials

It is vital to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the materials and their applications in AM

processes since AM is being transformed into a variety of biological applications. AM methods

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use a range of materials for a number of purposes. The resources are listed in the following

categories, which include biomaterials, alloys, ceramics, polymers, and composites. The various

materials used in the process of additive manufacturing for biomedical applications are depicted

in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7 types of materials

8.1. Shape memory alloys (SMAs)

SMAs may be divided primarily into three types depending on NiTi, Cu, and Fe. SMAs based on

NiTi have long been a favorite for use in the biomedical field. option because to their superior

biocompatibility, functional qualities, and fatigue resistance, however the allergies brought on by

Ni are still a matter for worry. Comparatively less expensive and readily available commercially

are Cu-based SMAs (such as CuAlNi and CuZnAl) and Fe-based SMAs (such as FeMnSi).

However, their ability to be used in biomedical applications is constrained by their poor thermal

mechanical properties, low corrosion resistance, and low stability. Because of its spectacular
[TITLE] 18

performance, NiTi-based SMAs are the most widely used type of SMAs in biological

applications. useful traits including a significant 8% recovery strain after unloading and heating.

NiTi materials are also a good option for biological applications since they demonstrate excellent

biocompatibility, good corrosion resistance, and appropriate compatibility with magnetic

resonance imaging. If Ni-Ti is compared to many conventional metallic biomaterials, it also

exhibits a lower elasticity modulus. The modulus is therefore comparable to human natural

bones, which are crucial for reducing bone stress, providing bone protection, and promoting bone

healing. A comparison graph of the stress-strain curves of two commonly used metallic

biomaterials with human bone is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. stress-strain curves of stainless steel, Nitinol, and bone

9.Functionally graded materials

Japan was the first nation to use the phrase functionally graded material in 1984. (FGM). The

FGM composites are regarded as novel, clever, and advanced materials as a result of their

capacity to withstand extremely high temperatures, lower stress intensity factor, and proper

circulation of residual stresses Additionally, the properties of materials gradually change from

one material layer to another in order to carry out the suggested function, which is particularly
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necessary in the aerospace and power industries. FGMs have qualities that are now widely

desired, including as resistance to corrosion, erosion, and fracture. The many types of FGM

manufacturing techniques are categorized into numerous groups as shown in Fig. 9.

Figure 9. kinds of FGM

10.Polymeric materials

Numerous traditional thermosets and thermoplastics are commercially available for use in AM,

however other polymers may be suitable for use in the developing biomedical industry.

Biodegradable polymers can be used to make implanted devices that have a structural component

in their basic form, but when natural tissue grows to cover and fill in the repair route, the

structural component is no longer necessary. Non-biodegradable polymers were employed as

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support throughout the implant's lifespan.

11. Conclusion

Particularly in the biomedical field, additive manufacturing is an effective, inventive,

revolutionary, and quickly advancing technology. Currently, AM technology offers enormous

opportunities in the pharmaceutical and medical sectors to develop more accurate medications

and change the method of delivery. With a high degree of precision, physicians and surgeons

design operations and provide adjustments. The following are the four major applications of AM

in the biomedical field that are connected to recent advancements: bioprinting of surgical

instruments, tissues, and organoids; individualized prostheses; and patient-specific surgical

models. In recent years, the AM method has provided a variety of medical applications,

including craniofacial implants for knee, spinal implants, prosthetic dentistry, and hip

replacement.joints, the design of several instruments and pieces of equipment used for cutting

and drilling procedures during surgery, etc. Future researchers will be inspired by this in-depth

investigation of fabrication techniques and materials employed in diverse additive manufacturing

processes, notably in biomedical applications. This study also illustrates the difficulties now

facing additive methods and their potential for growth in biological applications.
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